- Language: Assiniboine
- Alternate names: Assiniboin, Stoney, Hohe, Assinaboin, Nakon
- Language code: asb
- Language family: Siouan-Catawban, Siouan, Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley Siouan, Mississippi Valley Siouan, Dakota (SIL classification)
- Number of speakers: <150
- Vulnerability: Endangered
- Script:
More information:
Dakotan is a Siouan dialect complex, with three well defined dialect areas: Stoney, currently spoken in southwestern Alberta; Assinibone, in southern Saskatchewan and northern Montana; and Sioux, spoken widely in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, and in southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Intelligibility between these dialect areas is low, although speakers can communicate after a while with some difficulty, and they are perhaps best considered emergent languages.