Crimean Tatar
- Language: Crimean Tatar
- Alternate names: Crimean, qırımtatar tili, крымскотатарский, Tatar de Crimée, Tártaro Crimeano, qırım tili, къырым тили, къырымтатар тили
- Language code: crh
- Language family: Turkic, Common Turkic, Kipchak, West Kipchak, Crimean Tatar-Urum, Crimeaic
- Dialects: Crimean Tatar Coastal Dialect, Crimean Tatar Steppe Dialect, Crimean Tatar Orta Dialect.
- Number of speakers: <100,000
- Vulnerability: Vulnerable
- Script: Cyrillic script. Latin script, official use since 1997.

More information:
Sometimes confused with, but distinct from, Tatar (See: [[Tatar]]). Muslim.
Originally spoken in the central parts of the Crimea, but most speakers were deported to Central Asia after the Second World War; many have now returned.