

  • Language: Luchazi
  • Alternate names: Chiluchazi, Luchazi, Lujash, Lujazi, Lutchaz, Lutshase, Luxage, Ponda
  • Language code: lch
  • Language family: Niger-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern Bantoid, Bantu, Central-Western Bantu, Njila, Southern Njila, Chokwe-Lunda, Chokwe-Ngangela-Nyemba (K.20), Ngangela-Nyemba
  • Number of speakers: 455400
  • Script: Latin script.

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    Luchazi is a Bantu language of Angola and Zambia. Missionary Emil Pearson created Ngangela as a standard language by mixing Mbunda, Luchazi, Luvale and Luimbi languages, to allow a single translation of the Bible for the four communities. Ethnically distinct varieties, many of which are subsumed under the generic term Ngangela, are all "fully intelligible". These are: Luchazi, Nyemba, Mbwela of Angola, Nkangala, Mbunda, Luimbi (Lwimbi), Yauma, Songo, Chimbandi and Ngondzela. Therefore, it is highly erroneous to suggest that Ngangela is Luchazi.

    The Lucazi Verb

    Simple presentnji, u, a, tu, mu, vaya
    Infinitive presentnji, ...ku ya
    Premier presentnji, ya
    Premier Infinitive presentnji, ku ya
    Incomplete present 1nji, li ku ya
    Incomplete present 2nji, li mu ku ya
    Incomplete present 3nji, li na ku ya
    Present progressive 1nji, ku ya
    Present progressive 2nji, mu ku ya
    Present progressive 3nji, na ku ya
    Present Continuative 1nja, ua, ua, tua, mua, vana ku ya
    Present Continuative 2nji, ...kuana ku ya
    Definite Present Continuativenji, u, -, tu, mu, vana na ku ya
    Present perfectnji, u, -, tu, mu, vana i (monosyllabic ya becomes i)
    Immediate Pastnja, ...i
    Indefinite medium Past Perfectnja, ...ya
    Definite Past Perfect 1nji, u, -, tu, mu, vana ci ya
    Definite Past Perfect 2nji, u, -, tu, mu, vaci na ya
    Imperfect Pastnja, ya
    Continuing Pastnja, ya
    Indefinite Pastnja, ...ile
    Definite Past Perfectnji, ile
    Indefinite Past Progressivenja, ile
    Definite Past Progressive 1nji, u, -, tu, mu, vaci na ile
    Definite Past Progressive 2nji, u, -, tu, mu, vana ci ile
    Emphatic Pastnji, u, -, tu, mu, vana ku ile
    Perfect Progressivenji, u, -, tu, mu, vana ku ya
    Past Imperfect Continuativenja, ...kuana ku ya