
Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Akkadian
  • Alternate names: lišānum akkadītum, Accadian, Assyro-Babylonian
  • Language code: akk
  • Language family: Afro-Asiatic, Semitic, East Semitic
  • Number of speakers: Extinct
  • Script:

More information:


    Akkadian is ancient language spoken in ancient Mesopotamia. The earliest attested Semitic language, it used the cuneiform writing system derived ultimately from ancient Sumerian?, an unrelated language isolate.

    Akkadian was language of diplomacy and culture from the 3rd Millennium BC to the early 1st Millennium. Survived until around 100 AD.

    The verb

    Sample verb: prs


    sg.3  iprus 
    sg.2 m  taprus 
    sg.2 f  taprusï 
    sg.1  aprus 
    pl.3 m  iprusü 
    pl.3 f  iprusä 
    pl.2  taprusä 
    pl.1  niprus 


    sg.3  iparras 
    sg.2 m  taparras 
    sg.2 f  taparrasï 
    sg.1  aparras 
    pl.3 m  iparrasü 
    pl.3 f  iparrasä 
    pl.2  taparrasä 
    pl.1  niparras 


    sg.2 m  purus 
    sg.2 f  pursi 
    pl.2  pursa 


    sg.3  iptaras 
    sg.2 m  taptaras 
    sg.2 f  taptarsï 
    sg.1  aptaras 
    pl.3 m  iptarsü 
    pl.3 f  iptarsä 
    pl.2  taptarsä 
    pl.1  niptaras