- Language: Bugan
- Alternate names: Bengan, Bogan, Bugeng, Hualo, Huazu, Pukan, Puqeng
- Language code: bbh
- Language family: Austroasiatic, Mangic, Pakanic
- Number of speakers: 2700
- Vulnerability: Vulnerable [Read more...]
- Script: Category
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Bugan is a language of China. It is spoken in Southeast Yunnan Province, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture, Guangnan and Xichou counties, South Guangnan Nasa township, 4 Bugan villages: Laowalong, Xinwalong, Xinpingzhai, and Nala; Guangnan county, Zhuanjiao district, 2 Bugan villages: Jiuping, Shibeipo; Northern Yanshan county, Jijie district, Manlong and 6 other villages.
Very minor accent differences between villages.
The Bugan Verb
- a̰u31, a̰u55 -- to vomit
- bdei24 -- to spit
- bi35, mbɛ̰i24 -- to buy
- ɕaŋ24, po̰35 -- to tie up, fasten
- ɕɔ33, ɕo44 -- to fear
- ɕin24 -- to steal
- da24, ʑə31, ta35 -- to see
- khɔ35 -- to lie down
- khə̰35 -- to open, uncover
- kou44 -- to hide
- la̰i55, lɛ̰i31 -- to fall
- mbaŋ13, sa31 -- to breathe
- mbau31 -- to swell
- mbo31 -- to dream
- mḭ13, mi24 -- to know, be knowledgeable
- mḭo31, mjo̰31 -- to laugh
- na̰ŋ44, naŋ33 -- to sleep
- ndɛ35, ndɛ55, ndɛ̰31 -- to hit
- ndo44, tɔ̰13, to̰44 -- to burn
- no̰31, nuk31 -- to come
- ȵa31, fa̰ŋ24, kɔŋ31 -- to think
- ȵa̰31, ȵa̰55 -- to walk
- ȵa33, ȵa44 -- to sit
- ȵɔ̰13, ȵɔ̰55, ȵo̰31 -- to stand
- ȵḛ31 -- to chew
- ȵo31 -- to swim
- ȵu13 ba̰55 -- to work
- pa̰31, pua31, tɕeu35 -- to sew
- pau31, pou31 -- to dig
- pə55 maŋ31 khɔ̰ŋ33 -- to yawn
- phan31, phen31 -- to throw
- phɔ31 -- to blow
- phtsha̰31, ptsha13 -- to kill
- pia33, qa̰44, to̰35, tu44 -- to climb
- pḭo13, pioŋ13, pjo̰24 -- to say
- ptsa55, ptsa̰31 -- to die, be dead
- qḛn24 -- to cut, hack
- qḛn24 -- to split
- sai31 -- to choose
- sa̰i31 -- to live, be alive
- tɑn35, ten24 -- to pound, beat
- taŋ31 -- to cook
- tɕa̰24, tsa̰13 -- to bite
- tɕɛ31 -- to hear
- tɕo̰u31 -- to flow
- tḛi24, taŋ31 -- to shoot
- tho31 -- to grow
- thu31 -- to fly
- tɯ̰31 -- to plant
- tɯ31 -- to squeeze
- tsɔ̰31 ɕɔ̰35 -- to hunt
- tsḛŋ24, tsa̰n35 -- to sniff, smell
- tsṵ31, tso̰u31 -- to eat
- va̰24, va̰35 -- to drink
- va̰31 -- to suck
- ʑa44, ʑɑ33 -- to cry