Nyanja Verblist
Nyanja language
- abwa -- to itch; cause itching
- aka -- to be lit; catch fire
- ala -- to spread; arrange
- aludwa -- get up one's self
- aluka -- to be insane
- aluka -- to take up what is laid down
- alukula -- to lift off
- alula -- to take up what is laid down
- alutsa -- to cause to fold up; to take away completely
- amba -- to begin; of stream; to take its rise
- ambala -- to take some out of
- ambasa -- to feel; grope for
- ambila -- begin together
- ambiza -- cause to begin
- ambiza -- to dry over the fire
- ambuka -- to ford; to cross ( a river)
- amika -- to thank; praise
- amuka -- to rebuke; prob.
- amutsa -- to set up on end
- amwa -- to suck the breast
- andama -- to float
- andamula -- to raise up and help to float
- andika -- be near
- andikana -- to near each other
- andikila -- be near
- andikitsa -- ?
- andikiza -- to bring or put near
- andukula -- to lift off
- anga -- to file the teeth
- anga -- to net over; to tie
- aNG'ana -- to look at
- aNG'anila -- show; give a glimpse of
- angata -- to carry in the arms; hold in one's arms
- angatula -- to put down what one holds in one's two hands; or to lift up easily with two hands
- angila -- intertwine; of climbing plants
- anika -- to spread to dry
- anja -- to love
- anjila-anjila -- of climbing plants; to net pots with bark-string; to twine in rows or tiers; of branches to be one above the other in thick foliage; pumpkins are thus netted in a bundle for carrying; some kinds of tr
- ankha -- to answer
- ankhula -- to speak; to answer in words; reply
- ankhula -- to spread mat; &c; upon a cross-pole
- asama -- to gape; yawn
- atsa -- to kindle
- awa -- to ache; be bitter
- ba -- to steal
- babada -- beat on the head ; on a tree; on anything hard; not on the body
- babadula -- to beat
- badagula -- to force open; to break into anything not by ordinary way; to open the jaws
- badika -- to put on a patch of wood; cloth; or skin
- badukula -- to take off a patch; &c.
- badwa -- to be born; pass. of ku bala
- bafamula -- to strike; hit; 'dump'
- bala -- see bala
- bala -- to bear (children; fruits; of animals also; also; to be respected; powerful; of 'good birth'; carry
- bala -- to bear; carry
- balalika -- to scatter
- balaluka -- to separate from; split
- baluka -- special meaning; to separate from; as man from his companions; go away by one's self
- balula -- to split; cleave
- balutsa -- separate from
- bamantha -- to strike water with the hand; to clap with the hand; as insmoothing the clay floor of a house; to smooth over with spade or trowel by clapping
- bandakula -- to open
- banduka -- to open
- bandula -- to cleave; open
- bangula -- to shout; roar
- banthuka -- to appear or break out of
- banyila -- to hem
- banyilitsa -- take a large hem or fold; or to sew firmly
- bata manga -- to be motionless as bird poised.
- batilizana -- to take turns; to be returned at work by another going into one's place
- baya -- to prick; to stab; as with a spear.
- bebeda -- to nibble
- bedula -- to nibble; with the teeth; anything hard
- beleka -- to bear; carry
- beleka -- to bring forth fruit; to carry on the back; to be fruitful in the way of having children often
- beluka -- to float
- bendama -- to go round about; fetch a compass
- bendela -- as bendama; to fetch a compass
- bentha -- to go gently; cautiously; or treat gently; that he may come upon him unawares
- benthuka -- to be chipped
- benthula -- to chip
- benthulila -- to break off a piece of anyhthing as cassava; to tell any great secret to a friend
- benula -- to push something aside a little way so that one may pass
- benyuka -- to fold the calico aside as to let the limbs be freer in walking
- bika -- to interlace
- bila -- to dive
- biliwila -- to be blue; black
- bindikila -- to stay in the house
- bindikiza -- continue in a place; at a thing; &c.
- binya -- to blunt
- binyika -- to be blunt
- binyila -- to fold in or twist in the edge of the cloth round the waist; to bind the edge of the cloth; to tie anything into one's calico round one's waist
- bisa -- to hide; also fig.; conceal a matter
- bisala -- to remain hid
- bisalilana -- to play at hide and seek
- bisama -- to be hidden
- biya -- to belch; wind from the stomach; &c.
- biza -- to immerse
- bodogola -- to pinch the person
- bokhola -- to roar as animals
- bolobosa -- to learn little by little; to make an attempt on doing something
- bomontha -- to knock
- bonthola -- to force one's way through a hedge; or through the wall of a house.
- bonyoka -- to break off; chip off
- bonyola -- to break off; chip off
- booka -- to be pierced; of cloth
- boola -- to pierce; pass through
- boolela -- tell of; inform [check vowel length]
- booleza -- to bore; also to inform
- bsanthuka -- to jump out as mouse from hole
- bsikula -- to chew the cud; to ruminate
- bubuda -- to gnaw; nibble; to eat hard things; such as bones; maize; hard meat; &c.; even an apple
- bubudula -- to gnaw; to chew anything hard
- budula -- to eat off; nibble off; cut at the rim; &c.
- buka -- to emerge; to come up in the water; of fire; 'to break out'; of sores;'to break forth'; to burst out of
- bukhula -- to speak what is in the heart
- bukhula -- to sprout; to 'shoot forth;' to begin to appear above ground; of breasts; to begin to swell
- bulika -- to come up; break up through; of mice from their holes; of water in a wet place on the floor; of field-mouse coming out at some other place
- buluka -- to come up out of
- buluka -- to send away
- bulumunda -- to roll on the ground; chiefly in mourning; as a sign of grief and pouring ashes over one's person; of one who rolls about in sleep; of one who stays restlessly in one place; unable to get away; of ro
- bulumunthila -- to be stumpy as a dog's tail cut; or stumps in fingers of a leper
- bulumunya -- to roll or suck in the mouth; as stones of fruit; pumpkin-seeds; &c.; or as an old man without teeth rolls his food in his mouth in place of chewing it.
- bulumunyula -- to suck
- bulunga -- to be round; to make round; to round into a lump; as a ball; roll of bread; to be shut all round; of a man's stature; to be short; dumpy.
- bulungika -- be round
- buma -- to make a humming noise; as bees; the distant shout of men; roar of a lion; &c.
- bumuntha -- to knock
- bundikiza -- to shut or cover with a lid
- buntha -- to knock; strike bluntly against; be blunt; of an arrow; to strike without entering
- bunya -- to swarm as bees
- bunyula -- to chip; an axe; &c.
- busa -- to herd
- buthama -- to crouch (cf. butha 'crouching')
- butsa -- to cause to break out
- buula -- to groan; howl
- bwabwada -- to boil and bubble; of a pot of food
- bwabwalika -- to flatter
- bwabwatika -- to deceive by promising and not fulfilling; to outwit
- bwada -- to bubble
- bwafamula -- to beat; let fall; crash; &c.
- bwatika -- to be underhand; to use false pretences as a man who recruits labour by telling the people that all will be Kapitaos
- bwaza -- to splash; to beat the water with one's hands
- bwazitsa -- --
- bwebweta -- to babble; to rave; to utter words under believed inspirations; also; to be delirious
- bweka -- to slander; to say what is to the detriment of a person or of one's self
- bwela -- to return
- bweleka -- to lend; lend or borrow
- bwelela -- to turn to; returning
- bweleza -- do it over again; &c.; i.e.; cause the doing of it to return; re-cook leaves of beans; mkute; meat; &c.; which has been parboiled for the journey.
- bwetekuka -- to bluster out inadvisably
- bwevula -- to turn back
- bweza -- --
- bweza -- to bring back; bring together in one
- bwezela -- to rebound; to turn; to repay; requite.
- bwila -- to throw dry into one's mouth
- byola -- to pass through; to bore through
- bzada -- to tread upon leaves; &c.
- bzala -- to sow; to plant; also of layering
- bzanga -- to 'draw out'; go about round and round; as a dog in smelling for a track
- bzikula -- to chew the cud
- bzukula -- to vomit up; as a dog or pigeon
- bzungunyula -- to twist out
- cha -- 1. to pluck; 2. to be ripe; 3. to set a trap; cock a gun; 4. give a name; 5. to dawn
- chakulawa; chak -- to stir round
- chapa -- to paddle; a canoe
- checha -- to cut grass with knife
- checheta -- to cut; gnaw; carve; as rats gnaw grass; maize; &c.
- chechetela -- to feel gritty in eating
- checheteza -- to carve
- chechetula -- to gnaw out; carve out; reversive of checheta
- chedwa -- to linger; to delay; be late
- chedwetsana -- to welcome
- chedzuka -- to tear; as paper; or cross-grained wood; or to be brittle; as decayed wood; &c.
- chedzula -- break off; tear off; split off
- cheka -- to cut; saw
- cheleza -- to make level; as of floor of a house
- cheleza -- to share with; help; help in need; tend living things with care; cherish; help
- chembela -- to bear the first-born
- chenima -- to shine
- chenjedza -- to cut up fallen trees into logs
- chenjela -- to be clever; cunning; quick; in speaking; buying; &c.; of game; to take to flight quickly
- chenjelela -- to outwit
- chenyedza -- to cut up a tree into blocks; and remove its branches
- chepa -- to be small; little; too little
- chepela -- to be a little too small
- chepetsa -- be very small; make small; count small; and therefore also to despise; treat with insult or contempt
- chepsa -- to make small; treat lightly; &c.
- chesula -- to be conceited or despise others
- cheta -- to take one off from
- chetha -- to take a piece of maize stalk or any chirombo out of the beer; to pick out people from a crowd; to choose from the villagers the boys who are to form the chief's personal bodyguard
- cheuka -- to look back; to look round
- cheula -- to call a person back
- cheza -- to stay awake all night; either dancing or journeying; &c.
- cheza -- to strain water through in making salt
- cheza -- to talk; converse; to visit
- chezelana -- to greet
- chezezana -- to visit one another
- chezima -- to shine; gleam; glitter
- chikhwitha -- to cut; or saw with a blunt knife
- chila -- to recover from sickness
- chila -- to recover; to be whole; well; be recovered
- chilikiza -- to prop
- chilikula -- to prop up; lift up at one end; incline against
- chilimikila -- to asseverate; to hustle; be forcible; to be persistent
- chilingana -- to contend one with the other as to who is to do a certain thing
- chilitswa -- to bury one's medicine-bottle after one is well; and; in a sort of way; thus meaning to get well
- chima -- to groan under a burden; it is also heard instead of chimwa; q.v.; which seems to be quite a different word
- chima -- to strain at stool; to strain in childbirth - to cry m!m!m!m!
- chimwa -- to fail; to make a mistake;
- chinda -- have connection with the opposite sex - of a man
- chindikila -- to be thick; as a plank of wood
- chindikitsa -- make thick; be very thick
- chindikiza -- to give more to one than another; to rain for a long time on end
- chindikiza -- to make thick; to so make it that it is thick; &c.
- chinga -- to enclose with a fence in order to catch game
- chinjika -- to protect; shelter; to interpose; put anything between for a guard; to ward off; to guard by interposition
- chinjikula -- to remove guard; &c.
- chinjilika -- to regain one's balance
- chinyintha -- to press or squeeze; to strain by pressing
- chinyiza -- to increase; to go on and increase; and of a wound growing larger; of sickness increasing; in the division of food or goods taking more or too much: to increase by addition
- chisa -- to medicinise; to hinder by medicine; from success; &c.; a caravan on its journey; &c.
- chisula -- to distort the face; to quarrel
- chita -- to do; to make; to be; to say: it is used for all sorts of action;
- chitila -- to descend with quick and easy steps
- chiza -- to heal
- chochola -- to hoe up new ground
- choka -- 1. to go away; 2. to be broken across; 3. to be agile
- chokhotha -- to dig with a pointed instrument; to poke out; as with a stick; or knife; or pick; poke as with a poker
- chokhothola -- to dig out witha sharp pointed stick
- chokocha -- to shuffle cards in playing juga.
- chokopola -- to withdraw the charge of a gun by means of a ramrod; to snatch away from a person
- chola -- to break across
- cholima -- to be steep; &c.
- cholola -- to spurt out
- choma -- to be filled up; heaped up;
- chonga -- to contradict; to non-plus; to convince
- chotsa -- to take away; to make to go away
- chucha -- to leak; drip; drop steadily; almost a pour: it is perhaps the same as kukha
- chuka -- to be spoken about; to be famous
- chukucha -- to wash one's mouth; rinse a bottle
- chukuchula -- to roll water inside one's mouth; or shake it in a bottle
- chula -- to mention; say; pronounce; repeat
- chula -- to open a boil; as tumbula
- chuluka -- to be many; increase; be much
- chulukidwa -- to be occupied with many things
- chuula -- to take out of water
- chuwaza -- to dip into
- da -- 1. to be black; 2. dark; not light; not clearly seen through; 3. to be quiet; to be anxious; to be perplexed; 4. to hate; 5. to be dirty; 6. to be dusk; dark-coloured
- dabwa -- to be astonished
- dabwila -- to poke into; with one's finger
- dakatula -- to pick up things scattered
- dakhwila -- to breathe with difficulty in dying; to throb; as the vessels of the neck above the collar bone
- dakwa -- to be drunk
- dala -- to be blessed; happy; glad
- dana -- to hate
- dandaula -- to grumble; complain; grieve for a person; about a thing; expres regret
- daza -- to bless
- dekha -- to be gracious
- dekha -- to settle; as water; also of mind or heart to be quiet; take it easy
- delela -- to want much; grumbling for more; to refuse what is given or paid; on the ground of its being too little
- deluka -- 1. to swing; 2. to surpass(?); 3.to faint with the heat; cause to faint
- deluka -- to pass by quickly so as not to be recognisable
- delukila -- to run after him; to chase
- delula -- 1. to swing; 2. to surpass(?); 3.to faint with the heat; cause to faint
- dendekela -- to carry on one's head; without holding
- denguma -- to jerk; to shake from side to side
- dewa -- from kudya; to eat; to be eaten
- dia -- to eat
- dibwidika -- to overcook; to be flabby and 'fushionless' on awakening in the morning after a very hot stifling night in the hot season; used also of a lazy useless person.
- dibwila -- to bubble out
- dichimuka -- to fall suddenly down; to drop down anything suddenly
- dichimula -- to dump down suddenly
- didiliza -- to trample down; to slide along the ground; as when cattle are fighting and slip on soft wet ground; to slip on mud
- didimuka -- to split; crack; as a tree in falling; wood with the sun; to break; of anything breakable; say with a hammer
- dika -- to plait or intertwine [check vowel]
- dikha -- to settle; to be quiet; of water; to become calm; of grains in a liquid; to settle; as dekha; of a person; to be quiet.
- dikhula -- to be sick; vomit; to remove a prop or support from underneath anything
- dikhula -- to take out of the ground; pull out of; as a stone overturned from its place in the earth; or a tree with its roots: to overturn
- dikhwila -- to hiccough
- dikila -- to wait for
- dikila -- to wait for; keep watch
- diliza -- to slander; to add more than is truth to an accusation; also to add accusation whether true or not; to speak evil of
- dilizila -- to fill in a grave
- dinda -- to give a blow with the elbow
- dindita -- to strike with something heavy
- diwa -- to be marked; as one's face is marked by smallpox
- diza -- to delay; hesitate; wait; used very often with the negative kusadiza=to do very quickly; easily; &c.
- doda -- to climb or jump from branch to branch; hopping on to it or catching it with one's hands in jumping on to it; as monkeys and birds
- dodolika -- to bend the head; and hold the heels in the air as in a game
- dodolitsa -- to reverse; turn upside down
- dodoma -- to stammer; to be puzzled; bungle; be 'handless'; in a mlandu; to speak wide of the mark; to confuse a person
- dolola -- to palm off anything; to praise up anything; as when wanting to sell it
- dololoka -- to be startled and frightened; as on report of war; or as on receiving distressful news
- dongosola -- to arrange; to arrange out in order; to unravel; get clear; find one's way; to speak in order; to order; in ordered speech; explain
- dontha -- 1. to drop; to leak; of a roof; 2. to jump from branch to branch; to cross an ulalo bridge
- donthokeza -- to pour a little water in with the hand into ndiwo; &c.
- donyola -- to poke out - e.g.; of a basket 'poked out'
- doola -- to bore; pierce [check V length]
- dudukila -- to meddle; to interfere
- duduluza -- to tow; to pull along anything
- duka -- to be cut; to be cut or broken across; separated; broken; as a line of men; to cease; stop; stop raining
- dukhula -- to beat
- dukidwa -- to be grieved with; be malicious against; covet.
- dukila -- to vouch; to take an oath
- dula -- to cut; cut across; to break across; of a path to cross; to cross a road; to 'cut' through the bush; to take a short cut; to intercept; say; a thief; or an animal in hunting; cut short one's words; t
- dumpha -- to jump
- dunyula -- to poke with finger or stick
- dwala -- to be ill
- dwaza -- to nurse
- dya -- to eat
- dyela -- to excel
- dyela -- to excel; surpass [check dy]
- dyelana -- to eat in common; each one bringing his share
- dyelekeza -- to slander; exaggerate; in reports that are not true; to go too far in speaking about a person [check dy]
- dyetsa -- to eat much; to pasture; give to eat [check tone]
- dyudyula -- to pound the maize that has got caked in the bottom of the mortar; and to pound it thoroughly
- dyula -- to pound malt
- dza -- to come
- dzadzada -- to chop; hack; as bones; meat; to chop up
- dzaidza -- to persist; to come again and again
- dzala -- 1. to fill; to be full; 2. to sow
- dzalila -- to sow in grass or hoed land
- dzambatuka -- to jump up quickly and be off
- dzandila -- to stagger; as a drunk man; to wobble from side to side
- dzaza -- to fill; to be full
- dzidzimuka -- to start with fear
- dzikula -- to chew the cud; ruminate
- dzikwikwila -- to draw one's self together
- dzimbidwa -- to be swollen up by eating too much
- dzimbuka -- to be discontented
- dzinga -- to be still and quiet; to be still; of water in a stream or river; to settle; of dirty water; that the mud may fall to the bottom.
- dzinga -- to surround
- dziwa -- to know [check dz/z]
- dzokodzela -- to laugh loudly or in a silly way
- dzola -- to provoke
- dzola -- to rub one's self with oil; to anoint; to oil a gun
- dzongola -- to straighten something crooked; to stretch out; to stretch out the hand as in asking for something; to stretch one's self
- dzoza -- anoint(?)
- dzoza -- to anoint with oil
- dzudzula -- to hinder; check; rebuke; to check; to stop a man fro doing anything; to 'take to task'; to stop a thief by calling out to him
- dzuka -- to arise
- dzuma -- to sigh; to growl; to grunt; to say 'umph'; a sound of dissatisfaction
- dzungunyula -- to sprain; twist
- dzutsa -- to raise up
- edza -- to fish; to catch fish with a hook
- edzama -- to lean; incline; lean against
- edzeka -- to lean anything against; to prop against
- edzeketsa -- to slope well; fix it firmly
- ela -- to be white; light; also yera; of whiteness; cleanliness; brightness; clearness; purity; and the best word for holiness
- elama -- to stoop; as in picking something up going beneath a tree; hoeing; of hanging down one's head; of looking down; also of a pot stooping or sloping in being carried
- elamuka -- to look up; lift one's self up from stooping
- elekedwa -- to show off
- elekela -- to recognise likeness; &c.; to approve
- elekeza -- to make like; liken; to compare; to think like
- elenga -- to reckon; count; to read
- eluza -- to instruct; tell; put right; find fault with; punish; judge; warn
- embekeza -- to wait for; to wait; to expect; to wait a little
- enda -- to go; walk; move; flow
- enela -- to be fit; ought; to be fitting; to match; to be fit for; to suit; to be good for
- eneza -- to fit
- enga -- to float on the surface as oil or fat; to skim
- engeza -- to add
- engeza -- to float on the top; as enga; of 'scum;' 'skimmings': to float as grass and straws; also of creepers to branch and wave or float above the tree
- enjeza -- to add
- enkheza -- to tie lightly
- epula -- to skim off; to take off the top; as of a pot frothing over; say; in cooking beans
- esa -- to try; to measure; to do; to make; to tempt; to make into; make 'do duty for;' to call or name
- esemula -- to yawn
- eta -- to nurse
- etima -- to gleam
- etsemula -- to sneeze
- eza -- to measure
- fa -- to die
- fafana -- to smooth over; cover over; level over; as dust; flour; &c.; with the hand; thus to rub out; confuse; blot out; make all so like as to obliterate distinction
- fala -- to spread abroad; be abundant; increase; to be common; spread through
- falikila -- to spread; as water
- falitsa -- to make known; to spread abroad; as a rumour.
- famba -- to seize; kidnap; to seize a person unawares; to steal men; carry off or 'lift' cattle or goats; but not things
- famphula -- to set off a trap; the springing back of the tree which is bent to form the spring of the trap; also of a fishing-rod throwing a fish out of the water
- fana -- to be like; resemble
- fanana -- be like each other
- fanikiza -- to make like; liken
- faniza -- to be like; to make like
- fanizila -- to imitate
- fanizitsa -- to harmonise
- fanthula -- to scatter things laid together
- fatsa -- to be gentle; quiet; meek; to stay in one place; and if necessitated to leave; coming back to the same place again
- fedwa -- from kufa; to suffer bereavement; to be in great sorrow
- fela -- to die for
- fela -- to die for
- fenthela -- to sniff; to sob; to 'heave a sigh;' to snort; to snifter; of animals; &c.; it is the same word as kwembera
- fesa -- to scatter; sow broadcast; to sprinkle out; to loosen
- fetsa -- from kufa; to suffer bereavement
- fewa -- to be soft; gentle; flexible; supple
- fiika -- see pfika
- fiila -- to be red; see fira
- fika -- to arrive; come to; arrive at
- fila -- to be red; also fiira; fiwira; fuira; fuwira; of bright red or dull red; cloth or sky [check vowel length]
- finya -- to press; to squeeze; strain milk; to milk a goat
- finyila -- to shrink; as woollen goods in washing; also to put a tuck in a garment in sewing
- fisula -- to eat breakfast
- folela -- to thatch; cover over above
- fooka -- to be tired; wearied; with hunger; or journeying; or the heat of the sun
- foola -- to tire out
- fota -- to wither; of leaves with the sun; of flowers
- fotokoza -- to correct; to instruct; elate; explain; to prepare; describe
- fotsela -- to cover over; as with earth; in planting seeds; in renewing a grave; or covering a new one
- fua -- to be undercooked; of meat; pumpkins; potato; also to have been without sleep
- fufuma -- to swell; as boiled rice; also stomach with overeating; to expand; as bellows; &c.
- fufuta -- to rub a skin soft and flexible; rub down tobacco in one's hands
- fufuza -- to grope for anything
- fuka -- to rise and spread; as smoke
- fuka -- to rise and spread; as smoke; steam; even a quarrel; find fault with
- fuka -- to rise up and spread; as smoke from a fire; steam; even a quarrel; find fault with
- fukata -- to embrace; to carry a child in one's breast; in one's arms; or of a mother holding a child in her lap; to nurse: it thus comes to have the meaning of conjugal embrace
- fukilila -- to be smoked; blackened with smoke
- fukiza -- to smoke
- fukuka -- to be dug; said also of a tree which; falling over another; pulls its roots right out of the ground
- fukula -- to dig in soft ground; to dig up; to cast up; as a mole; to dig with the hand in seeking for water; dig in an ash-heep; to 'cast-up' old quarrels; to remind one of past things
- fukula -- to raise or pull the threads in weaving
- fukulila -- to heap soil round root of plants: to declare; confess; as of something done long ago
- fukuta -- to make a wriggling or rustling noise inside; causing attention
- fukuta -- to rub a skin in preparing it
- fukutula -- to stretch out an arm
- fula -- 1. to dig out; as a mole; or as people getting water in a sandy soil; 2. to draw out honey from a hollow tree; to dig out; draw out honey; 3. to strain; from taking out the lees; 4. to castrate; also t [check glosses]
- fulama -- to swell out as bread set for baking; as the stomach ater a heavy meal.
- fulatila -- to turn the back on
- fulika -- to be fat; to be stout; generally used of a person; rarely of an animal
- fulika -- to prune; to hoe up weeds round plants; as tobacco; or ground nuts
- fulisa -- to plant maize before the rains begin; to push a potato or cassava into the ashes to be baked
- fulukuta -- to be restless and move the hands or limbs constantly
- fulukuta -- to move about in one place
- fulula -- to stay in one place
- fulumbuta -- to move; to fidget about
- fulumila -- to hasten
- fulumiza -- to hasten; to cause to hasten
- fuma -- to come from; of a report; to arise out of
- fumbata -- to grip with the hand; to shut the hand; or to grasp with both hands; one above the other
- fumbatula -- to relax one's grip
- fumbila -- to increase a village
- fumbila -- to smooth ground by trampling with feet ; as Angoni do in the dance
- fumbula -- to open up; as a path by frequent passing; of a rabbit-track
- fumbutuka -- to untwine; as a roll or ball of string; to crumble away as a sun-dried brick with rain.
- fumbwa -- to be eaten into holes; of wood; hard meat; grain; ground-nuts
- fumpha -- to rehoe an old garden
- fumphuka -- to bob up after being drawn down; of a float
- fumuka -- to become sour or stale; to move so as to let another pass; to be faint-hearted; to be listless or odorless; as tobacco which has lain long in the open
- fumula -- 1. to separate from a heap; 2. to unroof; where one separates and pulls aside handfulls of the thatch; 3. to enlarge a house; 4. to move a little; to move backwards; as from the fire if too hot; 5. t
- funa -- to wis h; want; seek; care for; desire; love; to be about to
- funda -- to be warm
- funda -- to be warm
- funda -- to cover; cover one's self with; clothe one's self with anything wrapped round
- funda -- to cover; cover one's self with; clothe one's self with anything wrapped round
- fundula -- to cast off; as a snake its skin
- fundula -- to moult; to cast skin as a snake does; to steal one's covering off one's body = as a blanket
- fundula -- to uncover
- fungamila -- to cover over and protect; as a hen its eggs or its brood of chickens; as a dog its young; or as a sow
- fungata -- to cover and protect
- fungatila -- to hug; as a mother does her child; to set upn eggs or chickens
- fungila -- to take an oath
- fungilila -- to curse
- funkha -- to carry off; remove
- funkhata -- to embrace
- funkhuka -- to be concave; to fly back as a spring of a trap
- funsa -- to ask; make inquiries
- funtha -- to pilfer; carry off
- funthula -- to loosen; as string; to undo a burden; to pull out a slip-knot; or a knot tied for speedy untying;
- funthula -- to shovel away with a spade.
- funya -- to fold one's legs in sleep
- funya -- to fold; curl up; roll up; close; tuck up; to fold one's legs in sleep
- fupa -- to give reward; not payment; to give for nothing at a dance or other ceremony;
- fupika -- to be short; to be near
- futila -- to sprinkle things dry
- futsa -- parboil
- futsa -- to parboil anything fresh to keep it; as beans; leaves of beans; to carry on one's journey; or to tie up in a bundle for future use; to half cook meat; to keep it from going bad; 'mealies' are thus tr
- futuka -- to shift
- futukuka -- to expand; to blow up; as a bladder
- fuula -- to shout; of people; not a dog or a lion; &c.
- fuwa -- to be sleepy from having been awake all night; to be underdone; of meat; uncooked; half melted; to be hard and badly cooked; to be unequally fired; of a pot; &c.
- fuwa -- to be uncooked
- fuwitsa -- kuenda kosiku; kufuitsa = to travel all night is to be very tired next day
- fuya -- to tame; to keep tame animals
- fwalikila -- to spead out; as a report does about any person; or as an army does in making a raid
- fwamba -- to kidnap
- fwamphuka -- to go off-of a trap
- fwanthula -- to scatter and clear out everything; as articles in a room
- fwasula -- to open; expand as a head of grain; millet; &c.
- fwichilila -- to be smoked; blackened with smoke
- fwifwa -- to be worn out
- gabadula -- to open up; to pick off; or open up anything adhering; say; with one's finger and thumb
- gabula -- to take off; as a lid; break off; hip off; open up; take off something adhering
- gadabula -- to open up; something keeping shut; one's hand; a lid; &c.; also to pick off anything adhering
- gadama -- to lie on one's back; of a canoe; to gape with a wide mouth; of leaves; to be broad and luxuriant; to lie open to the sun; of a pot; to lie on its side; of a house; to have the verandah turned up so
- gadamika -- to cause to fall backward; to be flat on one's back
- gadamula -- to pick off anything adhering
- gaduka -- to overset; to overturn with the hands; of a canoe; to overset; also to lean back; as in rowing
- gadula -- to overset; to overturn with the hands; of a canoe; to overset; also to lean back; as in rowing
- gagada -- to chop or hack with an axe; or with a knife; wood; bone; &c.
- gagadiza -- to quaff
- galamuka -- to turn quickly round; of a person's eyes; to be clever or quick; to be quick or clever at anything with one's hands; to lift up one's head quickly on being called; to get up; be alert; active; also t
- galamutsa -- to awaken; to rouse
- gambatula -- to loosen things adhering to one another; to open the lid of a box; to pick off; to take out or off anything fixed or firm
- gamphuka -- to be brittle and easily broken
- gamphula -- to chip out; as of a plate or pot
- gamuka -- to fall in; as the side of a pit; a river bank; fall down; as the side of an ant-heap
- gamula -- to give verdict in a mlandu; to take a short-cut across
- gangata -- to make level; as surface of road; or floor of a house; by smoothing it with a flat trowel
- ganiza -- to think; suppose; consider
- gavila -- to lap against the side of a vessel; fluctuate; sway to and fro
- gawa -- to divide; divide between
- gea -- to belch; air from the stomach
- goba -- 1. to hollow out; hew out a drum; cut into a piece of wood; 2. a kind of trap loosely plaited; of considerable length; able to be drawn out; and about the circumference of a rat's body; for catching r
- gobedeza -- to move about things; to make a noise of moving about
- gobeka -- to sink in eyes with prominent eyebrows; to be soft (of a tree) and easily hollowed out
- gogoda -- to knock; beat; knock at the door; knock on wood; with an axe; one's hand; beat bark-cloth; clap one's hands
- gogomola -- to tap; as a woodpecker
- gompha -- to peck
- gona -- to lie down; to sleep; to lie down to sleep; to stay in a place for so long
- gondomala -- to be stupid
- goneka -- to call or summon
- gongosela -- to walk with stick; as elderly person; to do anything slowly and carefully; as in finishing well some piece of work. The idea is slowness with which the thing is done
- gonja -- to do obeisance
- gontha -- to be deaf; deafen
- gonthetsela -- to blunt; to fill in a hole or opening with rubbish or dirt so as to make it useless for its purpose
- goola -- to break off; as maize bends; to break across
- gubidiza -- to search thoroughly; to look for anything; as in a house; turning over things in the search
- gubuduka -- to turn over; roll over
- gubuduza -- to make a snoring noise
- gubula -- to strike into; as in digging for mice one arrives at the nest; or for honey when one strikes into the cells; or in an ant-hill
- guduka -- to overset; overturn; to turn upside down; as a basket falling with things in it; of war; to be swept back again and the country left
- gudula -- to overset; overturn; to turn upside down; as a basket falling with things in it; of war; to be swept back again and the country left
- guga -- to be threadbare; to become barren; as an old garden; to begin to look old; as a man getting on in years or a man recently recovered from illness
- guguda -- to beat; as in pounding a very little grain in the mtondo; to beat; as the heart; to beat or chop firewood; with a duller sound than gogoda; to stamp clay; which is put on the floor
- gugudila -- to finish the whole of beer in the cup or water in the bowl
- gula -- to buy; barter
- guluka -- to slip out; of a tooth from its socket; or a hoe out of its handle; to cease to menstruate - of a woman
- guluka -- to take out of the socket; to dislocate; take out a tooth; a hoe or axe-head from its handle; a post from its hole [check T; cf. guluka]
- gulula -- to extract; as a nail from a piece of wood; or a loose tooth; to pluck out weeds; to consume
- gulula -- to take out of the socket; to dislocate; take out a tooth; a hoe or axe-head from its handle; a post from its hole; to extract; as a nail from a piece of wood; or a loose tooth; to pluck out weeds; to consume
- gulumunya -- to suck; roll in one's mouth; say fruit stones
- gumphula -- to take one thing off another when adhering; to break up and hoe away clods of earth
- gumuka -- to be detached from; separated from
- gunda -- to knock; to beat
- gunda -- to thunder; from the sound
- gundila -- to hem edge of mat or basket
- gunthima -- to nod with sleep
- guza -- to drag along the ground
- gwa -- ku gwetsa mtima; to soothe a person
- gwa -- to fall; and as in English 'to fall;' 'to fall out;' to fall upon;' mean to happen
- gwamula -- to hit under the chin in insult; kumenya ku chibwano; or to give a poke with the elbow
- gwanda -- to cut through
- gwaza -- to wound; to stab
- gwedela -- to shake; be slack
- gwedemula -- to disjoint; dislocate; to overset ; take out a post; tooth; &c.
- gwedula -- to overset; also gweduka; to be overset; as a pot; a log of wood
- gwejemuka -- to be loose and broken; gwejegweje; as the lock of a gun broken inside
- gwela -- see gwa.
- gwibidi -- disappearing into; as of men carrying loads into a hut
- gwikila -- to hiccough
- gwila -- to catch; to hold; get; take hold of; of disease; to 'be taken with;' 'take;' fever; &c.; of fire; to catch; ku gwira nchito; to work
- gwiligwiza -- to tie lightly; to make firm something which is likely to fall down or to pieces
- gwilimintha -- to swallow without masticating
- gwilizila -- to support; as in holding up a falling person or thing; also to act as the intermediary in a marriage
- gwindimala -- to be muscular; and short of stature
- gwintha -- to swallow
- haukila -- to get up quickly and do what is wanted; to be ready and willing
- ika -- to put; place; bury; of plants which fruit under the ground; to 'lay' of hens
- ikilila -- to intrust
- ima -- to be pregnant in early months
- ima -- to stand; stay; wait
- imba -- to sing
- imika -- ku imika mau = ku tantalika mau bwino; to arrange one's words well
- imilila -- to minister; to stand by; to stand upright; to rise up from a sitting posture
- inga -- to send away; drive away; frighten away
- ingitsa -- drive away; see inga.
- ipa -- to be bad; evil; distasteful; foul
- ipitsa -- to disfigure; to ruin; to spoil; to seduce a woman; but used only if known or if followed by pregnancy
- itana -- to call or name
- iwala -- to forget
- jadima -- to prance; as a horse; to dance about; as a kid.
- jeda -- to laugh at; taunt; 'make a fool of'; it is not necessarily malicious
- jegedwa -- chew
- jegweda -- to chew
- jejema -- to look on this side and on that; as a man about to steal and wishing to know if he is unobserved.
- jejemela -- to be shaved round
- jejemetsa -- to amaze
- jemba -- to mark; as with knife or axe
- jidikila -- to be thick; as cardboard
- jincha -- to be in good condition; stout and strong
- jinchila -- to be strong; firm
- jindimala -- to be chubby
- jiwa -- to be eaten by a wild animal
- joba -- to hew out
- jogoda -- to poke or dig with the finger or a sharp stick.
- jompha -- to peck; pick; also with an adze; pick
- kaikakaika -- to halt; hesitate; to doubt
- kakamila -- to catch fast hold of; urge; stick fast to; also of colours; to be 'fast'
- kakatula -- to take bites out
- kalakala -- to scrape out; dig out with the feet; as a mouse; &c.
- kalakata -- to climb; scramble up - a tree; a bank; a mound; a hill
- kalamba -- to grow old; also grow ripe; firm
- kalasa -- to stir up a fire
- kalima -- to be hollow; or curved out; of a person who has eaten nothing
- kalipa -- to be fierce; angry; churlish; brave
- kama -- to milk
- kamangazula -- to migrate from place to place
- kamba -- to talk; relate
- kambila -- of kamba; to send someone with commands to someone else; &c.
- kambula -- to eat relish without nsima
- kana -- to refuse; to deny
- kananda -- to creep as a cat
- kanda -- to knead; dough; also earth
- kandidwa -- to be scratched; as with thorns
- kandulula -- to scratch; as with thorns
- kangamila -- to grasp; grapple; hold fast; cleave fast together
- kanganitsana -- to quarrel
- kaNG'antha -- to beat; beat fast; shower blows; as with the hand one beats the straining beer-basket to make the liquid run freely through
- kanganula -- to loosen; reversive of kanganika; to tighten
- kangaula -- to take off one thing adhering to another; or lying upon another
- kangaza -- to hasten; urge; press upon; strive; to do dilgently; as kanga; of which it is a form
- kangula -- to cut open
- kanika -- mwala wakanika; to fail to move the stone - i.e.; the stone refused
- kanikiza -- to press; urge; press in; say a spear; to force upon
- kanila -- to turn 'King's evidence' and give evidence against one's accomplices
- kanilila -- to be fast; to be fast shut; &c.
- kankha -- to push; 'shove;' also to wave away with one's hand; to touch a person; to move off; to roll something heavy that can't be lifted
- kankhizila -- to force
- kantha -- to beat; anything soft; as a cloth in washing it; beating with wood; thus to 'wash' clothes; also to beat with the fist; to kill; then of the sun or rain to 'beat upon.'
- kanula -- to open as an armlet
- kanya -- to crush and knead sabola (chillies) for the ndiwo; to knead or mix; dough; flour; earth; tobacco; in making up a ball
- kanyanga -- to press; to grip at the throat; to squeeze as in pressing out matter from a boil or wound
- kanyanga -- to work dough; to mix to a thickesh consistency; earth; flour; &c.; also of things touching each other
- kapa -- to bale water out of a boat
- kapakapa -- to flutter as a bird does its wings
- kasa -- to stretch skin over a drum
- kasa -- with ng'oma; to cover a drum
- kasula -- to open up; cut open; an animal; a house; a bag
- katsa -- to light matches; strike fire; also get fire with powder and two stones; but this is most probably gasa moto; gasani moto; and this again may be connected with atsa; yatsa.
- kauka -- break off; split off; a bit of bark; lamina of iron; leaves from the stalk; a small bunch from the banana head of fruit; a bit of a pot; jar
- kaula -- break off; split off; a bit of bark; lamina of iron; leaves from the stalk; a small bunch from the banana head of fruit; a bit of a pot; jar
- kazinga -- to roast; to fry (without water)
- kha -- to drop; drip; to leak; be strained through
- khadzula -- to break; chip; pull off; of things which are brittle or have some similar brittle hold
- khafula -- to strike a match; to spit
- khakhala -- to be rough; hard; rugged; as a skin; a path
- khakhamuka -- to crack; as a pot in cooking
- khakhathala -- to be dry; withered
- khala -- 1. to sit; to remain; to be; to wait; to become; to happen; 2. to rub; powder; crumble down; as tobacco into snuff; with one's hands or with a stone; also (an extension of the same); to scrape; as a d
- khalila -- to sit for; &c.
- khalima -- to fall in drops
- khankhiliza -- to do something with bad results
- khanyuka -- to lie with one's legs spread out
- khathamila -- to be wet with rain; &c.; as the body with rain; the ground with a shower or with dew; anything cooked with too much water
- khathamiza -- to wet
- khathila -- to lap; with the hand; or of a dog lapping
- khathimila -- to be wet
- khazika -- to set; place; establish; make wait
- khobola -- to break across; wood; a roasted maize-cob; to give a bit to one's companion; anything flexible; a stalk of cane; a bit of cassava-root; &c.
- khodobola -- 1. to cut the hair round above the ears or at the back of the neck: this is most probably derived meaning; from the idea of plucking or cutting out a patch of hair as they do with the lumo; or razor;
- khodzoka -- to break through the middle; break off.
- khofoka -- to be tired out; withered up; of maize ripe and bending down; of a man 'dead beat' with travel or hunger; of leaves withered
- khoka -- to bid; make an offer [check tone]
- khoka -- to draw together; to harden; as skin or cream 'forms' on milk; or as the juice of a tree hardens when it runs down from the incision made; or as ice; unknown in the tropics of course... [check tone]
- khoma -- to beat; knock; hit; to hammer
- khonja -- to yield; to submit; to surrender
- khonjetsa -- to over-power; to suppress; to subdue
- khonyola -- to break off; from a stalk; as a banana; or maize-cob
- khonyola -- to refuse because too little
- khota -- to be bent; crooked;
- khotsomola -- to cough
- khovola -- to pound soft substances
- khoza -- to do; to do well; accomplish; be able to do; manage to do; be right
- khucha -- to shake; to be loose; as of anything requiring fastening
- khuchula -- to shake out; as out of a bottle; lees out of a pot; &c.
- khuchumula -- ?
- khudza -- to touch
- khufula -- to be pressed out; to come up or out; to spread soft out; to cluster soft.
- khukhuluza -- to pass close to anything so as almost to graze it
- khukhuza -- to rub against anything; as an animal in scratching itself
- khula -- to rub; clean; polish; rub off; wipe; to rub with oil; clean a gun; rub with the hand or calico; polish an axe-handle; rub the fibrous covering off sweet cane; sugar-cane &c.; to rub the body; wipe pe
- khulila -- to smooth round
- khulula -- to unstring; lower; loosen; to be lenient; merciful; forgive; to unwind thread from a bobbin; be soft; lose strength; to quiet rage; to pull out a piece of grass at the joint; to faint with the heat;
- khululuka -- to grow mild; subside; of bitter things; of anger
- khulumuka -- to begin to get thin
- khulungila -- to lie a long time in one place in hiding; or in waiting for anything; as a wounded animal does.
- khulupila -- to trust; expect; hope in; look for; hope for; expect a person; to be in need of; to be pleased with a special thing; hold to a thing; look carefully at; take care of.
- khumata -- to be silent; still; say; with one's arms folded; or crossed upon one's shoulders; sadly or sulkily; or simply quiet; as a butterfly with folded wings
- khumba -- to wish; desire
- khumbutula -- to take off a piece of bark from a tree; unwind; undo
- khumula -- twist or break the neck; to strangle; sprain; draw or wring a fowl's neck; also to draw out; pull up by the root; as a stalk of maize; a bunch of grass; pull the leaves of a plant; crack one's fingers
- khumuza -- to take grain off the cob
- khupuka -- to get rich suddenly; especially after being poor
- khuta -- to be satisfied; said of hunger appeased; or mind or heart gratified; it comes to be a sort of equivalent for 'thank you;' seeing a person's best thanks are to be satisfied with what one gives him
- khuthala -- to be stiff; of calico.
- khuthuka -- to pour in...antu a khuthuka; men come 'pouring in' when they hear there is a beer-drinking
- khuthula -- to pour out of; shake things out of a bag; pour flour which has been spread to dry off the mat...
- khuthula -- to uncover
- khuvulila -- to beat the water; splash; paddle; as in walking in deep water; say; up to the thighs; to beat the water while fishing; the fish think their companions are feeding and so take the bait; to beat the wa
- khuzumuka -- to be quietened; loosened; set off as a gun; let fall; lose bitterness; or intense heat; anger
- khwa -- to fall lightly
- khwadzula -- to flog; to belabour
- khwalakhwala -- to go about seeking for anything
- khwalakhwaza -- to scrawl as in writing
- khwalala -- to be broad
- khwapalala -- to hang down; of a woman's breasts
- khwaphuka -- to rise up suddenly; to appear suddenly; as when buffaloes are feeding and one sees only two till suddenly the whole herd rises.
- khwasula -- to take a little; taste a little
- khwathula -- to snatch away; carry off
- khwatsula -- to skiff past; skiff off
- khwatsula -- to snatch away
- khwekhwelela -- to sit and move along; as a lame or wounded man; as a baboon; a child not yet able to walk
- khwekhweletsa -- to haul
- khwethemuka -- to shake
- khwima -- to be strong; ripe; to be firm
- khwinyata -- to shrink up; shrivel up; curl up; to dry; wither; be rolled up; as leaves; dried skin; roasted meat; &c.
- khwisula -- to offer sacrifice to the spirits for rain
- khwizila -- to hound dogs on to game; or to bite or seize a person
- koa -- to bend
- kocheza -- to come to land
- kodola -- to beckon; to 'nudge'; also to 'wink' to; also to scrape with the finger; as kolosa; to sound or play the kalirangwe a kind of fiddle-banjo with the finger
- kodza -- to urinate
- koka -- to pull; draw; drag
- koka -- to sweep round; as a boat round an island; a person round some object opposing; but it also means 'to bring a boat to land;' or 'to a standstill.'
- kokana -- of things which interlace and cover over; as straw; leaves; twigs; &c.; upon the top of the water; but also of fat hardening on the top
- kokela -- to gather into a scum or interlaced mass; as 'flotsam' of grass and rubbish in a flood
- kokeza -- to come to a stop; of a canoe at the bank or on a 'snag' in midstream; also to sweep round and disappear behind; as a canoe round an island
- kokola -- to rake; gather; reap; to heap and carry away.
- kokolola -- to sweep off; take off the top; as epula; only stronger
- kokoma -- to roar; as rain; rapids; a bush-fire; thunder; &c.
- kokomeza -- to leave a person alone under the belief that he is dangerous or poweerful when he is not so; to keep a man; who is doing evil; from due punishment; in consequence of which he does it again; to let a
- kokota -- to scrape out; with the finger; to scrape off; scrape together; with the hand or fingers or a stick; also to sweep off.
- kokoteka -- to be difficult; to cause pain
- kokotola -- to scrape out
- kola -- to catch; very close to the English idiom; to 'catch' one's breath; to 'catch' sickness; to 'catch' fire (kolera); to catch hold of; specially of a trap; to catch game-of thorns; to catch one's person
- kolana -- see kola
- kolana -- to interweave; interlace; intertwine; as thorns; as a net woven with meshes; of tangled thread; of the appearance of entrails; of walking arm in arm; or hand in hand; kolane kolane
- koleka -- to hang up upon a peg; link on to; as meat upon a stick; &c.
- kolela -- to light fire
- kolela -- to net over; as pots or gourds with luzi; bark; so as to carry them without their being broken
- koleletsa -- to season
- koleza -- to light; ignite; kindle
- kolokota -- to scrape; dig; scrape out; as kolosa; to pick out
- kolola -- to break off something from above; chiefly of maize-cobs from the stalk; also of bananas when one leaves the bunch uncut.
- kololoka -- to bend downards; of maize-heads when ripe - i.e.; to bend so as to be pulled off; of maize; millet when still unripe; bananas.
- koloola -- to scrape out
- kolopola -- to take out; as a thorn; put out; as an eye.
- kolopola -- to undress; to snatch something away from another; to remove maize-cobs from stalks; to take down from a height; to uncouple a pair
- kolosa -- to dig; scrape out; scrape away; dig out; pick out.
- kolosola -- to dig out and dig out
- koloweka -- to link; to bend
- kolowekana -- to be linked together
- kolowola -- to scrape out; as ashes from a pipe; wax from the ear; soft pulp from the inside of a pumpkin; little patches of hair from the head.
- koma -- to be good; kind; indulgent; taste well; be handsome; please; be agreeable; fit or suit well: it is the best word for goodness in general; along with bwino.
- komana -- to meet with; also to fight with; i.e.; to knock one another.
- komba -- to scrape a pot or dish with the forefinger as children do; ku komba mbale; to scrape a morsel along in the gravy; to knock with the knuckle on the mouth
- komoka -- to faint; as with the heat of the sun; to be in a state of coma; of leaves; to wither with the sun; to die on the spot.
- komola -- to cause to faint; kill outright
- komola -- to give the death blow
- komphola -- to cause to squeeze out; to be squeezed and jump out; as a cork jumping from a bottle; a maggot or pus squeezed out of a wound; if; say; tomatoes are being squeezed in a piece of cloth and one of them
- konda -- to please; to love
- kongola -- 1. to be beautiful = ku koma; 2. to owe; both Yao and Mang'anja; comes to mean to borrow; in the sense of 'I shall owe this.'
- kong'ontha -- to beat with a stick
- kongwa -- to be weakened with cold or hunger; seized with cold.
- konkha -- to sprinkle or pour a little water; as in pounding maize one takes a little water from time to time and pours it in; or as in pouring a little water on the dry bark string to moisten it.
- konola -- to pound; used of the first pounding of maize
- konomphola -- to extract; as a thorn which has gone very deep; to pluck out an eye
- konza -- to correct; beautify; to mend; to repair; reconcile; rule; help; make good; put right; also; euphemistically; to kill.
- kooka -- to pull together; pull off
- koola -- to pull together; pull off
- kopa -- to persuade by enticing; to seduce
- kopatila -- to gather into the bosom; to place in the armpit; under the arm.
- kosomola -- to cough
- kotama -- to bend; stoop; stoop down; crouch down; stoop as an old man; sit as a fowl upon the nest
- kowa -- to hook; to catch; to pull towards one; also to bend; to be hooked or crooked; whic is better kowama; with its adv. kowakowa.
- kua -- to add a fringe to cloth
- kua -- to be lean; as a dog; beast; man
- kua -- to shout; cry out
- kuchuza -- to wash out a bottle thoroughly; to churn milk in a gourd cup by shaking the contents backward and forward.
- kudzula -- to pluck off; feathers of a fowl; hair of a goat; also hair or fur of a skin buried to make it soft that the hair may easily come off.
- kukha -- to drop; leak
- kukula -- to plaster or close round a house or kraal with grass; thorns; or mud; chiefly; of course; with grass (tsekera); as most commonly done
- kukulila -- drink largely
- kukuma -- to roar; like thunder; as rapids; rain; fire.
- kukuta -- to eat anything hard; or that sounds hard; as munching an apple; as a dog in gnawing a bone knocks it against the ground; as in eating green maize.
- kukuta -- to gnaw anything hard; as a dog a bone.
- kula -- to increase; to grow; also to be great; to enlarge in any way.
- kulukula -- to prevent by persuading a person
- kulukuta -- to be smooth; rubbed clean or smooth
- kulumiza -- to smear as persons do with ashes for joy at the return of friends from a journey; or for grief at a maliro
- kulumunya -- to suck in the mouth
- kulunga -- to make smooth; as a floor rubbed with a stone; of a jar; to take off the rough husk
- kulunga -- to wait or stay in the house
- kulunga -- to wind round; twine round
- kulupala -- to be fat; to grow fat; to thrive
- kulupala -- to thrive to grow fat
- kuluwika -- to speak so as to deceive
- kumana -- to meet
- kumba -- to dig
- kumbuka -- to think; remember
- kundika -- gather; collect; store; hoard
- kundiza -- to store; keep
- kundula -- to put aside; fold aside; as a mat or a piece of cloth to see what is behind it
- kunga -- to fasten tight; make firm; wind a bowstring round and round the end of the bow in stringing it; to make rigid
- kunga -- to lay the stones in readiness to make a fire and put on the pot
- kungudzika -- to be eaten; gnawed off
- kungudzuka -- to be eaten; gnawed off
- kungula -- to take off from; as thread off a bobbin; cloth off a fence; a web of cloth from the loom; flour drying from a mat; of war; to clear out of a country
- kunguna -- to pass under; be loose; as a bracelet
- kung'untha -- to beat with a stick; as in beating a carpet
- kung'untha -- to knock; shake; beat; beat with the hand; as a basket
- kungunuka -- to vanish; as vapour; or mist; to come off; as the bark of a tree
- kungunula -- to unloosen; take off; as a string of beads from one's neck; skin from a drum; take off a roof; &c.
- kunkhulika -- to speak away fom the point at a mlandu
- kunkhulila -- to roll on the ground; of a pot or anything similar
- kunkhunila -- to roll over; to roll anything
- kuntha -- to beat; to shake; dust; as in dusting a mat; to beat with the hand in dusting cloth
- kunyala -- to wither up
- kunyuka -- to mope; to refuse; to grumble at what has been given as too little; 'take the pet' and go off.
- kupa -- to flap; fan; stir; bale out water; also to cut away the grass
- kupata -- to embrace
- kupila -- to wink
- kupiza -- to fan
- kupula -- to take off the skin; bark a tree; pluck a fowl; 'pug' the hair off a skin; to cut grass - i.e.; to cut or pluck as it were the dambo
- kusa -- to hoe lightly; on the surface; to hoe over an old field; to heap lightly together into one place; to keep goats or cattle together in one place; to herd
- kuta -- to wrap up; as in cloth or leaves a small bundle of food or anything; to cover up; cover over; also to cover with thatch; to thatch.
- kutila -- to cover; hide; veil
- kutumula -- to shake off; dust; as one does a cloth or a coat or a mat; to shake one's self; as a dog when it comes out of the water
- kuza -- to enlarge; call or esteem great; increase much in size
- kuzilila -- to sew the edge of a mat
- kwadzula -- to break off the crackly leaves of maize; or other leaves
- kwana -- to be sufficient; spread over; to be equal to; to meet; to be enough for.
- kwapata -- to put under one's arm; to cross strings of beads under the one arm and over the other shoulder
- kwapatula -- to take from under one's arm
- kwapula -- to flog; beat off; as one beats dew off the grass beside the path in early morning travelling
- kwata -- to marry; said of the man; while kwatibwa or kwatidwa is used of the woman
- kwatana -- copulate of human beings
- kwatitsa -- give in marriage
- kwawa -- to creep; crawl; as a child; as in stalking game; as an animal or insect
- kwechesa -- to rub
- kweka -- to loop; to hang by a hook; to hang up; hang by a string
- kwela -- to climb
- kwela -- to climb; ascend; to rise
- kwelana -- copulate; of animals
- kwemba -- to sniff up; snuff up; also; to sob; to 'draw' tobacco; to suck water through a reed; draw up water as in a squirt
- kwenzula -- to twist the mouth in sneering at a person; to make a grimace
- kwia -- to be angry; to show anger
- kwichisa -- to rub together
- kwidzila -- to hem mats; baskets
- kwilila -- to cover; to cover over
- kwindima -- to be small; short and stout; dwarfish; but not necessarily a dwarf; rather is it well-knit; used of men; animals; grain; of a skin or bag to be dry and hard; well dried; but not necessarily dried up
- kwinya -- to pull up; tuck up; wrinkle up; shrivel up; as one's calico if it fall down about one's feet
- kwinyiza -- to blunt
- kwinyiza -- to bundle up; roll up; as thread or string; or anything rolled into a cloth
- kwiya -- to be angry; to show anger
- labada -- to care for; heed
- labadila -- to mind; to be worrying oneself especially about nothing or trifles
- laka -- to baffle; puzzle; to prevail; to be powerful
- laka -- to desire; long for
- lakalaka -- to hanker after
- lakata -- to fall scattered; as grains; crumbs; rain
- lakatika -- to babble
- lakatula -- to pick up things scattered; also to utter oracular words; scatter out many words; &c.; babble; be inspired; compose poems
- lakwa -- to be inaccurate; to shoot and miss; to fall short; to fail; to sin
- lala -- to wear out; be finished; be quenched; of fire; to be finished by degrees
- lalata -- to evil entreat; taunt; speak harshly or evilly to; not to swear at; or to speak unlawfully; but rather such ill will as - 'you may die this year'
- lalika -- to proclaim to; to make known; tell a number of people; herald; summon; spread tidings; collect for war; &c.
- lalika -- to spread out
- lama -- to be whole; well; good; beautiful; healthy; to be in life; to expand; increase; also to escape; be saved; preserved
- lamba -- to do obeisance; pay respect to; obey; honour as master or chief; to come and sta y under a chief
- lambala -- to pass round by the side of; to skirt; to skirt round by the side of the house or of a field; to graze cut off the side of
- lambalala -- to skirt round
- lambula -- to clear away; round; or off; sweep away; hoe grass from the path; clear the dry grass away from the grave that the fire may not sweep over it.
- lamula -- to command; rule; give orders; as a chief; also to tell
- landa -- to steal; to rob; take; receive
- landana -- to be like; resemble
- landila -- to receive
- landilila -- to relieve of
- landitsa -- to set free; to cause to hand over; to rescue
- landula -- to object; refuse; to deny; to reject
- langa -- to carry off; steal all
- langa -- to instruct; reprove; punish with words or with stripes
- langiza -- to make known; to point out; to instruct
- languluza -- to harm; to injure by stealing
- lankhula -- to talk; to salute
- lapa -- to regret; be surprised; to repent; also to tell about; bring back a report
- lapila -- to lick; lap
- lapita -- to lick
- lasa -- to shoot; to hit; to wound
- laula -- to swear; to utter things unlawful; to speak words by the spirits; of trees and voices supposed unnaturally to speak; to swear at a person; to meet with bad omen; to meet with signs of evil import; al
- lavula -- to spit; to spit out
- lawa -- to taste; also test; try; start off in the early morning
- lawila -- to take leave of
- leka -- to let; leave; stop
- lekelela -- to bear with; to spare
- lela -- to nurse; nourish; be 'lenient;' gentle; soft; weak; tired; to be kindly; bring up as a mother does her child.
- leletsa -- to separate two combatants; to rescue from a wild beast
- lema -- to be tired/ heavy in various ways; tired of; also in the compounds lemera; lemekeza; lemeka; be honourable; wealthy; a man of weight; a man of substance.
- lemba -- to draw; grave; write; cut out of; draw round; 'fetch a compass'
- lemekeza -- to honour; thank
- lemela -- to be heavy; to be rich
- lemeleza -- to be very rich; to be held in esteem by the people
- lemeza -- to enrich; be rich
- lenda -- to be gluey; sticky; stringy; as boiled leaves; as gum; also to swing
- lenga -- 1. to do wonders; create; do things beyond the power of man; 2. to soar suspended in the air
- lengeza -- to challenge
- lengeza -- to make known; to proclaim; to send round notice
- lengula -- to be faint with hunger; dizzy; without strength; of water; to be calm
- lengula -- to cut; pare
- lenjekeka -- to be hung up; as a picture; or as a bat hangs itself up
- lenza -- to tease out; tear into shreds; tease out a fringe
- lephela -- to be at a loss; unable to do a thing; puzzled; baffled
- lethuka -- to swoon
- letsa -- to hinder
- lewa -- to avoid; avoid missiles; arrows; stones; to lean to one side; or to go to one side to let anything pass
- leza -- to lower
- libwidika -- to be still and quiet in the limbs; to be soft from over-boiling
- likha -- to hew down; to fall down; to hew down a tree; to fall as of rain; also to knock down; a house; a man; &c.
- likhula -- to knock over; cause to fall
- lila -- in the sense of want
- lila -- to cry
- lila -- to cry; weep; sound; as a bell; an animal's 'cry;' of any sound; cry for; want; need
- lilima -- to thunder; to roll or roar; as thunder; rapids; rain; guns; to give out sound of flame; or water running over stones
- lima -- to hoe
- limba -- see limba - to be strong
- limba -- to be firm; hard; strong; to be difficult
- limbikitsa -- to establish; to make firm
- limbilila -- to lay by hold of; for support
- linda -- to wait
- linda -- to wait
- lindilila -- to guard by warding off blows
- lindima -- to thunder
- lindima -- to thunder
- linga -- to measure; to say; to think; to be;
- lipa -- to pay
- lipa -- to pay; pay for; solve by payment; generally used in the payment of mlandu; but used widely as a general term for payment
- liphithika -- to be limp; and unwilling to make any more exertion
- lipuka -- to be ill in one's limbs; all over one's body
- liza -- cause to sound
- loa -- to enter
- lobwa -- to be weak; either from hunger or constitutionally
- lodza -- to bewitch; to kill a person with secret (superstitious) medicine; not by poison but sorcery; hence used for misfortune of any kind
- lola -- to let; allow; consent; yield
- lolomoka -- to be in health
- londa -- to follow
- londa -- to follow; to pursue
- londalonda -- to search for; to follow up
- londoloza -- to make ready; to set in order = to put things straight; to put a mlandu right; to adjust; to be careful and tidy
- longa -- to pursue
- longa -- to put to; arrange; put into; put one thing upon the top of another
- longolola -- to make a noise; quarrel; talk loudly; to talk much; also to remind one frequently about a debt
- longoloza -- ?
- longosola -- to arrange; relate
- lonjela -- to greet
- lonjeza -- to promise; to make an appointment
- lonjezana -- to be at peace
- lophothoka -- to be loose; as loose stone; as the joints of a fowl overboiled; &c.
- losa -- to divine
- lota -- to dream; to divine; to guess
- lothoka -- to go forth with eager haste; to strive; or to purchase; to be eager
- lova -- to flag; of a dance; to be lazy or without strength to work; to be limp in body; as after excitement or exertion
- lowa -- to enter; disappear into; go into the bush; into the house; to pass away; pass in
- loza -- to point towards; point in the direction of
- lozeza -- to level; to aim at
- ludzulala -- to be fierce as result of being struck
- luka -- to weave
- lukutuka -- to fall so as to smash up all its branches (of a tree falling); to be in great trouble and distress (of a person)
- luluka -- to be humble; meek; to be of worthless character and despised by everybody.
- luluta -- to utter the sound called nthungululu; on the return of men from war or hunting; or on any other exciting occasion.
- luluza -- to hush a child ; to cry down; depreciate; to set at naught; to scorn; to make light of anyone; to boil and strain off water repeatedly until bitterness or noxious property is lost.
- luma -- to bite; to sting; to 'take a bite;' as of one who cuts a little bit of the meat his first shot has just killed; throws it on the fire; and eats it; that his fellow hunters may eat also
- lumaniza -- to join together two pieces of wood at the ends; make them bite.
- lumbila -- to mention; speak of; to swear; to speak of the spirits in offering sacrifice; to name the dead; to swear by the grave or by the dead: also to name persons not dead; to speak of them; to 'ask after;'
- lumika -- 'to cup'; an operation performed by the native physician frequently; besides blood-letting from the temple veins and other places.
- lumikiza -- to join; as boards of wood; to 'set' a bone; to join one thing to another
- lumpha -- to jump; to jump across; jump over; escape suddenly away
- lunda -- to become violent; as a woman sometimes does after three months' pregnancy
- lungama -- to be straight
- lungila -- of beer of the fourth day
- lunjika -- to be straight
- lunza -- to tie; to connect; tie together; to tie a knot
- lusa -- to be greedy of getting; greedy for catching; as a leopard
- lusula -- boil malt (beer making)
- lusula -- to boil or cook beer
- maliza -- to finish
- mamatula -- to take it off again
- mana -- to be 'hard;' stingy; 'near'; to grudge; be greedy of
- manga -- to bind; to tie
- mangiliza -- to bind
- masula -- to loosen; unfasten; unbind; to loosen tying; unbind a person; undo a burden; untie a string; of grain to come out of its sheath; or of a leaf to unfold
- mata -- to plaster; as one plasters mud on a wall; or glue; as white ants in building their cells.
- matula -- to take off what is adhering
- mbila -- to dive
- mbiza -- to cause to sink; to immerse
- mbunjula -- to cut off the points only of branches; &c.
- mbwandila -- to pounce upon; as in catching a fowl or small game
- mela -- to sprout
- mela -- to sprout; to spring
- mema -- to gather; assemble; of war
- memesa -- of a goat; to cry for the female
- memeza -- to muster; to summon together
- menya -- to beat; strike; to strike with the fist; or with a stick
- meta -- to shave the head
- meza -- to swallow
- mfamfantha -- to thump
- mila -- to dive
- mila -- to go under the water; to be covered with water; to dive
- mina -- to blow one's nose
- miza -- to hide; to cover; to put under the water
- mka -- to go
- mkitsa -- causative of mka; nka; cause to go
- monyola -- to eat anything soft; easily broken off; as bananas; nsima porridge
- motola -- to take a bite out of anything; as an animal would do
- motsoka -- to break off; of things broken easily - e.g.; rotten string; worm-eaten wood; thread not spun well
- mpsimpsintha -- to suck sugar-cane; to suck misinde stalks with the lips; also the bone of a fowl
- muka -- to go
- mulumunya -- to suck with the lips or gums; of things which cannot be chewed; of things which melt in one's mouth; or because one has no teeth
- munyula -- to paint with the glittering of mica
- mva -- to hear; feel
- mvela -- to hear
- mwa -- to drink
- mwalamwaza -- to spread out flour; turn over with hand; to derange
- mwaza -- to scatter; disperse; miss; lose
- mwela -- as of the hunter who dips the point of his gun into the wound of the animal he has shot; to make it 'drink' the blood; he also smears the blood on the butt.
- mweta -- to cut with a hook; to bite; of a dog which snaps at a stranger passing
- mwetula -- to break string across; to pull out hair
- mwetulila -- to smile; to tear at a thing with the teeth
- myata -- to stick on to; to plaster on
- myatalala -- to remain quiet; sit still; while others are talking; to be hid
- myatika -- to use false pretences; to flatter
- myuka -- 1. to feel anxiety at the heart; also the rising of heart; 2. to take the skin off; a scald or burn; or off one's leg in falling; to carry off; go right away
- nama -- to lie; to speak falsely; also so commonly used as the 'lie direct' that it comes to mean to be wrong
- namiza -- to deceive; to slander
- nanda -- to be gluey; viscid
- ndandalika -- to sit or stand in a line; or round about in a circle
- ndengula -- to rock; stagger; shake; as a tree; boat; a water-jar not standing even; of a drunk man
- ndondodza -- to drag or push along; to help along
- ndula -- to beat; throb
- nena -- to speak; to say; to tell
- nenepa -- to be fat; stout
- neneza -- to speak evil of; to slander; accuse; to report a person
- neNG'ama -- to be clearly seen upon the top of anything
- nga -- to be able; to be like; may; can; hence used as an auxiliary particle in the verb; as 'may; can;' in English
- NG'alula -- to split; bamboo; wood; firewood
- NG'amba -- to split; tear open
- NG'anima -- to shine; gleam; glitter; twinkle
- NG'anipa -- to gleam
- NG'aniza -- to make a display or parade
- NG'ombola -- to stare
- NG'ondola -- to scatter; disperse
- ngulungunda -- to roll over; as a round pot or jar on a smooth floor
- NG'uNG'udza -- to grumble
- ngwingwimala -- to be stunted in growth
- NG'yang'yampila -- to stand on tiptoe; of an animal stretched up on its hind legs
- nikuka -- to be uprooted with the wind; of a tree; to be bent in the middle; of a hoe
- ning'a -- to be narrow in the middle; at neck or waist; of a person; insect; jug
- ninkha -- to give; to bestow
- njanja -- to 'stot;' rebound; as an india-rubber ball
- njanjama -- to be 'jumped up' and short; as short clothing
- njenjema -- to shiver; start with fear; as a thief; one startled by his companion
- njenjemela -- to tremble; fear; shiver with cold
- njonjola -- to run fast; hurry as fast as you can; to 'run;' as a partridge or a guinea-fowl
- nka -- to go; also muka; mka
- nola -- 1. to sharpen; to grind on a stone; 2. to steal from
- nona -- to be fat; of animals
- nong'ona -- to whisper
- nonthoka -- to fly out quickly; as bird from cover
- nothokela -- to grapple with
- nsansantha -- to beat; to thump meat to make it tender before putting into the pot to cook
- nsansantha -- to chop
- nsensenya -- to walk softly and gently; as accompanying a sick person
- nthenthemela -- to shiver; to fear
- nthunthumila -- to tremble; shake with fear; cold; sickness
- ntsinkha -- to eat only the relish
- nunkha -- to smell; to emit smell; chiefly bad (but also; general)
- nya -- to do easement
- nyada -- to be proud; conceited; proud of anything: also of grain; to be luxuriant and good
- nyaika -- to touch or take up delicately; or 'gingerly' or with reluctance
- nyakula -- to raise up; turn up the edges; flap up leaves; as the wind does to a thatch
- nyala -- to be wrinkled; wither; to dry up; but not dry hard
- nyala -- to go down; of a swelling
- nyambita -- to lick
- nyamphila -- to creep stealthily along; on tiptoe
- nyamuka -- to rise up
- nyamula -- to raise up; and also to carry
- nyandula -- to take off; as a roof
- nyang'ama -- to step out gently; lightly; walk slowly
- nyang'wa -- to be proud; to 'talk big'
- nyanka -- to rise up; set off - see nyamuka
- nyankhala -- to be rough; not smooth
- nyankhalala -- to be lean and thin with hair all awry; of cattle and dogs - also of fowls whose feathers all stick up on end
- nyanya -- to itch; feel 'tickly' sensations
- nyanyala -- grumble; refuse; disregard
- nyanyamila -- to stand on tiptoe; reach up
- nyanyamphila -- to stand on tiptoe so as to reach up to something on a height
- nyasula -- to be blown up by the wind and turned the wrong way; as the thatch of a grass roof; or to be stroked the wrong way; as the hair of a cat
- nyata -- to be soft; thin with water; weak; as clay for making pots or plastering a house
- nyatila -- to walk gently
- nyaza -- to put to shame; of nyala
- nyedza -- to tease out cloth; crumble down; to gnaw; as a rat crumbling down maize; also to take off the strips or rind of ndiwo
- nyedzula -- to tease out; gnaw off into bits
- nyeka -- to consume; as firewood or cloth eaten away by fire; to spread; as a wound
- nyela -- ease one's self - see nya; also to make honey; as bees; also to insert the sting
- nyelenyetsa -- to tickle; be itchy
- nyema -- to break
- nyembetela -- to be soft with water; as soft mud
- nyempha -- to give the slip at mlandu; leaving your friends to fight their own case
- nyenchela -- to be dwarfish or small; to be born small; unformed
- nyendelela -- to go below; straight down; as the roots of a water-plant; or of a tree which sends its roots deep down
- nyenga -- to nurse; dandle; also to deceive; cheat; which is its commonest meaning
- nyengetela -- to lure; to appease; to persuade
- nyengeza -- to misrepresent; to tell lies; to make false promises
- nyenya -- to crumble; pull into fragments; break up into bits
- nyenyalila -- to grumble; be discontented; angry with
- nyenyamila -- to stand on tiptoe
- nyenyeka -- to be friable
- nyenyekela -- be scattered about
- nyenyela -- see nyenya - to crumble; shred into; hence chinyenyero; that which is shred into; also a young soft pumpkin; dzungu la ntheta
- nyenyukila -- to lie; as things strewn all over the ground
- nyeteza -- to sting; as bee
- nyetima -- to shine
- nyevula -- to smile; to grin
- nyezima -- to shine; glitter; glisten; be bright
- nyika -- to steep; to dip into a liquid; to soften by steeping in water; to strike lightly; to tread lightly
- nyinda -- to show the teeth; split open; scowl; in eating green maize; to gnaw with the front teeth
- nyindilila -- to groan while straining at a heavy load
- nyindula -- to split open
- nyinyidza -- to talk to one's self
- nyinyidzila -- to grumble at the smallness of anything; to work slowly; with intent to make it last out; to eat a little at a time so as to spin out the food store in the nkhokwe.
- nyinyilika -- to complain
- nyodola -- to despise; show despite; making the sound of dissent with one's lips; also despite shown in word; without the cluck of scorn
- nyoloka -- to be lean; shrivelled up; thin; untimely born
- nyolola -- to pull out and thus make thin; a bag; thread; a bowstring; &c.
- nyong'olela -- to taste sour
- nyongolela -- to twist one's mouth; to put one's tongue in one's teeth
- nyong'onya -- to make 'limp'; loose; soft; without strength
- nyontha -- to leak; to drop
- nyonya -- to be insolent; to provoke; excite
- nyonyoma -- to startle; frighten; astonish
- nyonyomala -- to sit upon one's heels
- nyonyotoka -- to come to bits; break off into pieces
- nyotsoka -- to break off easily; as weak thread; &c.
- nyowa -- to be wet
- nyoza -- to scorn; despise; whether great or small
- nyula -- to take off the skin
- nyumwa -- to be suspicious; to hesitate
- nyuNG'unya -- to be bitter; acrid; pungent
- nyunyumala -- to sit on tiptoe
- nzanzandika -- to be tough; as a sinew
- odzela -- to nod; to sleep while sitting up
- ola -- to rot; decay
- ola -- to take away; gather together and carry away
- oloa -- to be soft; flexible
- oloka -- to ford; cross; a river; stream; or sheet of water
- olotsa -- to carry burdens over a river or stream; also in a canoe
- olowa -- to be soft; flexible
- omba -- to sound; to make; to work material; to beat; fire a gun
- ombeza -- to try the ula; to cast lots
- ombola -- to ransom; redeem; to free a person; or to buy back anything in pawn;
- omola -- to take out; with a spoon or spurtle; take out in bits;
- ona -- to see
- onda -- to be lean; thin; of a person or animal
- oneka -- to be seen; be visible
- onela -- anthu adzationere; people will see us (doing something)
- onela -- to see
- ongeza -- to add. see onjeza
- ongokela -- to mend; to improve in health
- ongola -- to loosen. see onjola
- ongola -- to make straight
- onjeza -- to add to
- onjola -- to unfasten; unnoose; take out of a trap; of one caught with thorns; to unloose
- onkheza -- to add to
- ononga -- to spoil; destroy; waste; to spoil a child; spoil a piece of work; spoil a canoe in making it
- opsya -- to be dreadful ; also to make afraid
- otha -- to be warm; warm one's self at the fire or in the sun [check th]
- pachika -- to hang; also; to be hanging; to put up above; as on a rafter; or on a shelf
- pachila -- to put into; to join to; as burdens into a boat; to get ready for starting in a canoe; or on a journey; to join one thing to others of a different kind; to join one's self to a caravan; to plant or so
- paka -- 1. to put on paint or mud; to paint; to smear; to put oil on a gun; 2. hanging up upon; also ready for starting
- pakanula -- to push one's way; to open up a way through a number of things so as to see something one is searching for; as a book behind a number of other books in the shelf
- pakasa -- to shake down; shake off; as a tree its fruits or leaves; also to go off; start away; start on a journey; get all the loads ready and go off; of war; to clear out of the country
- pakasuka -- to become loosened by itself
- pakata -- to fall from; of crumbs or fragments
- pakiliza -- to slander
- pakiza -- to put into; start journey
- pakula -- to separate from; take out; divide
- pala -- to choose; seek; select; go to seek; as food; or for one who is sick; to select a palm-tree for tapping uchema wine
- pala -- to scrape; plane; scrape off; from the surface; as when gathering earth for making salt; clean at the hut door
- palapala -- coming out of [check gloss] [redup]
- palapala -- to hoe lightly [redup]
- palapasa -- to spread over with the hand; scrape; as a hen
- palapata -- to be restless; shift about; as of one tossing on his bed; of one shifting from place to place
- palasa -- 1. to scrape; rake out; as fire; 2. to paddle or row a boat
- paliza -- to light; to light a pipe
- pamantha -- to beat; beat upon; beat clay; stamp a mud floor; beat with a stick
- pambana -- to surpass; excel; of paths to separate in different directions
- pambasuka -- to uncoil; as a snake or as a piece of string or rope newly twisted
- pambuka -- to stand aside and let another pass
- pana -- to fix between two sticks; as a load between two bamboos
- panda -- 1. to beat; slap; with hand or fist; 2. to be without; lack
- pandilila -- to heap up earth round roots of cotton or maize; to twist a mlandu; so as to deceive; to turn away the attention from the main queation; to refuse an admission in a mlandu which at first ws admitted
- panduka -- of one's heart; to go after; to leave and go after
- panduka -- to leave; go away; separate from; leave one's house or country; leave a caravan; to be split off or broken off
- panga -- to do; to make; to get ready
- pangana -- to make an agreement
- panika -- to fix; fasten; bear in mind; increase one's work
- panikiza -- to press down; and fix to the ground; as a goat; a tree in going to cut it across; to meet one's enemy; to be compelled to go; to sleep tight fixed between two companions
- panikizana -- to hustle; to crowd together; of people
- panila -- a panira mphika ndi mapazi; they grip the pot with their feet (in stirring nsima)
- panitsa -- ku panitsa mbuna; to make a pit narrow at bottom and wider at mouth for catching game
- panjila -- to make
- pantha -- to beat out; hammer out; iron
- pantha -- to have pains all over the body
- panula -- to loosen
- panula -- to open what is fixed; or grips; as a pair of tongs; open tongs; pincers; brass wire rings
- papalala -- of a bird; to half extend its wings; also of a man; to throw himself down any way with fatigue
- papasa -- to feel; spread out one's hands in feeling
- papatiza -- to be narrow; without room to pass
- papila -- to quaff; beer; water; drink up without stopping
- pasula -- to destroy; unroof; break up
- patsa -- to give
- patuka -- to go to the side of the road to let another pass; to leave; separate from
- patula -- separate; as in choosing out a flock; to take some out and put on one side; to castrate
- paza -- 1. to comb out; bundles of grass for thatching; 2. to skirt round
- pefuka -- to gasp; to pant
- peka -- to drill; bore; specially in producing fire by twirling one stick in the notch of another
- pekesa -- to bore a hole through; bore into by twirling any boring instrument in the hole
- pekeseka -- to be bored
- pela -- to grind; to grind with the mphero; hand-mill stone; also to rub down or grind down in sharpening the point of anything
- peleka -- 1. to give; hand over; intrust; intrust to another's care; show the way; lead from one village to another and then leave; take something to give and leave; 2. to be rubbed; ground
- peleka -- to give
- pelepeta -- to move about a thing which is loose; as a nut on a bolt; or a key in a hole
- pelepeteka -- to be bald
- pelesa -- to rub; scrape
- peletsa -- to cause to meet
- pelewela -- to be too short or too little; to come short;; to lack; not to be sufficient for
- pelewela -- to come short
- pembedza -- to entreat; beseech; also to honour thus
- pemela -- to puff; snort; also to spit out upon
- pempha -- to ask; to beg
- penda -- to go to one side; avoid
- penda -- to try; test
- pendama -- to incline; slant; lean to one side; also of the sun to begin to go down
- pendeka -- to lean over; slant; to incline the body; carry a pot sloping on the head
- peneka -- to be in doubt
- penga -- to be mad
- penga -- to blow the nose
- pengetsa -- to drive mad by means of medicine
- penuka -- to lean over; of a jar; so as to spill what is in it
- penya -- to see
- pepa -- to blow; to blow as a puff of wind; also to be cool; as the afternoon gust; to be cool from clouds coming over the sun
- pepeluka -- to flutter; as a bird or butterfly; to be light and wavy with the wind
- pepeta -- 1. to blow; to begin to blow; 2. to shake
- pepetuka -- to wave; as grass; or grain; or trees; to stagger as a sick or a drunken man
- pepeyuka -- to flutter and fall; as a leaf; a feather; or of anything light; or of an arrow that is too light to 'carry'
- pepeyula -- to cause to fall
- pepeza -- 1. to blow; to blow smoke into a hole; blow fire; anything hot; 2. to condole with; make glad; apologise
- pepuka -- to be light; to be worthless; of little weight or esteem
- pepula -- to winnow; in the chipeta basket; separate light from heavy
- pesa -- to comb
- peta -- to winnow; to toss up the contents of the lichero or chipeta basket; thus separating heavy grains from light flour; then throwing out with a dexterous jerk the heavier grains gathered at the farther e
- pewa -- to go to one side; avoid; bend aside; in avoiding a missile; or standing aside to let something or some person pass
- peyuka -- to swerve aside
- peza -- to find; meet with; pick up; and hence 'find'
- pezelela -- to be caught red-handed
- pha -- to kill
- phadama -- to walk naked; with scant clothing
- phadula -- to kick out; as donkey
- phadzuka -- to break off from; one's companions; or as a branch from a tree
- phanga -- to steal; to snatch
- phanima -- to twinkle; shine; gleam
- phaphatiza -- to force through; into a ring; or hole; drive in; force one's way through; to crush in between two
- phatha -- to stick; as in a gap; in the fork of a tree; as a stopper in a bottle
- phathika -- to stick on; adhere to [check th vs. t in 4635]
- phathikila -- to join one's self to; as to a caravan
- phatikana -- to be close together [check t vs. th]
- phatikiza -- to add to; fasten to; put close to; put together; add something untrue to a story
- phavama -- to fall 'splash' into the water
- phedwa -- to be killed
- phela -- to cut up branches of trees; and spread out in sun to dry; as when preparing a new garden
- phelezana -- to meet; of paths or roads
- phenima -- to glitter
- phenyula -- to open up; open out; push aside; and so open between; open a window; to raise up a little; to look under; broaden a road by pushing the grass aside
- phetsa -- to kill much
- phetsula -- to tear off a little bit of cloth' graze skin; as an arrow
- phidikula -- to roll over; to get into one's mfumba sleeping-bag and roll over; so as to turn the mouth downwards; thus neither rain; nor cold; nor beast; can get in
- phika -- to cook; to cook with water
- phikitsa -- reboil (beer making)
- philiphitha -- to wriggle; move as a snake when killed; or a fowl with neck cut
- phimba -- to cover; as with a thatch; a cover
- phiphilitsa -- to speak by allusions; metaphorically; or euphemistically- e.g. of those who; at the approach of another; stop speaking of wht they have been discussing; and speak of something else
- phithula -- to lift and carry off; as a light load
- phofomola -- to fall or beat; with a softish quick fall or beat
- phokosa -- to make a noise
- pholophotela -- to put off a matter; to fail to keep an appointment
- phonya -- to miss; fail to hit or to catch
- phoola -- to pierce; to bore a hole
- phooleza -- to pierce through; bore; also to tell; name; pronounce clearly
- phophonya -- to miss; miss over; make a mistake
- phudzula -- to graze slightly with arrow or stick
- phudzumuka -- to go off and leave home without intimation; and stay elsewhere; to escape from one's clutches
- phufumula -- to strike with the fist; knock down in wrestling
- phuka -- to spring forth; to bud; to open up; as a bud opens up the knot from which it springs; to put forth; also to grow up; to mature
- phula -- to take off the fire
- phulika -- to split; crack; as green leaves; split by the fire; or maize-corns in the ashes
- phuluza -- to miss hold; to fail to hit; to be nigh catching on; and fail
- phunthwa -- to knock against; knock one's foot against a stone or root in the path; to trip upon; stumble; also to be beaten; well beaten
- phunzila -- to teach
- phupha -- to flap about; as a fowl when its neck is wrung
- phupha -- to wish; desire
- phutsula -- to break off a bit; cut off a piece; say of tobacco-leaf; or end of a cob of maize
- phuzumuka -- to throw them off and escape
- phwa -- to dry up; of a pot; to boil away; of a stream; to fall; dry up; of water; to be shallow; to get lean; hungry again; of dry sugarcane; of anger; to subside
- phwafamula -- to beat; of anything soft or lumpy; to let anything fall; crash
- phwanya -- to break; smash; as a gourd-cup; to crush by trampling on; also to break up or spoil a journey by failing to go on the day appointed
- phwela -- to dry up; to burn in cooking; because the water is dried up
- phwetsa -- to pierce an inflated bag
- phwintha -- to throw into one's mouth; as maize; flour; salt; &c.
- phyotola -- to uncover the glans penis of the male by drawing down the prepuce; to masturbate
- pikuka -- to tilt over; fall over; as a piece of wood in the fire tilted up at one end; to overset
- pikula -- 1. to overturn; sling over one's shoulder; carry something heavy; 2. weave different colours; 3. surpass; 4. answer with different time and size of drum; accompany as the small drum does the big one
- pilila -- to endure; hold fast; resist; be stubborn
- pilinga -- to fold up; roll up; of a mat; cloth; meat; to twine; string round a stock; to wind; as a ball of string; coil round
- pilingidza -- to net over; to bar the door; to seal up; to put an arrow in string
- pilingidzika -- to be cumbered with so much to do as to be unable to do what one wants
- pilingula -- to unwind; to uncoil; unroll
- pima -- 1. to be half-cooked; underdone; 2. to measure; measure out a little more in a bargain; also; to think; trying to remember
- pimbidza -- to harden; make firm; as earth; surface of the body; skin
- pimbidzala -- to be hard; firm; indergrown; stunted; badly cooked
- pinchama -- to limp
- pinda -- to fold; to bend
- pindika -- to hook
- pindila -- ku pindira msomali; to bend the end of the iron pin that fastens the gori or slave-stick
- pindila -- to hem
- pindula -- to have a 'familiar spirit.'
- pindula -- to trade; to exchange; as money for goods
- pinga -- to cross; lie across; as a tree across a stream; as a pain across the belly; arm; &c.; to trip up
- pingasa -- to lie across; fold across
- pingilidza -- to put an arrow in the string; to lay it across in aiming it
- pingusula -- to untwine; to disentangle; to give medicine so as to counteract the effect of other medicine
- pinika -- to hinder from
- pinimbila -- to be stunted in growth
- pininga -- to fasten; wrap round; as string round a finger; also to begin the dance with a little drum; pi ti; whereafter come the big ones
- pisa -- to put through; put in
- pita -- to pass through; go on; pass; go in; pass on
- pitidwa -- to be passed by and miss anything; to be at a loss; and at one's wit's ends
- pitikitsa -- to chase away
- pitikula -- to overturn; to turn over end over end
- pitilila -- to go straight on; go farther on; to line out
- pitiliza -- to go farther on; without stopping; pass on; speak without stopping
- plamula -- to provoke; rouse; call forth; a dreaded object
- pokoleza -- to sing in response; whether in answer; alternate; or together at the same time; but with different words
- pokonyola -- to twist off; tear off
- pola -- to heal; of a wound or of sickness; when the pain or sickness goes away; to become well; be better
- polama -- to bend down; stoop
- polongana -- to be curled; crowded one upon another
- poloza -- to bear a still-born child
- pomboneza -- to be entangled; intertwined
- pomboneza -- to interfere and cause a speaker to speak otherwise than he intends; to interfere; of a third party in a bargain
- pombonyala -- to clump together; be intertwined; of creepers; roots
- pombonyeka -- as pombonyala
- pombonyola -- twist off; twist round; as the neck of a fowl
- pombosola -- to untwist; unwind; disentangle
- ponda -- to tread; trample; step firmly
- pondana -- to be born after another
- pondeleza -- to press
- ponya -- to throw; cast
- ponyela -- to do the first plastering
- popela -- 1. to pray; ask; beg; 2. to be one above another; as moss upon a stone; leaves or grass laid upon anything; pile upon pile; crowd round; or; active; to lay upon; cover with
- popota -- to break and 'plash' about; as an animal in the grass; the enemy in the gardens
- popota -- to rob a garden
- popotola -- to twist round and off; as elephants among the trees
- posa -- to pass by; surpass; excel; also pass through
- pota -- 1. to prepare hospitality; also to eat with; partake of the hospitality of; 2. to pay; root of mphotho; hire
- pota -- to spin; to twist; to go round and round
- potoka -- to be crooked; twisted; to curve round
- potola -- to bend; to twist; twist off; strangle; to make crooked.
- potolola -- to turn round; twist round; as in dancing
- potoza -- as potola; twist; strangle
- psa -- to cook; burn [check with psya]
- psanga -- to get quickly out; get quickly into; get quickly away
- psapsaliza -- to urge on; as dogs in the hunt or men in the ring
- psentha -- to pass wind
- psepseleza -- to press down; say a biting dog; or a coal in the kaliwo pipe with one's finger
- psetsa -- to overcook; burn [check if psyetsa?]
- psinja -- to press
- psinya -- to crush; to squeeze
- psitiliza -- to trample on anything; to press
- psitinza -- to crush; to tread on some soft slippery substance; as an overripe fruit; or cattle dung
- psokola -- to squeeze out of; to put out the eyes; squeeze a stone out of a fruit; look fiercely and angrily at; from the protrusion of the eyeballs
- psokonyola -- to twist; to sprain
- psompsona -- to kiss; to suck with the lips
- psontha -- to sup or suck up with the lips
- psukula -- to squeeze; press out
- psupula -- to rub off; to take the skin off
- psya -- to roast; to cook; to burn; to be ripe; to be ready
- psyangapsyanga -- to wander about; as a loose woman does; to wander about picking up things
- psyela -- to cook; over-cook; burn
- psyela -- to cook; to burn in cooking; over-cook [check with psyera]
- psyontha -- to sip; sup
- psyonyoka -- to be pointed
- pukusa -- to shake; one's self; one's head or shoulders; agitate water
- pukuta -- to rub off; clean; to dry by rubbing; of a tree to shed its leaves
- pukwa -- to be hindered in any work; to fail in one's purpose; as a man seeking work; and wander about inn the search
- pulichila -- see pulukira
- pulichila -- to be ignorant
- pulukila -- to be foolish; ignorant; stupid
- pulula -- to pull off; strip off
- pululuka -- to get off; fall off; as leaves; be carried off
- pulumuka -- to escape; be saved from; remain alive; also fall from
- pulumutsa -- to save
- pulupudza -- to pay no heed; on being called or spoken to; not to obey
- puluputa -- to move about; as in sleep; of a snake; to writhe
- puma -- to breathe; also to rest; as under a tree in the heat
- pumbula -- to place; put away
- pumphula -- to take some out; leaving some behind
- pumula -- to be quiet; rest;
- pumuntha -- to beat; pound; anything soft
- pundula -- to maim
- punga -- to take; take off; take with or from; take much
- pungula -- to take off from; water out of a pot too full; froth; take away from; take half; one side away
- puntha -- to beat; thresh; knock
- punthika -- to cover
- pusa -- to be foolish
- puta -- to provoke; annoy; call forth; commence; rouse
- puya -- to draw together the mouth of a sack or bag; to gag a person or animal by holding the mouth shut
- pwavula -- to eat ndiwo without nsima
- pwepweta -- to break; smash; to crunch bones
- pwetedzela -- to chew or crunch
- pweteka -- to hurt; to be hurt; to be painful
- pwila -- to be lost; die
- pwila -- to be lost; die; go away and not come back
- pwilipwitika -- to be confused; speak without order; speak at large; not caring for exactness
- pwisa -- to emit air
- pya -- to cook; to burn
- pyapyala -- to be thin; as of planks of wood; or other flat things; also of a thin person (disrespectfully); of a thin rod; a thin voice
- pyapyaza -- to make thin or small; speak of as thin; despise
- pyela -- to sweep up; gather together; &c.
- pyola -- to pierce; pass right through
- pyopyolola -- to make thin and small; to insult
- sadza -- to lop off; the branch of a tree
- sadzikana -- to greet one another
- sadzula -- to take the husk off; skin; flay; take bark off a tree
- sagana -- to accompany
- saila -- to cut up felled trees for removal
- saka -- to hunt; to drive before one
- sakadza -- to spoil; destroy
- sakasa -- to spoil
- sakatula -- to raise a stick or spear ready for action; to take things out of a basket or out of a bundle; to pluck out a spear from others in the hand to throw
- sakaza -- to spoil; destroy; to devastate; to kill; to make badly; to break up
- sakila -- 1. to hunt for; 2. to bind feathers on an arrow
- sakila -- to drive into; pit; net; &c.
- sakila -- to feather an arrow
- sakiza -- to set the dog on; with a whistle
- sala -- to abstain from; avoid certain foods; to keep from certain things; also to be dainty; fastidious
- salala -- be smooth
- salala -- to be smooth
- salaza -- to make smooth; to plane; cut smooth with a knife
- salika -- to cut and lay grass flat; not heaped up; as the grass in a piece of bush cut down for planting a garden
- sama -- to choke by gripping the throat
- samala -- to care; to care for; in the sense of fear; and of liking or regard; to take care of
- samba -- (euphemistic); to menstruate
- samba -- ku samba m'maso; to bathe the eyes with water
- samba -- to wash
- sambila -- to swim; to dress
- sambitsa -- see samba - also ku sambitsa chindu; to mend the thatch
- sambula -- to despise
- sambwadza -- to revile; use bad language
- samuka -- to leave on place and go to another; to remove
- samula -- to lift up the hand in order to strike a blow
- sanduka -- to change; to turn into something else
- sangalala -- to rejoice; be glad; happy; to exult
- sangalatsa -- to make happy
- sanganiza -- to mix; mingle; confuse - e.g. beads; language; people
- sanja -- of the sun; to begin to climb
- sanja -- to be upon the top of; be built upon; set upon; rest upon; also to put one thing on top of another
- sanja -- to beat or hammer iron in order to sharpen it; as a hoe or axe; worn and blunt; which cannot be easily ground sharp
- sanjika -- to put upon; it also means sometimes; to be put upon
- sanjula -- to take from off the top of
- sankha -- to choose; to separate
- sankhula -- to choose out from; as goats from goats; earth from wheat; seeds from mixed seeds; to separate; arrange
- sansa -- to sweep off; dust off
- sansantha -- to crush; to smash to pieces
- sansila -- to wind thread
- santhuka -- to be searchable; as when a lot of things are in a basket and yet it is easy to search for and find anything
- santhula -- to turn over; to take one article out from among its neighbours; take off or down from
- sanza -- to vomit
- sasa -- to be sour; hoarse; bad; rotten; to have a bad smell
- sasantha -- to beat thin and small
- sasata -- 1. to be proud; uncertain; hard to please; 2. to pat - e.g. a dog
- sasatula -- to be broad and spread out
- sasuka -- to be broad; spread out; like the edges of a mushroom or the snout of a pig
- sasula -- to unroof; unthatch; break up; make desolate; destroy; as patula; to scatter; drive away
- sata -- to boast; be proud; be proud of; pleased with
- satsa -- to follow in order to sell
- sauka -- to be poor; afflicted; unfortunate; vexed; perplexed
- sautsa -- to vex; annoy; perplex; afflict
- sawa -- to be soft or watery; bad and soft; also dry and insipid; 'wersh'
- sefuka -- to overflow; as a pot 'runs over'; as waves breaking upon the shore or out in the open water
- sefula -- to take out; when the vessel is too full; of water or other liquid; but also of flour or other solids
- segula -- to open
- seka -- to laugh; to laugh for gladness; to be glad; to laugh at; good-naturedly or in mockery
- sekelela -- to rejoice; to be glad
- sekesa -- to shake; to shake grain round and round in the lichero basket; to loosen anything too tight;
- sela -- to be loose; slip through; as a stopper in a bottle; a bullet in a gun; a knife in a sheath
- selela -- to pass thrugh; beneath; or between
- seleza -- to push through; make to pass through; as a needle in cloth; as in pushing something into the house through the slightly opened door
- sema -- to cut; to adze
- sema -- to make up a tale of pure invention
- sempha -- to bring about disease; by a woman
- sempha -- to miss; pass; excel
- senda -- to husk; to flay
- sendeka -- to slant
- sendela -- to move; remove; shift
- senga -- to cut; to mow; to cut grass; hair
- senza -- to lift a burden on to one's head; to carry on one's head
- sesa -- to sweep
- sesenya -- to walk gently and slowly; as when accompanying or supporting a sick person
- seta -- 1. of a dog or anything else drawing itself along upon its buttocks; slip in descending a hill; 2. to keep on speaking without stopping to a person about something distasteful
- seteka -- to lick
- sewela -- to dance; play; play at a game; amuse one's self with; do anything merely 'for fun'
- sia -- to leave; abandon; leave off [check with siya]
- sichisa -- see sikisa
- siiza -- to leave
- sikisa -- to rub
- sikula -- to chew the cud
- silila -- to covet; to wish; desire without getting
- silizila -- to finish
- siluka -- to be tasteless; insipid; washed out; poor; despised; foolish; of no account
- simba -- to thank; be grateful for
- simbwa -- to act familiarly; insolently; disregarding the ordinary rights of persons; to be foolhardy; to be daring; to act; disregarding consequences; or knowing that consequences will not come;...
- simbwidzika -- to be indifferent to danger; 'cool;' careless; as of one going far without his weapons
- sina -- to foment by means of leaves or cloths dipped in hot water
- sina -- to press with one's finger; feel with one's finger; press anything soft; as leaves; poultice; press a boil; a ripe fruit
- sindika -- to eat the relish only
- sindikiza -- to press; or fix firmly down; crush; press in
- sindila -- to press upon; as in leaning on something for support; to menstruate for the first time after childbirth; generally some six months; the husband generally abstains three months - some; however; only o
- sinika -- to palpate; to grasp with the fingers; feeling for some disease or sore beneath the skin
- sinila -- to work slowly with intent to make a job last out; to eat little at a time so as to make the food store last; to be frugal
- sinja -- to pound grain
- sinjilila -- to laugh at; jeer at; to 'make a fool of'; also speak maliciously of; accuse falsely; deceive
- sinkha -- to eat the relish by itself
- sinkha -- to think
- sintha -- to change; exchange
- sinthana -- to exchange with
- sinthaniza -- to change
- sinthula -- to pour into; of things solid or liquid; pour from one vessel into another; take one thing off the top of the others and put it in another place; also to vomit
- sinula -- to nibble; eat off anything soft
- sinza -- to nod when sleepy
- sinzina -- to shut one's eyes
- sipa -- 1. to eat without sauce; 2. to suck; lick
- sisila -- 1. be clean; smooth; neat; as of the person clean and soft; properly oiled; 2. to get quickly dark
- sisima -- to be slightly tainted; of meat; fish; &c.
- sisima -- to sigh
- sisita -- to rub; stroke; feel for
- sita -- to press down; burn; draw a line with a hot iron
- sitimiza -- to burn with a red-hot iron
- siya -- to leave
- sochela -- to sow; to wander; lose one's way
- sodza -- to kill game; hunt; to catch fish or small game
- soka -- to sew
- sokanichila -- to be mixed; to be confused
- sokaniza -- to mix
- sokeka -- 1. to sow in grass; in ground unhoed; drop into the uncut grass; 2. to be sewn
- sokela -- to lose one's way; stray
- sokeza -- to cause to miss the way or go astray; to drive into unknown or unaccustomed parts
- sokola -- to pound
- sokola -- to swear at
- sokoloka -- to appear; to rise up out of the bush
- sokomola -- to cough
- sokonekela -- be confused; entangled; mixed up; puzzled; blotted over; also be lost; dead
- sokoneza -- to blot out; to confuse; cover over
- sokosa -- to make a noise; disturb
- solola -- to pull out; to lengthen out; to plough on past the limit appointed; to pull a strand of grass from the roof; a knife out of its sheath; a pole out of a bundle of them
- sololoka -- to fall out of itself
- soma -- to defecate; of young child
- soma -- to poke; to pierce
- someka -- to poke; push in a pointed stick; &c.
- somola -- to begin; take the first taste; drink a little first; to begin to eat
- somphoka -- to be prominent; to protrude; to stand out alone and be prominent; to be at a greater distance from anything than one's fellows
- somphola -- to snatch away
- songa -- to incite; stir up; quarrel; heap up fire; call forth
- songoka -- to be sharp; pointed
- songola -- to sharpen; to point; to sharpen by making a point
- sonipa -- to condone; to pardon; to overlook; to sympathize
- sonjoka -- mlomo wina wasonjoka; one lip is protruding
- sonjola -- to grow up; be tall; grow long; hence to stretch forth one's neck; to spy; to look ahead
- sonkha -- 1. to collect; 2. to light a fire; to lay and light fire
- sonkhana -- assemble; come together
- sonkhela -- to light fire; torch; also stir up strife; incite one person against another
- sonkheza -- to light a fire
- sonkhezela -- to incite; to prompt; as in urging on two people to fight; also to gather together unburnt pieces of firewood; also to put fresh firewood on fire
- sonthoka -- to leap out; as the sontho mouse; when it hears people coming
- sonya -- to point; to show
- sonyeza -- to show; point
- sopa -- to plunge; or drive; a spear into the water in seeking to kill fish; ...
- sopoka -- to break off
- sosa -- to hoe lightly; hoe down and gather the grass
- sosola -- to hoe here and there; to pluck a fowl; to cut hair badly
- sotsola -- get well; strong
- sowa -- to miss; fail to see; want; to be without what one wants or needs
- sowelela -- to be accustomed to
- soza -- to spy out
- sudzula -- to divorce a wife
- sudzula -- to finish and let go; to set a person free from work; &c.
- sudzulila -- to recompense
- sukuluka -- to become tasteless and insipid; as beer which has lain; to fade; as coloured cloth does in the sun
- sukuluka -- to wash out
- sukuluza -- to wash out; the mouth
- sukusa -- to be rotten; of eggs; also of a gourd buried to mature the shell for use as a cup
- sukusa -- to continue or to resume a journey
- sukusula -- to wash one's face and mouth and teeth; a small basin of red painted clay is used
- sula -- to hammer red-hot iron; to weld
- suluka -- to be tasteless; insipid; washed out
- sulutsa -- also sulutsa; to wash out; as salt out of meat; the floury water out of half-pounded or broken grain; colour out of cloth; bitter or poisonous qualities out of potatoes; cassava; minnows; &c.; where t
- suma -- to buy or obtain food in time of famine or scarcity; also to take for nothing
- sumba -- to fight with the horns
- sumbudzuka -- to be torn off; of a knife; to be worn down
- sunama -- to shut or pout the lips in anger or in sulking
- sunga -- to keep; watch; watch over; preserve; like lera; of a hen nursing its brood
- sungulumwa -- to be lonely and homesick; to be 'fed up'
- sungunuka -- to melt; as lead; wax; sugar; or also as a dead body
- sunsa -- to dip; the morsel in the sauce or gravy
- suntha -- 1. to shift; to move along; move; 2. to try; to prove
- sunthila -- see suntha
- sunza -- to grow up to one's full height
- sunzula -- to grow up
- supa -- to march in close order with the shield over the head; the idea is marching in large numbers. It also applies to running away in large numbers
- supa -- to pay wages
- supuka -- to feel a rise or flutter of heart; or the effect of sudden excitement upon the bowels
- supuka -- to take the skin off
- suta -- 1. to sup; to sip; anything hot; 2. to wait for; wait in one place
- suula -- to strip off luzi bark to make rope or string
- suwa -- to long for; want; miss
- suza -- to strain beer
- suzula -- to divorce with a token
- suzumila -- to peep; to look; look over; spy
- swa -- to break; 'smash'
- swanya -- to crush; break
- swaswatika -- to crumble; the noise of breaking or walking through grass
- sweka -- to be broken (also sometimes to break); to burst open
- swela -- to let it rest (beer making)
- syasyalika -- to flatter
- tadzama -- to lean against; incline
- tafula -- to mock at; to use filthy language to anyone
- tafuna -- to chew
- taika -- see tayika
- takasa -- to shake; to stir
- takasika -- to fall to pieces; as beans when cooked; to be soft; inert; dead; as of flesh ; to come off as flesh from over-cooked fish
- takasuka -- to be wide spread out; as the branches of a tree; to be indignant; say at an unjust accusation; to clear away; as mist
- takata -- to shake
- talika -- to be distant; far away; long; tall
- talika -- to be far away
- tama -- to praise; thank
- tamanda -- to praise
- tamba -- dance a witch dance
- tamba -- to spread; as water in a river; as pumpkin shoots and other creepers and climbing plants
- tambalala -- to stretch out; stretch one's self
- tambitsa -- to cause to dance in the ceremonies; but also in any dance
- tamuka -- 1. to be stretched out; to be elastic; as india-rubber; 2. to fly about; as sparks; spark out; leap out
- tanda -- to extend; direct; set forth; hence 1. to begin to plait a mat; 2. to point an arrow; aim; 3. to carry between two; to stretch the stick between two upon which a burden is carried; 4. to place or stre
- tandala -- see tandala
- tandala -- to go round about; to travel about
- tandalika -- to stand in a row or line
- tanganidwa -- to be overworked; to be very busy
- tansa -- to stretch; direct along
- tantha -- to cross along upon anything stretched across
- tanthalika -- to lie across; straight; be stretched across
- tanthauza -- to expound
- tanula -- to stretch out
- tapa -- to divide; to take a portion of; take; leaving some
- taya -- to throw away; to lose; throw off; put away; to plant; bury; to put
- tayika -- to be lost; lose one's way; also to be dead; of water in a flood; to overflow
- tekateka -- to shake; in walking; to shake with fear; to be loose; flaccid
- tekemeza -- to sham illness
- tekesa -- to shake
- tekeseka -- to hear something which depresses
- tela -- to alight; of a bird; to plant maize on the first fall of rain; to 'boil down;' of beer which at first filled the pot; but boils down a little from the brim; by the time the beer is properly cooked.
- tele -- to do; say so
- teleka -- to set well down or upon; to put a pot upon the fire
- telela -- to be slippery; to be soft; as stringy boiled leaves or vegetables; as moss or slime; to be soft and wet with heavy rain
- teleleka -- to slip
- teletsa -- to settle; of froth on a boiling pot
- tema -- to cut
- tembelela -- to curse
- tembenuka -- to turn round; to change
- temela -- to cut bark; &c.; for medicine
- tenga -- to be like
- tenga -- to take; carry; also bring
- tengana -- to quarrel; to have a mutual resemblance; to cause to accompany one another
- tengeza -- to help to carry
- tengula -- to cause one's heart to be faint
- tengulila -- to prune; as coffee or tea plants
- tentha -- to be hot; to burn; to be warm; to set fire to
- tepa -- to bend; to sway from side to side; from being flexible; slim; to vibrate
- tetela -- 1. to cluck; as a hen; 2. to be clear; open; 3. to pour off without sediment
- teteza -- to copulate; as fowls
- teteza -- to defend; keep from fighting; protect; reconcile
- tewa -- to bend the knees in curtsey; to bob down
- tha -- to do; to finish; to finish doing; to be finished; to be able
- thakwalala -- to be very hungry; exhausted; tired out
- thalala -- 1. to become extinct; done; 'finished off;' as when all one's friends die or are carried off and one is left alone; 2. also as pima; to be a hard price; of dear malonda
- thamanga -- to run; also of walking fast; hurry
- thamangila -- run for
- thandiza -- to help
- thangata -- to help
- thaphwila -- to tread in mud or slime
- thasa -- to flourish; as a tree which spreads out its branches
- thasalala -- to be flat; to be shallow
- thasama -- to be flat; spread out
- thatha -- th breathe hard; or struggle in death; also to wish for; long for; pant for
- thathathatha -- to climb and run as creepers; also of a good crop of maize
- thawa -- 1. to run away; 2. to spread; as pumpkins
- thedwa -- to be finished
- theka -- 1. ku theka minzu; theka chiringaniza; to plait the hair into little bunches tied up with mlaza-leaf string; also of cutting the hair evenly all round; 2. of meat; to be bad; decayed - nyama yatheka
- theka -- to be able to be done
- thela -- 1. to finish; finish for ; also finish; in the sense of complete destruction; 2. to be flat or level; 3. to dry up; sink down
- thela -- finish for
- themba -- to rely on; as when one trusts another to do a service for him
- thengela -- to be prejudiced in favour of another
- thethula -- 1. to draw a little water off the top; 2. to knock off; as a bird on a bough with an arrow
- thetsa -- to finish
- thetsa -- to finish completely
- thidzimula -- to slap with the hand
- thifuka -- to be bent; be flexible
- thila -- to pour
- thimba -- to choke by squeezing the throat
- thimbuka -- to unfold; as tea leaves when infused; or as a cloth fastened round breast becoming unfastened
- thimitsa -- to quench fire; to quench thirst
- thina -- to be tight round the waist; to hurt by compression
- thinula -- to stretch one's self back; to straighten one's self; as in yawning; or in offering one's chest ddaringly to the knife; to stretch one's legs;...
- thipwa -- to run aground; to be stuck in the mud
- thithimiza -- to pack closely
- thithimizana -- to hustle; to be crowded; to press; as in a crowd rushing at a door
- thivula -- splash; foul water
- thobwa -- to be struck in the eye; by grass or branch of tree by the wayside; of the sun dazzling one's eyes
- thodwa -- to be heavily burdened
- thokoza -- to be thankful; to express thanks for a gift...
- thothola -- to pick off; pull out; pull out; as grey hairs here and there
- thowa -- to put on a fomentation of leaves or cloths dipped in hot water
- thudzuka -- to burst open
- thudzula -- to break off; tear off a piece of meat; cloth; a little bit
- thula -- to do harm to; wrong; hurt greatly; grieve; vex; also to take away from; to rob
- thulula -- to pull out; lengthen
- thumphuka -- to bob up and down in water; to bubble over like boiling water
- thunthumila -- to shiver; shake
- thunya -- to push; push from one; push out a boat into the stream
- thupsya -- to drive away; as a bad and disagreeable person drives away his companions; as a hen drives away the rest in eating
- thuthutsa -- to carry loads; to take from one place to another
- thuvuka -- beat; splash
- thuvula -- to hunch up
- thuzula -- burst open
- thwa -- to be sharp
- thwanima -- to twinkle; to wink; for the shining of the sun or moon; it is wala; yera; ng'anima; ng'azimira; &c.
- thyola bande -- to pave the way to; to make a new path through the bush to place [check if two words]
- tibuka -- to be singed; to be burnt in cooking; to be pounded in mortar
- tibula -- 1. to pound broken grain; 2. to slap; beat; 3. to fire a gun
- tikita -- to press firmly with one's fingers; work between one's fingers and press; as the throat in a quarrel; as in pressing pus out of a wound; hold fast and tie tightly with string
- tindiula -- to take off the hardened surface of anything; as dried nsima; to cut round in a circle
- tininga -- to bind very tightly
- tipula -- 1. to pull up by the roots; 2. to dig or hoe up the ground and make it open and soft; break up ground
- titimila -- from Yao; to sink
- tiwa -- to plait; tobacco string; Yao and Nyanja
- tiwaza -- to make a hollow; as a wheel mark or footprint in a soft road; to notch; to indent
- tiwula -- to dig deep
- tokosa -- to poke; poke into; pick; dip; to poke out; pick the teeth
- tola -- to pick up; lift up; meet; find
- tombosola -- to unwind; unfold; unravel
- tomela -- to betroth; bespeak
- toNG'ola -- 1. to knuckle off or break off the corns of maize from the maize head; 2. of the eyes; to cause them to glare or protrude
- tonola -- to knuckle off the grains of maize corn; also to open one's eye
- tonongola -- to gin cotton by hand
- tontha -- to drop
- tonthola -- to be quiet; silent; of pain; to cease; to be still
- tonthoza -- to quieten
- tonya -- to poke
- tonza -- to upbraid
- topa -- to be tired; weary; be tired of
- topola -- kutopola mtsitsi wa mbatatao; to pull the roots out of the earth
- tosa -- to poke
- towila -- to have intercourse (of both sexes)
- tsagana -- to accompany
- tsakama -- to stick fast; in going through; stick in the mouth of anything; in a doorway; in the fork of a tree
- tsakamula -- to draw down from; cause to fall down from; draw out anything sticking in
- tsakata -- to scoop up; divide out a little; from a heap of ufa; flour; salt; &c.; as tapa
- tsala -- to remain; stay; stay behind
- tsalima -- to kick; as in death-throes; also to kick in one's sleep; spasmodic jerk of either arms or legs; hence also to kick with one's foot
- tsamila -- 1. synonyms- pakama; phata; tsinda; tsakama. chitsakano; a grinder; has the same derivation; holding fast between.; 2. to lean upon; 3. to melt or smelt iron
- tsamila -- to lean against; lean upon; lean one's head upon a pillow
- tsamilila; -- to lean one against the other
- tsamwa -- to be choked
- tsangalala -- to rejoice
- tsangalitsa -- to keep awake
- tsangula -- rather tsangalitsa; to keep a person awake
- tsangula -- to rub or wipe off
- tsantsantha -- to chop; as the bones of meat
- tsanula -- to pour
- tsanyula -- to pour; to pour off water; or other liquid; to pour into; also of rain 'pouring' down; or people 'pouring' in
- tsanza -- to imitate; copy; also to equal; copy in speaking; acting; be like in features or character; as danza
- tsata -- to follow; to follow after; to seek
- tsatiza -- to make like; follow the style of
- tsatsa -- to go to barter or exchange; to sell to; cry one's wares
- tseguka -- to be open
- tsegula -- to open
- tseka -- to 'brow-beat'
- tseka -- to shut
- tsekeleza -- to finish off; arrive at the end of; shut in; intercept; reach as far as; in cloth-weaving; to finish off the fringe
- tseketa -- to cut; cut off; cut to size; as linganiza
- tselekweteka -- to have no sense; as a fowl; which eats its own eggs
- tselenga -- to wind or wrap round
- tsendela -- to beat or pack close; to press into a bag; of the heart; to be oppressed; to breathe with difficulty; to pant; as a person dying; inweaving; to beat the strands close
- tsenjela -- to pass round to the other side of; say of the house; of a tree; pass behind anything which obstructs the view; whether or not intentionally.
- tsenjila -- to disappear; be out of sight [S&H = sharpen two knives together; or a knife on a stone]
- tsenseneza -- to shove; push along; as a basket pushed from one side to the other
- tseteka -- to cut
- tsetekula -- to cut off; cut through the middle
- tseteza -- cut smooth
- tsetsula -- to graze off; skin off; as with a bullet; in adzing...
- tsika -- to descend
- tsikisila -- to move about so as to sit comfortably on the ground or on a chair.
- tsila -- to pour
- tsilika -- to guard with medicine; fence with medicine
- tsilikula -- to take up the medicine thus put down
- tsiliza -- to finish
- tsiluka -- to be mad; or foolish; insane
- tsimikiza -- to make sure; to strengthen; to confirm; to second; support; to ratify; to uphold; to sustain a decision; to witness another's testimony.
- tsimphina -- to limp
- tsina -- to pinch
- tsinkha -- to eat up the relish by itself; leaving the nsima; as a person does who is not hungry
- tsinkha -- to think
- tsipa -- to sip; suck through a reed; suck marrow out of a bone
- tsita -- to come between; intercept; keep from; to 'cut in' in front of another so as to prevent him seeing or getting the good of a fire
- tsitika -- to shade; protect; shelter by coming between
- tsitikiza -- to place or set well; aim well at; be flat; straight
- tsitsa -- to cause to descend; lower; bring down; take down
- tsitsa -- to lower
- tsitsitiza -- to wipe off anything; as tears from eyes; or as dirt from the body; also to rub over as covering the skin with oil; to smudge
- tsogola -- to lead; go before
- tsogoza -- to put before; to make one walk on in front; also to cause to lead
- tsokomola -- to cough
- tsomeka -- to push in anything pointed - e.g.; a head of maize into a basket; they are all set in points downwards; to stick in or on
- tsomphola -- to snatch away; snatch out of one's hands and steal
- tsonya -- to show despite; by making a sound with the side of one's mouth; also expressive of strong dissent; contempt
- tsopa -- to drive a spear into water to kill fish
- tsopa -- to suck; make a noise in sucking a bonem or the finger; to kiss;...
- tsopana -- to salute with a kiss; long ago they used to salute on the hand or on the cheek with a kiss; even before the Azungu came into the country; but on the lips only during the act of coitus
- tsopela -- plunge for fish; load a gun
- tsopoka -- to break off; as a hook from a fish
- tsotsa -- remain; cease for a time; stay for a day; or for a few days
- tsotsola -- 1. to break off a fragment; knock off sparks; or bits of a log of firewood; strike fire into the pan of a gun; 2. to get well and strong
- tsuka -- 1. to wash; 2. to be troublesome; 3. of a garden that yields little grain
- tsukuluza -- to rinse out
- tsulukuta -- to rub off; to wash off; rub in washing
- tsulukutana -- to rub each others backs when bathing
- tsunduliza -- to push hard against an obstacle; to compel a person to do anything against one's will
- tsungudika -- to be taciturn
- tsungula -- to be sleek and well; to cast the hair; of a goat; to show the new coat of hair
- tsutsa -- to contradict; rebuke; to oppose or defeat; as in a mlandu case before the chief
- tsutsula -- to hurt afresh
- tswanya -- to break; crash; crush
- tswatswatika -- to break; crumble; crackle
- tswita -- to pass flatus
- tugumuka -- to expand
- tukana -- to swear; use foul language
- tukula -- 1. to lift up; raise up...; 2. to raise; beat; as a pulse
- tukulila -- to be angry; to be in a rage
- tukulula -- to carry off with or upon one's body; as a person or dog making his way through grass and knocking off the dew upon the person
- tukulula -- to shift with the foot; to pull off anything that is twisted; as a climber from a wall
- tukuma -- to burn; be hot; cooked inside
- tukusila -- of a wound; to be healed over; but with the sore still underneath
- tukutila -- to be hot inside; or underneath; to boil with the lid on; broil
- tukuza -- to burst open a soil over a root which has grown large; or as a mole heaves up the soil above its run
- tukwana -- to swear; use foul language
- tula -- to lift down from one's head and put on the ground
- tula -- to throb; as a boil
- tuluka -- to go out
- tuluka -- to go out
- tuma -- to send
- tumba -- to capture
- tumbika -- to dip one's hand into water; dip luzi bark string into the water
- tumbiza -- to bear one child too soon after the other
- tumbula -- to cut open; a goat; a slain beast; a dead man in battle; a blister
- tumbuluka -- to be pale; to be grey in colour
- tumiza -- to send
- tumpha -- to leap
- tumphuka -- to spring back again
- tumula -- to stretch out; draw out and break; as in plucking ndiwo; string; bark string;
- tumula -- to swell out; puff out; belly; cheeks; enlarge a house; open out a fishing basket in making it; stuff a bag with straw; open an umbrella; beat out iron of a hoe; broaden out a knife
- tundumuka -- to tilt up one side; to be uneven
- tunga -- 1. to draw water; to draw any liquid; 2. to thread beads
- tunya -- to shrug the shoulders
- tupa -- to swell; of body; of food cooked; to be much in quantity; as of flour; water in flood
- tuta -- to carry on one's head; as a burden; take from one place to another; carry and deposit
- tuta -- to go and live elsewhere
- tutuma -- to boil; also to urge
- tuvula -- to beat the water; in bathing or in paddling
- tuwa -- to be white; with ashes; flour; chalk; or paint; or as an unwashed skin
- tuzula -- to protrude; as of glaring eyes
- twika -- to pierce; stab; prick; push in a needle as in sewing; a sharp-pointed stick in stringing fish
- tyakula -- to stir nsima porridge; beating with the spurtle
- tyola -- to break
- ua -- to howl; bark; as a dog; also of the wild dog
- uka -- to rise up; rise up from lying down; hence also to rise; as smoke; grow up; to arise; as a mlandu
- ula -- 1. to sound; as rain; or the hum of locusts; 2. to rouse up
- uluka -- to fly; as a bird; as anything light fluttering and falling; or blown by the wind; also from this; to walk very fast (we say; 'to fly'); as tamanga; also; to walk quickly; to shoot up quickly; to grow tall
- uluka -- to shoot up quickly; to grow tall
- ulula -- to take away; take out
- uma -- to be hard; dry; to be ripe; as fruits; to be difficult; as of one's hand unaccustomed to something; to be dear; as of merchandise; hard; as of one's throat parched with thirst; of hard wood; earth; t
- umba -- to mould or fashion; mould with the hands; clay into bricks; pots; pipes; to mould tobacco
- umbala -- to circumcise
- umbudza -- to belabour; to beat and hurt
- umila -- to stick fast to; to be unwilling to part with
- umilila -- keep 'hard' at a thing; catch fast hold of; be 'hard upon' a person; to urge one's case; urge for payment; to fail to return a loan; to covet; to compel by 'keeping at' one
- umilila -- to urge one's case; urge for payment; to fail to return a loan; to covet; to compel by 'keeping at' one
- undana -- to coagulate; to congeal
- undana -- to fight together; from the idea of holding
- undidwa -- to be unsociable
- undukula -- to taste the first fruit; to peel off; of plaster on wall; or cow dung on floor of hut
- unga -- to heap up
- ungatila -- to hatch
- ungudza -- to grumble; murmur
- ungula -- to shake or separate out of heap; roll the grain round in the chipeta basket efrom side to side; separating the bran from the flour; or one kind of seed from another
- unguza -- to look around; look at; seek for
- unika -- to light; to light a torch or match; to hold up a light to let one see anything
- unikila -- shade one's eyes; to look at anything at a distance
- unjika -- to heap up
- usa -- 1. to drive cattle together; 2. to take shelter; from sun or rain
- usa -- to be comforted after a period of anxiety
- utsa -- to raise up
- utsa -- to raise up
- uwa -- to howl; bark; as a dog; also of the wild dog
- uza -- to tell
- uzila -- to blow; puff; blow as the wind; as with the mouth; blow off
- uzilila -- to burn a hole in wood with a red-hot iron
- vala -- clothe [check V length & semantics]
- vala -- to clothe
- vama -- take shelter from rain or sun; also to be many one above the other; as leaves in the foliage of a tree; as bananas hanging on their stalk; used fig. of responses in singing
- vama -- to take shelter from rain or sun; also to be many one above the other; as leaves in the foliage of a tree; as bananas hanging on their stalk; used fig. of responses in singing
- vandula -- to flap as wind does the thatch or leaves; to be turned up as thatch by the wind; to be stroked the wrong way as a cat's hair; to flap and wag as a dog's tail
- vatula -- to bulge out
- veka -- clothe
- veka -- to clothe; give for clothing
- vemela -- to respond
- viika -- to steep in water [check vowel length]
- viila -- to cook beer; the fourth day by putting the boiled grain into the malt [check vowel length]
- vika -- to steep
- vika -- to thatch an ant-hill
- vikula -- to raise the eye; to turn the eyeballs and look sideways without turning round the head; sometimes from anger; sometimes from pride
- vimvilitsa -- to roast in hot ashes
- vimvinika -- roll on the ground; in the mud
- vimvinika -- to roll; on the ground; in the mud
- vina -- dance
- vina -- to dance; to bob up and down; as a reed in the water; of a broken leg; to move backwards and forwards; flap wings in flying
- vinduka -- to boil up as water in a fast running stream; or to bubble up as water boiling
- vinganika -- to be confused; entangled; mixed up; to be disturbed by dreams
- vinitsa -- causative of bvina; to cause to dance
- vinyiza -- to gather up; bundle up
- vivinika -- to roll about on the ground
- vokoneza -- to talk loudly above the rest
- vomela -- to answer; reply; extending to merely 'yes'
- vomela -- to answer; which at first means the sort of chant or humming response kept up as a running accompaniment to a speaker in a mlandu; to answer; reply; extending to merely 'yes'
- vomeleza -- to answer; answer in chorus; to utter response in chorus; or in a speech approve; by word of mouth or by clapping of hands; the words of the speaker
- vomeleza -- to utter response in chorus; or in a speech approve; by word of mouth or by clapping of hands; the words of the speaker
- vonganikila -- to get things mixed up; as things in a basket or water made dirty by having been stirred up.
- vonganiza -- to mix up as in making a mess of a mlandu; purposely to confuse an opponent and get the mlandu finished.
- vononga -- to spoil; to foul water
- vuadza -- plunge into water
- vuadza -- to plunge into water
- vuka -- be taken off (clothing); to come off
- vukula -- to ache; throb
- vukula -- to ache; throb
- vukumala -- to raise the back like a cat when meeting a dog; or a fowl which hs its feathers raised up when ill.
- vukuta -- to blow bellows
- vukuta -- to blow with bellows
- vula -- to lend [check vowel length]
- vula -- to take off clothes; to take off from one's person; one's coat; calico; &c.
- vula -- to take off from one's person; one's coat; calico; &c.
- vula -- to take out of water; out of a pot; &c.
- vulala -- to be wounded or hurt; to hurt one's self
- vulala -- to wound; to be wounded or hurt; to hurt one's self
- vulaza -- to hurt badly
- vulaza -- to hurt badly (caus. of vulala)
- vulila -- to slay an animal which is with young
- vuluza -- to pillage and destroy; to turn out everything in a house as searching for stolen property
- vuma -- noise of dance; singing; &c. [check gloss]
- vuma -- to be heard
- vuma -- to consent; to assent; not so much in giving anything as to assent to what has been asked or said (cf. to be heard)
- vumata -- keep in one's mouth
- vumata -- to keep in one's mouth; stones under the tongue; water in one's mouth; beads; &c.
- vumatula -- to take out of one's mouth
- vumba -- to rain upon
- vumba -- to rain upon; get wet with rain
- vumbula -- to take out of
- vumbuluka -- to appear; to rise up suddenly; as of game in the bush; to start up (and run away)
- vumbulula -- to take out; reveal; show
- vumbulutsa -- to bring out; reveal; startle and cause to rise up; as game in the bush
- vumbwa -- to get wet with rain
- vumula -- to put medicine to take out the poison of a snake-bite.
- vumvula -- to divulge a secret; to disclose what has been kept quiet
- vuna -- to cut off head of millet with knife; by holding the grain stalk in the left hand and cutting off the head with the knife in the right hand; by pressing the stalk with the thumb against the edge of t
- vunda -- to be rotten; bad; of cloth; meat; &c.; to be stinking; of meat; musty; of grain; worn out; of a gun
- vunda -- to be rotten; decay; be bad; of cloth; meat; &c.; to be stinking; of meat; musty; of grain; worn out; of a gun
- vundichila -- to cover
- vundika -- to ripen; mature; render slightly over-ripe; or bad
- vundikila -- to cover; to shut with a lid
- vundikiza -- to shut two things together
- vundila -- kunja kulikutentha nthochizi zitibvundira; it is very hot weather; the bananas will be going bad (let us eat them).
- vundukula -- to uncover; take off as a lid
- vundukula -- to uncover; take off as a lid
- vundula -- to open
- vundulula -- reversive; or intensifying the already reversive meaning of bvundula [check semantics]
- vundumula -- to throw off; scatter
- vundumula -- to throw off; scatter
- vunduza -- to pillage; plunder; as in war; or as in mischievous destruction of a garden
- vunga -- 1. to rush (of the wind); 2. to wrap up
- vungama -- sleep; leaning on anything; or curled up; as when one takes a nap during the day; or at night; from wnat of room not stretched out; 'cuddle up'
- vungama -- to sleep leaning on anything; or curled up; as when one takes a nap during the day; or at night; from wnat of room not stretched out; 'cuddle up'
- vungana -- to hang about; as the haze that hangs over the ground in the early morning
- vungana -- to sing well together; to keep time in singing
- vunganiza -- to disarrange; to use foul language very promiscuously; to mix up; to bluster and talk at large
- vunya -- to gather up into a heap; string; cloth; grass; bark; anything that can be gathered up
- vunyiza -- to bundle up; to crumple up; to roll up anything in one's loincloth for purpose of carrying it about; to seize a person and force him to the ground by squeezing
- vunyiza -- to crumple up; to roll up anything in one's loincloth for purpose of carrying it about; to seize a person and force him to the ground by squeezing
- vuta -- to be difficult; to trouble; perplex; as of anything difficult to make
- vuta -- to be mealy; as potatoes baked in oven
- vuta -- to tread down; as cattle
- vutana -- to contend in a mlandu
- vutikwa -- to be 'bothered;' oppressed
- vutila -- to inflate with wind by breathing into anything as a bladder
- vutula -- to cut up grass; to tear up
- vutulula -- reversive or extensive of bvutula
- vuula -- to take out of water; out of a fish-basket; &c.
- vuulula -- reversive or extensive of vuula [check semantics]
- vuvuta -- to tread down; grass; &c.
- vuwaza -- to plunge something into water [check; cf. vuadza]
- vwinya -- to rumple
- wakha -- 1. to catch; 2. to light fire
- wala -- to shine; of the sun ; moon; &c.
- walama -- to stoop; bend down
- walima -- to glitter; flash
- wamba -- to harden or brown by the fire; also by throwing on the fire; to toast or roast; curl and make tobacco-leaves crisp by putting them to or on the fire; roasting or toasting thus; meat or fish; to 'parc
- wanda -- to make level; lay uat; as grass; to level the grass before one in walking through long grass
- wanditsa -- to tell a thing all round
- wanga -- to notch; the teeth; the head of a verandah post
- wangula -- to chip out; open out; notch out; as in enlarging a bees' hole; also in making a way through a thicket or a bango reed flat
- waula -- to singe; scorch; burn the small feathers off a plucked fowl; the short grass round a grave when the tall grass has been mowed down; to singe or roast ground-nuts with burning grass; of the sun scorch
- wawa -- to be hard; to be difficult; to be bitter; to ache
- wawanya -- to rob; gather and carry off
- wawasa -- to be sour and set the teeth on edge; to draw the mouth together with sourness; to be acid or acrid
- wayula -- to make a rustling noise; as in the bush; among dry leaves; or in the water
- waza -- 1. to scatter; sprinkle; scatter seed; 2. to split; to cleave
- wedza -- to fish
- wefuka -- to pant; to gasp
- welama -- to stoop
- welamula -- to lift up from a stooping posture
- welamutsa -- ?
- welenga -- to count
- welenga -- to count; to read; to arrange; instruct; relate; recount
- weluka -- to leave and go away
- weluka -- to leave and go away; as workers at the close of the day's work
- weluza -- to tell; instruct
- wenda -- to creep stealthily along; steal along
- wenga -- to bring out spots; of meat eaten by a person; which is supposed to bring spots out over the body
- wenga -- to pare
- wengula -- to pare off; to take out a thorn
- weta -- to tend; to keep; as a chief his people; a shepherd his flock; a hen her brood
- weyesa -- to fry
- weyula -- to wave; turn to one side
- wila -- to boil; to bubble; as water in a pot; or in a whirlpool; gas-bells in a swamp
- wilikiza -- to double; to repeat
- wilila -- to be rough with long grass; or of hair unshorn
- wilima -- (to be rough); to shake one's self; as a goat when it is wet; or fowls when drenched
- wilingula -- to make excuse for refusing to do a thing; to squabble as to who is to do a thing; to shuffle along; to evade a fair question
- winda -- to protect with medicine
- winuka -- to tilt over and descend; of anything thrown off its balance; as a log of wood; of people ascending a hill and going down on the other side
- winya -- to be angry
- wisuka -- to be conceited; to twist the face or mouth; as one does in disgust
- wocha -- roast on the fire; burn
- wodoka -- to be loose-limbed or losely constructed
- wola -- take away
- womba -- to work; mould
- wombeza -- to cast lots
- wombola -- redeem
- womola -- bite out
- wona -- to see
- wonda -- to be lean
- wopsya -- be dreadful
- wotha -- to warm one's self
- yabwa -- to itch. cause itching
- yaka -- to be infirm
- yala -- to spread; arrange
- yaluka -- to be insane
- yaluka -- to be mad; to be insane; to be in a fury [check tone and rel. to yaluka]
- yalukula -- lift; lift off; uncover; get up one's self; lift off
- yalukula -- to lift; uncover
- yalula -- to fold up what has been spread out; as a mat or carpet; to take up what is laid down;
- yalulika -- get up one's self
- yalutsa -- to cause to fold up; to take away completely
- yamba -- to begin
- yambana -- to stir up a quarrel
- yambila -- begin together
- yambilila -- to forewarn; also to commence again; as a disease or a mlandu
- yambiza -- cause to begin
- yambuka -- to ford
- yamika -- to thank; praise
- yamuka -- to rebuke; prob.
- yamulula -- to rebuke; prob.
- yamwa -- to suck
- yanda -- do; set about; begin; do it at once; used almost as an auxiliary verb
- yanda -- spread above; floating upon the water; as grass in a flood
- yandama -- to float
- yandamula -- to raise up and help to float
- yanga -- to spread above; on
- yangala -- to dance by one's self
- yangalala -- to be spread out
- yaNG'ana -- to see; look at; look after
- yaNG'anila -- show; give a glimpse of
- yaNG'anila -- to superintend; to look after
- yangata -- to hold in one's arms
- yangatiza -- to keep together anything about to fall or part asunder
- yangatula -- to put down what one holds
- yangayanga -- to grow straggling over anything; as a creeper does; to cover up with many cords; as a load is covered
- yanika -- to spread to dry
- yanja -- to spread over
- yankha -- to answer
- yankhatiza -- to tie lightly
- yasama -- to gape; yawn
- yatsa -- to light; kindle
- yela -- to be deep
- yela -- to be white; light
- yelekedwa -- to 'show off'
- yelekeza -- to make like
- yenda -- to go; walk; move; flow
- yenela -- fit; to be fit; ought; to be fitting; to match; to be fit for; to suit; to be good for
- yeneza -- to fit
- yenga -- to boil; make oil
- yesa -- to try; to measure; to do; to make; to tempt; to make into; make 'do duty for;' to call or name
- yeseza -- to mimic
- yetima -- to shine; gleam
- yetsemula -- to sneeze
- yezimila -- to shine
- yika -- put; place; bury; of plants which fruit under the ground; to 'lay' of hens
- yima -- stand
- yimba -- sing
- yipa -- be bad
- yitana -- call
- yiwala -- forget
- yoyola -- to strew; cause to fall; and be scattered on the ground; or in beating grain into a basket
- zala -- to fill
- zaza -- to be wild; fierce; brave
- zazamila -- to be cramped; of muscles
- zazila -- to domineer
- zemba -- to disappear; avoid by getting out of sight
- zembela -- hide one's hand in passing something
- zendewela -- swing over; as a child catching hold of one's neck; or a baboon catching hold of the branches of a tree and swinging over
- zenenga -- to wind round; wrap round
- zenga -- to state a case or charge
- zenga -- to tie or fasten round; to bind round
- zengeleza -- to linger; loiter; be too late
- zia -- to be indistinct; dim; faint [check ziya]
- zidzimuka -- to startle
- zika -- to stab; pierce; put a post into a hole made for it; of roots; to pierce the ground
- zikizila -- to pierce to what is underneath
- zila -- to smooth by smearing with the hand; mud; clay; &c.; on a floor or wall
- zilala -- to be quenched; partly quenched; of fire dying out
- zima -- to quench; also to be quenched; hence to be puzzled; to die; to lose; be lost
- zimbaitsa -- to disguise; to 'put off' a person by avoiding a subject on which the person wishes or meant to speak; to suppress; retain without disclosure
- zinda -- to avoid
- zindikila -- to know; recognise
- zinga -- to surround
- zingwa -- to be poor; to be foolish
- ziwa -- to know [check dz/z]
- ziya -- to be wearied out with hunger or heavy load
- zizila -- 1. to be cold; 2. lack savour; be insipid; 3. to be loose-limbed; soft; feeble; 4. to be calm
- zizwa -- to be astonished
- zola -- to rub
- zolika -- to turn upside down; to bend down the head in a stooping posture; to stand on head; to go straight down; to hang head downwards
- zolitsa -- to turn upside down; as in trying to get something out of a vessel into which it has fallen
- zolowela -- to be accustomed to; be tame; of animals
- zomoka -- to break out in holes
- zomola -- to maul; as a wild animal; to bite and take out a piece of flesh; as a dog
- zonda -- to spy; see
- zondoka -- to turn upside down
- zonga -- to cut meat round into long strips
- zowelela -- be accustomed
- zoza -- anoint
- zuka -- 1. to come up fro beneath; 2. to rise up; be taken out of
- zula -- 1. to pull up by the roots; pull up grass; trees; 2. to pluck a fowl; take up by the roots
- zuna -- to be sweet
- zungulila -- to go round about
- zungunyula -- to sprain
- zunguza -- to whirl round; hence to perplex
- zunza -- to afflict; be cruel to; annoy; tease
- zunzika -- be afflicted
- zweta -- to wheel round