Qinghai Bonan


  • Language: Qinghai Bonan
  • Alternate names: Buddhist Bonan, Baoan, Bao'an, Baonan, Baongan, Bao'an Tu, Dordo, 青海保安語, mistakenly also: Tu, Monguour
  • Language code: peh
  • Language family: Mongolic-Khitan, Mongolic, Southern Periphery Mongolic, Shirongol, Baoanic
  • Number of speakers: 4,000
  • Vulnerability: Threatened
  • Script:

More information:

    Jishishan Bonan in Gansu officially classified within Baoan (Bao’an) nationality and moved into Jishishan from Tongren in 1858–1863, while Tongren Bonan in Qinghai officially classified within Tu nationality. Muslim (Sunni), Buddhist (Lamaist), traditional religion.

    The ISO code [peh] lists Qinghai Bonan and Gansu Bonan together, but the most recent linguistic references recognize these two as distinct and separate.