Conjugate VerbsFacts
- Language: Hupa
- Alternate names: Hoopa
- Language code: hup
- Language family: Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit, Athabaskan-Eyak, Athabaskan, Pacific Coast Athabaskan, California Athabaskan
- Number of speakers: 8
- Vulnerability: Dormant [Read more...]
- Script:
More information:
Hupa is language of Hupa, Native North Americans, whose traditional land is Hupa Valley, California. Hupa tradition suggests that they have lived in Hupa valley for over 4,000 years. Some Hupa people also speak Yurok?.
The verb
Sample verb: -chwe'n
Sg.1 | we:-chwe'n |
Sg.2 | win-chwe'n |
Sg.3 | ch'i-win-chwe'n |
Pl.1 | wi-di-chwe'n |
Pl.2 | woh-chwe'n |
Pl.3 | ya'win-chwe'n |
- to bite -- =xacʼ
- to burn -- =lit
- to come -- =yaː
- to die -- =tʼeːn; =yah
- to eat -- =yaːn
- to fly -- =xis; =xicʼ
- to give -- =ʔaː
- to kill -- =weː
- to know -- =cʼit
- to lie -- =tʰeː
- to say -- =neː
- to see -- =cʰis; =cʰaːn
- to sit -- yaː=ʔaː
- to sleep -- =waŋ
- to go -- =yaː