Romani, Sremski Gurbet
- Language: Romani, Sremski Gurbet
- Alternate names:
- Language code: drmys
- Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Indo-Aryan, Indo-Aryan Central zone, Romani
- Dialect of: Romani, Vlax
- Number of speakers:
- Script:
More information:
The group term Gurbet has its origin in Arabic and reached Romani through the Turkish language. It means "foreigners" or "foreign work". Like the Kalderaš and Lovara, the Gurbet belong to the larger group of Vlach-Roma, whose language is strongly characterized by Romanian.
- ačhavol -- v tr: stop so.
- ačhol -- v itr: stand, stay, stop
- ačhol pe -- v itr: calm os. down
- akharol -- v itr: be called
- akharol -- v tr: 1. call. 2. invite. 3. name.
- anol -- v tr: 1. bring. 2. contribute.
- aresol -- v itr: arrive, reach
- asal -- v itr: laugh, smile
- asavol -- v tr: mock
- astarol -- v tr: capture, grab
- ašunol -- v itr: listen, hear
- avol -- v cop itr: be
- avol -- v itr: 1. come. 2. become. 3. appear.
- avol ando staňe -- v phr itr: be able to
- avol hoľariko -- v phr itr: be angry
- ažućarol -- v tr: expect, await
- ažućarol -- v itr: wait
- ažutil -- v tr: help
- baŕarol -- v tr: 1. develop. 2. raise.
- baŕol -- v itr: grow, increase, rise
- barvaŕol pe -- v itr: become rich
- bašavol -- v itr: bark
- baždaril -- v tr: bandage
- baziril -- v itr: base
- bešol -- v itr: sit, sit down
- bibaxtarol -- v tr: make sad
- bičalol -- v tr: send
- bićinol -- v tr: sell
- bijanol -- v itr: be born
- bijanol -- v tr: give birth
- bistarol -- v tr: forget
- blagoslovil -- v tr: bless
- bojil -- v tr: dye, colour
- boldol -- v tr: 1. turn, turn over, overturn. 2. give back.
- boldol pe -- v itr: return, come back
- brijol -- v tr: shave so./sth.
- brijol (pe) -- v itr: shave os.
- brinol -- v tr: care
- brinol pe anda -- v phr tr: take care
- brojil -- v tr: count
- bršind dol -- v phr itr: it drizzles
- buďil -- v itr: get mouldy
- buľarol -- v tr: widen
- bunil -- v tr: demonstrate
- bušil -- v tr: drill
- čalavol -- v tr: hit, beat, knock
- čaŕol -- v itr: graze
- častil -- v tr: honour
- cedil -- v tr: squeeze (out)
- ćerol -- v tr: 1. do, make. 2. act. 3. handle. 4. treat. 5. construct.
- ćerol o utisko -- v phr tr: impress
- ćerol pale -- v tr: renew
- ćerol pe -- v itr: pretend
- ćerol pe voľa -- v phr tr: please
- čhadol -- v itr: vomit
- ćhelol -- v itr: 1. play, dance. 2. entertain.
- ćhelol pe -- v itr: play
- čhindol -- v tr: tear up, rip up, destroy
- čhindol -- v itr: tear, ripitr.
- čhinol -- v tr: 1. cut. 2. saw. 3. shorten. 4. split. 5. peel.
- čhudol -- v tr: 1. throw. 2. fail.
- čhudol pe -- v itr: undress os.
- čhungarol -- v itr: spit
- ćićidol -- v tr: squeeze
- ćidol -- v tr: gather, collect
- ćidol pe -- v itr: get short(er), shrink
- čikarol -- v itr: wallowin the dirt etc.
- čikarol pe -- v itr: get dirty
- cikňarol -- v tr: decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce
- cikňol -- v itr: grow smaller
- ciľil -- v tr: aim
- ćinďol -- v tr: make wet
- ćinďol pe -- v itr: become wet
- ćinol -- v tr: shop, buy, purchase
- ćiravol -- v tr: roast, cook sth., boil sth.
- čirol -- v itr: cookitr., boilitr.
- čitol -- v tr: read
- čoŕarol -- v tr: impoverish
- čoŕarol pe -- v itr: become poor
- čorol -- v tr: steal
- crdol -- v tr: pull
- crtol -- v tr: paint
- čudil pe -- v itr: wonder, be surprised
- čumidol -- v tr: kiss
- cvetol -- v itr: flourish, bloom
- dandarol -- v tr: bite
- daral -- v itr: become frightened, be afraid
- daravol -- v tr: frighten so.
- delil -- v tr: divide, separate, share
- dićhol -- v tr: 1. see, look, view. 2. notice. 3. observe, watch, examine. 4. consider.
- dičhol ande lila -- v phr itr: tell fortune
- ďilabol -- v itr: sing, playan instrument, make music
- diľarol -- v tr: madden
- diľarol pe -- v itr: go mad
- dimil -- v itr: smoke
- disol -- v itr: breathe
- dol -- v tr: 1. give, hand, hand over, deliver, offer. 2. begin.
- dol agor -- v phr tr: finish, end
- dol andre -- v phr itr: go in
- dol dab -- v phr tr: hit, beat, injure
- dol dab e pungreja -- v phr tr: kick
- dol e čhuŕa -- v phr tr: stick
- dol jag -- v phr tr: light, kindle
- dol jag e jagali -- v phr tr: smokepipe, cigarette, light a cigarette/pipe
- dol jekh avre -- v phr tr: exchange, change
- dol o brsind -- v phr itr: it rains
- dol o iv -- v phr itr: it snows
- dol pe goďi -- v phr itr: remember
- dol rľa -- v phr itr: fart
- dol svato -- v phr itr: talk, discuss
- dosadil -- v tr: anger
- drmol -- v tr: shake
- drmol pe -- v itr: hesitate
- drxtil -- v itr: tremble
- dukhavol -- v itr: ache
- dušarol -- v tr: accuse, blame
- duvil -- v itr: blow
- džal -- v itr: 1. go, walk, stroll, climb, go up, go down, go away, pass by. 2. wander, travel, depart. 3. flow.
- džaltar -- v itr: move out
- džanol -- v tr: know
- džungavol -- v tr: wake so. up
- džungavol pe -- v itr: wake up
- egzistiril -- v itr: exist
- eksplodiril -- v itr: explode
- formiril -- v tr: form
- fuŕal -- v itr: fly
- fuŕavol -- v tr: put on (clothes)
- fuŕavol pe -- v itr: dress os.
- galbenil pe -- v itr: turn yellow
- garavol -- v tr: hidesth.
- garavol -- v tr: 1. maintain. 2. mind.
- garavol pe -- v itr: hideos.
- gndil pe -- v itr: think
- gnojil pe -- v itr: fester
- grinol -- v tr: make green
- grinol -- v itr: grow green
- grmil -- v itr: it thunders
- gučil -- v itr: gaggle, croak
- gugľarol -- v tr: sweeten
- halal -- v tr: wash
- hanavol -- v tr: dig
- haravol -- v tr: 1. strip off, take off. 2. uncover. 3. disturb.
- haravol e cipeľa -- v phr tr: take off shoes
- inćarol o nazor -- v phr tr: control
- inďarol -- v tr: 1. bring. 2. carry. 3. guide, lead. 4. keep. 5. bear. 6. wear.
- inkalol -- v tr: 1. take out, extract. 2. produce. 3. draw.
- inklol avri -- partv itr: go out
- iscelil -- prefv tr: heal
- iscrpil -- prefv itr: exhaust
- ispovedil -- prefv tr: confess
- ispraznil -- prefv itr: 1. empty. 2. shit, defecate.
- izazvil -- prefv tr: challenge
- izbrusil -- prefv tr: grind
- izdral -- prefv itr: groan
- izdržil -- prefv tr: endure
- izgledil -- prefv itr: it seems
- iznenadil -- prefv tr: surprise
- iznudil -- prefv tr: force
- izračunil -- prefv tr: reckon
- jašil -- v itr: ride
- javil -- v tr: report
- jecil -- v itr: moan
- jertisarol -- v tr: forgive
- kajil pe -- v itr: repent
- kaľarol pe -- v itr: become black
- kamol -- v tr: 1. love, like, admire. 2. want, wish, desire.
- kamol te ćerol -- v phr tr: intend
- kaznil -- v tr: punish
- khandol -- v itr: stink
- khosol -- v tr: wipe
- khuvol -- v tr: wrap
- khuvol e korpe -- v phr tr: weave baskets
- kijil -- v itr: sneeze
- kitil pe -- v tr: decorate, doll up, polish up
- klečil -- v itr: shiver
- kleknil -- v itr: kneel
- kliznol -- v itr: slip, slide
- klizol pe -- v itr: ice-skate
- kokil -- v tr: parch
- kokodačil -- v itr: cackle
- korodiril -- v itr: rust
- kosil -- v tr: mow
- kotrľil -- v itr: roll
- kučil -- v itr: cry, weep
- kukurikil -- v itr: crow
- kunol -- v tr: execrate
- kurol -- v tr: fuck
- kušol -- v itr: swear
- lačharol -- v tr: improve, repair, correct, straighten, polish, arrange
- ladil pe -- v itr: cool down
- ladžavol pe -- v itr: be ashamed
- lajil -- v itr: bark
- lepil -- v itr: stick
- ličarlol -- v tr: smash sth.
- listol pe -- v itr: foliate
- lizol -- v tr: lick
- lol -- v tr: 1. get, obtain, gain, receive. 2. take, grasp, seize, catch, pick up.
- lol po udžilipe -- v phr tr: borrow
- lol poćin -- v phr tr: earn
- lol romňi -- v phr tr: get married
- lol samal -- v phr tr: guard, look after, save, defend, protect
- lol te xal -- v phr tr: nourish, feed
- ľoľol -- v itr: become red, blush, redden
- lonďarel -- v tr: salt
- losarol -- v tr: choose, select, pick, vote
- lovil -- v tr: hunt
- lundžarol -- v tr: extend, expand, broaden sth., lengthen, continue
- lundžarol pe -- v itr: broaden, become broad, become longer
- maćhol -- v tr: smear, grease, salve
- maćhol e voskova -- v phr tr: wax
- malavol -- v tr: 1. find, discover. 2. meet. 3. lure. 4. purchase.
- malterišil -- v tr: lay bricks, build, build houses
- markiril -- v tr: mark
- marol -- v tr: knock, strike
- marol pe -- v itr: fight
- mašil -- v itr: swing
- matol -- v tr: make so. drunk
- matol pe -- v itr: get drunk
- mazil -- v tr: stroke
- mećol -- v itr: 1. let. 2. leave. 3. release, set free, let go. 4. allow, permit.
- mečol e jasva -- v phr itr: weep
- mećol e ŕat -- v phr itr: night draws on
- mekľol pe -- v itr: melt, thaw
- meľarol -- v tr: make dirty
- meľil -- v tr: mill
- meril -- v tr: measure
- merol -- v itr: die
- mesil -- v tr: knead
- mol -- v itr: cost
- molil -- v tr: ask for
- molil pe -- v itr: pray
- morol pe -- v itr: rub
- mothol -- v tr: speak, say, tell, express, declare, mention, inform, recommend, answer, reply, predict, preach, give away, betray, mean, convince, prove
- mrmľil pe -- v itr: mumble
- mucil -- v itr: stutter
- mudarol -- v tr: kill
- muštril -- v tr: exercise
- mutrol -- v itr: urinate
- muzil -- v tr: milk
- naćhol -- v itr: cross, go over, get by
- ňačil -- v itr: scream, shout
- nadil pe -- v itr: hope
- nagiňil pe -- v itr: tend
- nagnil pe -- v itr: descend
- nagradil -- v tr: reward
- najarol -- v itr: shower, bathe
- najsarol -- v tr: 1. thank, praise. 2. greet.
- nakhavol -- v tr: swallow
- nakľukil -- v tr: fatten sth., make so./sth. fat
- naoštril -- v tr: sharpen
- naoštril pe -- v itr: become sharp
- napadnil -- v tr: attack
- naškodil -- v tr: harm
- našol -- v itr: run away, flee, escape, avoid
- naštik -- v mod itr: not be able to
- nasvaol -- v itr: become ill, become sick
- nedostajil -- v tr: miss so.
- nestanil pe -- v itr: disappear
- numerišil -- v tr: numerize
- obećil -- v tr: promise
- obesil -- v tr: hang up
- obezbedil -- v tr: ensure
- odmoril -- v itr: have a rest
- odreknil -- v tr: deny
- ograničil -- v tr: limit, restrict
- omekšil -- v tr: soften sth.
- operišil pe -- v itr: have an operation
- opomenil -- v tr: warn
- opravdil -- v tr: excuse
- oril -- v tr: plough
- osećil -- v itr: smell
- oslaňavil pe -- v itr: rest
- paćal -- v tr: believe
- paćol -- v itr: ripen
- parňarol -- v tr: bleach, whiten
- parňarol pe -- v itr: become white
- pašľol -- v tr: approach
- pecil -- v tr: fish
- pećol -- v tr: bakecake, bricks etc., fry
- peglol -- v tr: iron
- pekľol -- v tr: punch, kick
- peradol -- v itr: fall
- peravol -- v tr: save
- perol -- v itr: fall
- perol -- v tr: drop
- phabol -- v tr: burn sth.
- phabol -- v itr: glow
- phaďol -- v itr: crack
- phaďol -- v tr: break up, smash, break, crush
- phandavol -- v tr: 1. close, shut, lock. 2. arrest, tie, bind, connect.
- pharol -- v itr: burst
- pićal -- v itr: weep
- pindžarol -- v tr: recognise
- pindžarol pe -- v itr: be acquainted with
- pipnil -- v tr: 1. touch. 2. affect.
- planil -- v itr: flash
- planiril -- v tr: plan
- plivil -- v itr: swim
- plovil -- v itr: sail
- pobedil -- v tr: win
- poćinol -- v tr: pay
- poďil e cipeľa -- v phr tr: put one's shoes on
- podnosil -- v tr: afford
- podrignil -- v itr: belch
- podupril -- v tr: support
- pogodil -- v tr: guess
- pokušil -- v tr: attempt
- pol -- v tr: drink
- ponašil pe -- v itr: behave
- ponovil -- v tr: repeat
- posetil -- v tr: visit
- postil -- v itr: fast
- poštujil -- v tr: respect
- potkujil e graste -- v phr tr: shoe a horse
- potvrdil -- v tr: confirm
- pouzdil pe -- v itr: rely
- prastal -- v itr: run
- pravarol -- v tr: feed, nourish, cater for so.
- praxosarol -- v tr: bury
- predajil -- v tr: teach
- predložil -- v tr: suggest
- pretpostavil -- v tr: suppose
- pričinil -- v tr: cause
- pripadnil -- v itr: belong
- priredil -- v tr: organise
- pristanil -- v itr: agree
- probil -- v tr: 1. try. 2. tastefood.
- promašil -- v tr: misstarget
- protumačil -- v tr: translate
- proveril -- v tr: check, test
- publikujil -- v tr: publish
- pučol -- v tr: ask
- puŕarol pe -- v itr: grow old(er)
- pusavol -- v tr: stab
- putarol -- v tr: open
- puzil -- v itr: creep
- ramol -- v tr: 1. write. 2. describe. 3. print. 4. announce.
- ramosarol pe -- v tr: sign
- randol -- v itr: suckle
- raspodelil -- v tr: distribute
- rasprotil -- v tr: spread
- rastegnil pe -- v itr: stretch
- ratvarol -- v itr: bleed
- razmazil -- v tr: spoil
- razočaril -- v tr: disappoint
- rešil -- v tr: 1. solve, resolve. 2. decide.
- ribol -- v tr: rub
- rodol -- v tr: 1. look for, seek, search. 2. demand, request, beg.
- ronil -- v itr: dive
- rovol -- v itr: cry
- sagnil -- v itr: bow
- šakľil -- v itr: tickle
- saňarol -- v tr: weaken
- saňol -- v itr: dream
- šantol -- v itr: limp
- šapućil -- v itr: whisper
- sastarol -- v itr: recover, get healthy
- satkajil -- v tr: weave
- savil -- v tr: bend
- sazidol -- v tr: build
- sejil -- v tr: sow, plant
- sevil -- v itr: it thunders
- si -- v cop: be
- sićhol -- v itr: learn, study
- siďarol -- v itr: hurry
- sijol -- v itr: illuminate, shine
- sikavol -- v tr: 1. show, point, indicate. 2. explain. 3. introduce so.. 4. imagine sth..
- skovil -- v tr: forge
- slabol -- v tr: relieve
- slavil -- v itr: celebrate
- šlavol -- v tr: brush, clean
- sledil -- v tr: follow
- slikol pe -- v itr: have one's portrait painted
- šlogiril -- v itr: have a stroke
- služil -- v tr: serve
- snimol -- v tr: interview
- snuždil pe -- v itr: become blue
- sortiril -- v tr: sort
- sovol -- v itr: sleep
- spidol -- v tr: 1. push. 2. press. 3. urge.
- spidol pe -- v tr: taunt
- spotaknil -- v itr: stumble
- sprečil -- v tr: prevent
- spremol -- v tr: prepare
- stegnil -- v tr: tighten
- stisnol -- v tr: squeeze
- streľil -- v tr: shoot
- strugil -- v tr: scrape
- stvoril -- v tr: create
- šućarol -- v tr: dry sth.
- šućarol pe -- v itr: dry
- šuďarol -- v tr: cool
- sudil -- v tr: judge, condemn
- šukľol -- v itr: turn sour
- sumňil -- v itr: doubt
- šuril -- v tr: dry sth.
- suvol -- v tr: knit, sew, spin
- svanil o ďes -- v phr itr: day is breaking
- švercuisarol -- v itr: work illegally, moonlightwork
- tasavol -- v tr: choke, strangle
- tasavol -- v itr: suffocate
- tatarol -- v tr: heat, warm
- teľarol -- v tr: start
- telefoniril -- v itr: phone
- thol -- v tr: 1. set, lay, seat, place, put. 2. pour. 3. add. 4. load. 5. plug. 6. wash.
- thol ando paj -- v phr tr: dip
- thol e drze -- v phr tr: pack
- thol jag -- v phr tr: set fire
- thol jekh pe avreste -- v phr tr: pack in
- thol muj -- v phr itr: shout, scream, yell
- thol o kvasco -- v phr tr: leavendough
- thol okojaring -- v phr tr: shift
- thol pe -- v itr: have a bath
- tiňol -- v itr: glow, smoulder
- tradol -- v tr: 1. drivecar etc., drivecattle …. 2. carry.
- tradol e bičova -- v tr: whip
- trajil -- v itr: live, stay, survive, experience, last
- trgujil -- v tr: trade, deal
- trošil -- v tr: spend
- trpil -- v itr: suffer
- trubul -- v tr: require, need
- trunil -- v itr: rot
- ublažil -- v tr: ease
- učharol -- v tr: cover
- ukrutil -- v tr: make stiff, stiffen
- ukrutil pe -- v itr: grow stiff
- uporedil -- v tr: compare
- upotrebil -- v tr: use
- upropastil -- v tr: ruin
- uštavol -- v tr: kick, kick open
- uštol -- v itr: stand up
- ustrelil -- v tr: shoot
- uvredil -- v tr: hurt so.
- uzbudil -- v tr: excite, annoy
- uzbudil -- v itr: be annoyed
- uzdaxnil -- v itr: sigh
- uznemiril pe -- v tr: bother
- vaćarol -- v itr: scold, curse
- vaćarol -- v tr: malign
- vagnil -- v tr: weigh
- vaspitil -- v tr: educate
- vazdol -- v tr: lift
- vazdol pe -- v itr: rise
- venčil -- v itr: marry
- vežbol -- v tr: practise
- visil -- v itr: hang
- vladil -- v tr: rule
- volil -- v tr: satisfy
- vrednol -- v itr: be worth
- vulisarol e sarma -- v phr tr: enwrap wine-/cabbage leaves, make stuffed wine-/cabbage leaves
- xaćarol -- v tr: understand, realise, feel
- xal -- v tr: eat
- xal pe -- v itr: quarrel
- xamil -- v tr: 1. knead. 2. soften sth..
- xamil pe -- v itr: soften, become soft
- xanavol -- v tr: comb
- xanavol -- v tr: bury
- xandžurdol -- v itr: itch
- xandžurdol pe -- v itr: scratch
- xaravol -- v tr: topple
- xasal -- v itr: cough
- xasardol -- v itr: get lost
- xasardol -- v tr: loose sth.
- xasarol -- v tr: lose
- xićol -- v tr: murder
- xndol -- v itr: shit
- xoľavol -- v itr: get angry
- xoľavol -- v tr: offend
- xoxavol -- v itr: lie, cheat, deceive, make fun of
- xutol -- v itr: jump
- xuvol -- v tr: sew
- zabrinol pe -- v itr: worry
- začinil o xabe -- v tr: seasonwith spices
- zagrlil -- v tr: embrace
- zajebavil pe -- v itr: joke
- zajebavil pe -- v itr: fool
- zalemil -- v tr: solder
- žalil -- v tr: regret
- žalil pe -- v itr: complain
- zaľubil pe -- v itr: fall in love
- zamenil -- v tr: replace
- zapovedil -- v tr: order
- zapretil -- v tr: threaten
- zavisil -- v tr: depend
- zbunil -- v tr: confuse
- zevil -- v itr: yawn
- zgusnil -- v itr: become thick
- značil -- v itr: matter
- znojil pe -- v itr: sweat
- zuŕarol -- v tr: strengthen, secure, determine
- žvaćil -- v tr: chew
- zviždil -- v itr: whistle
- zvonil -- v itr: ring
- zvučil -- v itr: sound