Sorbian, Lower
Conjugate VerbsFacts
- Language: Sorbian, Lower
- Alternate names: Bas Sorabe, Delnoserbski, Lluzykie, Lower Lusatian, Lusatian, Luzycki, Niedersorbisch, Wendish
- Language code: dsb
- Language family: Indo-European, Classical Indo-European, Balto-Slavic, Slavic, West Slavic, Sorbian
- Number of speakers: 6860
- Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
- Script: Latin script.
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Road signs in Dešno (Dissen)
Lower Sorbian is a West Slavic minority language spoken in eastern Germany in the historical province of Lower Lusatia, today part of Brandenburg.
The Sorbian, Lower Verb
Sorbian verbs are conjugated in the following forms:
- Present
- Preterite
- Perfect
- Pluperfect
- Future
- Conditional
- Imperative: 2nd person singular, dual, and plural
- Participles: Present participle, Past active participle, Past passive participle
- Infinitive
- Supine
- Verbal noun
- 3 numbers: singular, dual, plural
- 3 persons: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
- Perfect, Pluperfect, and Conditional are conjugated for masculine, feminine, and neuter
běžaś, biś, bluwaś, bójaś, bóleś, braś, bydliś, chójźiś, chyliś, chytaś, cuś, cycaś, cyniś, cytaś, dawaś, dejaś, deriś, duś, dychaś, forměrowaś, formowaś, fotografěrowaś, fotografowaś, glědaś, gójś, góńtwowaś, granicowaś, graś, jěsć, kidaś, kjarmiś, klěcaś, klěkaś, klěś, kłojś, kóńcowaś, kšajaś, kšyś, kusaś, lažaś, leśeś, lězć, licyś, łojś, lubowaś, marznuś, měriś, mjelcaś, mlaś, módliś, mrěś, myś, mysliś, njasć, padaś, paliś, piś, pjac, pjelniś, planěrowaś, planowaś, plasć, pławiś, plěś, pluwaś, połniś, połožyś, póraś, powědaś, praś, proběrowaś, probowaś, pśedaś, pśěsć, pśigótowaś, pšosyś, pušćaś, pytaś, rdžaś, reagěrowaś, reagowaś, registrěrowaś, registrowaś, regulěrowaś, regulowaś, ricaś, rosć, ryś, sajźiś, sec, sednuś, śěgaś, segnuś, śěgnuś, sejźeś, skócyś, skóńcowaś, słyšaś, smjaś, snědaś, spiwaś, spóraś, stajaś, stajiś, stojaś, strowiś, stupiś, šurowaś, šyś, tkaś, tłocyś, tolerěrowaś, trěś, tśěsć, wariś, witaś, wiźeś, wjacerjaś, wjasć, wobjedowaś, wobrośiś, woglědaś, wójowaś, wołaś, wopuchnuś, wopuchowaś, wózyś, wucuś, wucyś, wuknuś, wuměraś, wumrěś, wusmjerśiś, wusmjerśowaś, źaržaś, źěłaś, źěliś, žyś.