
Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Manx
  • Alternate names: GAELG, GAILCK, MANX GAELIC
  • Language code: glv
  • Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Celtic, Nuclear Celtic, TGB Celtic, Insular Celtic, Goidelic, Modern Goidelic, Eastern Goidelic
  • Number of speakers: 200-300.
  • Vulnerability: Awakening [Read more...]
  • Script:

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It became extinct during this century as a first language. There are efforts to revive it. Second language for 200 to 300 who have mainly learned it as adults. Used for some public functions. It was supplanted by Manx Vernacular English, which in turn is now being supplanted by other varieties of English. Grammar. Extinct. Bible 1773.


aa-aase, aa-aght, aa-arm, aa-assphurtee, aachaarjee, aachass, aacheau, aacheimnee, aaçhent, aacherree, aachiadd, aachiangle, aachiartee, aachionnee, aachlann, aachlasht, aachliaght, aachlist, aachloan, aachloie, aachlou, aachluinn, aachoard, aachoip, aachoodee, aachooinee, aachoont, aachouyr, aachreck, aachroo, aachruinnee, aachuirr, aachuirr lesh biljyn, aachum, aachur, aachur er boayrd, aachur magh, aachur-seose, aa-eaisht, aa-eeck, aa-enmys, aa-eysht, aafaillee, aafeysht, aafill, aafoad, aaghaah, aaghaelgee, aagherr, aaghien, aaghlack, aaghlen, aaghooble, aaghooin, aaghooisht, aaghoon, aaghreaght, aaghreesee, aaght, aaghtee, aahaggil, aahaghyr, aa-hayrn, aahayrn, aaheean, aaheel, aaheiy, aahickyree, aahilg, aahiow, aahirr, aahoshee, aahrog, aahuitt, aa-insh, aalettyree, aalhaih, aalheim, aalhieen, aaline, aaloayr, aalught, aaniartee, aanoagh, aa-oanluck, aa-oardee, aa-oshil, aapheint, aaphlaastree, aaphoint, aaphoos, aaphrent, aaraa, aareagh, aareayrt, aareih, aareir, aarheynn, aarlee, aaronsee, aascellee, aascreeu, aase, aasmooinee, aavaih, aavannee, aavenn, aavioee, aavolg, aavooadee, aawhaal, aayarrooee, aayean, aayeeill, aayeshee, aayesheenee, aayiar, aayioold, aa-ymmyrk magh, abbyr, accan, agglee, amylt, anchoodee, ard-cheimnee, ardveeinee, ard-voyl, arm, arree, assphurtee, baase y gheddyn, bagh, bannee, basht, beagh, behr, beihll, bioee, bioyree, bluckanee, boallee, bochil, bred, bree, brie, brish, broaçh, broie, brynneragh, bun-ronsee, bun-towshanee, caddil, cagg, caghlaa, caign, cam, cammee, ceaghil, ceau, çhaggil, çhent, çherraghtyn, çhionn, çhionnraa, çhiow, çhymnee, çhymsee, çhyndaa, clann, clasht, cleayn, cluin, coad, coagyr, coamree, co-chass, co-cheaghil, co-cheimnee, cochiangle, cochiartee, co-chleayn, co-choad, co-choard, co-choe, cochorpee, co-chruinnee, co-chum, co-earroo, co-eignee, co-ennee, cogheirr, cogherjaghey, coghlass, co-ghleck, co-ghleiy, co-ghloo, coghrees, co-haah, cohaggloo, cohaghyn, cohaghyr, coheeyn, co-hiauill, cohionn, cohirr, co-hiu, co-hoie, cohoilshee, co-hooyl, co-hoyrt, cohuitt, co-hym, co-leayst, colheie, colhiant, coloayr, co-niartee, co-niem, co-oardee, co-obbree, coodee, cooilleen, cooinee, coonyr, co-oolee, co-reggyr, co-reih, co-rheynn, co-screeu, co-seiy, co-smooinee, co-soie, co-streeu, costrep, co-unnanee, co-ushtee, co-veagh, covenn, covest, covial, co-voir, covuill, co-whingee, co-yarrooee, co-ymmyrk, coyrlee, craa, craisht, creck, cred, creid, creoi, crogh, croo, crosh, croym, cryss, cubbyl, cuirr, cullyr, cum, cumree, cur, cur ayns kishtey, cur ayns pryssoon, cur er boayrd, cur mysh, daah, daunse, dein, dell, dobberan, dolt, doltee, doo, dooin, dooisht, doon, draght, eaisht, ee, eeck, eh y ve er, enmys, entreil, faag, faast, faik, faill, fann, feayree, fee, fend, fenee, fiogh, foad, focklee, fo-eagree, fo-hoie, fo-lhie, folmee, fo-screeu, foshil, fo-vroie, fow, fow magh, fow marish, fo-yial, freggyr, fuaill, fuinn, gaal-vroie, gear, gial, giallee, giar, gien, gioot, glass, gleash, glen, gloas, gloyr, gormee, gorrymee, gow, graih y ve ec er, grees, greigh, gurn, hed, hie, imman, immee, injillee, insh, irree, iu, jaagh, jarg, jarrood, jarrooee, jean, jean shliawin, jeeagh, jerk, keck, keimnee, kerree, kiangle, kiare, kiartee, kiaull, kionnee, kiunee, laad, labree, laccal, leih, lettyree, lhaih, lheegh, lheie, lhiant, lhie, lhoob, lieh-vroie, livrey, loayr, losht, low, lught, meechoard, mee-lettyr, meelhaih, meelow, meephreiseil, meephrios, meephrise, mill, moll, mooadee, moogh, moon, moyl, neuchiangle, neuchliaght, neuchoamree, neuchoard, neuchosoyl, neuchrosh, neuchryss, neufee, neufill, neughaa, neughloas, neughreigh, neuhaagh, neuhiyree, neulaad, neulheiltee, neulhig, neulow, neulught, neunhee, neuoltee, neupheesh, neureagh, neureggyrt, neurio, neuskiogh, neuvioyree, neuyunt, niee, noi-oardee, oainjeree, oanluck, oard, oardee, obb, obbree, paag, pagg, plaastree, point, poose, preaçh, prios, pryssoonee, raad, ragh, reihys, rey y gheddyn rish, rheynn, rink, rio, ro-hiow, roie, roie-hoie, ronsee, roost, rosh, rub, rug, sannish, scolt, screeb, screeu, sharmanee, shass, sheel, sheeyn, shelg, shiauill, shirg, shirr, shooyl, siyree, skeab, skeayl, slaanee, sloat, slug, smarr, smooinee, snaue, sneeu, soar, soie, soilshee, sollee, sonnish, soo, soylee, speeid, speein, speiy, spoiy, strep, stroie, stroo, sunt, sur-hiow, symn, taal, taghyr, tar, tar er-ash, tar lesh, tar ny quail, tayrn, teih, teiy, theinniu, toghtan, toig, toill, toshee, towl, traast, traaue, traie, tree-rheynn, trein, troailt, trog, trooid, tuck, tuitt, uillinee, ushtee, valse, vulcaanee, walk, whaal, yl-ree, ym-lanee, ym-loayr, ymmyd, ymmyrk, ym-obbree, ym-skeayl, yn-fill, yn-heel, ynsee.
