Old Frisian
Conjugate VerbsFacts
- Language: Old Frisian
- Alternate names:
- Language code: ofs
- Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Germanic, Northwest Germanic, West Germanic, North Sea Germanic, Anglo-Frisian, Frisian
- Number of speakers: Extinct
- Script: Latin script
More information:
Old Frisian was a Germanic language spoken along the North Sea coast, in southern Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Old Frisian was spoken from 1150 to 1550. Old Frisian evolved into Middle Frisian spoken from the 16th to the 19th century.
The Old Frisian verb
The Old Frisian verb has:
- 3 grammatical moods: indicative, subjunctive, and imperative;
- 2 simple tenses: present and preterite;
- 2 grammatical numbers: singular and plural;
- 3 grammatical persons: first person, second person, and third person.
Sample verb sîn 'to be'
Present | Preterite | Present | Preterite | ||
Sg.1 | ? | ? | ? | ? | - |
Sg.2 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Sg.3 | is | was | sê | ? | - |
Plural | send | wêron | ? | ? | ? |
aga, andbinda, askia, besluta, biada, bidda, bideithingia, bifestnia, bifiuchta, biforaworda, bigunga, bihefta, bihella, biliaga, biliva, binda, binima, biriuchta, bisia, biskathigia, biskera, biswera, bita, bitella, bithanka, bithekka, bitrachtia, blixenia, branga, breda, breka, brenga, bringa, briuwa, bruka, damma, davia, dela, depa, drinka, driva, dua, duan, dwa, dwan, eftergunga, efterkuma, endia, fa, festigia, festnia, finda, fiskia, fliaga, folgia, foraledza, forbitrachtia, fordrega, forfiskia, forieta, forliasa, fortera, forthfinda, forthsetta, forwerda, fregia, frostia, gan, geia, hebba, hefta, hela, helpa, hera, hwa, iechta, ielda, infiskia, inhalia, ita, ivenia, jeta, jeva, kalda, kapia, kerva, ketha, kiasa, klemma, kokia, kunna, lageria, lagia, lakia, lasta, leda, ledza, lenda, lesa, lesta, lethia, lovia, luka, luvia, makia, melka, minnia, misskera, muga, namna, nema, nera, netha, nima, nithawerpa, ofkerva, oflethia, ofnima, ofstela, onespreka, onfalla, overfiuchta, overledza, overskera, ramia, renna, resta, rinna, riuchta, rotia, runna, sanna, sannigia, seka, setta, skaria, skera, skerda, sketha, sketta, skiata, skifta, skriva, skutta, sluta, smitta, snithia, spreka, stallia, standa, stedda, steka, stela, sterva, straffia, swella, swera, swigia, swima, tasta, tera, tiona, tiuna, tohakia, tokerva, urieva, urjeta, urjeva, urkuma, urweddia, wakia, wena, werpa, wertha, willa, wirza, witherbringa, withersedza, wlemma, wringa, wunia.
- Robinson, Orrin W.. Old English and its closest relatives. Stanford University Press. Stanford, California, 1992.