Dutch Sign Language
- Language: Dutch Sign Language
- Alternate names: Sign Language of the Netherlands, SLN, Nederlandse Gebarentaal, NGT
- Language code: dse
- Language family: Deaf sign language (SIL classification)
- Number of speakers: 20,000
- Vulnerability: Vulnerable
- Script: HamNoSys Notation.

More information:
Currently 7 varieties; 6 regional variants (5 associated with the original 5 deaf schools, 1 with the unique home for deaf elderly people), and 1 standardized variety. Regional and national organizations for the deaf. Sign language courses (e.g. parents of deaf children, teachers at deaf schools, etc.). An organization for NGT teachers and 1 for NGT interpreters; official training (college level) for both. A sign center (Nederlands Gebarencentrum) develops NGT teaching materials and studies NGT lexicography. Research on NGT done at University of Amsterdam and Radboud University. Although NGT recommended for official recognition by a special committee, the Dutch government has not recognized the language. Interpreting in work situations as well as in private situations. A manual alphabet used by many deaf for spelling of (place) names and concepts that do not have a sign (yet).
Dutch Sign Language is spoken in Netherlands, Europe.