
Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Croatian
  • Alternate names: hrvatski jezik
  • Language code: hrv
  • Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Balto-Slavic, Slavic, South Slavic, Western South Slavic, Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian, Shtokavski, New Shtokavian, Eastern Herzegovinian Shtokavian
  • Number of speakers: 6214643
  • Script: Latin script

More information:


    Croatian language is a South Slavic language which is used primarily in Croatia, by Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in neighbouring countries where Croats are autochthonous communities, and parts of the Croatian diaspora. It is one of languages that are part of the Central-South Slavic diasystem. The Serbian, Croatian, and Bosniak languages are all mutually intelligible, and was previously unified with under the standard known as Serbo-Croatian.

    The verb

    Like in other Slavic languages, Croatian verbs are divided into two broad classes according to their aspect, which can be either perfective (signifying a completed action) or imperfective (action is incomplete or repetitive). There are seven tenses, four of which (present, perfect, future I and II) are used in contemporary standard Croatian, with the other three (aorist, imperfect and plusquamperfect) considered stylistically marked and archaic.

    Sample verb: pisati


    Person Present Indicative
    Sg.1 pišem
    Sg.2 pišeš
    Sg.3 piše
    Pl.1 pišemo
    Pl.2 pišete
    Pl.3 pišu

