Northern Roglai
- Language: Northern Roglai
- Alternate names: Roglai (Northern), Radlai, Adlai, Rayglay, Ra-Glai, Rang Glai, Noang, La-Oang, Ríoglai, Roglai, Northern
- Language code: rog
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Malayo-Sumbawan, North and East Malayo-Sumbawan, Aceh-Chamic, Chamic, Highlands Chamic, Chru-Northern Cham, Northern Cham
- Number of speakers: 25,000
- Vulnerability: Vulnerable
- Script: Latin script.

More information:
Part of the Ra Glai official ethnic community (122,245, 2009 census). Traditional religion, Christian.
Northern Roglai is spoken in Vietnam, Southeast Asia.