

  • Language: Chiga
  • Alternate names: Oluchiga, Orukiga, Ciga, Kiga, Rukiga
  • Language code: cgg
  • Language family: Niger-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern Bantoid, Bantu, East Bantu, Northeast Savanna Bantu, Great Lakes Bantu, West Nyanza, Rutara, North Rutara, Nkore-Kiga-Nyoro-Tooro, Nkore-Kiga
  • Number of speakers: 1391442
  • Script: Latin script

More information:


    Chiga is spoken by the Bakiga ("people of the mountains"), an ethnic group located in what is now northwestern Rwanda and southern Uganda. They are sometimes referred to as the Kiga, while the singular form is mukiga. It has been suggested that the Bakiga arrived in Uganda from Rwanda between 1600 and 1700.
