Bukusu Verblist
Bukusu verbs ordered by stem.
- xuu-a -- give out; leave off; get finished;end; cease ; stop; stand still; decline
- xuu-a -- to give; offer
- xu-xw-aa -- reap (corn); pluck; pick (fruit; vegetables)
- xuu-aa; aana; anwa -- give alms; tip
- xu- xw-aaka -- dig land; to hoe
- xu-xw-aakaanana -- meet; go out to meet; collect a p.
- xuu-aana -- pass s.th. to a p. (give e.o.); to lend
- xu-xw-aana -- give to e.o.; offer e.o.; rewardv.; show beneficience in marriage
- xu-xw-aana -- weep (w. voice); cry; wail; keep on crying(as baby or goat); miaul; squeak; scream (w. terror or sorrow).
- xu-xw-aara -- (possib.=ALA; scrape; shave etc.); peel (withknife).
- xuu-aas(i) -- (stem AASI; below); skin
- xuu-aasa; elesya; ana -- give
- xuu-abaaba(ka) -- grope
- xu- xw-abalila -- clasp (to breast); carry (child at side)
- xuu-abixa -- put on load (on head); crown; clothe and decorate circumcision boys or brides.
- xu-xw-abula -- to split; divide
- xu-xw-abulamo -- halve
- xuu-acilisya -- to convince sb. to do sth. ; to urge; to goad
- xu- xw-afula -- crawl (also of small children); creep (e.g.ants)
- xu-xw-ailisya -- care (good care)
- xuu-aka -- to be too big to fit
- xu-xw-akaanila -- (see AKANA?)
- xu-xw-akaanila -- sing chorus (see prec.).
- xu-xw-akaanila (-akanisya) -- to attend; to serve. to receive (a visitor)(also said of pregnant women); welcome
- xu-xw-akaanisya -- deliver; hand over.
- xuu-akala -- file (with a file); sharpen; grind (knife;usu. on stone)
- xu-xw-akala -- to itch ; to scratch; scrape; grate
- xu-xw-akama -- cease; come to an end; stop; stop short at;reach the limit of (all ).
- xu-xw-akama-yo -- be last; to remain (there)
- xu-xw-akamisya; (akam¯a) -- (see AKAMA) cease; end; leave; limit; stop(all ); avoid doing (akam¯a; cause to cease; etc.)
- xuu-akana -- be equal; the same
- xuu-akana -- to be equal
- akana (? prob.= akanila) -- receive;conceive; become pregnant
- xuu-akasya -- (conn.w. XANGU-; ANGU-); go quickly; hurry; do quickly ; quick! .
- xu-xw-akila -- to weed
- xu-xw-akilisa -- force
- xu-xw-akixa -- force
- ala -- thumb
- xu- xw-ala -- spread (cloth or sheet); abound
- xu- xw-alaama -- creep (e.g. plants; snail)
- xuu-alaca -- sob
- xuu-alala -- to become rough
- xu- xw-alisya -- cause to spread; (of a p.) cause to lie down (cf. -ALA spread)
- xuu-alixa -- to cook
- xu- xw-alula -- hatch (eggs); remove (take out to airterminate mourning) (cf. -ALA spread)
- xu-xw-ama -- bear fruit; become plentiful .
- xu-xw-ama -- come from
- xu-xw-ama -- (prep.) from ; since.
- xuu-amba amba -- soil; make dirty by handling;tamper with
- xuu-amba mu-mbala -- determine; be determined (lit. to feel; touch inside the scar)
- xuu-ambana -- cooperate; unite
- xu-xw-ambulisya -- doubt
- xu-xw-ambusya -- carry across.
- xu-xw-ambuxa -- go across (e.g.; a river or swamp); cross over
- xuu-ambwa ne bu-lwale -- (cf. AMBA); to catch a disease
- ami -- become chief (Sw. TUTUKA; become glorious;-exalted ?)
- xu- xw-amiisya -- obtain; be given
- xu-xw-ana -- cry (baby; young goat); yelp; squeak;yell continuously
- xu-xw-ana -- to bear fruit
- anda -- also: find difficult; be troubled; have trouble.
- anda -- become hard; harden ; become tough; stiffen (arms; legs); freeze (become wet and cold; of p.); become difficult;recover strength ; be/ stand firm; be steadfast; refuse
- xuu-anda -- get stuck (e.g. car in mud; cork in bottle; etc.)
- xuu-andalala -- be bold; to harden; be brave; stand firm
- xu-xw-andalasya -- (causative of ANDALALA) stiffen ; encourage be determined ; insist ; be sure .
- xu- xw-andalisyana -- quarrel furiously CHECK
- xu- xw-andaluxa -- quarrel furiously CHECK
- andu -- scrape out
- xuu-anga -- (mwiiangilwe : noon; at noon (12-2p.m.);
- xuu-anga -- to die in mass
- xuu-angala -- to mature
- xu-xw-angala; xuu- nyoola -- glean; sort out; find somebody's lost possession
- angu -- be light (not heavy))
- xu-xw-anixa -- swarm (cf. ANIXILA).
- xu-xw-anixa; anixila -- expose; hang in the sun; spread out in sun to air; air (clothes)
- xu- xw-anja -- lead into trouble
- xu-xw-anjulula -- spread (books on table; coffee beans to dry); multiply (have many children).
- xuu-anula -- to buy (off the shelf; as is)
- xuu-anuxa -- fall (from high).
- xuu-anya -- (cf. ANYA; pile up); pour out (and away); throwaway (liquid); throw up (e. g. earth; like a dog)
- xuu-anya -- splash away; throw away (of water or sand )
- xuu-anyuxa -- (pass. of ANYA); spill ; be spilled.
- xu- xw-ara -- break ; cleave; cut open; split
- xuu-arakara -- scrape off
- xu-xw-arura -- maul
- xu-xw-asaaka -- split; cut and chop firewood.
- xu-xw-asama -- open one's mouth
- xu- xw-asimula -- sneeze
- xuu-ata -- break through (and out)
- xu-xw-atixa -- be breakable; break sth.; be cracked
- xu-xw-atixa -- emigrate; be evacuated; flee
- xu-xw-aula -- separate; get dowry
- xuu-axa -- smear ; rub (e.g. oil on body); paint (smear orcover with paint or mud); wash and oil a girl before marriage
- xuu-aya -- drive (in hunting); hunt by surrounding and driving into a trap
- xu-xw-aya -- to graze; to herd.
- aya ? -- be careful; be accurate (in work)
- xuu-ayilila -- go quickly; hurry; to be late; be delayed
- xu-xw-ayilisya -- look after; take care of repeatedly (animal;child; thing)
- xu-xw-ayisya -- (to cause to) herd ; graze
- xuu-ba -- become
- xuu-ba -- (tenses LI; BEELE); be
- xu-xw-ba -- --
- xuu-ba(a) ka -- flay ; strip off (skin).
- xuu-baaka -- to skin
- xu- xw- baasilya -- (cf. BA(A)SYA); suspect
- xuu-bala -- count
- xuu-balakala -- dry (with a cloth)
- xuu-balayisya -- broaden; widen (e.g. road); enlarge (pot in mounding); extend (enclosure; house)
- xuu-balila-xo(.o/mo) -- include.
- xuu-balilila -- calculate.
- xuu-balula -- peel ; shell (nuts; beans from pod etc.);strip (maize; grains)
- xuu-bamba -- expand; crucify
- xuu-bambula -- open (book) (cf. xuu-simbula; xuu-bimbula)
- xuu-bambulula -- expand ; open (book; roll of cloth);leave open; spread (cloth or sheet); unfold; unroll (mat).
- xuu-bambuxa (-bambula) -- get blistered; get peeled off
- xuu-banja -- demand
- xuu-banula -- put on armour.
- xuu-basa -- bloom ; blossom ; flower ; bud
- xuu-basa -- hammer on ; forge (smith); gibe (at); jest
- xuu-basana -- (cf. BASA ); spit in hands when starting a fight; intertwine
- xuu-basula -- to split
- xuu-basuxa -- get blistered (cf. BASA)
- xuu-batisya -- baptize; christen v.
- xuu-baya -- tame; move about; walk about; play
- xuu-bea -- cheat; deceive; lie; tell a lie
- xuu-beeca -- carve out (e.g. stool from log); carpenter
- xuu-beeca -- sympathize
- xuu-beecakala -- belch
- xuu-beecuxa; mesuxa -- -BEECULA; chip
- xuu-beela -- accomodate; favour; aid ; help; assist ; absolve (grievous offense) pardon; absolve; acquit; forgive; pardon; excuse
- xuu-beela -- due to...
- xuu-beka -- cut hair; shear; shave (beard; head); smooth (with spatula);
- xuu-beleesya -- (< -LEASA); disturb; annoy.
- xuu-belekea -- be cunning
- xuu-belelela -- become continuous
- xuu-bera -- mow; cut down
- xuu-besema -- be brown; be red (crimson; scarlet).
- xuu-besemaka -- (BESEMAXA? cf. prec.) ; be pale; lookpale.
- xuu-beya -- marry
- xuu-biila -- > BIILA ; dislike; hate; abhor; treat harshly (cf. xuu-xila; 'treat')
- xuu-biita -- bless; advise
- xuu-biixa -- keep
- xuu-bikiya -- be restless; wander (as a hen does when it wants to lay an egg)
- xuu-bila -- get warm; become sharp (knife; i.e. hot fromgrinding) boil
- xuu-bilila -- forget; neglect . Also BILILA
- xuu-bilisya; bisya -- sharpen (on stone;make very sharp and hot)
- xuu-bimba -- bulge ; be enlarged; swell up
- xuu-bimba -- (prob. = BIMBA); cover (child asleep; anthills toget ants etc.); cover up
- xuu-bimbula -- (cf. xuu-bimba; xuu-simbula; xuu-bambula); open (eyes; for 1st time; like pup); open (book)
- xuu-bina -- prowl
- xuu-binda -- make a thudding sound;
- bira -- to undergo
- xuu-bira -- to pass
- xuu-birana -- to disagree; to make a cross (w/ both arms)
- xuu-birang'ana -- send from one place to another (invain).
- xuu-birang'ana -- to criss-cross
- xuu-birila; birira -- go past ; pass (by)
- xuu-birilila -- exaggerate; be/do too much; exceed;become superfluous; be (the) most; surpass; treat harshly ; hate; oppress; exceed
- xuu-bisya -- winnow (separate seed from chaff)
- xuu-bixa -- keep
- xuu-biya -- wash baby's bottom and put on clean napkin
- xuu-biyisya (-bi.isya) -- blame; criticize
- xuu-boelela -- (cf. xuu-boa); twist; tie repeatedly
- xuu-boka-boka -- walk dizzily
- xuu-bola -- decay ; rot
- xuu-bomba -- decrease ; become scarce; fall short; become thin scarcity
- xuu-bombesya -- cf. BOMBA); decrease; diminish;reduce; deduct t.)
- xuu-bona -- see; look at; feel; taste; find
- xuu-bona -- show ; point out
- xuu-bonesya -- (cf. BONA); display
- xuu-bonexana -- be seen
- xuu-bonga -- droop
- xuu-bongita -- (cf. BONGA); feel faint ("droop")
- xuu-booca -- peck
- xuu-boofuisya -- thicken
- xuu-boola -- be about to calf (of a cow)
- xuu-boola -- inform of; mention; tell tales about; report; narrate
- xuu-boolelela -- warn; tell
- xuu-boolelesya -- spread rumours; tell tales; worship ; praise
- xuu-boolesya -- recommend
- xuu-booxa -- moulder
- xuu-borabora (-mbora-mbora) -- handle ; soil (by handling);tamper with (= xuu-ROBA-ROBA : get ripe).
- xuu-boranisya -- roll
- xuu-borola; borora -- (cf. BORA); twist (rope of one string); plait (fibre); have indigestion.
- xuu-boroxa -- (cf. BORA); be damaged; be crooked(also of human character)
- xuu-bosya -- XX embolela ; fertilize; manure
- xuu-botooxa -- go around
- xuu-boya -- to make curdle; to make a liquid solidify
- buka -- decline (of sunlight); stumble (walk with uncertainsteps)
- xuu-buka -- go round; walk about aimlessly
- xuu-bukula -- take; be uneasy; rob
- xuu-bukurana; urukurana -- do s.th. in a hurry (w. connotation ofconfusion).
- xuu-bula (xu-xwo-bula) -- peel (by hand)
- xuu-buluxuma -- roar (lion)
- xuu-bulyungula -- crumble
- xuu-bun¯a -- massacre; BUNA: exterminate.
- xuu-buna -- (cf. FWA; die); vanish; disappear ; die (Masaba: xuu-FULA)
- xuu-buna -- to die off
- xuu-bunga -- keep (for future use); put away (crops)for future use
- xuu-burusya -- (cf. -AMBIA;) kindle (fire) ; causeto flare up (fire)
- xuu-buruxa -- blaze; kindle; light (lamp); light and fan a fire; cause to flare up (fire)
- xuu-buruxa -- (cf. ABURUXA); shine and burn (of fire only ).
- xuu-buruxa -- shine (sun)
- xu-xu-buruxa -- (N; C);blaze ; shine and burn; flash (of lightning; the flash itself invisible)
- busa -- premature
- busa -- to fast
- xuu-busyana -- (cf. prec.); shrink
- xuu-buta -- pick out; pick fruits (only one or two) ;pick fruit
- xuu-buuca -- roar (bull; lion).
- buula -- find; discover
- buula -- to reveal for
- xuu-buula -- = BULILILA?) disclose secrets; tell tales; reveal; warn; mention ; declare; guess; be unreliable (Masaba: xuu- lehula)
- xuu-buunga -- save up; keep; put in a store.
- xuu-buusya -- call together; gather ; collect; accumulate;pile (up)
- xuu-buya -- to toil; to be raring to go
- xuu-buyila -- exaggerate
- xuu-bwaasula -- to split
- xuu-bwana -- blow a fire; make fire .
- xuu-bwara -- maul.
- xuu-bwata -- (=BWARA? see prec.); maul.
- xuu-byala -- to plant
- xuu-ca -- move ; go
- xuu-caama -- to betray
- xuu-caata; alilisya -- catch water; when it rains (cf.ALA) (Masaba: xuu- syatilisya)
- xuu-cala -- to prick; to bleed sth.
- xuu-canjama -- to taste
- xuu-canua -- comb
- xuu-canya -- spit
- xuu-casa -- using sparks (cf. cin- jaso) to burn bees and take honey
- xuu-cebelesya -- imagine.
- xuu-cema -xo -- (cf. -xuu-cama-xo ; -xuu-canjama-xo); try
- xuu-cexa (-sexa) -- to laugh
- ciina -- have indigestion
- ciina -- have pain; hurt
- ciina -- headache
- ciina -- hurt
- xuu-cilila -- aim (at)
- xuu-cililila -- to continue; to go ahead
- xuu-cina -- spit ; mock by spitting; ridicule by spitting; shout for help (=-SINA?); to gleak
- xuu-ciririsya -- spring up (waterin a spring); well up; spring a leak (Masaba: xuu- nyisila)
- xuu-ciucunga; cucunga; cicunga -- (-CICUNGA ; back formation?); sift
- coa -- adopt (a child); bring up
- xuu-coa -- grow up
- xuu-cooxa -- scour; go mad (gun)
- xuu-cuba -- damn ; curse a p. in his absence) (Ga. xuu- xolima)
- xuu-cukuca -- (= CUXUCA? See CUXA)
- xuu-cula -- fill
- xuu-cunga -- (cf. Sw. ZUNGUA; turn round and round); pound
- cuunjusi -- lurk; escape
- cuxa -- pay tax
- cuxa -- pour into (out of ...)
- cuxa -- pour out (and away)
- cuxa -- pour out (and away)
- xuu-cuxa -- pour (in); urinate
- xuu-cuxaxo -- lay a burden on (animal; boat; truck) (lit. pour onto) (Masaba: CUXISA)
- xu-xw-e.ika; eka; ika -- to learn
- xuu-eecela -- pant
- xuu-eela -- breathe
- xuu-eesa -- ((rain).
- xuu-eeyana -- (EYA; sweep; cf. similar metaphorsin Eur. languages); commit adultery
- xu- xw-ekoomba -- admire; show admiration; covet; desire ; crave
- xuu-ela -- to die as a group; in mass
- xuu-elekesya -- go to toilet (lit. escort o.s.)
- xuu-elesya -- give out
- xuu-engela; ecela; eela -- cool down ; become calm
- xu-xw-enula -- laugh; scream with laughter (esp. women).
- xu-xw-enya -- need ; penetrate (cf. ENI) ; move aside (people; tall grass etc.)
- xuu-esa -- tell tales about a p.; praise .
- xuu-esya -- destroy; massacre
- xu-xw-eya -- (cf. EYA; YEEYA); dust; wipe (w. dry cloth e.g.blackboard); sweep
- xuu-fua -- to be blunt.
- xuu-fua; bwana -- blow (of wind; with mouth e.g. on flute);whistle ; blow a fire .
- xuu-fuba -- cook halfway; to be stunted (in growth)
- xuu-fucakilisya -- shower ; spit continuously
- xuu-fuka -- to mash
- xuu-fuka -- to sound
- fukiilila -- disagree
- xuu-fukiilila -- answer (orally)
- fukililwa -- be agreeable; be agreed; agreement
- xuu-fukilisya -- agree (with); allow
- xuu-fulama; sii-kama -- kneel like a muslim when praying
- xuu-fuluka -- stir
- xuu-fulula -- scorch; in food prep.; to burn the hairs off and slowly roast
- xuu-fululuxa -- scorch; be scorched
- xuu-fuma -- become famous (rare).
- xuu-fuma -- become prominent; become famous;(be prominent); insult
- fumba -- be crooked (tree; human body; attitude; character etc.)
- fumba -- fold ; bend
- fumba -- zigzag (like tree growing zigzag)
- xuu-fumba(a)la; fumbaara -- clenched fist
- xuu-fumbaka -- roll (prob. conn. w. foll.)
- xuu-fumbusya -- take by surprise (come upon animal and make it run) ; funduula: widen (e.g. pot in moulding or a road) .
- funa -- get engaged (haggle with girl's fatherby breaking sticks; each stick standing for one head of cattle to be givenfor the bride)
- xuu-funa -- break; snap (e.g. branch of wood)
- xuu-funa -- (prob. conn. w. prec.); harvest (any cropexcept finely grained ones); reap (corn)
- xuu-fundixa -- fasten by tying
- xuu-funga -- lock
- xuu-funja -- to break; to change
- xuu-funula -- (cf. FUUNIXA); uncover
- xuu-funya; kunya -- fold (Masaba: FONYA) (Sw. KUNJA)
- xuu-fusa -- (conn. w. prec.?); extinguish.
- xuu-fuua -- inflate; pump a tyre; spray
- xuu-fuuca -- to spit
- xuu-fuucakala -- drizzle; LAKALA: rain (to fall).
- xuu-fuula -- undress
- xuu-fuuma -- cover
- xuu-fuuma -- filter; strain
- xuu-fuungula -- unlock
- xuu-fuunixa -- (cf. FUNDI-); put upside down
- xuu-fwaanana -- xuu-FAANANA ; be alike
- xuu-fwala -- wear; put on clothes; dress
- xuu-fwela -- move like mist; roil
- xuu-fwi -- hunt; shoot
- xuu-fwiila (-fiilwa) -- lose ; suffer aloss; make no profit
- xu-xw--i -baasya -- deem; think; imagine; suppose; meditate
- xu-xw-i- beena -- bleed
- xu-xw--i -bera; xuu-bera -- move aside (people; tall grass etc.); make a(one's) way through a crowd; clear (bush) ; cut (grass)B
- xu-xw-i- boolelesya -- rumor-mongering; tattling
- xu-xw-i- bu(u) lila -- lurk; lie in ambush
- xu-xw-i- bula -- give birth
- xu-xw-i- buuya -- to make (a fire) smoke profusely
- xu- xw-i- ciinjiina -- giggle
- xu- xw-i- cusya -- fill
- xu-xw-i- embelela -- (cf. prec.); be uneasy; be upset; worryv.i.; be worried; be miserable (= XX ).
- xu-xw-i- kala(o) -- close; shut (door; box)
- xu-xw-i- kana- kana -- doubt; hesitate; be uncertain in one's mind
- xu-xw-i- kela -- become; become clear
- xu-xw-i- kelesya -- feed fire
- i- kisa -- hide conceal o.s. (cf. xu- xw- i- xinga)
- xu-xw-i- konjelela -- beseech; implore
- xu- xw-i- koomba -- wish ; long for; desire ; covet; crave; admire; show admiration; be attracted; feel attracted
- xu-xw-i- koopa -- (Sw. KOPA ); borrow
- xu-xw-i- kula(o) -- open (box; door)
- xu- xw-i- kuluunya -- complaint (cf. xu- xw- i- luung'uunya)
- xu- xw-i- labula -- to get dark; to become night; to be dusk
- xu- xw-i- labulila -- be belated
- xu-xw-i- lola -- be conceited; be vain; be a hypocrite
- xu-xw-i- luula -- smear house w. mud or dung (2nd; 3rd time); repeat (for purpose of refinement)
- xu- xw-i- luung'uunya -- nag
- xu- xw-i- lwaca -- (conn.w. ACUA; shout?); preach
- xu- xw-i- nama -- bend oneself
- i- nukuluxa -- to cause to get dissolved
- xu- xw- i- nukuluxa -- to get dissolved
- xu-xw-i- nyaa -- be glad; be gay ; play (cf. xu- xw- i- xoya)
- xu-xw-i- nyenya -- smoulder
- xu-xw-i- nyoxa -- wake (up) ; get up
- xu- xw-i- ruca -- dig land/weed for second time
- xu- xw-i- saa -- dress up; do body make up
- xu- xw-i- saaba -- pour (out); urinate
- xu- xw-i- sinduxa -- be horrified (cf. Sw. SHINDIKA; be overcome)
- xu- xw-i- sonya -- (Sw. SONONA); be sorry; regret
- xu- xw-i- tuuxa -- evaporate
- xu- xw-i- xala -- sit
- xu- xw-i- xaliilixa -- (cf. XALA) persevere; bear; endure ;resist
- xu- xw-i- xana -- to threaten
- xu-xw-i- xebuxa -- to look back
- xu- xw-i- xenya -- moan (subdued as when lifting something heavy)
- xu- xw-i- xiinga -- avoid; protect oneself; avoid on magical grounds
- xu- xw-i- xolelesya -- be busy (lit. to encourage one to do things repeatedly)
- xu- xw-i- xoya -- be glad; be gay; be joyful; rejoice
- xu-xwi- yakala -- to scratch oneself
- xu- xw-i- yanga -- to take it upon oneself to do what is seen to be difficult to do
- xu-xw-i- yikina -- be reliable
- xu- xw-iba -- steal
- xu- xw-ibasya -- think over
- xu-xwi-ibeela (beela) -- defend; help a p. introuble.
- xu- xw-iiluula -- to refine
- xu- xw-iinixa -- dissolve (e.g.; put sugar in water)
- xu- xw-iira -- to kill
- iixa -- to put down; unload
- ika -- be uneven; compete
- ika -- cripple; limp; hobble (C: on one occasion only).
- xu-xw-ikula -- open (book)
- xu- xw-ima -- stand (up); rise; get up; stop
- xu-xw-imba -- to sing
- xu-xw-imunya -- rest
- xu-xw-ipalixa -- faint ; be unconscious
- xuu-isinduxa -- exclaim.
- xu-xw-ixula -- remove the handle of a light object (eg; a hoe)
- xuu-iyikina -- (See foll.); communion
- xuu-kaama -- catch ; get hold of; seize
- xuu-kaambila -- advise; give instructions; command ; warn (Masaba: xuu- lehula)
- xuu-kaambuusya -- to mimick a p.'s words
- xuu-kaba -- divide; share (divide); distribute; supply
- xuu-kabula -- differentiate (between); divide; separate;sort out; sob B(?)
- xuu-kabuxa -- diverge
- xuu-kabuxan¯a -- compare; differentiate (between);distinguish
- xuu-kacula -- chat
- xuu-kakula -- (Sw. chakula; s.th. to eat); break (the) fast;breakfast
- xuu-kaliisya -- enlarge (quantity; size); increase
- xuu-kalikana -- to complicate
- xuu-kalusya -- interpret; convert ; adopt
- xuu-kama -- aid ; assist; help a p. out in trouble; defend in fight or war; add (eg. beer or hot water to a beer-pot)
- xuu-kana -- wish ; want; require; desire; love; like; be fondof
- xuu-kanga -- treat (medically); bewitch; nurse (look after the sick)
- xuu-kangulula -- release; undo (a knot); unfasten a cow or cattle (cf. ABULA; KABULA).
- xuu-kangulula -- undo; untie; unfasten; unscrew; unwrap;release .
- xuu-kanila -- (cf. KANA); "love" (win a wife) forsomebody else
- kanixa -- describe
- xuu-kanixa -- speak (also: speak a language); talk; chat;pronounce; discuss ; disclose secrets (telltales)
- xuu-kanjuluxa -- unfold; open up (flowers; mushrooms)
- xuu-kaya -- separate ; settle (a dispute); deem; judge v. (cf. KAI).
- xuu-keenga -- peep ; overhaul v
- xuu-keka -- be pregnant (of cows only)
- xuu-keka -- to harvest a banana
- xuu-kela -- measure; examine (in school); imagine; think
- xuu-keleesya -- educate; teach; train
- xuu-keleesya -- imitate a p.'s speech (cf. en- gelyengelye )
- kelekela -- be taught; listen to; learn
- xuu-kelekela -- educate; teach; train
- xuu-kelexasya -- pile (up)
- xuu-kelula -- to turn; to exclude; ostracize
- xuu-keniya -- visit
- xuu-kesa -- harvest (millet; oats; rice etc.); reap (corn)
- xuu-kesemulila -- sweat ; perspire
- xuu-kesiya -- be clever
- xuu-keta -- filter ; strain
- kililila; cililila -- improve
- xuu-kisa -- conceal; hide
- kobola -- compensate
- kobola -- repeat
- kobola -- send (bring) back
- kobola -- stop a p. oranimal from going further; cause a.p. or animal to return
- xuu-kobola -- return (come back)
- xuu-kolola -- straighten; "press" = iron (clothes) .
- xuu-kona -- sleep (lit. lie down); be asleep
- xuu-koosya -- treat well; love
- xuu- kopa -- (Eng. COPY) imitate (cf. xuu- lolelaxo)
- xuu-kora -- be (become) very old; reach great age
- xuu-kora -- lose one's way; get lost (p. or th.); disappear; go astray
- xuu-kota-kota -- cf. Sw. KOTA; bend; crook); zig-zag (like tree; road)
- xuu-koya -- brew
- xuu-kubosyana -- teach; educate; train
- xuu-kucumbula -- rinse (e.g.; glass; mouth pot; etc.)
- xuu-kukuma -- (Sw. GUGUMIA; stutter); to thunder; stammer; stutter
- xuu-kukuula -- call out; cry out in fear; scream(w. terror; crying; weeping); shout for help
- kula -- barter ; bargain
- xuu-kula -- to buy
- xuu-kulula -- stir (thin food; porridge); mash with water
- xuu-kulungusya -- to cook (e.g.; mashing cornmeal)
- xuu-kungulusya -- to make metal rattling noise
- xuu-kusa -- pull (with a jerk)
- kuta -- to gossip; to rumor-monger; to slander sb. who is slandering sb. (chain of tattling)
- xuu-kuta -- slander ; speak ill of; backbite; gossip about sb.
- kuuka -- become grandfather; reach the age ofgrandfather.
- xuu-kuukumuxa -- to crunch on; to make crunching sound
- xuu-kuula -- put poles of roof on; to roof (a house)
- xuu-kuula -- to thunder
- xuu-kuunguunya -- nag
- xuu-kuunya -- to pound
- kuura -- be (the) best
- kuura -- prefer s.th. to s.th.else
- xuu-kuura -- beat; defeat
- kuxu -- moldy
- kwa -- fall down (child; old p.); fall into hole
- kwa -- go mad; become crazy
- xuu-kwa -- fall ; go down; come down; fail an examination;land or crash (of plane)
- xuu-kwara -- become pregnant
- xuu-kwiisya -- shed leaves or feathers (cf. xuu-lakasya)
- xuu-kwila -- seize; catch (animal; disease)
- la -- to go back at; return at
- la -- to go back onto; to take the place of (thus; take over; inherit)
- la -- to repeat; to return
- la.a -- praise God
- xuu-la.a -- cheer; applaud; cheer up ; encourage
- xuu-laama -- (conn.w. prec.?); bequeath; cuss; swear; curse
- laambo -- lie flat on the ground
- laambo -- to sit with legs straight
- xuu-laanga -- call; give name; name a child; invite
- xuu-laanya -- to graze animals (in the evening; after they have rested)
- xuu-laba -- to get ripe
- xuu-laca -- whip
- laka -- command
- laka -- guarantee ; promise
- xuu-laka -- command; direct
- xuu-laka -- show
- xuu-lakasya -- shed (cf. xuu- kwiisya)
- xuu-lakula -- (cf. LAKA); predict; prophecise
- a- bu-lala -- + verb stem ; maybe; perhaps
- xuu-lala -- get burnt (of food)
- lalila -- go mad; become crazy
- xuu-lalila -- wonder
- lamu -- to become alive
- xuu-langilila -- become clear ; be hollow; be surprised; (cf. ANGA).
- xuu- langilila -- be thinly covered; be hollow (cf. -waanga)
- xuu-lara; rara -- hoe; to be pricked by hair (as in wool clothing; or hairy plants)
- xuu-lasa -- shoot
- xuu-lata -- castrate
- le.a -- lengthen; deepen
- xuu-le.a -- (cf. LEI; height); be tall; to grow tall; or long
- leba -- accelerate oneself
- xuu-leba -- to push forcefully; push a p. in anger; push violently
- xuu-leendaala -- lose consciousness
- leengaala -- to show signs of wateriness; appear heavy with water (as with clouds about to rain or eyes about to cry)
- leera; reera -- be the cause of; cause (v.) to...
- xuu-leera; reera -- -LERELA; bring; fetch; lay (eggs); see also LEELA; (cf. Sw. TELEA; come down; TELEZA; cause to come down;be slippery; slip; slide; fall)
- leexaana -- compare ; measure (length; quantity)
- xuu-leexaana -- equal
- leka -- feel centempt for (cf. een- dekeelesi; een- dekeelesyo)
- leka -- feel contempt for
- lela -- to nurse; take care of oneself (lit. to hold oneself in one's lap)
- xuu-lela -- give birth; bear a child; have baby on lap; rursev. (look after baby (= Sw. LEA)); bring up (cf. REELA; lay eggs)
- xuu-leleca -- hang down (e.g.Of bananas) (see reela)
- leme -- deform ; cripple
- leme -- (Sw. LEMAA); be deformed; be(come) lame; become a cripple; limp; hobble
- xuu-lenga -- to fill sth. to the brim
- xuu-lenga-lenga -- to dangle while heavy with water (said of clouds)
- xuu-lenya -- moan (subdued; as when lifting something heavy).
- lexa -- allow; discharge (from a duty); abandon; forsake;neglect ; omit; leave behind; leave off; retire
- lexa -- divorce e.o. (lit. to leave e.o.)
- lexa -- to be left (by sth.); to be abandoned
- lexuula -- lead into (trouble)
- xuu-lexuula -- (cf. LEXA); dismiss; release; set free
- xuu-liaasa (xu-xwi-liaaca) -- revenge (somebody)
- liimba -- develop
- xuu-likiinana -- (= KALIIKANA ; -LIKA -LIKANASYA) complicate oneself
- xuu-likilana -- (cf. KILI; delirium); do s.th. in a hurry (w. conn. of confusion).
- xuu-likirana -- prob.-LIKILANA; cf. KILI; delirium); be in adelirium.
- xuu-likisa -- hiccup
- xuu-likusa (-lukusa) -- trouble a p.
- lila -- be homesick
- lila -- fulfill
- lila -- increase ; inherit
- lila -- repeat ; sing chorus
- lila -- shed tears
- xuu-lila -- weep (without voice); keep on crying (animals);mourn; complain
- lima -- plough (w. oxen)
- xuu-lima -- dig ; plough ; cultivate (land)
- linda -- abide (with); wait (for); keep watch; guard; protect;shield ; attend upon
- lindi -- keep
- lindi -- loiter (proceed slowly).
- xuu-lita -- harden; coagulate; stiffen ; congeal (as oil);clot
- loba -- hook ; angle ; catch fish (with angle)
- loba -- insist on
- loba -- objection
- loba -- refuse firmly
- xuu-loba -- object ; refuse ; refusal ; mutiny
- xuu-loka -- bewitch; prowl; be malicious
- xuu-lolelaxo -- to copy; imitate (cf. xuu-kopa)
- xuu-lolelela -- gaze; look at one place ;be in charge; organize
- loma -- chat
- loma -- chat ; chatter; sing a chorus; complain again and again ; borrow
- loma -- chatter
- loma -- complain
- loma -- mutter (='complain to o.s.')
- loma -- quarrel
- loma -- scold; reproach
- xuu-loma -- speak (also: speak a language); say; tell
- xuu-lomba -- beg; request (also:"thank God")
- xuu-londelela -- follow
- xuu-loora -- (cf. LO; sleep); dream
- loosela -- continue; proceed; maintain; keep following
- loosela -- follow (as in birth order)
- loosela -- further(-more)
- loosela -- give extra
- xuu-loosya -- explain
- xuu-lu.a -- become weary; tired; exhausted; sour (in fermentation)
- xuu-luka; ruka -- plait (basket); weave (mats; baskets; rope) (cf. xuu-suuka)
- luku -- have trouble; be troubled
- xuu-lula -- ferment ; become sour (in fermentation).
- xuu-luma -- bite (of insect)
- lumaka -- ache ; hurt
- lumaka -- stammer; stutter
- xuu-lumba -- (cf. PA; strike; beat); attack
- xuu-lungi(li) sya -- to straighten; to do in a straight fashion; streamlined
- xuu-lusya; rusya -- vomit; take out
- xuu-luungilila -- (Sw. TUNGULILA?; be depressed); look at one place; stare
- xuu-luungilila -- to go straight
- xuu- luung'uunya -- (Masaba: xu-xw-i-ng'ulu- ng'unya )
- xuu-lwaala -- to be ill; sick
- xuu-lya -- eat; consume; overcharge (cheat); used fig. for severalunpleasant experiences
- xuu-lyuta -- --
- xuu-maala -- (conn.w. prec.?); smear (w. mud or dung); putmud or dung on house (lst time).
- xuu-maara -- multiply (of living beings).
- xuu-makarara -- walk proudly
- mala -- be enough (?); complete ; finish
- mala -- discourage (lit.: remove(finish) a p.'s energy)
- mali -- blacken ; be(come) black
- mali -- darken ; become dark;become dirty (cf. xuu-malya below)
- mali -- darken ; blacken ; defile; make dirty
- manya -- be ignorant
- manya -- know; get to know; understand (also of a language);comprehend
- manya -- know how to ...
- manya -- pride
- xuu-mara -- to multiply
- xuu-mbaxa -- (cf. -OMBEXA); build; construct
- xuu-mbi a- -- shortly; soon;near adv.; nearly
- xuu-mboka -- wink (as sleepy p.); show admiration to a girl (by boy)
- xuu-meela -- prec.?); get drunk
- xuu-meema -- carry (child on back); id. (at side)
- mela -- dazzle
- xuu-mema -- become sharp
- menyu -- inhabit; reside at; live at (a place)
- menyu -- settle (in a country); dwell (live); last long (ofliving things); be permanent S
- xuu-mesa -- (cf. MELA); beckon
- xuu-miica -- sow ; broadcast
- miina -- shove aside (people; tall grass etc.); force one's way into
- xuu-miinyaala -- parallel form MIINY-; mostly for the sense of 'deaf'); be dumb; be deaf
- mika -- hang o.s.; commit suicide
- xuu-mika -- strangle
- xuu-mila -- swallow
- mili.a -- to clean
- xuu-mili.a -- shine (polished things; oiled skin etc.)
- xuu-milixa -- dissolve (as salt)(= become clear)
- milixa? -- control ; check
- milixa? -- elbow one's way through a crowd
- milixa? -- wipe; clean (with cloth); smooth ;renew; beautify; make beautiful
- xuu-mimikana -- (xuu- mimikila)stammer; stutter.
- mina -- be squeezed (in a crowd)
- mina -- squeeze e.o.
- xuu-mina -- squeeze; press (on) ; press to the ground (e.g.as mother a naughty child; a lion its prey); mold (matoke paste on plate)
- xuu-minwa -- brink; brim (of precipice; of glass).
- xuu-minya -- surpass (general term); exceed (Masaba: minyisa)
- xuu-miryoxa -- get wet; get soaked.
- xuu-moca -- --
- xuu-moka -- covet; open eyes
- xuu-mokina -- castrate
- moola -- to stalk; to walk stealthily
- xuu-moola -- loiter (hang around); creep (e.g.plants) ; crawl (also of small children)
- moonya -- mysterious (lit.: "of whispering")
- moonya -- to drizzle
- moonya -- whisper
- xuu-moonya -- speak softly
- xuu-moosa -- be bashful; be shy; be ashamed (=xu-xw-IMOO)
- xuu-mota -- --
- xuu-moyana; mayana -- misbehave (behave in a senseless or uncontrolled way); be absurd
- xuu-mula; musya -- be evacuated. Cf. LA; LA.
- muuna- muuna -- smile
- xuu-muuna- muuna -- smile
- xuu-mwata -- (Sw. MWATA bait for fishing); throw away
- xuu-mwesulula -- open eyes (for 1st time;like pup)
- mwexa -- twinkle
- xuu-mwexa -- flash
- xuu-myuuxa -- become slippery; smooth
- ku- mu-n¯e -- (stem NYA); vagina
- xuu-naanya -- bother a p.; trouble a p.; make trouble (Masaba: xuu- luk(u)usa (cf. -luku) xuu- le.asa )
- xuu-naba -- spin a thread; weave (w. thread or fibre); sew ; sew (also on machine)
- xuu-nalana -- cleave; get used for each other
- xuu-nalilila -- get accustomed to.
- xuu-ndikuusa -- bother
- nera -- fatten (woman before marriage; cattle)
- xuu-nera -- become fat (humans and animals)
- xuu-ng'aa -- become thin; tasty
- ngaaki -- up on ...; on top of
- xuu-ngaaya -- be tasty
- xuu-ng'aaya -- jest ;joke ; gibe (at)
- xuu-ng'eenya; (xu-xw-i-xx) -- glow
- xuu-ng'ena-ng'ena -- shine (be) smooth and clean)
- xuu-ng'eng'eela; (xu-xwi-xx) -- glow
- xuu-ng'era -- aim in shooting; tighten
- ngila -- enter; board (e.g. boat); be circumcized (lit. to enter)
- ngila -- protect; esp. againstdisease; block (up) (cf. also singa)
- ngila -- to enter into; get into
- xuu-ng'oa -- dislike ; hate
- xuu-ng'oola -- predict; prophesy; prophecy
- ng'oona -- be prepared; be ready
- ng'oona -- lay the table
- ng'oona -- prepare; make ready
- ng'oona -- tidy ; make neat; put in order; clean with cloth;organize; prepare; make an appointment; set to rights; mend; repair;maintain (keep in good repair e.g. road); improve
- ngu.a -- maul ; strip off skin
- xuu-ng'uunya -- (prob. conn.w. prec.); nag
- xuu-ni.a -- (cf. nyalala); relieve the bowels; defecate
- niina -- ascend ; go up ; climb (tree; mountain;hill)
- niina -- load (animal; boat; truck)
- niina -- stammer; stutter
- niina -- support roof
- xuu-nikina -- quake ; tremble ; shiver ; be nervous
- xuu-nila -- be motionless
- nixa -- dissolve (as salt)
- nje -- external
- nje -- get out!
- no -- henceforth (lit. coming from to-day)
- xuu-noka -- spice ; make tasty; be done appropriately (e.g. by adding salt; sugar or spice)
- xuu-nokya -- to soak
- xuu-nu(u)misya -- suckle baby; young animal)
- nula -- become sweet
- xuu-nula -- be fertile (soil)
- xuu-nuula -- snatch; rob
- xuu-nuuna -- suck (as baby)
- xuu-nya(a) nya -- chew
- xuu-nyaala -- urinate
- xuu-nyaka- nyaka -- {-NYAWA NYAWA ): get wet;get soaked
- nyala -- be independent (child of parents)
- nyala -- can ; be able to; may; succeed in(doing); cope with; manage; control ; govern S; compel ; make a p. do s.th.
- xuu-nyarula; nyalula -- press to the ground (e.g. as mother a naughty child; as lion its prey); crash; crush
- xuu-nyasya -- tighten; torture; mistreat
- xuu-nyawa-nyawa -- --
- nye -- drizzle (cf. nyakala; stem nya )
- nyi -- frown
- nyi -- frown (also fig.: be coldhearted;be callous)
- nyi -- mold (matoke paste w.fork)
- xuu-nyiila -- to aim
- xuu-nyiinda -- to seep out; drip slowly (cf. xuu-nyinya); emit fluid/water continuously
- xuu-nyikila -- --
- xuu-nying'inya -- write
- xuu-nyinya -- to drizzle; to shower (cf. xuu-nyinda); to spray
- xuu-nyira -- get chilly ; become wet (and cold)
- xuu-nyisya -- to spray
- nyo- nyola -- examine
- xuu-nyo- nyola -- explain
- nyoa -- begin
- nyoa -- do first
- nyola -- obtain
- xuu-nyola -- find ; come upon; get; discover; invent; meet (find)
- xuu-nyonyoosya -- examine; repeat teasingly; imitate a person's speech (lit. cause a p. to be contempted)
- nyoxa -- walk proudly
- xuu-nyuka-nyuka -- squint
- xuu-nyulula -- to remove completely (as in all leaves from a tree; or a p.'s weight due to disease)
- nywa -- covet (thirst for)
- nywa -- drench (cattle); refresh
- nywa -- refreshments (lit. drinks)
- nywa -- smoke
- xuu-nywa -- consume (drink).
- xuu-nywa -- drink ; absorb (opposite of NYA )
- xuu-oa -- whip
- xu-xw-obula -- --
- xuu-ofasa -- discern
- okesya -- display; point out; show
- okesya -- point at
- xu-xw-okesya -- show round (?see OLESA)
- oki -- become sharp
- xu-xw-okusa -- twist (rope of several strings); make a rope
- ola -- deserve; be worth
- ola -- (indecl.) (xu-xu-(H)U LA )till
- xuu-ola -- --
- xuu-ola -- rest ; have a holiday; retire ; be meek
- olana -- to deserve; to be enough; to be fitting
- xuu-olana -- --
- xuu-olelela -- approach (grad.)
- olelesya -- deliver (hand over) ; fulfil ;lead into trouble (= xu-xu-LISA )
- olelesya -- point at
- olelesya -- reach(arrive at; in amount); amount to
- olelesya -- show ; point out ; display; show round
- olelesya -- take s. th. to somebody else
- xu- xw-oma -- wither (dry out); dry (clothes; meat; fish etc.) in the sun ; become dry and hard; e.g. of mud; food;(see also UMA)
- ombaxo -- construct; build
- xuu-omela -- lie (tell a lie); deceive; conspire (serious matters; etc;)
- xu- xw-omola -- castrate
- xuu-ona -- heal ; recover (health; strength);convalesce(nce). be saved
- xuu-onesya; onisya; won¯a; wonisya -- heal; remedy ; cure ; save (from danger; out of danger)
- xu- xw-onexa -- (pass. of ONAKA); rot; become corrupt (of corpse; of carcass); be spoilt; get spoilt; be damaged; degenerate; be unreliable; be useless; be a good-for-nothing
- onga -- further(more); attach (join two ends);bind; tie; join 2 ends of rope; tie together
- xuu-ongela -- increase
- xu- xw-oola -- (cf. foll.; and stem OLA) ; fit ; suit ; be enough; reach (place; amount); arrive (at)
- xuu-oola -- groan ; moan ; low
- xu- xw-oon½ka -- do wrong; sin ; damage ; disturb; spoil; defile; corrupt; commit mistake; commit crime
- oona -- hawk ; advertise for sale; esp. by word of mouth
- xuu-oona -- (cf. O(O)NA) : turn out of the house
- xuu-oona(ona) -- drive away; banish; chase away; dismiss;turn out; expel from house or school (= xuu-ONESA ); divorce a woman (send her away); give birth
- xuu-oonga -- fix; bribe (cf. Sw. honga)
- oosi -- below; down; on the ground; on thefloor; on the bottom; down here
- oosi -- bottom; floor; ground
- oosi -- under the table (on the floor)
- xu- xw-oosya -- be on fire; burnv.i.
- osya -- quench (thirst); refresh; calm down ; to cool downv.t.; comfort ; relieve or sooth pain SSSS.
- osya -- revenge a. p.
- xu-xw-osya -- to burn; to roast
- oxa -- burning hot; bilyo bilixobya burning hotfood
- oxa -- burn ;set fire to
- oxa -- roast
- xuu-oya -- (cf. OSYA) persuade; convince ; seduce.
- pa -- (cf. PA); thresh w. stick
- pa -- chat; debate; argue about
- pa -- fall (e.g. from bicycle)
- pa -- fight (beat e.o.; e.g. with sticks)
- xu- xuu-pa -- cf. MBA); beat ; (heart);also (drum); strike (also of clock); hit ; whip ; hammer on ;beat down; fall (rain; hail); bake (BA after nasal)
- xuu-paaxa -- ferment (esp. corn)
- xuu-pakilisya -- (cf. PA); wink (as sleepy p.)
- xuu-panga -- arrange
- xuu-pang'a -- be(come) hard and dry; be cracked (as dry surface)
- xuu-pangisya -- (Sw. PANGISHA; hire; grant on rent); rent
- xuu-papara -- (Sw. PAPA ); flutter
- xuu-para -- make uproar
- xuu-pasula -- (cf. pa; hula; basula; bwasula); split
- paxa -- be in fellowship with
- xuu-pepenuxa -- (cf. PA); to crunch on; to make crunching sound
- xuu-perengisya -- (-PERIN- GISA )
- xuu-pima -- (SW
- xuu-poora -- (cf. POLOXA; exclaim); make uproar
- pu.oxooli -- look uncouth
- xuu-pula -- search
- xuu-pulungula -- check everywhere in search of sth.
- xuu-puruxa -- (cf. Sw. pu- ruka; fly off; be scared away as of birds); do s.th. in a hurry (w. connotation of confusion)
- xuu-pyuuxa; bulyuxa -- make a hole; sudden appearance as out of a hole
- ra -- insist (lit. load (a p.'s) heart)
- ra -- lead into (trouble)
- ra -- load (animal; boat; truck) ; lead a p. (?)
- ra -- manure ; fertilize (lit. put on manure )
- ra -- oil (the) car (lit. put ingrease in (the) car)
- ra -- put s.th. in the fridge
- xuu-ra -- (always followed by adjunct of place) put on
- raamba -- spend (money)
- raamba -- work with (a tool); use
- xuu-raamba -- work ; undertake; be valid
- raanda -- be brown; be pink; be scarlet
- raanda -- to plane
- xuu-raanda -- dry on a rack over fire
- rafu -- become salty; becove furious; scold
- xuu-rakixa -- cf. -daxika; minute); begin; in thebeginning
- rama -- be left; remain to be done; stay behind; abide; remain
- xuu-rand½½ra -- be pale; look pale
- xuu-randula -- (Masaba: xuu- randusa) whip
- xuu-rangila -- precede
- xuu-rangilila -- guide ; lead a p. or animal
- xuu-reeba -- ask; examine (in school); kick at ; guess
- xuu-reendekulusya -- remind
- xuu-reenga -- (Sw. tinga; shake); shake (with fear); wriggle; quake
- xuu-reka -- (Sw. TEGA); set ready; put in position ;esp. of a trap (animals birds; fish)
- xuu-rekelesya -- --
- xuu-rekexa -- stem REKA (Sw. TEGEKA; stem TEGA);arrange
- rekura -- to leave
- xuu-rekura -- to trigger; to release; to start (lit. cause to leave)
- xuu-rema -- "make fire" (first stage:"chop wood"?See foll.).
- xuu-rema -- (Sw. TEMA; cut (up)); cut; chop; fell (a tree)
- xuu-reng(ex)a- rengexa -- (Ga)
- rera -- glide; float; to loosen; become slippery (sw. teleza) (Masaba: xu- xw- i- leela)
- xuu-rera -- to loosen
- rerema -- to cause to loosen
- rerema -- to go down; become loose
- xuu-rerema -- to tremble; to be loose; to be shaky (cf. xuu- terema)
- ri -- fear ; be afraid; dare (?)
- xuu-riinaka -- stalk (as in anger)
- riisya -- tease ; dread (?)
- xuu-roba -- ripen (fruit); become ripe
- xuu-robola; robora -- decide; choose; elect; select; pick out (sortout)
- xuu-romba -- stain
- xuu-rombo(o)la -- (cf. ROBO LA;select) exclude; discriminate against
- xuu-rona -- carve to decorate; (e.g. with mud for decoration); write
- xuu-rondola -- sort out (N: cotton only);discriminate against
- xuu-rongisya -- (also -RONGISA ) escort ; accompany
- xuu-ronyesya; ronya -- (Sw. TONESHA); shed leaves; feathers.See also RONA.
- xuu-roola; roora -- dream
- xuu-roosya -- contribute (cf. xuu- loosela)
- ru -- ear (body part)
- xuu-rubura =(rubula) -- to sprout
- rubusya -- start trouble (lit. ignite trouble) KAMAXUA: issues
- xuu-rubusya -- cause to sprout
- xuu-rubuxa; (tubuxa) -- to cause to gush; to seep; to break through (fr. ground) (TUBUXA used normally w/ liquids; RUBUXA w/ gels and solids)
- xuu-rubuxa; rubura; rubula -- sprout; (e.g. forcing way out like a boil) from RUBURA : sprouting.
- xuu-ruka -- spin a thread; weave
- rula; rura -- henceforth
- rula; rura -- to move aside; away from me
- xuu-rula; rura -- come out; go out (of p.); appear from somewhere; goaway; leave; appear of sun etc. (come out; rise; shine)
- ruma -- (Sw. TUMI-KIWA); use
- xuu-ruma -- (Sw. TUMA); send
- xuu-rumbula -- (Sw. TUMBUA; lay open; display); mention; pointout; confess
- rusya -- flood
- rusya -- khu-RUSAYO (<-RUSA IHO)withdraw; take away
- rusya -- remove (from outside; i.e. move s.th. inside);abstract from
- rusya -- take off (from a table or bicycle); unload; conj.prep.
- rusya -- terminate mourning (lit. kick out (the cause of death)
- xuu-rusya -- to remove; to subtract; kick out; produce (said of earth; to bear fruit (millet; maize)); get rid of; abolish; blot out; solve (e.g.a problem; a difficulty); prohibit
- xuu-rusya-mo -- remove (from inside); copy (cf. SAASYA)
- xuu-ruula; puruura -- drag things ; drag living being ; get out
- ruunda -- sell; barter; trade; ; work for food
- ruundu -- w. TUMBUA; perforate; make a hole in)pierce (e.g.ear); penetrate; puncture
- xuu-ruunduxa -- (Sw. TUMBUKA; burst out); explode; explosion;make noise (as of thunder);thunder ; shot ; burst ;
- ruunga -- pay rent
- xuu-ruunga -- (cf. RUNDA) compensate; pay a p. for sth.
- xuu-ruunga -- (Sw. TUNGA; put together; compose); weave (cloth); sew (also on machine)
- xuu-ruya -- kama- sina (kama- ino ) call byendearing names
- xuu-rwasilila -- -RUASILILA; RUASELELA; (;; cf. RWE (Sw. -CHWA); head
- xuu-rya -- to fear
- xuu-rye? -- how?; how well?; in what way?
- sa -- boo ; disturb ; spoil
- sa -- cause a p. to return
- sa -- compensate
- sa -- decry; shout (esp. to cattle or oxen )
- sa -- recover strength; encourage
- xuu-saa(li) syamo -- copy (cf. xuu-RUSYAMO)
- xuu-saabresya -- rinse (glass);(=SAABILESYA?).
- saafu -- cut (grass); clear (bush)
- saala -- broadcast and exaggerate (rumour)
- saala -- multiply; reproduce
- saala -- scatter; cover thinly; disperse ;"disperse noise": shout (esp. to cattle or oxen)
- saala -- to bear for each other; give birth for each other
- xuu-saala -- (Sw. ZAA); "produce" (said of woman): bear a child;give birth; beget
- xuu-saala -- to pray (Sw. kusali)
- xuu-saama; saamya -- swarm
- xuu-saamba -- kick at; to roast
- xuu-saana (-ila) -- deserve
- saanga -- --
- saanga -- become unhappy (lit. stop being happy)
- saanga -- be glad; be happy; rejoice; enjoy
- saanga -- cheer up; encourage
- saanja -- melt (as oil) (cf. -sanja)
- saanja -- to be oily; fatty
- xuu-saanyuluxa -- to disperse (cf. Sw. CHANGUA; take to pieces)
- saaxa -- plunder; scrounge for food during famine
- xuu-saaxa -- to plunder
- saaxulu -- become an old man
- saba -- handwashing ceremony with beer or milk atcircumcision; before which ceremony the boy cannot eat with his hands
- saba -- put out claws
- xuu-saba -- beg; pray (also: thank God); (prob. = to hold up or put up one hands) request; borrow
- xuu-sabula -- (cf. ABULA; unfasten); to remove axe from an axehandle
- xuu-saca -- cut into pieces
- xuu-sakaya -- to rattle
- xuu-sakula -- to push sth light with a stick; to beckon
- xuu-sala -- (cf. Sw. piga chale; carve); carve; cut or body-marks; bleed
- xuu-salaka -- cut (make series of small cuts to allow poison of snake to flow out of arm or leg or tobleed a p. at temple); bleed ; carve to decorate
- xuu-salaxo -- (cf. Sw. DHARAU); shrug one's shoulders
- xuu-sama -- drive ; drive off ; chase away ; shout; exclaim to birds or cattle to chase them away .
- xuu-sambula -- demolish (take off the grass roofing)
- xuu-samula -- go digging; work on one's plot of ground;defecate (euphemism; lit. "go digging"); bear fruit (millet; maize); whip
- xuu-sangilila -- to cooperate; to do sth.
- xuu-sanya -- to soak; to wet
- xuu-sasaka -- (cf. Sw. CHAKACHA; break into tiny pieces; crunch;rustle as silk or dry grass); break or chop up into tiny pieces
- sasuxa -- yell ; pay a p. for s.th.
- xuu-sasuxa -- break away; branch off from
- xuu-saya -- to pray (cf. Sw. SALA; pray)
- seenda -- move ; have communion (move near)
- seenda -- retreat
- xuu-seenda -- move
- xuu-seera -- attack
- xuu-seesya -- rock (in rocking chair)
- xuu-sekesa -- to drill
- sela -- get engaged
- xuu-sema -- beckon
- sengeli -- filter ; strain
- xuu-senya -- (Ga)
- setaani -- satan; devil
- xuu-seya -- (cf. also SAYA); condemn
- xuu-sibaala -- be hoarse; lose ones voice
- xuu-siba-o -- (Sw. ZIBA; fill up a hole; plug up;close; shut off etc.); lock
- xuu-sibula; sabula -- (Sw. ZIBUA (opp. of ziba); clear a hole;remove a stopper or plug; etc.): dismiss.
- xuu-siila -- to abstain
- xuu-siima -- like ; love ; thank ; cheer; applaud
- siimbe -- have constipation
- siinga -- bathe ; swim
- siinga -- terminate mourning (lit. wash off the ashes smeared on body as sign of mourning)
- siinga -- to wash for; to wash with
- siinga -- wash o.s.; bathe
- xuu-siinga -- wash (pots; cloth; baby); bathe (a baby);give ablution (also fig.: ablution of sins)
- xuu-siira -- to spin thread; to make string or rope (prob. conn.w. -siro; thick)
- xuu-sika -- dry on a stick or wire (over fire)
- xuu-sikama -- kneel
- sikilya -- donkey (?) (lw?)
- sikilya -- zebra
- xuu-sikilya -- hold on to sth. perseveringly or stubbornly; chaste (unmarried);virgin (sw. shikilia)
- sila -- keep quiet; be silent; keep silent; keep silence; becool; abstain from; abstinence; fast B
- silila -- have a care; mind (watch out; e.g. for bolder)
- xuu-silila -- (cf. SILIXA); rub ; scrub
- xuu-silixa -- dress (wound); treat medically
- sima -- extinguish; quench (fire); blow out (lamp)
- sima -- please a p.; thank
- sima -- please; can you ...
- xuu-sima -- (Sw. ZIMWA; pass. of ZIMA; extinguish); go out(light; fire)
- xuu-simbula -- open (book) (Masaba: xuu-xinbula) (cf. xuu-bambula; xuu-bimbula)
- xuu-simira -- to prick
- xuu-simixa -- (Sw. simika) to put a foundation in; to stab or spear into the ground; to put a post in the ground; the first of a generation
- xuu-simþxa -- to start
- simula -- to cause to start with force
- xuu-simula -- to start; begin with some force
- xuu-sinaasina -- feel nausea
- xuu-sinaasina -- (Sw. SINASINA; be on the verge of tears); feel nausea
- sinduxa -- horrify; shock
- xuu-sing'ong'a -- (conn. w. SINGIFU; straight?);stop short at
- xuu-sintixa -- (Sw. SHINDIKA = apply force to; crush; pressetc.); push heavy vehicle e.g. loaded bicycle or car wh. has got stuck;push a p. in anger .
- xuu-sinya -- to get fed up with; disgusted with; annoyed with
- sisiixa -- exercise
- sisiixa -- rock (child on arm)
- sisiixa -- wake(up) (cf. Sw. SISIMKA; be startled be excited)
- sisiixa -- wake(up) (cf. Sw. SISIMUA; startle; give a fright)
- xuu-sisiixa -- (Sw. SISIMA; startle; excite); shake (tree;bottle; child)
- sixa -- to sink
- xuu-sixa -- --
- xuu-sixixa -- sob
- xuu-soa -- rise (of sun); put into
- xuu-soilo CHECK -- to soil CHECK
- solo -- contribute (money)
- xuu-solosya -- to solicit (donations) (cf. xuu-roosya); add; increase; develop
- soma -- educate (teach)
- soma -- read to a p.
- xuu-soma -- (Sw. SOMA); read; study
- xuu-somola -- scrape out from a narrow place
- xuu-sonya -- trouble; peck
- xuu-soola -- calm sb. down
- xuu-soola -- take out
- xuu-soolela (-soolola) -- --
- xuu-sooma -- wander; move about; run slowly
- xuu-soona -- (cf. Sw. SHONA; sew(all kinds of sewing));weave; embroider; weave mats (fibre) S
- xuu- soonj÷÷la -- explain; make clear; describe (lit. to strip (e.g. a tree of its brances and leaves))
- xuu-soosya -- relieve pain
- xuu-soota -- to sodomize
- xuu-sooxa -- go off (gun)
- xuu-sosokola -- (Sw. CHOKOA; CHOKOCHOA); peck
- xuu-sosya -- --
- suba -- to promise
- xuu-suba -- long for ; miss
- xuu-sulula -- leak
- xuu-sulunya -- become unhappy
- xuu-suna -- jump; jump down; bale out ; jump out; get C(?)
- susula -- comb oneself
- xuu-susula -- comb
- xuu-susuuna -- suck (bones)
- sut(w)a -- carry (in arms; also a baby); lift
- sut(w)a -- jump up (lit. lift o.s.)
- xuu-suuba -- swim
- suuba; siuba -- swing (like rope)
- xuu-suuba; siuba -- swing (like branch)
- xuu-suuka -- to plait (hair; mats) (cf. xuu-luka/ruka); weave
- xuu-suula -- (cf. SUBA; promise)
- xuu-suuna -- to be sterile; barren
- suunga -- hang down (e.g. of bananas)
- xuu-suunga -- hang
- suungulula -- urinate; relieve o.s.
- suura -- pedal (a bicycle)
- xuu-suura -- pound; squeeze banana to make banana wine; make wine
- xuu-suuxuuma -- to stand still
- xuu-swaala -- be ashamed
- sya -- break (day); dawn
- sya -- sharpen (on stone); grind (millet; knife on stone)
- kuu-sya -- big; root; main root (e.g. of tree)
- -sya; -ya; -yaxa -- renew
- syeba -- to dance
- syeera -- be circumcized (?)
- xuu-syeera -- cut round like slice of bread; cut (circumcize)
- xuu-syuxa -- emerge
- taa -- draw (water)
- xuu-taa -- bale out (water from leaky boat)
- taala -- totter (like drunk man)
- taamba -- disturb (interrupt; trouble a p.; make trouble;torture
- taamba -- the being poor
- xuu-taamba -- be poor; be destitute; be helpless; be bereaved;lack & ; deficiency
- tabu -- tear (sw. tatua; papure)
- xuu-tabula -- arrive (at)
- xuu-tala -- gamble (gen. term); lit. stake
- tanya -- headache
- xuu-tanya -- (Sw. CHANJA); cut into pieces
- xuu-tasa -- to add
- taxa -- be ignorant
- taxa -- menstruate; start menstruation (euphemism)
- taxa -- scratch (e.g. in soil; as fowl); flick away (e.g.insect; dismiss; "sack"
- tebe -- carry (child at side)
- tebe -- guess
- xuu-teeba -- (lw)
- xuu-teeca (-teca) -- defend o.s.from behind a shield
- xuu-teeka -- debate; discuss; describe
- teembu -- become soft; sway ; feel faint (-tyembusha ; sw. rembuka; be exhausted)
- teembu -- soften ;see foll.
- teembu -- tender (of heart; feelings); a soft paw paw
- xuu-teendula -- shake ; jog along (e.g. in bus)
- teengaala -- jog ; shake (tree; bottle; child)
- xuu-teengaala -- (cf. RENGA; Sw. TENGA; move aside); shake (jog in bus)
- teexi -- cook ; bake; boil
- xuu-tekuxa -- (prob. TENGUXA; cf. TENGAALA and SW. TENGUKA;fall over on one side); wobble.
- xuu-terema -- tremble
- xuu-tetea -- (Sw. TETEA); to argue in defence of s.o.
- tiba -- suffer a loss (lose)
- xuu-tiba -- take back unsold goods; drop a subject ; disappear ; lose one's way
- xuu-tifula -- lisp
- tiila -- touch
- xuu-tiila -- (=Sw. TIA; put; place; set?); hold ; support(roof)
- xuu-tiima -- lose one's way; get lost (p. or th.); go mad
- xuu-tiing'a -- (Sw. CHUNGA); strain ; filter
- xuu-tika -- sway (of s.th. tall)
- xuu-tikitya -- tease; tickle
- tima -- run (cf. cim- bilo); race
- xuu-timuula -- shear ; shave (jocular)
- xuu-tindima -- (Sw. RINDIMA; roar as thunder or waterfall); roar(fire)
- xuu-titixila -- (cf. prec.); boil (water
- xuu-tixula -- flick away (e.g. insect); dismiss("sack")
- xuu-tofwaana -- mumble; speak ambiguously; speak with double meaning
- tokota -- become sweet
- tonya -- cut hair
- xuu-tonya -- cut in pieces
- xuu-toondoma -- make uproar; roar (lion); speak in a deep voice
- xuu- toondoyisya -- become fat
- xuu-toonya -- nag
- tora -- soak (sw. tosa; plunge in water)
- xuu-tora -- become wet (and cold); get damp
- toro -- be weak; be lazy; become lazy
- xuu-totoxela -- make a rumbling noise
- tuba -- join (become a member of a group); (bein) communion; unite ; reconcile o.s. with; cooperate
- tuba -- mix
- tuba -- unite
- tuba -- unite ; bind; join together ; e.g. parts ofa chair; 2 people in marriage
- xuu-tuba (-xo) -- include
- xuu-tubuta -- to take w/o asking (in a joking relationship)
- xuu-tubuxa -- water coming out; ooze
- xuu-tuma -- bear fruit (millet).
- xuu-tutuba -- feel nausea; boil water (with reference to the sound) (Sw. TUTUMA; swell up; bubble up; make a rumbling sound e.g. of bowels)
- tuuma -- lead into trouble
- tuuma -- throw down
- xuu-tuuma -- overlook; throw away; jump
- tuumbi -- dive
- tuundubixa -- encounter unexpectedly; catch unawares; do; coreunexpectedly
- tuxa -- to insult
- tuya -- take a risk
- xuu-tuya -- find ; come upon; discover; invent
- twela -- do the same (as) ;doalso
- twi -- stumble
- xuu-tyuxa -- to put sth. on the head (as a name or a burden)
- xuu-uculuuxa; xu-xw-iculuuxa -- relax; recover strength (cf. xuu-uuluuxa)
- uka -- be peculiar
- uka -- ridicilous
- xuu-uka -- think; assume; be amazed; be astonished; marvel ; show; wonder
- ula -- be free; be at liberty; being independent.
- ula -- flood
- xuu-ula -- (prob. = prec. applied metaphorically); be victorious; defeat; win; control
- ula; uula -- arrive
- ula; uula -- strip off (skin).
- xuu-ula; uula -- thresh (by stick or hands and feet general term; esp. by hands or feet); winnow
- xuu-ulila -- heart; feel; obey; be obedient
- xuu-ulukusa -- to spin (e.g.; a sling; thread)
- xuu-ulungurana -- dangle; swing loosely and making a noise as clapper in bell ; be messy/in a hurry (cf. -BULUNGURANA).
- xuu-uluxa; ulula -- --
- xuu-umbulula -- demolish (house)
- xuu-una -- pierce (e.g. fish w. spear); stab ; spear ;prick ; be early
- xu-xwu-unamila -- (xu-xw-UNDAMILA); become sad; become unhappy
- xuu-ungula -- doze
- xuu-ungula -- to burn cooking food
- xuu-ungusya -- to cause food to burn
- xuu-unya (-uunya) -- smell
- xuu-ura -- (prob. = -BURA); commend; entrust.
- xuu-urukura -- (l/r?) ; express
- xu-(xw-)urungurana -- muddle ; do s.th. in a hurry(w. connotation of confusion); be busy . (cf. buu-LUUSI)
- xuu-utula; yuula -- (prob. = -BUTA; pick out;claw); snatch
- xuu-uuca -- swing.
- xuu-uuluuxa -- to rest; relax; recover strength (cf. xuu-uculuuxa)
- uumba -- be depressed; dejection; depression.
- xuu-uumba -- mold; make pots of clay (= xuu-BUMBA); shape thick matoke paste into bulging shape on plate (with fork: e-BUMA; same stem?); knead; mash
- xuu-uusya -- decry; denounce; exclaim ; have an abortion
- xuu-uya -- (prob. = -BUYA); move about; emigrate
- xuu-uya(yo) -- migrate from...
- xuu-uyilayo -- to migrate to...
- xuu-wa -- limit; to get finished
- xuu-waanga -- bright; white (cf. NYANGA)
- xuu-walila -- (cf. LALI-LA w.same meaning);wonder
- xuu-wangi(y) isya -- (cf. ANGA) ; whiten ; make white; bleach; brighten ; make bright.
- xuu-wangiya -- (wangiyisya) whiten ; become white; brighten ; become bright;be bright.
- xuu-welelela -- (from xuu-WA) diminish; become less; decline.
- xa -- flow down(as river); go down; descend; land (from plane)
- xuu-xaabila -- to accuse
- xuu-xaabila; abila; bi.isya; bi.iya -- accuse
- xuu-xaasa -- discharge phlegm in coughing
- xafu -- get warm
- xaka -- attempt; try and
- xaka -- exercise
- xuu-xaka -- tempt; temptation
- xala -- cut; slash ; clip; pare (nails); amputate; mow (byhand or machine); mark w. knife; by indentures;intercept; make short-cut; e.g. go across a lawn
- xala -- decapitate; behead
- xala -- judge (a case); cut; slice ; cut in pieces
- xala -- to divide
- xuu-xalabana -- be busy (Masaba: BULUNGANA)
- xalala -- (anger of) indignation
- xalala -- be sad; become angry; cross; embittered;upset; be indignant; indignation (cf. xalafu)
- xalala -- disappoint; annoy
- xuu-xalanga -- fry; roast (groundnuts or millet); dry (on fire)
- xale -- (cf. XALE): Old Testament.
- xama -- squash (e.g. fruit); juice
- xuu-xama -- squeeze; wring; squash (e.g. fruit); rinse (clothes); milk
- xuu-xananala -- be bold; to harden; be brave; stand firm; be steady
- xuu-xanangarana -- contradict
- xuu-xandaka -- swagger
- xuu-xangarana -- argue about; contradiction; controversy
- xuu-xanixa -- speak ambiguously; speak "with double meaning"
- xuu-xanyuxa; anyuxa -- to speak rudely; to insult; to be proud; to speak in derogatory manner
- xasya -- to accommodate
- xuu-xasya -- to heat
- xuu-xaywa -- to fail (Masaba: xuu- xasixa)
- xeba -- mow (by hand or machine).
- xuu-xeba -- cut; circumcize; slash
- xuu-xebela -- to weed
- xuu-xebulila -- remember; recognize
- xuu-xebuxa -- menstruate; start menstruation (Masaba: xuu- xaya)
- xuu- xeesya -- greet; give good wishes
- xuu-xekelela; xekerera -- cackle
- xuu-xelexa -- make traditional salt from ash (colloq. to subject sb. to torture)
- xiinga -- encircle
- xiinga -- hinder
- xiinga -- protect (esp. against disease);prevent disease; resist
- xiixa -- put something across something else
- xila -- be (the) best
- xila -- mostly ; especially
- xila -- prefer X to Y
- xuu-xila -- deserve
- xuu-xila -- win; defeat v
- xuu-xina -- dance
- xinga -- hinder (Masaba: xuu-XANG(IL)A)
- xuu-xisya -- exceed; to put too much
- xuu-xoba -- (cf. xuu-xobo); make a speech
- xuu-xoca -- invent
- xola -- adopt (a child); bring up
- xola -- cause to ...; make a p. dos.th.; compel
- xola -- prepare food
- xola -- to be able to be done
- xola -- to do as tradition requires
- xuu-xola -- do; work ; make; produce; construct; invent; actv.;n. (also in play); deed (thing done)
- xu- xw-xolesya -- feign; pretend
- xolexa -- happen (lit.: be done)
- xolexa -- to be able to be done
- xolexa -- torture
- xuu-xolexa -- influence ; defile; spoil; corrupt a.p.; th. (cf. xuu- xoongelesya)
- xuu-xolola -- cough
- xuu-xolyooxa -- crow (cf. en-GOXO; fowl) (Masaba: KOXOOLA)
- xuu-xolyooxa -- crow (cf. prec.)
- xuu-xoma -- to insult
- xuu-xomexa -- lock (old method w. bar of wood across thewhole entrance); bolt
- xuu-xong'onda -- knock
- xoomba -- taste; lick from it; lick a little
- xoomba -- to kiss
- xuu-xoomba -- to lick; sip; sip vegetables
- xuu-xoong÷la -- to extract (as a tooth) by pulling up and sideways; usu. making a noise
- xuu- xoongelesya -- to influence (usu. in a bad way) (cf. xuu- xolelesya)
- xuu-xoora -- to strip off (as the skin of a sisal leaf)
- xuu-xooxa -- cry; shout; roar
- xos¯a -- be white; become white; whiten ; be/become bright; brighten ; be holy; make light (in darkness); e.g.light a room
- xuu-xosya; ngena -- beautify; make beautiful (clothes);make light (in darkness) e.g. a room.
- xoya -- deserve
- xoya -- glad; happy to see you!
- xoya -- welcome! (lit. delight!)
- xuu-xoya -- have to; must; be obliged to; ought to
- xuu-xoyela -- deserve
- xula -- develop (lit. cause to grow)
- xula -- growth
- xula -- to cause oneself to grow
- xuu-xula -- grow; to become experienced; to advance in age
- xuu-xuna -- to suck
- xuu-xuula -- uproot
- xuuna -- shrink
- xuu-xuunda -- (cf. DA; belly); mate (with); copulate (with) (vulgar)
- xuu-xwa -- give; pay dowry; marry (said of a man)
- xwaaba -- flood
- xwaala -- marry (be married; said of a woman)
- xuu-xwaala -- to have sex ; to cause sb. to cook; to marry (cf. xuu- alixa 'to cook')
- xuu-xwanja -- list; arrange
- xuu-xwesa -- pull; stretch (e.g. newly twisted rope)
- xuu-xwiilaxo -- inherit
- xuu-ya -- burnv.i.; be on fire
- yaala -- judge (a case); pronounce judgement (prob.sealing it w. blood)
- xuu-yaasya -- convince (conn.w. ACI-LISYA; urge?)
- yaaya -- make an agreement (NS: make a treaty)
- yaaya -- plunder
- xuu-yaaya -- to take quickly and greedily; to loot
- xuu-yaba -- make a hole
- xuu-yanja -- interest; wonder about; marvel about; to love; to be happy about (cf. xuu- sangaala)
- xuu-yasi -- special kind of beer banana
- ye.a -- decline
- xuu-yeeta -- help ; assist; help a p. out in trouble;; accomodate; maintain (= help); favour t.
- xuu-yegu a -- wild cat; bush cat.
- bi- bii-yetelo -- implements; tools
- xuu-yiima -- look for; seek; go and find; track?; search
- yiinga -- argue about; debate; discuss
- yiinga -- tighten; be dear; be expensive; overcharge (raise price)
- yiingana -- bargain ("haggle")
- yiingana -- contradict
- yiingana -- contradiction o.s.
- yikina -- be unreliable
- yila -- succeed; comeafter
- yila -- treat harshly
- yila -- treat well
- xuu-yila -- undertake; take s.th. to..... ; send B
- xuu-yila -- (= xuu-IILA);
- xuu-yina -- tease
- xuu-yindila yindala -- --
- yoka -- make (a) noise
- yoka -- speak aloud
- yoka -- speak aloud; chatter; sound (drums; children etc.)
- xuu-yoota -- look for enemy or thief; spy
- xuu-yukela -- be restless
- yuuxa -- to convert
- yuuxa -- turning repeatedly; harrowing land
- xuu-yuuxa -- to come back; turn oneself around; to change (cf. xuu- kaluxasya)