

  • Language: Sardinian
  • Alternate names:
  • Language code: srd
  • Language family:
  • Number of speakers: 1,200,000.
  • Script:

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    Sardinian or Sard is a Romance language spoken by the Sardinians on the Western Mediterranean island of Sardinia.

    The main variants of Common Sardinian are:

    The Sardinian Verb

    Sardinian verbs are divided into three main classes, each distinguished by a different infinitive ending (-are, -ere, or -ire).


    abbabbaluccai, abbacare, abbaccare, abbaidare, abbare, abblacare, abbrabbaluccai, abbracare, accattare, acchendere, addichere, addighere, adecuare, affogare, ammentai, ammentare, andare, arredughere, baddai, ballai, ballare, basare, benedichere, benedighere, bibere, bidere, biri, bivere, boidare, bolere, bufare, bínchere, cabaddicare, cantare, carchidare, cazziàre, cherere, chernere, chertare, chinghere, chircare, cochere, cochinare, coghere, coghinare, combinchere, comere, connoschere, convinchere, creschere, criare, cubere, cungedare, dechere, deduchere, dedughere, deghere, drommire, duchere, dughere, essere, essi, fachere, faddire, faeddare, fai, fiagare, fighere, finire, fragare, frighere, fàghere, ghelare, ghemere, ghirare, giaghere, godire, gosare, imbennere, imperàre, impreare, inchendere, inchitare, induchere, indughere, intzidare, isbirridare, iscaressere, ischire, ismenticare, isparghere, ispinghere, istratzare, isvrunciare, iudicare, jachere, jaghere, leghere, luchere, lughere, machinare, maledichere, maledighere, mandicare, mandigare, mulghere, narrere, naschere, nochere, notai, nàrrere, nòghere, occhidere, olvidare, papare, parai, paraulare, patire, pensare, petta, piachere, piaghere, pianghere, pinghere, pintai, pintare, pisciare, prachere, praghere, pranghere, predichere, predighere, produchere, produghere, proere, punghere, pòdere, querere, rasicare, reduchere, redughere, reghere, ruere, surbiri, timere, torchere, torrare, trabagliare, traduchere, tradughere, tzappare, umprere, unghere, uscrare, vasare, vinchere, vortare, àere, èssere, èsseri.
