Frisian, Northern

Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Frisian, Northern
  • Alternate names: Nordfriesisch
  • Language code: frr
  • Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Germanic, Northwest Germanic, West Germanic, North Sea Germanic, Anglo-Frisian, Frisian
  • Number of speakers: 10000
  • Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
  • Script: Latin

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    Source: Wikipedia
    North Frisian Dialects.

    North Frisian is a minority language of Germany, spoken by about 10,000 people in North Frisia.

    The closest relatives of North Frisian are the two other Frisian languages, the Saterland Frisian and the West Frisian language spoken in the northern Netherlands. Together these three form the group of Frisian languages.


    The North Frisian dialects can be grouped into two main dialectal divisions: those of the mainland and the insular dialects.

    Insular North Frisian

    Mainland North Frisian

    The verb

    The North Frisian verb has:

    Sample verb weese 'to be'

    This sample represents the Bökingharded Frisian (Mooring) dialect.

    Present Past
    Sg.1 ban wus -
    Sg.2 bast wjarst ?
    Sg.3 as wus -
    Plural san wjarn ?


    aarberi, baag, baast, bage, beskriiw, bin, bine, binj, bite, bitj, bliiw, bliwe, blä, blädje, booge, breeg, breege, breek, briange, bring, bränge, bååge, drainke, drank, dreeg, dreege, drink, drinke, du, düünj, faal, feel, ferjeese, ferjid, ferkuupe, ferlees, ferliise, ferteele, fine, finj, fliinj, flä, fraage, fraagi, freege, friis, froage, frååge, fu, fåle, füünj, greew, greewe, gripe, gunge, haa, halep, heelpe, heewe, help, hiire, hiitje, hoowe, iidj, iit, jeewe, jiiw, jooge, kaame, kem, kiike, koone, kuupe, kääre, kön, kööge, lees, let, liiwe, luup, luupe, maage, maaki, molke, mut, mååge, mölke, mötj, nem, pluuge, ridj, röp, sate, schunge, se, seede, sii, skriiw, spaale, spreege, sterew, stridj, stärwe, stönje, taatji, teenk, teew, tånke, uunkem, wale, wan, wees, weese, wel, wiis, wurd, ääse, önjfånge, öönfange.