
Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Anglo-Norman
  • Alternate names:
  • Language code: xno
  • Language family:
  • Number of speakers:
  • Script:

More information:


    Anglo-Norman, also known as Anglo-Norman French, was a dialect of Old Norman French that was used in England and, to a lesser extent, elsewhere in Great Britain and Ireland during the Anglo-Norman period.

    Anglo-Norman language co-existed with Middle English, but it had little lasting impact on English grammar

    The Anglo-Norman Verb

    The verb is conjugated in

    Anglon-Norman Verbtables

    The following colors are applied in the Anglo-Norman verbtables:

    Auto-generation of conjugation is based on statistical analysis of the attested forms. The ending is compared with the verb stem, and a suitable ending is chosen from the most frequent one.
