

  • Language: Lakkia
  • Alternate names: Chashan Yao, Lajia, Laka, Lakia, Lakja, Lakkja, Tai Laka, Tea Mountain Yao
  • Language code: lbc
  • Language family: Tai-Kadai, Kam-Tai, Lakkia-Biao
  • Number of speakers: 9000
  • Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
  • Script: Category

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    Lakkia is a language of China. It is spoken in Eastern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Jinxiu Yao autonomous county.


    Phonetically similar to Iu Mien (See: Iu Mien), word order to Bunu (See: Bunu, Bu-Nao). Not intelligible with Hmong Djua (See: Hmong Njua?) or Bunu. Minimal variation within Lakkia. Lexical similarity: 45% with Dong (See: Dong, Northern), 23% with Lachi (See: Lachi?) and Qabiao (See: Qabiao), 22% with Gelao.

    The Lakkia Verb
