- Language: Chulym
- Alternate names: Ȫs tili, Chulim, Chulym Tatar, Chulym-Turkish, Melets Tatar
- Language code: clw
- Language family: Turkic, Common Turkic, Central Siberian Turkic, South Siberian Turkic
- Dialects: Lower Chulym.
- Number of speakers: 25
- Vulnerability: Endangered [Read more...]
- Script:

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Chulym, also known as Chulim, Chulym-Turkic, is the language of the Chulyms. The names which the people use to refer to themselves are
- пистиҥ кишилер, pistɪŋ kiʃɪler and
- ось кишилер, øs kiʃɪler.