Oh yoko

A song by John Lennon

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The verbs of this text are marked as links.

in the middle of the night
in the middle of the night i call
your name
oh yoko, oh yoko, my love will
turn you on

in the middle of the bath

in the middle of the bath i call
your name
oh yoko, oh yoko, my love will
turn you on
my love will turn you on

in the middle of a shave

in the middle of a shave i call your name
oh yoko, oh yoko, my love will
turn you on

in the middle of a dream

in the middle of a dream i call
your name
oh yoko, oh yoko, my love will
turn you on
my love will turn you on

in the middle of a cloud

in the middle of a cloud i call
your name
oh yoko, oh yoko, my love will
turn you on
my love will turn you on
oh yoko, oh yoko, my love will
turn you on
my love will turn you on