

  • Language: Berta
  • Alternate names: Beni Shangul, Bertha, Barta, Burta, Wetawit, Jebelawi
  • Language code: wti
  • Language family: Nilo-Saharan, Berta (SIL classification)
  • Number of speakers: 146799
  • Script: Latin script

More information:


    The Berta language is spoken by the group of the same name (Bertha or Berta people) in Sudan and Ethiopia, and is generally classified as a branch of Nilo-Saharan. It has the typical word order Subject Verb Object. It is a tonal language. It has significantly influenced some of the Eastern Jebel languages. The Arabic name "Beni-Shangul" (as in the Ethiopian province of Benishangul-Gumuz) derives from a Berta expression (with bele "mountain" misanalyzed as Arabic beni "sons".)

    The verb

    Person and tense are marked with suffixes.

    Unlike many other Nilo-Saharan languages Berta doesn't have inclusive, exclusive, or dual form of pronouns.

    Sample verb: Ɵiŋ-

    Present Perfect
    Sg.1 Ɵiŋlɪ́ɪ̀ Ɵiŋali
    Sg.2 Ɵiŋŋó Ɵiŋaŋo
    Sg.3 Ɵiŋné Ɵiŋane
    Pl.1 Ɵiŋŋàa Ɵiŋaŋa
    Pl.2 Ɵiŋχátú ƟiŋaƟatu
    Pl.3 Ɵiŋmérée Ɵiŋamere

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