Sardinian, Logudorese
Conjugate VerbsFacts
- Language: Sardinian, Logudorese
- Alternate names: Central Sardinian, Logudorese, Sard, Sardarese
- Language code: src
- Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Italic, Latino-Faliscan, Latinic, Imperial Latin, Romance, Southern Romance, Sardo-Corsican, Sardinian
- Number of speakers: 500000
- Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
- Script: Latin

More information:
Sardinian Logudorese is a Romance language spoken and written on the island of Sardinia (Italy). Since 1997, the island's languages have been recognized and protected by regional and national laws.
There are several written standards, most recently the Limba Sarda Comuna (Common Sardinian Language), have been created in an attempt to unify the different variants of Sardinian.
The verb
The Sardinian Logudorese' verb is conjugated in
- 3 moods: indicative, subjunctive, and imperative;
- 3 tenses: present, preterite, and imperfect;
- 2 numbers: singular and plural;
- 3 persons.
Conjugation of the Regular verb 'domare'
Indicative Present | |
Sg.1 | dɔmɔ |
Sg.2 | dɔmas |
Sg.3 | dɔmat |
Pl.1 | dɔmamus |
Pl.2 | dɔmadɛs |
Pl.3 | dɔmant |
- Holtus, Günter et al.. Lexicon der Romanistischen Linguistik. Niemeyer. Tübingen, 1989.