Inter-Esperanto (Baza) Verblist
Baza language page.
- aĉeti -- to buy
- aboni -- to subscribe
- absorbi -- to absorb
- adapti -- to adapt; to fit/fix (eg. a handle to a door)
- adicii -- to add (numbers)
- admiri -- to admire
- adori -- to worship; to adore
- agi -- to act
- agnoski -- to acknowledge
- akcepti -- to accept
- aldoni -- to add (to give, put, or say something in addition to what was already given, put, or said)
- aligatori -- to communicate in a third language (neither Esperanto nor one's native language)
- aligi -- to add; to make someone/something a part/member of
- aliĝi -- to be added; aliĝi al: to join , belong to e.g. a group
- aliri -- to advance; to approach; to access
- alporti -- to bring (something or someone)
- alteriĝi -- to land
- altigi -- to elevate, to raise
- altiĝi -- to rise
- alveni -- to arrive
- alvoki -- to invoke; to appeal to (to call on one for aid; to make earnest request)
- amasiĝi -- to gather (into a mass/crowd)
- ami -- to love
- aniĝi -- to become affiliated, to accede, to join/become a member of a group
- anonci -- to announce, to advertise, to give notice
- anstataŭigi -- to replace (find a replacement for)
- antaŭeniri -- to go forward
- antaŭvidi -- to foresee
- aperi -- to appear
- apogi -- to lean; to support, to sustain
- ataki -- to attack
- atendi -- to wait; to expect
- atenti -- to pay attention
- atingi -- to reach; to attain, achieve
- aŭdi -- to hear
- aŭskulti -- to listen
- baki -- to bake
- batali -- to fight
- bati -- to beat
- bedaŭri -- to regret, to be sorry about
- bezoni -- to need
- bonigi -- to make good, to improve
- bruli -- to burn
- celi -- to aim; to aim for (something)
- certi -- to be sure
- ĉagreni -- to grieve, to annoy, to vex, to worry
- dansi -- to dance
- daŭrigi -- to continue
- decidi -- to decide
- dediĉi -- to spend (time or money)
- defendi -- to defend
- deklari -- to declare
- demandi -- to ask
- demonstri -- to demonstrate, to prove
- desegni -- to draw
- deteriĝi -- to take off
- determini -- to determine, to fix
- detrui -- to destroy, to quash
- deveni -- to originate, to result, to derive, to come
- devi -- to have to (must)
- deziri -- to wish
- diferenci -- to be different, to differ
- difini -- to define
- diri -- to say
- diskuti -- to discuss
- disputi -- to dispute; to argue (but not in such an angry way as 'kvereli')
- disvastigi -- to spread
- disvastiĝi -- to become spread out/widespread
- dividi -- to divide, to divide (numbers), to share, to separate
- dolori -- to hurt, to be sore
- dolorigi -- to hurt, to cause pain
- doni -- to give
- dormi -- to sleep
- drinki -- to drink (alcohol)
- dubi -- to doubt
- ekspliki -- to explain
- ekstari -- to stand up, to get up, to rise, to stand
- ekzisti -- to exist
- elekti -- to choose, to select
- eliri -- to go out, to exit
- ellerni -- to master (learn to a high degree of proficiency)
- ellitiĝi -- to get up (from bed)
- elporti -- to carry out; to suffer, to put up with, to endure, to bear
- elpreni -- to remove, to take out
- elŝalti -- to turn off
- elveni -- to come out
- elvoki -- to evoke
- eniri -- to enter, to go in
- enŝalti -- to turn on
- enveni -- to come into, to enter
- esperi -- to hope
- etendi -- to extend, to stretch out
- eviti -- to avoid
- fali -- to fall
- fari -- to do; to make
- feki -- to defecate
- fermi -- to close
- fetori -- to stink, to smell bad, to smell, to reek
- fiksi -- to fix, to secure, to affix, to fasten, to attach
- fini -- to finish, to end
- firmigi -- to secure, to affix, to fix, to fasten
- flari -- to smell (something)
- flugi -- to fly
- forgesi -- to forget
- forigi -- to remove
- foriri -- to leave, to depart
- frapi -- to hit, to strike, to smack, to knock
- fumi -- to smoke
- gajni -- to win
- gasti -- to be a guest
- gastigi -- to host
- grimpi -- to climb
- gvidi -- to guide, to head, to lead, to conduct, to direct
- ĝustigi -- to adjust
- halti -- to stop
- havi -- to have
- helpi -- to help
- instrui -- to teach
- inspekti -- to inspect
- intenci -- to mean, to intend
- interesi -- to interest
- interesiĝi -- to become interested; interesiĝi pri: be interested (in something)
- inviti -- to invite
- iĝi -- to become
- iri -- to go
- junti -- to connect, to join, to fit
- ĵeti -- to throw
- kalkuli -- to calculate
- kanti -- to sing
- kapti -- to catch
- kaŝi -- to hide
- kolekti -- to gather, to pick up, to collect
- komenci -- to begin, to start
- kompari -- to compare
- kompreni -- to understand
- koni -- to know (of)(to be well acquainted with, to be familiar with)
- konsenti -- to agree
- konsideri -- to consider
- konstrui -- to build
- kontraŭi -- to oppose
- kosti -- to cost
- kombi -- to comb
- konduki -- to lead, to conduct
- konformi -- to fit in, to fit, to conform
- konsenti -- to agree, to consent, to accede
- kovri -- to cover
- kredi -- to believe
- krei -- to create
- kreski -- to grow
- krii -- to scream, to cry out, to shout
- krokodili -- to speak among Esperantists in a language besides Esperanto (especially, one's native language and/or a language not spoken by everyone present)
- kuiri -- to cook
- kunigi -- to join, to unite
- kunporti -- to bring along, to take along (someone or something)
- kunveni -- to gather, to assemble, to congregate, to meet
- kunvoki -- to call together, to convene, to convoke
- kuri -- to run
- kuŝi -- to lie (ex. on a bed), to recline
- kutimiĝi -- to get used to, to accustom oneself
- kvereli -- to quarrel, to wrangle, to argue (in a heated, angry way)
- labori -- to work; labori kiel: to work (as)
- larmi -- to shed tears, to weep
- lasi -- to let, to leave, to release, to allow
- lavi -- to wash
- lerni -- to learn
- legi -- to read
- levi -- to lift, to raise
- leviĝi -- to rise, to arise, to lift, to ascend, to go up, to get up
- ligi -- to tie up, to bind, to tie, to join
- literumi -- to spell
- loĝi -- to live, to dwell, to reside
- ludi -- to play
- malakcepti -- to reject
- malaltigi -- to lower, to decrease
- malami -- to hate
- malaperi -- to disappear
- malebligi -- to prevent, to bar, to inhibit
- malfermi -- to open
- malhelpi -- to hinder
- malkovri -- to discover
- malpliigi -- to decrease
- malsupreniri -- to go down, to descend, to get off
- malŝalti -- to switch off, to shut off, to turn off, to stop
- malŝati -- to dislike
- maltrafi -- to miss a target; to miss (a bus, train, etc.)
- manĝi -- to eat
- manifestacii -- to protest, to demonstrate
- manifesti -- to manifest
- marŝi -- to walk; to march
- maŝinskribi -- to type
- memori -- to remember
- mensogi -- to (tell a) lie
- meti -- to put
- montri -- to show
- morti -- to die
- mortigi -- to kill
- movi -- to move
- multigi -- to increase, to multiply (transitive)
- multiĝi -- to increase, to multiply (intransitive)
- multipliki -- to multiply (numbers)
- naĝi -- to swim
- naskiĝi -- to be born
- neĝi -- to snow
- nokti -- to spend the night
- nombri -- to count
- nomi -- to call, to name
- nuligi -- to cancel, to annul, to abrogate, to abolish
- observi -- to observe
- obteni -- to get (something)
- oferi -- to offer
- okazi -- to occur, to happen, to come about
- ordigi -- to put in order, to arrange, to tidy
- organizi -- to organize
- pafi -- to fire, to shoot
- paki -- to pack, to wrap up
- palpi -- to feel, to touch
- pagi -- to pay
- pardoni -- to forgive
- paroli -- to speak; to talk
- partopreni -- to take part in, participate (in)
- pasi -- to pass
- pasigi -- to cause to pass, to spend (time)
- pensi -- to think
- pentri -- to paint
- perdi -- to lose
- permesi -- to allow
- peti -- to ask for, to request
- plani -- to plan
- plendi -- to complain
- plenigi -- to fill, to fill in, to fill up
- plenumi -- to fulfil, to accomplish
- plibonigi -- to improve
- pliigi -- to increase
- plori -- to cry
- pluvi -- to rain
- porti -- to carry
- postuli -- to demand, to require; to postulate
- povi -- to be able to
- premi -- to press, to squeeze
- preni -- to take (something or someone from)
- preferi -- to prefer
- prepari -- to prepare
- preterpasi -- to pass by
- preterveturi -- to drive by
- priskribi -- to describe
- pridubi -- to question, raise doubts about, have doubts about
- promeni -- to walk around; to go for a walk
- promesi -- to promise
- provi -- to try; to taste
- prunti -- prunti de: to borrow (from); prunti al: to lend (to)
- pruvi -- to prove
- purigi -- to clean
- puŝi -- to push
- rakonti -- to tell, to narrate
- rapidi -- to hurry, to rush, to go fast
- redoni -- to give back, to return
- redukti -- to reduce
- regi -- to rule
- reiri -- to go back, to return
- rekoni -- to recognize
- renkonti -- to meet
- regali -- to entertain, to treat
- repeti -- to repeat
- repliki -- to answer back, to reply
- resendi -- to send back, to return
- respondi -- to answer
- resti -- to stay, to remain
- reveni -- to come back, to return
- revi -- to daydream
- ricevi -- to receive
- ridi -- to laugh
- rideti -- to smile
- rigardi -- to look; to watch
- rimarki -- to notice
- ripari -- to repair
- ripozi -- to rest, to repose
- rompi -- to break
- salti -- to jump
- sani -- to be well (healthy)
- sanigi -- to cure, remedy; to heal
- saniĝi -- to return to health, to get well, to heal
- scii -- to know (ex. a fact)
- sekvi -- to follow
- sendi -- to send
- senti -- to feel, to sense
- serĉi -- to search
- servi -- to serve
- sidi -- to sit
- signifi -- to mean, to signify, to imply
- simili -- to resemble
- situi -- to be situated
- skribi -- to write
- skui -- to shake
- soni -- to sound
- sonori -- to ring, to peal
- sonĝi -- to dream
- sperti -- to experience
- spiri -- to breathe
- stari -- to stand
- starigi -- to set up, to establish; to make stand
- stariĝi -- to rise, to get up; to stand; to stand up
- streĉi -- to stretch; to wind up, to tense
- studi -- to study
- subteni -- to support, to abet, to sustain
- subskribi -- to sign one's name
- subtrahi -- to subtract, to subtract (numbers)
- sugesti -- to suggest
- sukcesi -- to succeed
- supreniri -- to go up, to ascend, to climb
- surhavi -- to wear (clothes)
- ŝajni -- to appear to be, to seem, to appear
- ŝajnigi -- to feign, to pretend
- ŝalti -- to switch (e.g., on or off); to turn on
- ŝanĝi -- to change, to turn (into something)
- ŝati -- to like
- ŝokiĝi -- to be shocked, to take offence
- ŝteli -- to steal
- tajpi -- to type
- taŭgi -- to be suitable, to suit, to fit
- telefoni -- to call, to phone
- teni -- to hold; to keep
- timi -- to fear, to be afraid
- tiri -- to pull, to drag, to draw, to tug, to haul
- traduki -- to translate
- trairi -- to go through, to pass through
- trarigardi -- to look through
- tondi -- to cut (with scissors, clip), to clip, to shear
- trafi -- to reach/hit a target; to catch (a bus, train, etc.)
- trakti -- to treat, to handle, to deal with
- tranĉi -- to cut, to slice
- transdoni -- to convey, to pass, to hand, to hand over
- transiri -- to cross; to go beyond; to transfer
- trinki -- to drink
- trovi -- to find
- trudi -- to impose
- turni -- to turn, to turn around (turni sin)
- tusi -- to cough
- tuŝi -- to touch
- unuigi -- to unite, to join
- urini -- to urinate
- uzi -- to use, to make use of, to employ
- varmigi -- to heat
- vekiĝi -- to wake up
- veni -- to come
- vendi -- to sell
- veturi -- to drive; to ride
- vidi -- to see
- viŝi -- to erase
- vivi -- to live
- viziti -- to visit
- voĉdoni -- to vote
- vojaĝi -- to travel
- voli -- to want
- voki -- to call; to summon, to beckon; to phone
- zorgi -- to worry, to care, to be anxious, to take care