- Language: Phrygian
- Alternate names:
- Language code: xpg
- Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Graeco-Phrygian
- Number of speakers: Extinct
- Script:
More information:
The Phrygian language was the Indo-European language of the Phrygians, a people from Thrace who later migrated to Asia Minor.
Phrygian Verb
The verbs are conjugated for
- tense,
- voice,
- mood,
- person and number.
No single word is attested in all its inflectional forms.
- αββερετ
- βρειτ
- δακετ
- ειτου
- εσταες
- ΑΓΟΡΑΝΙ -- to buy
- ΑΔΕΙΤΟΥ -- to become
- ΑΕJ -- to be
- ΑΠΝΕΚΡΟΙΥΝ -- to die, be killed
- ΒΕΟΣΙΟΙ -- to flee
- ΒΕΡ- -- to bear, carry
- ΔΑ -- to put, to place
- ΔΑΨΕΤ- -- to receive, to take, to accept
- ΕΓ- -- to hold, to experience
- ΕΓΕΣΕΤΙ -- to hold, to experience, (he) will do
- ΕΙΤΟΥ -- to go, to become
- ΕΝΣΤΑΡΝΑ -- to stand in, to place inside
- ΕΠΤΥϝΕ -- to spit
- ΙΡΤΕΡ -- to sacrifice
- ΙΣΓΕΙΚΕΤ -- to have, hold, be responsible towards
- ΚΤΕ -- to possess
- ΟΙ -- to him
- ΟΠΟΡΟΚΙΤΙ -- to lay with, add
- ΠΑΤΡΙΖΙ -- to the fathers