- Language: Karajá
- Alternate names: Karajá-Xambioá, Karaho, Caraja, Karaja, Xambioá, Chamboa, Ynã, Karaja-Shambioá, Javaé, Karajá language area
- Language code: kpj
- Language family: Karajá (SIL classification)
- Number of speakers: 3060
- Vulnerability: Threatened
- Script: Latin script.

More information:
Although Javaé is the most divergent dialect, it's still mutually intelligible with the other three dialects (Southern Karajá, Northern Karajá, and Xambioá). The Javaé tend to be treated differently by speakers of the other dialects (who call them "Ixÿju", a term generally reserved for non-Karajá speaking tribes), but that seems to be due mostly to historical, rather than linguistic differences. The main linguistic difference is that the distinctions between male and female speech, very ubiquitous in the other dialects, are much less so in Javaé. (Eduardo Ribeiro 2016, p.c.) Ethnologue, Rodrigues (1999:167), and Ribeiro (2006) all list Karajá as a single language. On the contrary, Campbell (2012:94) distinguishes Karajá and Javaé (Javaje, Javae) as separate languages, and Crevels (2012) distinguishes 3 languages: Javaé (Karajá), Karajá (Carajá, Iny), and Xambioá (Karajá do Norte, Ixybiowa, Iraru Mahãdu).Typically included in the Macro-Je hypothesis.