- Language: Kalanga
- Alternate names: Ikalanga, Chikalanga, Tjikalanga, Kanana, SekalaƱa, Kalana, Bakaa, Makalaka, Wakalanga, SeKalaka
- Language code: kck
- Language family: Niger-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern Bantoid, Bantu, East Bantu, Shona (S.10), Kalanga-Nambya
- Number of speakers: 850000
- Script: Latin script
More information:
Kalanga is a language of the Bantu language family spoken southwest of Bulawayo and along the Botswana border. Most Kalanga are in Zimbabwe, but it's also spoken in Botswana.
Rapidly being absorbed by Ndebele, though most rural members speak Kalanga. Most speak Ndebele as second language, because they are required in school and are languages of wider communication.
The verb
Mwana | wa- | lal- | a |
child | AGR | sleep | TV |
(The child slept).
Mme | ba- | ka | lal- | is- | a | mwana |
mother | AGR | PST | sleep | CAUS | TV | child |
(Mother made the child sleep).