

  • Language: Mang
  • Alternate names: Ba’e, Chaman, Lá Vàng, Manbu, Mang U, Nieng Ó, Xá, Xá Mang, Xá Ó
  • Language code: zng
  • Language family: Austroasiatic, Mangic
  • Number of speakers: 2660
  • Vulnerability: Endangered [Read more...]
  • Script: Category

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    Mang is a language of Vietnam. It is spoken in Lai Chau Province, Muong Te and Sin Ho districts, triangle-shaped area between Song Da (Black River) and the Nam Na: Nam Nghe, Nam Xung, Nam Ban, Ban Nam Voi, and others. Also in China, Thailand.

    The Mang Verb
