
Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Mapudungun
  • Alternate names: Mapudungu, Mapuche, Araucanian (Araucano).
  • Language code: arn
  • Language family: Araucanian
  • Number of speakers: 440000
  • Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
  • Script: Latin script

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    Mapudungun is a language isolate spoken in central Chile and west central Argentina by the Mapuche people.

    The Mapuche are partly bilingual in Spanish.

    The verb

    Verbs can be finite or non-finite (non-finite endings: -n, -el, -etew, -lu, -am, etc.), are intransitive or transitive,

    Verbs are conjugated according to

    In the indicative, the present (zero) and future (-(y)a) tenses are distinguished. There are a number of aspects: the progressive, resultative and habitual are well established; some forms that seem to mark some subtype of perfect are also found. Other verb morphology includes an evidential marker (reportative-mirative), directionals (cislocative, translocative, andative and ambulative, plus an interruptive and continuous action marker) and modal markers (sudden action, faked action, immediate action, etc.). There is productive noun incorporation, and the case can be made for root compounding morphology.

    Sample verb: pe

    pe, 'to see'


    Singular inche  pen 
    eymi  peimi 
    fey  pei 
    Dual inchiw  peiyu 
    eymu  peimu 
    feyengu  peengu 
    Plural iñchiñ  peiiñ 
    eymün  peimün 
    feyengün  peengün 


    abvlen, afeluwvn, afelvn, afelzuamvn, afmatun, afvlkan, afvmvn, afvn, agkvn, aheltun, ahelvn, ajfvlvn, ajfvn, ajkvn, ajkvtun, akun, alofvn, amucan, amuh, amulzugun, amun, anvn, anvpvran, apolvn, apvmtukun, apvmvn, arelvn, arofvn, awkan, awkantun, awvkan, ayen, ayvn, azentun, azgejuwvn, azkan, azkintun, azkintunien, azkvnun, azman, azvmvn, azvn, añelvn, bagvmvn, ban, bvmvn, cafon, calin, cejkomtun, cijkatun, cvjkumtukun, dallun, ejkan, ejkawvn, ekun, elun, elvn, eñumalvn, eñumtun, falin, fanen, faylan, fenzen, feyentun, fvcan, fvrin, fvta piwkegen, gehgen, gijan, gijatun, goyin, goyman, guyvn, gvfetun, gvman, gvnan, gvnekonvn, gvnenkan, gvnewvn, gvneytunien, gvriñvn, gvxamvn, gvxvn, gvñvn, hampvlkan, heyvn, hvmvtun, igkatu, ijkun, ilotun, in, inafemvn, inawentun, jazkvn, jeqvn, jitun, jowvn, juwan, jvkan, kayñetuwvn, kejun, kewan, kimelvn, kimnien, kimtukun, kimvlvn, kimvn, kofketun, konvmpan, koybatun, kujin, kuzun, kvcan, kvgalvn, kvlafan, kvmentun, kvzawvn, lefmawvn, lefvn, lelin, leliwvlvn, lukutun, lvpvmvn, makuñtun, maneluwvn, mapuzugun, matetun, mawvhvn, mogen, mupin, mvgeltun, mvlekan, mvlen, mvpvmvn, mvpvn, mvñalvn, mvñetun, nalvn, nekulvn, nelvn, nentuzugun, newenkvlen, nvhyen, nvlan, nvrvfvn, nvxamyen, nülaln, pagkon, pen, petun, pewman, picikvnun, picin, pigen, pimun, pin, piren, piñmalkan, pulkutun, purun, pvtokon, pvtun, pvxemtun, pvxvn, rakin, ramtun, rapin, rofvlvn, rupan, rvgalvn, rvgkvn, rvkvftukun, rvlxen, tagkvn, teyfvn, tronglin, trown, tun, tuwvn, umaqtun, umawtun, umerkvlen, upen, upetun, upezuamvn, vgapuwvn, vlkan, vlxen, vnatun, vrkvlen, vxirvn, vyvmvn, vzen, wagkvn, waqlvn, wazkvn, wecozvn, wejimvn, werkvlvn, werkvn, weycan, weycatun, weyetun, weñagkvlen, weñen, wicvnvn, wigkvn, wijvn, wimvn, wirafvn, wirarvn, wirin, wvlvn, wvyweñvn, wvywvn, xekan, xemvn, xepen, xipan, xipapan, xokitun, xuyun, yafkan, yefazugun, yerpvn, yezugun, yugvmvn, yvfvn, zikukeñen, zuamvn, zuamyen, zugun, zuguyen, zujin, ñamculm, ñamvmvn, ñamvn, ñomvmvn, ñuwin, ñvmin, ñvmitun, ñvzvfvn, üngarn, ünüfn.