

  • Language: Reshe
  • Alternate names: Tsureshe, Tsureja, Bareshe, Gunga, Gungawa, Gunganchi, Yaurawa
  • Language code: res
  • Language family: Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Kainji, Western, Reshe (SIL classification)
  • Number of speakers: <44,000?
  • Vulnerability: Vulnerable
  • Script: Latin script, used since 2007.

More information:

    Ethnic autonym: Bareshe, glossonym: Reshe or Tsureshe. Ethnic subgroups: Gungawa, Yaurawa (Yauri). Strong association between wrestling, the traditional religion, and ethnic identity. Muslim, traditional religion, Christian.

    Reshe is spoken in Nigeria, Africa.