- Language: Tofa
- Alternate names: Karagas, Tofalar, тофаларский язык, Tofaca, Tofa Türkçesi, Тоъфа дыл, Tòfa dıl,
- Language code: kim
- Language family: Turkic, Common Turkic, Central Siberian Turkic, South Siberian Turkic, Sayan
- Dialects: Dukhan, Tuha, Soyot.
- Number of speakers: ~40
- Vulnerability: Endangered
- Script:

More information:
The surviving Kamas language belongs to the Uighur-Tüküi group of the Turkic languages, related to Khakass and, in particular, to its Kyzyl dialect. Characteristically, there is a strong Samoyedic substratum. (The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire)