Finnish: Regionalisms
This list contains Finnish verbs that are are in regional use. Some of the verbs are used in folklore only. If a verb in standard Finnish is included in the list, it's because of the meaning that differs from standard meaning. Click the verb to conjugate it. The verb conjugation follows the standard way of conjugating a Finnish verb. This may be misleading as the verb conjugation also has regional variation.
aaltua | VarS |
aarastaa | |
aarnoa | PohE |
ahavoittaa | |
ahtaa , ahdata | |
aihella | |
aikautua | |
aimuta | |
ainoittaa | |
aisata | IS, PS |
aittua | VarS |
aivastella | |
aivia | |
aivoa | |
aivistella | KS |
aihia | |
ajaa | |
ajeerata | |
ajella | |
akita | VarS |
akkiloida | Kar, Sav |
alentaa | KarE |
aloa | Häm Sat |
alustaa | |
ansaita | |
apattaa | PohK PohP |
appaa | |
arenteerata | |
arpoa | |
arsinoida | PohK PS |
asea | VarS Sat |
asua | PohE |
altivoida | Kar |
aukoa | |
brodeerata | |
edustaa | SavP |
ehkäistä | |
ehtyä | |
jutata , juttia | VarS |
rainehtia | Kar |
virkata | PohE, SatP |
äihiä |