Saint Lucian Creole French

Conjugate Verbs


  • Language: Saint Lucian Creole French
  • Alternate names: Grenadian Creole French, Kwéyòl, Lesser Antillean Creole French, Patois, Patwa
  • Language code: acf
  • Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Italic, Latino-Faliscan, Latinic, Imperial Latin, Romance, Italo-Western Romance, Western Romance, Shifted Western Romance, Northwestern Shifted Romance, Gallo-Rhaetian, Langues d'oïl, Central Oil, Macro-French, Circum-Caribbean French, Lesser Antillean French Creole
  • Creole language
  • Number of speakers: 359,450.
  • Script: Latin script.

More information:


    Saint Lucian Creole French known locally as Patwa is the French-based Creole widely spoken in Saint Lucia. It is the vernacular language of the country and is spoken alongside the official language of English.

    The Saint Lucian Creole French Verb
