Fa d'Ambu

Conjugate Verbs


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    Different from Fernando Po Krio and Crioulo of Guinea-Bissau and Kabuverdianu. Little variation between Annobonese in Annobón and Malabo. 62.5% lexical similarity with São Tomense.

    About 10% of the lexicon comes from Spanish. Many on Bioko learn Spanish, but less so on Annobón. Women on Annobón seem uncomfortable in Spanish. Spanish is used in government and education. Many on Bioko learn the local trade language, Fernando Po Creole English. Non-creolized Portuguese used as liturgical language by local Catholics. Used in the home and with other Annobonese, all contexts except government and education.

    Vigorous use in Annobón and Malabo. Language closely related to cultural identity and solidarity. The Portuguese took slaves from São Tomé and Angola to establish a population on Annobón. It was later traded to Spain. Also influenced by the Creole English of Bioko. They are famed swimmers, fishermen, and whalers. Possible vowel length, vowel harmony, tone sandhi. Tropical forest. Volcanic island. Fishermen, agricultural laborers, coconut palms, whalers. 0 to 500 meters. Christian.