
Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Proto-Indo-European
  • Alternate names:
  • Language code: xinep
  • Language family:
  • Number of speakers:
  • Script:

More information:


    The Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) is the unattested, reconstructed common ancestor of the Indo-European languages, spoken by the Proto-Indo-Europeans. The existence of such a language has been accepted by linguists for over a century, and there have been many attempts at reconstruction. Nevertheless, many disagreements and uncertainties remain.

    The Verb

    The Indo-European verb system is complex and, as the noun, exhibits a system of ablaut. Verbs have:

    Sample verb

    Indicative Injunctive Subjunctive Optative Imperative
    Present Imperfect I II
    Sg.1 kʷi-néu-mi h₁é-kʷi-neu-m kʷi-néu-m kʷi-néu-oH kʷi-nu-iéh₁-m - -
    Sg.2 kʷi-néu-si h₁é-kʷi-neu-s kʷi-néu-s kʷi-néu-eh₁i kʷi-nu-iéh₁-s kʷi-nú(-dʰí) kʷi-nú-tṓd
    Sg.3 kʷi-néu-ti h₁é-kʷi-neu-t kʷi-néu-t kʷi-néu-e kʷi-nu-iéh₁-t kʷi-néu-tu kʷi-néu-tṓd
    Pl.1 kʷi-nu-més h₁é-kʷi-nu-mé kʷi-nu-mé kʷi-néu-omom kʷi-nu-ih₁-mé - -
    Pl.2 kʷi-nu-th₁é h₁é-kʷi-nu-té kʷi-nu-té kʷi-néu-eth₁e kʷi-nu-ih₁-té kʷi-nu-té kʷi-nu-tṓd
    Pl.3 kʷi-nu-énti h₁é-kʷi-nu-(e)nt kʷi-nu-ént kʷi-néu-o kʷi-néu-ih₁-nt kʷi-nu-éntu kʷi-nu-tṓd
    Indicative Injunctive Subjunctive Optative Imperative
    Present Imperfect I II
    Sg.1 kʷi-nu-mh₂ h₁é-kʷi-nu-mh₂ kʷi-nu-mh₂ kʷi-néu-omh₂ kʷi-nu-ih₂-h₂ - -
    Sg.2 kʷi-nu-sth₂ó h₁é-kʷi-nu-sth₂ó kʷi-nu-sth₂ó kʷi-néu-esth₂ó kʷi-nu-ih₂-th₂ó kʷi-nu-sué kʷi-nu-tṓd
    Sg.3 kʷi-nu-tó h₁é-kʷi-nu-to kʷi-nu-tó kʷi-néu-eto kʷi-nu-ih₂-ó kʷi-nu-tó? kʷi-nu-tṓd
    Pl.1 kʷi-nu-me(s)dʰh₂ h₁é-kʷi-nu-me(s)dʰh₂ kʷi-nu-me(s)dʰh₂ kʷi-néu-ome(s)dʰh₂ kʷi-nu-ih₂-mé(s)dʰh₂ - -
    Pl.2 kʷi-nu-dʰue h₁é-kʷi-nu-dʰue kʷi-nu-dʰue kʷi-néu-etdʰue kʷi-nu-ih₂-dʰué kʷi-nu-tdʰue kʷi-nu-tṓd
    Pl.3 kʷi-nu-ntro h₁é-kʷi-nu-ntro kʷi-nu-ntro kʷi-néu-ontro kʷi-nu-ih₂-ro kʷi-nu-ntó? kʷi-nu-tṓd


    Proto-Indo-European, bʰéh₂ti, bʰéreti, bʰéwdʰeti, bʰéydt, bʰéydʰeti, bʰebʰówdʰe, bʰebʰóydʰe, bʰinédti, bʰoréyeti, bʰowdʰéyeti, bʰúHt, bʰuHyéti, dḗyḱst, dédeh₃ti, déh₃t, déwkti, déyḱti, dedwóye, dʰédʰeh₁ti, dʰégʷʰeti, dʰéh₁t, dʰéwgʰti, dʰedʰórse, dʰedʰówgʰe, ǵéwseti, ǵnéh₃t, ǵn̥h₃sḱéti, ǵn̥néh₃ti, gʷémt, gʷérh₃ti, gʷegʷóme, gʷíh₃weti, gʷm̥sḱéti, gʷʰédʰyeti, gʷʰénti, gʷʰoréyeti, h₁ḗdti, h₁édti, h₁ésti, h₁éyti, h₁ludʰét, h₁regʷesyéti, h₁rudʰéh₁ti, h₂éǵeti, h₂életi, h₂énh₁ti, h₂éryeti, h₂eh₂nóḱe, h₂eh₂ógʰe, h₂eh₂óyḱe, h₂ḱh₂owsyéti, h₂lékseti, h₂linéHti, h₂wḗh₁ti, h₂wéseti, h₃méyǵʰeti, h₃réǵeti, h₃roǵéyeti, h₃yébʰeti, Hréwpt, Hrunépti, ḱéleti, ḱéytor, ḱeḱlówe, ḱléwseti, ḱléwt, ḱléyeti, ḱl̥néwti, ḱl̥néyti, kapyéti, ḱréddʰh₁eti, ksnéwti, kʷrinéh₂ti, légʰyeti, léyǵʰti, léykʷt, lelóykʷe, linékʷti, mért, (me)mógʰe, memóne, mléwHti, moréyeti, néweh₂ti, péh₂sti, pékʷeti, pérdetor, péth₂eti, píbeti, píph₃eti, pléh₁dʰh₁eti, pl̥néh₁ti, pr̥sḱéti, sédt, sédyeti, séh₂gyeti, sékʷetor, sérpeti, sísdeti, (s)kérdʰh₁eti, skéydt, skinédti, (s)néh₂ti, sodéyeti, spéḱyeti, srobʰéyeti, stéh₂t, stéh₂yeti, stéygʰeti, stestóh₂e, stísteh₂ti, stnéh₂ti, stoh₂éyeti, strowéyeti, télh₂t, térh₂t, térh₂uti, tetólh₂e, tetóne, tetórpe, tḱéyti, tl̥néh₂ti, tn̥néwti, tonéyeti, torséyeti, wḗǵʰst, wéǵʰeti, wértti, wéryeti, wéstor, wéwket, wéydseti, wewórte, wóyde, wortéyeti, woséyeti, wr̥ǵyéti, yunégti.
