Amami-Oshima, Northern
- Language: Amami-Oshima, Northern
- Alternate names: Northern Amami-Osima, Oosima, Oshima, Osima
- Language code: ryn
- Language family: Japonic, Ryukyuan, Northern Ryukyuan, Amami, Nuclear Amami, Oshima
- Number of speakers: 10000
- Script: Category

More information:
- unspecified-error
Amami-Oshima, Northern is a language of Japan. It is spoken in Northwest Okinawa; north Amami-Oshima island.
Naze, Sani. Inherent intelligibility generally impossible, or very difficult, with Ryukyuan languages and Japanese (See: Japanese).
The Amami-Oshima, Northern Verb
- いしょがるり
- 急がるり
- いしょがるり
- 急がるり
- ’wara' -- to laugh
- cïzï ga hax -- to spit
- çj -- to say
- ha -- to flow
- haθarax -- to work
- hirax -- to hear
- hiruga -- to swell
- hode -- to grow
- hu -- to dig
- huk -- to blow
- hwee -- to open, uncover
- ki -- to cut, hack
- magu -- to turn
- mees -- to burn
- mii -- to see
- modos -- to vomit
- musub -- to tie up, fasten
- muθ -- to hold
- nagï -- to throw
- nax -- to cry
- ni -- to cook
- nïb -- to sleep
- noo' -- to sew
- nub -- to climb
- nug -- to steal
- num -- to drink
- sibu -- to squeeze
- siçj -- to know, be knowledgeable
- simj -- to die, be dead
- sïsï -- to suck
- xakurï -- to hide
- xam -- to bite
- xam -- to eat
- xanhikkj -- to chew
- xari s -- to hunt
- xax -- to scratch
- xaz -- to count
- xo' -- to buy
- xuri -- to come
- xuss -- to hit
- xuss -- to kill
- ʔakk -- to walk
- ʔi -- to shoot
- ʔikimj -- to live, be alive
- ʔimi ba mii -- to dream
- ʔjee -- to fall
- ʔomo' -- to think
- ʔuθ -- to pound, beat
- ʔuθu -- to fear
- ʔwïï -- to plant
- ʔwïïg -- to swim
- θaθ -- to stand
- θub -- to fly