Quichua, Santiago del Estero
Conjugate Verbs
- Language: Quichua, Santiago del Estero
- Alternate names: SantiagueƱo Quichua
- Language code: qus
- Language family:
Quechuan, Quechua II, Quechua IIC, Bolivian-Argentinian Quechua
- Number of speakers: 60000
- Vulnerability: Vulnerable [Read more...]
- Script: Latin script
More information:
This Quechua language is spoken Santiago del Estero Province, north central Argentina.
The verb
Quechua has two first person plural pronouns ("we", in English). One is called the inclusive, which is used when the speaker wishes to include in "we" the person to whom he or she is speaking ("we and you"). The other form is called the exclusive, which is used when the addressee is excluded. ("we without you").
Sample verb 'tapuy'
Sg.1 | noqa tapuni |
Sg.2 | qam tapunki |
Sg.3 | pay tapun |
Pl.1 inclusive | noqanchis tapunchis |
Pl.1 exclusive | noqayku tapuyku |
Pl.2 | qamkuna tapunkichis |
Pl.3 | paykuna tapunaku |
Sg.1 | noqa tapurani |
Sg.2 | qam tapuranki |
Sg.3 | pay tapura |
Pl.1 inclusive | noqanchis tapuranchis |
Pl.1 exclusive | noqayku tapuraku |
Pl.2 | qamkuna tapurankichis |
Pl.3 | paykuna tapuraku |
Sg.1 | noqa tapusaq |
Sg.2 | qam tapunki |
Sg.3 | pay tapunqa |
Pl.1 inclusive | noqanchis tapusaqchis |
Pl.1 exclusive | noqayku tapusaqku |
Pl.2 | qamkuna tapunkichis |
Pl.3 | paykuna tapunqaku |