Conjugate VerbsFacts
- Language: Scots
- Alternate names:
- Language code: sco
- Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Germanic, Northwest Germanic, West Germanic, North Sea Germanic, Anglo-Frisian, Anglic, Later Anglic
- Dialects: Shetlandic.
- Number of speakers: 100,000 (Language use
- Vulnerability: Endangered [Read more...]
- Script:

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Difficult intelligibility among dialects. Northern Scots on the Scottish Islands is considered by some to be a different language (Shetlandic or Orcadian). Doric and Ulster are inherently intelligible to speakers, but difficulties are common in speech and writing. Lallans is the main literary dialect. Ulster Scots has its own development group. Scots is closest to English and Frisian. English is considered to be the language of education and religion. Used with family and friends. All ages. 1,500,000 speak it as second language. Dictionary. SVO; prepositions; gentivies, articles, adjectives, numerals before noun heads; relatives without noun heads; question word initial; 2 prefixes, 1 suffix; word order distinguishes subjects, objects, indirect objects, given and new information, topic and comment; affixes indicate genitive case of noun phrase; passives; comparatives; CVC; nontonal. Literacy rate in second language: 97% English. Poetry, magazines. Christian. NT 1901-1984.
a dae, a-be, a-do, aaber, ab, abaise, abase, abb, abee, abeese, aber, abir, ableeged, abraid, absteen, abstract, abuise, abuize, abund, abye, accep, accept, accommodate, accress, accuistom, acherspyre, ack, ackaduir, ackadur, ackadür, ackiespyre, ackre, acquant, acquent, acre, act, action, adae, adapt, addickit, addict, addle, address, adduce, adee, adheebit, admeenister, admeet, admire, admonish, ado, adopit, adow, adventur, adverteese, adverteeze, advertish, aesin, afaynd, affeckit, affect, affeir, affeurd, afflick, afflict, afflude, affoord, affroad, affront, affuird, ag, agae, age, agent, agg, aggl, aggle, agitate, agl, agree, agyaen, agyaun, aiccess, aich, aicht, aig, aigh, aik, ail, aint, air, airch, airn, airt, airth, ait, aitran, aizan, akkerdüir, alloo, annt, ant, apen, arena, arl, arm, awber, bab, backspeer, backspeir, bairn, bather, bauther, be, becoom, beflum, beh, behecht, belang, beld, bery, besmarten, bespeak, better, bide, big, biggen, bing, birse, birsle, birstle, bizz, blackmail, blash, blaw, bleester, blether, blikken, blouster, blume, boak, bob, boke, boo, bosie, bou, bourach, bowk, brack, brade, brainyell, brakfast, breard, breenge, breer, breest, brichten, brick, bring, brook, brouk, brousle, bruik, bud, buil, buiry, bury, buy, ca, ca canny, ca', ca' canny, caa, caad, caaed, caas, caickle, cairry, cairt, cammel, can, canker, canna, cannae, cap, carfuffle, cark, caw canny, champ, chap, chirk, chirt, chork, chowk, claught, claver, cleck, cleek, cleester, cleik, clim, clipe, clock, clour, clype, coch, coff, coggle, cognosce, cole, colf, collogue, collop, conseest, conseests, constitute, contreibute, coont, coorie, corn, corrie, coup, coup the cran, courie, cown, crine, cry, cuiter, cuittle, cum, curfuffle, dacker, dae, dae guid, daiker, dammish, dander, dar, daud, daunther, daunton, daur, daurna, daut, daver, dawt, deave, deaves, dee, deeve, dei, describe, dicht, ding, dingie, dink, dinnae, dirk, dirl, disable, disabuise, disadvise, disjune, dit, div, divna, divnae, donner, dook, douk, dover, dow, dozen, draigle, draunt, dree, dreep, drook, droon, drouk, droun, drow, dug, duik, duke, dunch, dwam, dwine, echt, eik, enfauld, ent, erd, ert, esin, est, ettle, evite, exeest, expoond, fa', faa, faik, fare, fash, fauch, faut, fear, fecht, ferly, feu, feuch, finnd, first-fit, firyat, fissle, fit, flaff, flaffer, flaucht, flauchter, flaughter, flei, flether, flichter, flird, fliss, flit, flour, follae, foond, foost, foost up, fordel, forenail, forfault, forhoo, forhooie, forleet, fornale, forspeak, forstand, foryeild, frain, frait, fre, fren, froad, froed, frood, fuck, fud, fummle, gaan, gae, gaen, gaither, gan, gang, gant, gar, gaunt, get abuin, get the flaucht, gie, gie it laldy, gill, ging, girl, gizzen, gley, glunch, gnidge, goam, gonnae no, gonnie no, gowf, gree, greet, greit, grime, grush, guddle, guesten, gyang, gype, hae, hae ane's ain tae dae, haesna, hag, haig, hail, hain, hainch, hairst, haiver, hald, hallow, hatter, haud, hauld, hause, haver, hech, hecht, heft, heuch, hev, hiddle, hing, hink, hirple, hirsel, hirsle, hobbel, hoot, hover, howf, howff, howk, howpe, hoy, huik, hurkle, ill-speak, ingive, inlaik, ir, isna, isnae, jalouse, jarg, jeuk, jirt, jouk, jow, juik, jump, justifee, justifees, justifeet, jyne, kame, keb, keek, keik, ken, kendna, kirk, kirn, kithe, klondyke, knicht, knidge, knuse, knusle, kwilk, kyemp, kyth, kyucker, lainch, laith, lamp, lap, lauch, learn, lee, lei, leuk, licht, like, lippen, lith, loup, lowp, luid, luik, luke, luve, maiden, mairch, mairry, mairy, mak, mallivoag, mane, manifest, maun, mease, meenit, mey, micht, michtna, mim, mind, ming, mirk, mirks, misliken, mitter, moop, moup, mout, mowt, muck, mun, naitran, nebour, neibour, nevel, nicher, nieve, nievel, nocht, note, now, nyurl, oul, owerset, oxter, pairt, pan, patch, pech, peer, peety, pish, pit, polis, pran, pree, preen, preif, preife, prent, prescrive, prig, pron, pruve, pushion, putt, quader, queem, raible, rake, recoont, redd, reek, rift, rin, roon, roond, roun, rump, ryke, sab, sain, sairch, sairve, sall, sark, saunt, saut, sawe, scad, scaud, scauld, scawl, schould, scone, scooder, scouk, scoup, scouther, scowder, scowp, scraich, scraigh, scraugh, scrawb, screich, screigh, scriech, scrieve, scunner, see, sei, sell, shachle, shackle, shae, shaw, shoudna, sind, skaith, skelf, skelp, skirl, skite, sklent, skraigh, skreigh, skult, sky, slap, sleek, slidder, slivver, sloken, smush, snaip, sneck, snowk, soop, soorn, souder, souk in, soun, souther, sowther, spae, spairge, spay, speak, speak a wird tae, speak back, speik, speir, splairge, splore, spraff, spraich, spring, stap, staun, stert, stey, stog, stot, stound, stow, straik, strauchten, stravaig, streek, streen, streend, streetch, stug, sugh, swallie, swee, swick, swither, taak, tae, taich, taigle, tak, tak the guid o, tarrow, thair, thank, thee, theek, think, thrang, thratch, thraw, thrimmle, thunner, tice, tire, tirl, tirls, tirr, titch, to-cleve, to-rare, to-wrye, tochange, tocome, tocum, touk, tout, towk, trachle, traik, traivel, trauchle, troddle, trot, trottle, tyne, umbedo, umbethink, unct, unnerstaund, upcast, uphaud, uprend, upstraucht, vake, veesit, wad, waff, wale, watter, wauchle, wauken, waulk, wave, weird, whaisle, whaizle, whank, whasle, what, whauk, wheenge, wheezle, whisht, wield, win abuin, winna, winnae, wird, wirk, witch, wite, withgang, worry, wow, wring, wrunkle, wud, wyte, yaff, yammer, yamph, yank, yawk, yeld, yird, yirdit, yirm, yirn, yowt, yuck.