Hungarian - English Dictionary
Hungarian language page.
- abajgat -- to pester
- abbahagy -- to relinquish; to lay off; to cease; to quit, quit; to discontinue; to can; to dismiss; to chuck; to drop; to stop; to leave off; to discard; to chuck up; to knock off; to switch off; to lay by; to sign off; to give over; to take a pull; to break off; to give up; to lay aside
- abbamarad -- to leave off; to cease; to break off; to give over; to come to nothing; to drop
- ábrázol -- to illustrate; to delineate; to plot; to represent; to limn; to image; to depict; to typify; to write down; to portray; to picture
- abroncsoz -- to rim; to hoop
- acéloz -- to steel
- ácsorog -- to lounge; to loiter; to cool one`s heels; to stand about; to loll about
- ad -- to gift; to impart; to provide; to inflict; to confer; to render; to hand; to yield; to give, gave, given; to accord; to furnish; to contribute; to allow; to lend, lent; to allot; to afford; to concede; to extend
- adagol -- to feed, fed; to meter; to divide up; to gauge; to dose
- adatol -- to document
- adódik -- to come one`s way; to come about; to offer; to present itself; to happen; to offer itself; to take place; to turn up; to arise, arose, arisen
- adományoz -- to donate; to bestow; to give, gave, given; to commend; to grant; to confer; to endow; to award
- adoptál -- to affiliate
- aggaszt -- to disquiet; to alarm; to distress; to worry; to trouble
- aggódik -- to feel uncomfortable; to fear; to dread; to distress oneself; to anguish; to be uncomfortable; to worry; to be worried; to trouble
- agitál -- to be on the stump
- ágyaz -- to make the bed; to bed
- agyondicsér -- to puff
- agyonüt -- to swat; to smite, smit, smit; to brain; to smite, smote, smitten; to kill; to knock on the head
- ágyúz -- to cannon; to mortar; to batter; to shell
- ajándékoz -- to present; to gift; to give, gave, given
- ajánl -- to dedicate; to bid, bid; to bid, bade, bidden; to nominate; to suggest; to exhort; to commend; to counsel; to proffer; to offer; to advise; to name; to put up; to propose; to recommend
- akad -- to stick, stuck; to occur; to jam
- akadályoz -- to hold, held, holden; to hold, held; to detain; to cramp; to encumber; to keep from; to tie; to hold up; to embarrass; to incapacitate; to prohibit; to pocket; to put off; to stick up; to set back; to clog up; to stall; to thwart; to put back; to clog; to discourage; to hamper; to bottleneck; to inhibit; to crowd; to balk; to traverse; to impede; to obstruct
- akadozik -- to clog up; to clog; to check; to jam; to stall
- akar -- to like; to want; to will; to mean, meant; to wish
- akaszt -- to hang, hung; to spoke; to swing, swung
- akklimatizálódik -- to get acclimatized; to season
- akkreditál -- to accredit
- aktivál -- to activate; to active
- alábecsül -- to underestimate; to extenuate; to underrate
- aláhúz -- to emphasize; to underline; to underscore
- aláír -- to sign; to underwrite; to subscribe
- alakít -- to act; to represent; to shape; to develop; to form; to fashion; to turn; to portray; to figure; to modulate; to constitute; to tool; to play; to model
- alakul -- to work out; to shape; to jell; to exfoliate
- alapít -- to set up; to start; to establish; to constitute; to base; to found; to institute; to endow
- alapoz -- to found; to prime; to bed; to ground; to base; to bottom; to predicate; to lay, laid
- alapul -- to rest; to rest on sg; to be based upon sg; to be founded; to be based
- álcáz -- to mask; to camouflage
- áld -- to bless; to bless, blest
- áldoz -- to offer up a sacrifice
- alkalmaz -- to use; to place; to occupy; to ply; to engage; to shop; to take, took, taken; to adopt; to apply; to hire; to exert; to put in; to suit; to practice; to accommodate; to employ; to practise
- alkalmazkodik -- to adapt; to lean, leant; to trim; to serve the time; to conform; to lean; to comply with; to toe the line; to toe the mark; to defer
- alkot -- to compose; to produce; to mint; to make up; to frame; to procreate; to constitute; to create
- áll -- to be at a stand; to endure; to stagnate; to hold good; chin; to stand, stood; to hold true; to hold, held
- állandósul -- to come to stay
- álldogál -- to hover about; to loiter
- állít -- to pitch; to say, said; to affirm; to submit; to asseverate; to make out; to post; to rear; to purport; to profess; to plead; to vow; to assert; to plead, pled; to aver; to allow; to vouch; to declare; to suggest; to put up; have, had; to state; to contend; to claim; to allege; to predicate; to set up; to put in
- állványoz -- to scaffold
- álmodik -- to dream a dream; have a dream; to dream; to dream, dreamt
- alszik -- to lie dormant; to doss; to kip; to sleep, slept; to roost; to be sacked out
- áltat -- to flatter
- ámít -- to sham; to gouge; to put off; to beguile; to wile
- amputál -- to amputate
- ámul -- to wonder
- annektál -- to annex
- anyáskodik -- to mother
- apad -- to dwindle away; to ebb; to dwindle; to be on the wane; to lessen; to wane; to sink, sank, sunk; to dry
- ápol -- to curry; to nurse; to attend; to groom; to tend; to keep, kept; to cultivate
- árad -- to get up; to emanate; to be in spate; to rush; to surge; to exude; to swell, swelled, swollen; to diffuse; to swell
- áramlik -- to flow; to stream
- aranyoz -- to plate
- arat -- to reap; to win the harvest; to harvest; to get in the harvest
- árnyal -- to tone; to modulate; to tincture; to stipple; to tint; to shade; to vignette; to tinge
- árt -- to disagree; to wrong; to scathe; to harm; to hurt, hurt; to injure
- árul -- to vend; to sell, sold
- árusít -- to vend; to sell, sold
- ás -- to delve; to spade; to grub; to sink, sank, sunk; to burrow; to dig, dug
- ásít -- to gape; to yawn
- asszociál -- to associate
- átad -- to give up; to leave, left; to deliver; to convey; to assign; to hand over; to turn in; to surrender; to hand; to pass; to impart; to transmit; to consign; to pass over; to give, gave, given; to yield; to remit
- átalakít -- to reform; to transform; to transfigure; to alter; to remake, remade; to reshape; to make over; to leaven; to transmogrify; to retrofit; to translate; to convert; to adapt; to do up; to transmute; to realign; to reshuffle; to reblock; to redo, redid, redone
- átalakul -- to suffer change; to transform; to alter
- átejt -- to pass the buck; to double-cross; to con; have sy on; to get at; to side-track; to gyp; to let down; to gag; to spoof
- átfésül -- to scour; to rake; to comb; to rake over; to comb out
- átfog -- to colligate; to clasp
- átgondol -- to turn over; to retrace; to go over
- áthúz -- to expunge; to cross; to cancel; to rule out; to line through; to black out; to run through
- átír -- to transcribe
- átismétel -- to con over
- átkeresztel -- to rename
- átkoz -- to damn; to cuss; to swear at; to blast; to curse
- átkozódik -- to cuss; to belch forth blasphemies; to curse; to belch out blasphemies
- átlagol -- to average
- átlát -- to see through
- átlátszik -- to show through
- átnéz -- to run over; to review; to sub; to revise; to go through; to look into; to look through; to look over
- átrendez -- to redistribute; to rearrange; to realign; to regroup
- áttekint -- to survey; to review; to traverse; to take stock of
- átvesz -- to take from; to fang; to receive; to take over; to be in receipt of
- átöltözik -- to change one`s clothes; to change
- automatizál -- to automate
- autózik -- to motor; to go for a drive; have a drive
- ázik -- to steep
- azonosít -- to refer; to identify
- báláz -- to truss; to bale
- ballag -- to amble; to amble along; to saunter
- bámul -- to admire; to gaze; to wonder; to peer; to mire; to gawp at; to gawk at; to stare; to marvel
- bánik -- to serve; to manipulate; to use; to handle
- bánt -- to grieve; to maltreat; to offend; to annoy; to outrage; to aggrieve; to distress; to ail; to discommode; to jar; to injure; to chagrin; to displease
- barangol -- to range; to saunter; to saunter along; to spatiate; to rove; to roam; to go for a roam
- barátkozik -- to cordialize; to fraternize; to chum; to affiliate
- barnít -- to sear
- basáskodik -- to overbear, overbore, overborne
- baszik -- to fuck; to screw
- bátorít -- to incite; to hearten; to buoy up; to encourage; to nerve
- bead -- to give in; to shoot, shot; to present; to hand in; to pass in; to exhibit; to turn in; to put in; to give, gave, given
- beágyaz -- to bed; to make the bed; to cushion; to bed in; to embed; to make up a bed
- beállít -- to true; to clamp; to install; to true up; to turn up; to reset, reset; to mount; to regulate; to time; to tune; to tune in; to blow in; to fetch up; to pose; to set, set; to set off; to tune up; to adjust
- beavatkozik -- to encroach; to horn in
- bebizonyít -- to demonstrate; to make good; to show, showed, shown; to prove, proved, proven; to prove
- becsap -- to stiff; to scam; to nick; to bang; to keep tricking sy; to jink; to humbug; to trick; to sharp; to let down; to mislead, misled; to ramp; to bluff; to cod; to let in; to stick, stuck; to double-cross; to jockey; to rook; to sell, sold; to finagle; to renege; to delude; to abuse; to kid; to put upon; to hoax; to pole; to sandbag; to gull; to green; to tell sy wrong; to put off; to take in; to spring, sprang, sprung; to shaft; to welsh; to bilk; to cozen; to fiddle; to mock at sg; to do, did, done; have sy on; to mock; to victimize; to spoof; to nick sy for sg; to bubble; to pass the buck; to diddle; to con; to shuck; to deceive; to fox; to string, strung; to dupe; to swindle; to hocus; to chisel; to hocus-pocus; to hoodwink; to let into; to suck sy in; to put on; to get at; to fool; to gouge
- becsíp -- to nip; to pinch; to drink more than is good for one; to get tight; to go on a bat
- becsmérel -- to crab; to detract; to depreciate; to malign; to slur; to revile; to decry; to disparage; to write down; to deprave; to abuse; to defame; to belittle; to miscall; to vilify
- becsuk -- to lock; to close; to pull to; to shut down; to put down; to cage; to confine; to lock up; to shut, shut; to shut up
- becsül -- to figure; to honor; to make, made; to judge; to rate; to put, put; to value; to honour; to forecast; to appreciate; to hold, held; to hold, held, holden; to price
- bedob -- to dive; to scarf sg down; to throw into; to pitch into; to dive, dove, dived; to throw in; to drop
- beépít -- to incase; to build up; to build in
- beérkezik -- to put in; to get there; to come in; to get there with both feet; to get in
- befagy -- to be iced over; to be iced up; to congeal
- befecskendez -- to shoot, shot; to inject
- befed -- to sheathe; to do over; to overlay, overlaid; to cope; to cover; to enshroud; to top; to dome; to wrap; to hovel; to overrun, overran, overrun; to deck; to cover up; to overspread, overspread; to revet; to cover over
- befejez -- to round; to get through; to end; to make good; to put through; to complete; to wind, wound; to conclude; to perfect; to close; to polish off; to accomplish; to finish off; to terminate; to knock off; to round off; to carry through; to do, did, done; to sign off; to finish; to clear off
- befejeződik -- to close; to draw to a close; to terminate; to end; to conclude; to get out; to finish; to wind up; to come to an end
- befektet -- to invest; to put out; to sink, sank, sunk; to fund; to lay out; to tie up
- befizet -- to pay in
- befogad -- to house; to take in; to take, took, taken; to admit; to receive; to take into; to accommodate
- befolyásol -- to bias; to sway; to influence; to prejudice; to operate; to affect; to leaven; to swing, swung; to warp
- befolyik -- to empty into; to pour into; to flow into
- befon -- to braid; to plait
- behatol -- to burgle; to move in; to pierce; to enter; to intrude; to get in; to work in; to push in; to foray; to get under one`s skin; to lodge; to get into
- behúz -- to pull in; to draw in; to retract; to drag in; to gauge; to case; to draw down; to punch
- beidéz -- to summon; to summons; to cite
- beiktat -- to inaugurate; to induct; to put in; to foist; to register; to enroll; to throw in; to enrol
- beindul -- to start up
- beír -- to enroll; to enter; to book; to enrol; to fill in; to add sg in; to post up; to register
- beismer -- to admit; to avow; to yield; to acknowledge; to confess; to own
- bejegyez -- to enrol; to register; to put down; to incorporate; to enroll; to enter
- bejelent -- to usher; to return; to report; to notify; to announce; to declare
- bejön -- to come in; to enter
- bekapcsol -- to switch on; to turn on; to press the button; to gear; to throw the switch; to put in gear; to plug in; to fasten; to clasp; to do up
- beken -- to splotch; to splodge; to plaster; to smear; to daub; to muck; to anoint; to wash; to cream; to salve
- bekerül -- to get into
- bekukucskál -- to peep in
- beküld -- to send in; to render
- beköltözik -- to move in; to take up one`s quarters
- bekövetkezik -- to come true; to occur; to eventuate; to supervene
- beleért -- to imply; to include; to reckon in
- belép -- to enter; to come in; to step in; to pass in; to overstep; to pass into; to join; to enter on; to step into
- beleszeret -- to become infatuated with
- beleszól -- to chop in; to horn in; to catch sy up; to put in; to chip in; to catch sy up in a speech
- bemegy -- to get in; to go in; to enter; to put in; to make hay of sg; to go into; to go within
- bemutat -- to introduce; to exhibit; to demonstrate; to consummate; to make appearance; to bring out; to present; to display; to bring forward; to render; to subject; to bring on; to produce; to put in
- bemutatkozik -- to introduce oneself
- benyújt -- to exhibit; to pass in; to send in; to lodge; to present; to render; to hand in
- bepótol -- to recover; to supply
- bérel -- to rent; to take in lease; to tenant; to take, took, taken; to hire; to take by lease; to take on lease
- berendez -- to equip; to dispose; to furnish; to upholster
- berreg -- to buzz
- berúg -- to get a bun on; to get tight; to go on a bat; to tie one on; to get smashed; to souse; to get fuddled; to be on the booze; to get stoned
- beszáll -- to go aboard; to board; to step in; to get in; to get into; to embark
- beszámol -- to report; to return
- beszed -- to collect; to levy; to get in
- beszél -- to make a speech; to say, said; to tell, told; to rabbit; to address; to speak, spoke, spoken; to talk; to deliver a speech
- beszélget -- to discourse; to rabbit; to rap; to talk; to chat; to converse
- beszerez -- to provide; to get in; to lay in; to lay up; to purchase; to get, got; to procure
- beszól -- to quip; to horn in on sg
- betér -- to come round; to turn into; to turn in
- betesz -- to insert; to introduce; to take in; to tuck away; to shut to; to put in; to bank
- betonoz -- to concrete
- betűz -- to spell; to spell, spelt
- bevall -- to confess; to spill one`s guts; to acknowledge; to let on; to admit; to own; to declare; to avow; to make a confession
- bever -- to burr; to stave; to bump; to hammer into; to bung; to stave, stove; to bespatter; to knock into; to bash; to bur; to prick; to stave in; to ram; to ram into; to hammer in; to dig, dug; to sink, sank, sunk; to insert; to knock in
- bevezet -- to bring in; to initiate; to enter; to pass; to preface; to lay on; to usher; to introduce; to add sg in; to set up; to put in; to induct; to inaugurate; to promote; to take in
- bevisz -- to introduce; to take in; to get in; to promote; to take into
- bevon -- to get down; to furl; to coat; to lag; to draw in; to revet; to land; to draw into; to film; to revoke; to strike, struck; to case; to sheathe; to do over; to clew up; to call in; to wash; to withdraw, withdrew, withdrawn; to muffle
- bezár -- to enclose; to fold up; to keep in; to confine; to shut up; to incarcerate; to shut in; to encompass; to pin; to fasten; to bolt in; to close; to bung; to cloister; to box in; to close up; to put up; to shut, shut; to mew; to secure; to lock up; to shut to; to pen; to gag; to bung up; to lock in; to lock; to latch; to shut down; to immure; to fold
- biccent -- to nod
- billeg -- to waggle; to tilt; to sway; to topple
- bimbózik -- to bud; to burgeon
- bír -- to hold, held, holden; to hold, held; to endure; to stand, stood; to stomach
- bírál -- to criticize; to find fault with sy
- birtokol -- to hold sg in demesne; to possess; to occupy; to hold possession of; to hold, held, holden; to hold, held
- bíz -- to commit
- bízik -- to credit
- bizonyít -- to demonstrate; to attest; to aver; to confirm; to prove; to set out; to infer; to evince; to make good; to manifest; to show, showed, shown; to substantiate; to testify; to evidence; to certify; to purport; to prove, proved, proven; to argufy
- bizonyul -- to prove; to prove, proved, proven
- biztat -- to root for; to reassure; to hold out
- biztosít -- to anchor; to indemnify; to guarantee; to insure; to warrant; to ensure; to strengthen; to cover; to assure; to secure
- blansíroz -- to scald
- blokkol -- to punch in; to punch out
- blöfföl -- to bluff
- bódít -- to drug; to narcotize
- bohóckodik -- to screw around; to make a circus of oneself; to clown; to tomfool
- bojkottál -- to boycott
- bókol -- to curb; to compliment; to bow
- boldogít -- to felicitate; to rejoice
- boldogul -- to manage; to get ahead; to make good; to speed, sped; to get along; to make shift; to succeed; to thrive, throve, thriven; to make out; to make the grade; to make one`s way in life; to fare; to make one`s way in the world; to be doing well; to get on in life; to make a shift; to get on
- bólint -- to nod; to bow; to beckon
- bolondít -- to bamboozle
- bombáz -- to bomb; to strafe; to bombard
- bomlik -- to fall asunder; to dissolve; to resolve; to disintegrate; to go to pieces; to decay
- boncol -- to disjoint; to anatomize
- bont -- to ring off
- bonyolít -- to complicate
- bordáz -- to rib; to tool
- borít -- to lace; to bestrew, bestrewed, bestrewn; to do over; to sheathe; to enshroud; to wainscot; to bestrew; to cover; to revet; to weather-board
- borogat -- to foment
- boronál -- to harrow; to drag
- borotvál -- to shave; to razor
- borotválkozik -- to shave; to scrape one`s chin
- borsoz -- to pepper
- bosszant -- to irk; to ballyrag; to nettle; to vex; to blister; to aggravate; to put out; to rub the wrong way; to displease; to chagrin; to gall; to peeve; to anger; to grind, ground; to fret; to spite; to bullyrag; to plague; to bedevil; to aggrieve; to twit; to inflict; to bug; to annoy; to provoke; to be on to sy; to fash; to get in one`s hair; to rile; to roil; to harass
- buborékol -- to bead; to bubble
- búg -- to whir; to zoom; to sing, sang, sung; to whirr; to drone; to bur; to sound; to burr
- bugyog -- to seethe; to spout; to bubble; to well
- bújik -- to peep out; to hide, hid; to hide, hid, hidden; to spring up; to spring, sprang, sprung
- bukik -- to dive, dove, dived; to dive; to be unseated
- burjánzik -- to proliferate; to ramp; to propagate oneself; to luxuriate; to sprawl; to propagate; to run riot
- burkol -- to wrap; to weather-board; to armor; to veneer; to floor; to revet; to scarf; to panel; to wainscot; to cover; to armour; to chow; to pave
- büntet -- to chasten; to scourge; to discipline; to recompense; to chastise
- büszkélkedik -- to trot out; to swagger; to boast; to flaunt
- bűzlik -- to reek; to stink, stank, stunk; to stink, stunk, stunk
- bőg -- to bellow; to bump; to rout; to moo; to blubber; to blub; to bray
- böjtöl -- to fast in lent; to keep lent; to fast
- bővít -- to let out; to improve; to ease; to broaden
- bővül -- to broaden; to flare
- cáfol -- to traverse; to confute
- cammog -- to trail; to mog; to plod; to plod one`s way; to shamble; to trudge; to plod along
- céloz -- to aim; to take aim; to refer
- cenzúráz -- to censor; to blue-pencil
- cigarettázik -- to smoke
- címez -- to style; to address; to entitle
- cipel -- to carry; to lug; to tote; to bear, bore, borne
- ciripel -- to chirp
- civilizál -- to civilize
- csábít -- to gouge; to solicit; to seduce; to tempt; to beguile; to wile; to allure; to entice; to coax; to lure
- csacsog -- to prattle; to chirp; to burble; to sing, sang, sung; to jabber
- csahol -- to yip; to give tongue; to bay; to throw tongue; to cry; to yelp; to yowl; to yap
- csal -- to fudge; to sham; to swindle; to renege; to finagle; to cheat; to jockey; to sharp; to trick; to nap
- csalódik -- to be disappointed; to err
- csap -- tap; cog; indention; stud; pin; hinge-pin; switch; tang; tenon; to lash; drift; tongue; spile; fish; faucet; feather; indentation; to flop; beer pump; dowel; key; to slap; bolt; peg; to strike, struck
- csapol -- to draw off; to teem
- csapong -- to wanton
- csatlakozik -- to fall into line with; to abut; to join; to affiliate; to fall into line; to rally
- csatol -- to annex; to append; to enclose; to affix; to buckle
- csavar -- to slice; to twist; clamp; to twirl; screw; to curl; to wind, wound; to screw; male screw; twist; to squeeze; clam; bolt
- cselekszik -- to take action; to do, did, done; to act
- cselleng -- to loaf; to lop about; to dawdle; to sheer; to trapes; to loaf about; to hang around; to laze; to stick around; to hang about; to slope about
- csempészik -- to smuggle
- cseng -- to clang; to sound; to ring, rang, rung; to clank; to ring out; to tinkle; to sing, sang, sung; to tang
- csenget -- to ring, rang, rung; to ring the bell; to clang
- csépel -- to thresh; to flail; to thrash
- cserbenhagy -- to fall off; to fail; to forsake, forsook, forsaken; to betray; to renege; to let down; to throw over; to desert; to die on it
- cserél -- to change; to exchange; to truck
- cseveg -- to shoot the breeze; to chat; to chirp
- csicsereg -- to chatter; to twitter; to chirrup; to warble; to chirp
- csikorgat -- to scrunch; to crunch; to grit
- csíkoz -- to striate; to streak; to stripe
- csillapít -- to assuage; to attenuate; to deaden; to quench; to alleviate; to mollify; to soothe; to lay, laid; to ease; to salve; to sedate; to allay; to appease; to mitigate
- csillapodik -- to fall, fell, fallen; to calm down; to slack; to smooth; to remit; to ease
- csillapul -- to soften; to slacken
- csillog -- to glint; to glisten; to twinkle; to spark; to shine, shone; to laugh; to flash; to sparkle; to glitter; to coruscate
- csinál -- to come up; to make, made; to take, took, taken; to do, did, done; to make at; to put in
- csinosít -- to primp
- csíp -- to sting, stung; to burn; to cut, cut; to bite, bit, bitten; to burn, burnt; to smart; to peck; to nip; to pinch
- csirizel -- to paste
- csiszol -- to smooth; to surface; to touch up; to refine; to chisel; to scratch; to furbish; to cut, cut; to buff; to polish; to refit; to emery
- csobog -- to bicker; to babble; to ripple; to gurgle
- csodál -- to admire; to wonder
- csodálkozik -- to mire; to marvel; to wonder
- csókol -- to snog; to kiss; to osculate; to kiss, kist; to lip
- csomagol -- to wrap; to put up; to package; to pack
- csonkol -- to stump; to amputate
- csoportosít -- to pigeonhole; to group; to sort; to aggregate
- csoportosul -- to flock; to band together; to hang about; to rout; to hang around; to gather; to group; to troop; to aggregate; to jug; to cluster; to band; to bunch
- csór -- to snoop; to pull; to promote
- csoszog -- to slither one`s feet; to shuffle; to scuffle; to lop about; to drag one`s feet; to scuff one`s feet; to shamble; to dodder; to scuff; to shuffle one`s feet
- csúfol -- to rally; to flout
- csuk -- to close
- csuklik -- to hiccup; to hiccough
- csúszik -- to slither; to slide, slid; to creep, crept; to crawl; to slip
- csökken -- to decrease; to dwindle; to wane; to lighten; to reduce; to extenuate; to sink, sank, sunk; to be down; to drop; to recede; to let up; to sag; to slack; to attenuate; to waste; to slip; to slacken; to dwindle away; to ease up; to diminish; to lessen; to abate; to tone down; to remit; to slack off; to deaden; to taper; to ease down; to lower; to ease; to fall off; to buck; to fall, fell, fallen
- csökkent -- to put down; to cut back; to attenuate; to curtail; to whittle; to slack; to release; to subdue; to send down; to sink, sank, sunk; to reduce; to depress; to narrow; to lay, laid; to detract; to abridge; to temper; to pare down; to derogate; to cut, cut; to pull in; attenuate; to ax; to ease; to gear down; to lower; to ease down; to step down; to bring down; to axe; to cut down; to draw in; to abate; to tone down; to taper; to bate; to diminish; to slacken; to lessen; to deflate
- csöpög -- to weep, wept; to distil; to ooze; to dribble; to distill; to drip; to drop; to splatter; to spatter
- csörög -- to rattle; to jangle; to jingle; to clank; to clink
- dacol -- to dare, durst; to defy; to challenge; to dare; to outbrave; to fly in the face of; to brave
- dadog -- to stammer; to stutter
- dagad -- to belly; to surge; to wax; to fill; to swell, swelled, swollen; to belly out; to swell; to expand; to heave, hove; to get up; to heave; to rise, rose, risen; to swell out
- dagaszt -- to work; to swell; to mold; to knead; to swell, swelled, swollen; to mould
- dajkál -- to nurse
- dalol -- to sing, sang, sung; to carol; to chant
- darabol -- to comminute; to cut in pieces; to break in pieces; to chop up; to part; to break in to pieces; to parcel up; to cut in to pieces; to cut up; to carve
- darál -- to mill; to grind, ground; to mince
- debütál -- to come out
- definiál -- to define
- degenerál -- to degenerate
- delegál -- to depute
- demokratizál -- to democratize
- denaturál -- to denature
- deprimál -- to oppress; to hump
- desztillál -- to distil; to distill
- devalvál -- to depreciate
- dezertál -- to desert
- dézsmál -- to pilfer
- dicsekszik -- to bounce; to be on one`s mettle; to vaunt; to shout the odds; to make a merit; to take merit to oneself; to boast
- dicsér -- to commend; to bless; to glorify; to compliment; to laud; to praise; to bless, blest; to exalt; to eulogize
- didereg -- to shiver; to tremble; to be shaking with cold
- díjaz -- to money out; to remunerate
- diktál -- to dictate
- dinsztel -- to braise; to jug
- díszít -- to grace; to garnish; to adorn; to set out; to gild, gilt; to vandyke; to beautify; to ornate; to trim; to bedeck; to embroider; to emblazon; to decorate; to deck; to gild; to embellish; to ornament; to stud; to primp; to figure
- diszkvalifikál -- to disqualify
- dob -- to put, put; to sling, slung; to heave, hove; drum; barrel; to project; to let fly; to slap; to bung; to shy; to fling, flung; to pitch; to throw, threw, thrown; to shoot, shot; to cast, cast; to drop; to heave; to chuck; to launch; to toss; to gag; to jilt; trommel
- dobál -- to peg at; to pelt; to fling, flung
- dobog -- to pulsate; to stomp; to beat, beat, beaten; to throb; to palpitate; to beat, beat
- dobol -- to drum; to beat the drum; to beat a drum; to hammer; to tomtom; to play the drum; to patter
- dohányzik -- to blow, blew, blown; to smoke tobacco; to smoke
- dohog -- to hammer; to snift
- dokumentál -- to attest; to prove; to certify; to document
- dolgozik -- to peg away at sg; to labour; to be at work; to pull one`s finger out; to pant; to labor; to work; to ply
- dominál -- to prevail
- dong -- to bumble; to buzz; to twang
- dorombol -- to purr
- drágul -- to get dearer; to get dear
- drukkol -- have the willies; to jitter; to be flurried
- dug -- to scam; to yard; to stick, stuck; to diddle; to tuck
- dumál -- to bull; to talk at large; to vapor; to vapour; to spiel; to talk large; to rabbit
- durvít -- to coarsen
- duzzad -- to belly out; to swell; to draw, drew, drawn; to belly; to swell, swelled, swollen; to rise, rose, risen
- duzzog -- to sulk; have the sulks; to tiff; to pout; have the pouts; to be in the pouts
- dühít -- to hack
- dühöng -- to shit bricks; to foam with rage; to chafe; to be in a paddy; to play the devil; to be on the rampage; to rampage; to rage; to ramp; to rave; to huff; to rave with fury; to carry on; to get one`s quill up; to rave and storm; to storm; to rampage about; to ramp and rave
- döbbent -- dumbfounded; flabbergasted; stunned
- döf -- to stick, stuck; to jab; to poke; to stab; to prod; to thrust
- dől -- to tilt; to slant; to rake; to lean, leant; to stream; to slope; to hang, hung; to cant; to well forth; to well up; to lean
- dönget -- to rattle; to floor; to batter; to bang
- döngicsél -- to bumble
- dönt -- to decree; to make up one`s mind; to rule; to choose, chose, chosen; to hew; to come to a decision; to hew, hewed, hewn; to decide; to adjudge; to determine
- dörzsöl -- to fret; to ream out; to scratch; to rub; to scrub; to fray; to ream; to chafe
- dörög -- to grumble; to boom; to volley; to rumble; to hone; to thunder; to peal
- dörömböl -- to bang; to thunder; to thump
- dőzsöl -- to banquet; to roister; to batten; have a rare old bean-feast; to revel; to feast; to rollick; to guzzle; to carouse
- ebédel -- to lunch; have lunch; to dine; to tiff; to be at lunch
- ébred -- to wake; to wake, woke, woken
- ébreszt -- to raise; to arouse
- ecsetel -- to pencil; to paint
- edz -- to anneal; to be in training; to weather; to steel; to temper; to chill; to train; to coach; to exercise
- ég -- to burn, burnt; to fry; heaven; to be on; to burn; to mantle; to sting, stung; to flame; sky; celestial sphere; to be in flames; clime; to be on fire; to smart
- egerészik -- to mouse
- éget -- to parch; to burn; to sting, stung; to burn, burnt; to calcinate; to bite, bit, bitten; to fire
- egybekel -- to be made one; to become one; to wed
- egybeköt -- to wed; to interlace; to join
- egybevág -- to overlap; to check up; to tally; to hang together
- egyenlít -- to equalize; to level out
- egyensúlyoz -- to poise; to equilibrate
- egyesít -- to accrete; to knit, knit; to unite; to amalgamate; to join; to wed; to club; to shackle; to knit; to combine; to affiliate; to consolidate; to meld; to coalesce; to join together; to merge; to ally; to confederate; to incorporate
- egyesül -- to club together; to be made one; to fuze; to conjugate; to unite; to knit, knit; to accrete; to fuse; to associate; to amalgamate; to join with; to incorporate; to merge; to coalesce; to meld; to knit; to combine; to become one
- egyetért -- to concur; to jibe; to agree; to accommodate; to consort with; to harmonize; to unite; to chime in with; to chime together; to gibe
- egyezik -- to hitch; to check; to accord; to agree; to check up; to square; to tally
- egyeztet -- to harmonize; to tally; to conciliate; to agree; to check; to collate
- egyszerűsít -- to simplify
- együttműködik -- to pull together; to co-operate; to cooperate
- éhezik -- to starve; have a thin time of it; to hunger; to go hungry; to famish
- ejakulál -- to dump one`s load; to ejaculate
- ejt -- to throw overboard; to drop
- ékesít -- to ornament; to set out; to deck; to adorn; to ornate; to daub
- él -- point; to exist; to subsist; edge; to live; cutting edge; crease; nib; head; face; ledge; poignancy; runner; have life
- elad -- to merchandise; to vend; to turn into money; to sell, sold; to negotiate; to convert into money
- eláll -- to leave off; to desist; to keep, kept; to beset, beset; to lull; to thwart
- elálmosít -- to drowse
- elalszik -- to drop off to sleep; to zonk out; to fall into a slumber; to nod off; to go off; to go dead; to go off to sleep; to drop off; to get off to sleep; to go to sleep; to fall asleep; to die down; to get to sleep
- elárul -- to give away; to let on; to sell, sold; to uncover; to let out; to scream; to show, showed, shown; to display; to manifest; to betray; to disclose; to spill the beans
- elás -- to bury; to inter
- elbarikádoz -- to barricade
- elbeszél -- to tell, told; to relate; to unfold; to recount
- elbocsát -- to send away; to send off; to shelve; to unhand; to pay off; to remove; to cast off; to discharge; to shop; to dump; to turn away; to cashier; to lay off; to disband; to sack; to turn off; to discard; to can; to fire; to dismiss
- elbújik -- to hide, hid, hidden; to go home to one`s woods; to hide, hid; to abscond
- elbűvöl -- to enthral; to enthrall; to charm; to bedevil; to ravish; to enchant; to bewitch
- elcsúszik -- to slip; to lapse; to get by; have a slide
- eldob -- to throw, threw, thrown; to throw away; to chuck; to throw off; to abject; to chuck away; to cast away; to discard
- eldug -- to tuck away; to secrete; to squirrel away; to hide, hid, hidden; to hide, hid; to cache
- eldönt -- to settle; to clinch; to clench; to decide; to adjudge; to determine; to compose; to resolve
- elég -- to burn out; no more; sufficient; enough; rather; fairly; to do, did, done; to burn; not any more; tolerable; to burn, burnt; suffice; to last; to suffice; to last out; enow; to burn away; to serve
- elektrifikál -- to electrify
- elemez -- to dissect; to analyse; to analyze; to anatomize; to construe; to assay
- élénkít -- to jazz up; to animate; to quicken; to enliven; to invigorate; to vivify
- elér -- to get, got; to come up with; to overtake, overtook, overtaken; to make, made; to procure; to hit; to attain; to obtain; to compass; to hit, hit; to achieve; to realize; to chalk up; to get at; to chalk up sg; to gain
- elesik -- to topple; to topple down; to tumble; to tumble down; have a fall; to topple over; to drop; to fall, fell, fallen
- élesít -- to whet; to sharpen; to hone; to edge; to strop; to grind, ground; to set, set
- elfakul -- to dull; to discolour
- elfehéredik -- to pale; to blanch; to blench; to whiten
- elfelejt -- to unlearn, unlearnt; to get over; to unlearn
- elfér -- to fit
- elfog -- to collar; to nick; to take, took, taken; to capture; to hunt down; to nab; to overtake, overtook, overtaken; to pinch; to pick up; to come upon; to get, got; to catch up; to grip; to run down; to nail; to intercept; to seize; to prize
- elfogad -- to receive; to assume; to grant; to pass; to take for granted; to adopt; to take, took, taken; to take in; to take from; to take up; to concede; to accept
- elfoglal -- to hold, held, holden; to take, took, taken; to hold, held; to take up; to annex; to occupy; to seize; to carry
- elfogy -- to waste; to run out; to give out; to consume; to run short
- elfogyaszt -- have, had; to waste; to use up; to deplete; to mop up; to ingest; to use; to eat up; to consume
- elfojt -- to bottle; to mask; to throttle down; to quell; to bottle up; to drown; to ram; to quash; to smother; to inhibit; to subdue; to wad; to throttle; to stifle; to put down; to curb; to tame; to drown out; to overcome, overcame, overcome; to pocket; to check; to keep under; to suppress; to repress; to dampen; to deaden; to choke; to strangulate; to silence; to quench; to strangle; to damp
- elgázol -- to run over; to run down
- elhagy -- to outstrip; to fall off; to expunge; to leave, left; to forsake, forsook, forsaken; to outpace; to quit; to mislay; to skip; to vacate; to omit; to quit, quit; to leave behind; to outrun, outran, outrun; to drop out; to abandon; to jilt; to sink, sank, sunk; to outdistance; to throw over; to desert
- elhalaszt -- to respite; to defer; to postpone; to put over; to side-track; to can; to stay; to hold over; to remit; to delay; to put off; to leave over; to adjourn
- elhamvaszt -- to consume; to cremate; to incinerate; to cinder
- elhanyagol -- to disregard; to neglect; to slight
- elhasznál -- to eat up; to use; to deplete; to use up; to drain; to wear, wore, worn; to wear out; to take, took, taken
- elhatároz -- to set forth; to make a resolution; to decree; to settle; to resolve; to determine; to set out; to fix on; to decide
- elhelyez -- to dispose; to accommodate; to plant; to install; to post; to locate; to house; to stow; to set, set; to place; to fix up; to settle; to sell, sold; to seat; to park; to lodge; to bestow; to depose
- elhelyezkedik -- to station oneself; to seat oneself; to take one`s stand; to nestle; to take up position; to take up stand; to plant oneself; to encamp; to settle down; to take up a station; to snuggle down
- elhibáz -- to boss; to make a mistake; to mull; to miss; to muff; to get wrong
- elhisz -- to buy the farm; to credit; to believe
- elhízik -- to run to fat; to grow fat; to get fat
- elhuny -- to cross the river; to cross the river of death
- elhúz -- to pill; to spin out; to book; to buzz off; to nick off; to pull away
- elillan -- to scamper away; to slip away; to slip by; to dissolve into thin air; to slide away; to volatilize; to abscond; to slip the painter; to play injun; to steal away; to ooze; to escape; to take french leave; to make a run for it; to vamose; to jink; to flick out of sight; to slide by; to evaporate; to melt into thin air; to scour off; to make off; to vamoose; to make tracks
- elindít -- to spark; to set in motion; to despatch; to put in action; to set sg afloat; to dispatch; to initiate; to set sg on feet; to start; to set off; to set up; to hop; to launch; to actuate
- elindul -- to take off; to go, went, gone; to sally forth; to get off; to take the road; to set out; to set off; to get under weigh; to pull out; to put out; to put off; to set forth; to hit the road; to start out; grant; to start on one`s way; to start off; to go forth; to start on one`s journey; to make a move; to start; to depart; to drop the flag; to enter on
- elintéz -- to compound; to put to rights; to make up; to decide; to dispose; to fix; to settle up; to adjust; to conclude; to arrange; to square; to dispatch; to despatch; to do, did, done; to fix up; to settle
- elismer -- to admit; have, had; to acknowledge; to confess; to recognize; to concede; to avow; to grant; to allow; to approve of; to own
- eljut -- to be along; to get at; to reach; to get, got
- eljuttat -- to get, got
- elkényeztet -- to mollycoddle; to coddle; to pamper; to indulge; to spoil; to spoil, spoilt
- elképzel -- to project; to visualize; to project oneself into sg; to envisage; to visualise; to figure; to picture to oneself; to conceive; to fancy; to imagine
- elkerül -- to sidestep; to obviate; to avoid; to escape; to keep off; to eschew; to evade; to shun
- elkészít -- to make ready; to do, did, done; to fix up; to make up; to make out; to get out; to cook; to dispense; to prepare
- elkészül -- to reach completion; to get ready
- elkezd -- to commence; to set up; to initiate; to start; to begin, began, begun; to inchoate; to put in hand
- elkezdődik -- to tee; to commence; to take in; to begin, began, begun; to tee off
- elkísér -- to take on; to escort
- elkóborol -- to straggle; to stray
- elkoboz -- to confiscate; to prize; to seize; to prise; to intercept; to embargo; to sequestrate; to levy; to suppress; to sequester
- elküld -- to dispatch; to send away; to send off; to pack off; to despatch; to expedite; to get off; to shop; to send, sent; to ship; to turn away; to forward; to wing; to lay off; to disband; to turn off; to discard; to remit; to send down; to order off
- elkülönít -- to sequester; to ghettotize; to seclude; to divide; to set apart; to sift; to section out; to extricate; to separate; to disassociate; to confine; to detach; to dissociate; to quarantine; to dissever
- elkövet -- to commit; to perpetrate
- ellát -- to fix out; to issue; to supply; to occupy; to ply; to set out; to find, found; to set up; to cater; to emboss; to rig; to provide; to husband; to groom; to tend; to fit up; to minister; to send, sent; to serve; to fit out; to attend; to furnish
- ellátogat -- to resort; to visit
- ellenáll -- to bide, bode, bidden; to counter-move; to stand up to; to bide; to bide, bode, bid; to buck against; to make head; to resist; to withstand, withstood; to offer resistance; to oppose; to stand up against; to buck; to counter; to stick up to; to dispute; to stand out
- ellenkezik -- to conflict with; to put up resistance; to spite; to offer resistance to; to go against; to run against; to be inconsistent with; to conflict; to clash; to resist; to disagree
- ellentmond -- to clash; to contradict; to contravene; to gainsay, gainsaid
- ellenőriz -- to verify; to survey; to check up; to superintend; to oversee, oversaw, overseen; to sift; to supervise; to audit; to check; to vet; to follow up; to monitor; to inspect; to stand over; to control; to test; to tally; to try
- ellop -- to scrounge; to steal, stole, stolen; to purloin; to lift; to bone; to rob; to sneak; to glom; to spirit away; to knock off; to bag; to pinch; to snoop; to nab; to spirit off; to mooch; to filch; to collar; to swipe; to nick
- elmarad -- to make default; to fall off; to hold off; to fail; to be in default; to lag behind; to fall away; to be cancelled
- elmegy -- to go forth; to go away; to resort; to part; to take leave; to leave for; to march off; to sod off; to check out; to chase oneself; to shove off; to pull out; to turkey off; to push off; to quit, quit; to pass; to turn away; to put over; to take one`s departure; to beetle off; to slope off; to nick off; to be off; to go past; to sheer off; to go, went, gone; to go off; to quit; to sally forth; to visit; to jog; to take off; to leave, left; to piss off; to get off; to get by
- elmélkedik -- to chew; to ruminate; to speculate; to reflect; to contemplate; to meditate; to reflect on; to muse
- elmereng -- to muse
- elmond -- to recite; to recount; to say, said; to report; to tell, told; to relate; to shoot, shot; to unfold; to represent; to set out
- elmozdít -- to budge; to fault; to abduct; to shift; to offset; to dislocate; to displace; to take away
- elmulaszt -- to balk; to lose, lost; to miss; to default; to pass up; to omit
- elmúlik -- to roll by; to expire; to pass off; to pass; to slip away; to slip by; to wear away; to peter out; to elapse; to lapse; to wear, wore, worn; to pass away
- elnapol -- to rise, rose, risen; to hold over; to put off; to adjourn
- elnevez -- to denominate; to name; to christen
- elnéz -- to excuse; to pardon; to countenance; to pass by
- elnyer -- to take out; to procure; to win, won; to take, took, taken; to gain; to attain; to carry off; to pull off
- elnyom -- to grain down; to grain sg under one`s heel; to suppress; to repress; to quash; to coerce; to oppress; to tread down; to keep down; to bully; to quell; to keep under; to mask; to put down; to stifle; to throttle; to drown out; to grind, ground; to quench; to overwhelm; to hold down; to inhibit; to victimize; to ride, rode, ridden; to put upon
- elolvas -- to read, read
- elpárolog -- to play injun; to bilk; to vaporize; to run to waste; to go to waste; to evaporate; to volatilize; to ooze away; to skip off; to abscond; to exhale
- elpárologtat -- to evaporate; to volatilize; to vaporize
- elpaterol -- to deep-six; to shoot, shot
- elpusztít -- to scorch; to ravage; to scathe; to slay, slew, slain; to canker; to devour; to do away with; to perish; to desolate; to devastate; to lay waste; to prang; to consume; to kill off; to nip; to blast; to destroy; to harry; to stamp out; to waste
- elpusztul -- to go by the board; to consume; to perish; to lose plant; to rot off; to rot away; to go to rack and ruin
- elrabol -- to kidnap; to hijack; to abduct; to rob; to ravish; to rape
- elragadtat -- to bewitch; to carry away; to ravish; to enrapture; to overjoy; to fetch
- elrejt -- to squirrel away; to recess; to reset; to conceal; to wrap; to enshroud; to stash; to secrete; to disguise; to cache; to hide, hid; to eloign; to smother up; to pocket; to tuck into; to hide, hid, hidden; to shelter; to screen
- elrendel -- to decree; to bid, bade, bidden; to ordain; to enact; to order; to command; to dispose
- elrendez -- to set in order; to set out; to lay out; to order; to calendar; to array; to square; to tidy; to arrange; to rank; to range; to do up; to pose; to do, did, done; to docket; to marshal; to tidy up; to compound; to concert; to sort out; to set sg to rights; to put to rights; to dispose; to pigeonhole
- elrepül -- to take wing; to blow off
- elront -- to disorder; to tamper with sg; to deprave; to flaw; to garble; to spoil; to muddle up; to boggle; to overdraw, overdrew, overdrawn; to corrupt; to louse up; to vitiate; to bungle; to unmake, unmade; to queer; to cock up; to impair; to bitch; to ball up; to foul up; to boss; to mar; to bollix sg up; to mess up; to muss; to scupper; to put out of order; to blow, blew, blown; to crap sg up; to spoil, spoilt; to blemish; to worsen; to make a mess of sg; to ruin; to bollocks sg up; to botch; to addle; to mess; to rot; to mull
- elsodor -- to waft; to sweep; to carry away; to drive, drove, driven
- elsüllyed -- to submerge; to slump; to sink, sank, sunk; to settle down; to go down; to founder; to settle; to merge
- elszalaszt -- to miss; to pass up; to let pass; to let slip; to balk; to throw away
- elszenved -- to stick, stuck; to endure; to suffer; to take, took, taken; to bear, bore, borne; to sustain; to brook
- elsötétít -- to eclipse; to overcast, overcast; to darken; to black out
- eltakarodik -- to pack off
- eltávolít -- to remove; to distance; to brush aside; to get away; to expel; to unblock; to weed out; to take off; to prune away; to prune; to depose; to do away; to alienate; to alien; to get out; to take away; to take out; to replace; to sequester; to defecate; to cut out; to clear away; to eliminate; to estrange; to draw off; to extract; to prune down; to dislodge; to obliterate
- eltelik -- to pass away; to elapse; to pass; to roll by; to expire
- eltér -- to depart; to deflect; to back away; to turn off; to angle; to err; to go off; to swerve; to differ; to deviate; to clash; to diverge
- elterjed -- to disperse; to unfold; to run, ran, run; to spread, spread; to come into general use; to pullulate; to resound
- eltéved -- to stray; to get lost; to go the wrong way; to mistake the way; to go wrong; to take the wrong turning; to take the wrong road; to lose one`s way; to go astray; to be on the wrong side of the post
- eltűnik -- to wither; to get out of sight; to pull out; to beat the air; to fade away; to melt into thin air; to fade out; to work off; to go, went, gone; to disappear; to come out; to pass away; to play injun; to abscond; to pass; to dissolve into thin air; to vanish
- eltör -- to snap; to break, broke, broken
- elutasít -- to repudiate; to cast off; to put back; to negative; to discourage; to project; to refuse; to decline; to spurn; to throw out; to overrule; to traverse; to reject; to throw overboard; to dismiss; to rule sg out of order; to repulse; to turn down; to scout; to rule out; to turn away; to resist; to repel; to rebuff
- elvadul -- to get out of hand
- elvág -- to cut off; to plough; to sever; to pill; to cut, cut; to section
- elválaszt -- to separate; to dissever; to detach; to part; to divorce; to sequester; to divide; to wean; to uncouple; to sever; to section out; to set off; to sunder
- elválik -- to diverge; to separate; to part; to get divorced; to move apart; to differentiate; to get off; to divorce; to sunder; to disengage
- elvár -- to hope; to expect; to require
- elvégez -- to get through; to go through; to fulfill; to fulfil; to perform; to execute; to do, did, done; to dispose; to graduate
- elver -- to slosh; to hide; to batter about; to wax; to pepper; to mill; to trounce; to lace; to wallop; to welt; to leather; to lick; to haze; to lather; to curry; to swish; to thrash; to lay it on sy; to shingle; to run through; to piss away
- elvérzik -- to bleed to death
- elvész -- to go by the board; to go to waste; to perish; to go, went, gone; to run to waste
- elvesz -- to nick; to take from; to take, took, taken; to expropriate; to bate; to take away
- elveszik -- to vanish
- elveszít -- to lose, lost; to shed; to concede; to forfeit; to shed, shed
- elveszt -- to mislay; to cast, cast
- elvét -- to miss
- elvet -- to throw away; to rule out; to disapprove; to proscribe; to sling, slung; to throw out; to project; to recant; to seed; to cast off; to reject; to throw overboard
- elvetél -- to slip; to abort; to slink, slank, slunk; to slink, slunk; have a miscarriage
- élvez -- to luxuriate; to enjoy; to relish
- elvisel -- to abide; to take, took, taken; to abide, abode; to take it; to suffer; to comport; to stand, stood; to sustain; to bide, bode, bidden; to bide; to bide, bode, bid; to endure; to stick, stuck; to tolerate; to do with; to support; to bear, bore, borne; to stomach
- elvonszol -- to drag
- elügyetlenkedik -- to bungle; to screw up; to blunder; to muff
- előad -- to perform; to execute; to play; to impart; to lecture; to present; to set forth; to put on; to give, gave, given; to profess; to represent; to sing, sang, sung; to lay, laid; to give a lecture; to deliver; to stage; to advance; to interpret; to state; to unfold; to teach, taught; to hold forth
- előállít -- to produce; to turn out; to put out; to generate; to make, made
- előfizet -- to subscribe to; to take in; to take, took, taken
- előfordul -- to fall out; to eventuate; to take place; to pass; to happen; to befall, befell, befallen; to occur
- előír -- to order; to specify; to ordain; to lay on; to assess
- előkészít -- to ready; to fit; to prepare; to train; to do up; to get up; to make ready
- előkészül -- to get ready
- előmozdít -- to hasten; to expedite; to further; to promote; to antedate; to aid; to advance; to faster; to forward; to foster; to facilitate
- előrehalad -- to progress; to draw on; to move along
- elősegít -- to favour; to foster; to nourish; to subserve; to aid; to advance; to promote; to further; to help; to co-operate; to facilitate; to foment; to faster; to forward; to abet; to assist
- élősködik -- to leech; to sponge on
- előterjeszt -- to subject; to advance; to submit; to put forward; to table; to lay, laid; to put in; to put to; to propose
- előz -- to pass; to pull out from behind a vehicle; to overtake, overtook, overtaken
- emel -- to put on; to step up; to heave; to hold up; to lift; to pry; to erect; to rear; to jack up; to send up; to enhance; to elevate; to add; to set up; to up; to augment; to raise; to advance; to heave, hove
- emelkedik -- to go up; to heighten; to balloon; to be on the upgrade; to improve; to swell, swelled, swollen; to heave, hove; to advance; to swell; to augment; to heave; to tower; to rise, rose, risen; to ascend; to lift; to climb
- emészt -- to gnaw, gnawed, gnawn; to corrode; to digest
- emigrál -- to emigrate
- emlékezik -- to be reminiscent of; to remember
- emlékeztet -- to remind; to recall; to be reminiscent of
- emlékszik -- to remember
- említ -- to refer; to mention
- énekel -- to chirp; to chant; to intone; to carol; to warble; to jug; to sing, sang, sung
- enged -- to concede; to give way; to unbend, unbent; to lower one`s flag; to comply with; to pull; to give it best; have, had; to give way to; to come round; to leave, left; to allow of; to give in; to allow; to suffer; to let, let; to strike one`s flag; to defer; to permit; to yield; to give, gave, given; to submit; to knuckle down; to relent
- engedelmeskedik -- to sing small; to obey; to comply; to toe the line; to bend the neck; to submit; to toe the mark
- engedélyez -- to assign; to authorise; to licence; to license; to allow; to grant; to permit; to charter; to authorize
- épít -- to lay, laid; to raise; to engineer; to put up; to build, built
- épül -- to go up
- ér -- to hit; kill; seam; source; course; stream; to hit, hit; to overtake, overtook, overtaken; streak; brook; brooklet; streamlet; rill; vein
- érdekel -- to interest; to concern; to intrigue
- érdeklődik -- to inquire
- érdemel -- to merit; to deserve; to claim
- ered -- to originate; to derive; to result; to arise, arose, arisen; to issue; to date; to proceed; to ensue; to rise, rose, risen; to emanate; to spring, sprang, sprung; to flow; to spawn
- eredményez -- to call forth; to minister to; to effect; to mother
- érez -- to feel, felt; to take, took, taken
- érik -- to ripen; to addle
- érint -- to feel, felt; to concern; to hit, hit; to touch on; to graze; to shave; to touch upon; to hit; to touch; to affect; to skim
- érkezik -- to fetch up; to get in
- ért -- to dig, dug; to make, made; to catch on; to understand, understood; to savvy; to know, knew, known; to see, saw, seen
- értékel -- to rate; to figure; to estimate; to prize; to appraise; to esteem; to price; to size up; to value; to appreciate
- értékesít -- to convert into money; to realize; to sell, sold
- értelmez -- to make out; to interpret; to elucidate; to read, read; to translate; to define; to construe; to expound
- értesít -- to notify; to post; to let know; to acquaint; to inform sy; to advise; to inform sy of sg; to let sy know sg; to let, let
- értesül -- to understand, understood; to hear, heard; to learn, learnt; to learn
- érvel -- to argue; to reason
- érvénytelenít -- to null; to rescind; to overrule; to nullify; to cancel; to toll; to frustrate; to invalidate; to set aside; to void; to annul; to vacate; to vitiate; to infirm
- érzékel -- to feel, felt; to apprehend; to sense; to perceive
- érzéstelenít -- to anesthetize; to anaesthetize; to dope
- erőlködik -- to slug; to exert oneself; to strain; to struggle; to slog; to toil
- erősít -- to fix; to firm; to steel; to assert; to set, set; to enhance; to thicken; to aver; to intensify; to mend; to invigorate; to boost; to nerve; to steady; to brace
- erősödik -- to thrive, throve, thriven; to invigorate; to deepen; to rise, rose, risen; to gather; to escalate; to swell, swelled, swollen; to intensify; to pick up; to swell
- esdekel -- to beseech, besought; to petition; to beseech; to invoke
- esik -- to come down; to land; to rain; to pitch; to sag; to light; to hang, hung; to descend; to fall, fell, fallen; to go downhill; to sink, sank, sunk; to go flop; to fall upon; to light, lit; to plummet
- esküszik -- to make an oath; to take an oath; to swear, swore, sworn; to swear, sware, sworn; to vow; to swear an oath
- ésszerűsít -- to rationalize
- eszik -- to partake, partook, partaken; to feed, fed; to break bread; to eat, ate, eaten; to scarf; to stomach; to fare; to victual; to chow; to vittle
- észlel -- to discern; to observe; to perceive; to sight; to detect
- észrevesz -- to perceive; to notice; to realise; to descry; to behold, beheld; to spy; to peg; to observe; to remark; to discern; to spot; to mark; to espy
- etet -- to fodder; to victual; to bait; to feed, fed; to prime
- étkezik -- to dine; to fare; to take a meal; to board; to eat, ate, eaten
- evez -- to pull an oar; to scull; to row; to ply the oars; to pull a boat; to scull a boat; to pull; to paddle
- exhumál -- to disinter; to resurrect
- faggat -- to quiz
- fagy -- to freeze, froze, frozen; chill; frost; cold
- fagyaszt -- to chill; to set, set; to freeze, froze, frozen; to refrigerate; to congeal
- fáj -- to ache; to smart; to give pain; to pain; to nip
- fakad -- to arise, arose, arisen; to bust; to spring, sprang, sprung
- fakít -- to pale; to chill
- fakul -- to pale; to dull; to give, gave, given
- fal -- to stuff oneself; to gut; to ply one`s jaw; to engorge; to make a pig of oneself; to scarf out; cushion; wall; to devour; to gobble; to gobble up; to glut; to guzzle
- falaz -- to stall
- fantáziál -- to fantasize; to rave
- fárad -- to trouble
- farag -- to sculpture; to chip; to pare; to trim; to carve; to sculpt; to cut, cut
- faragcsál -- to whittle
- farol -- to back; to swerve; to skid; to side-slip; to yaw
- fasíroz -- to hash; to hash up; to chop meat fine
- fecseg -- to blab out; to ramble; to gas; to yack on; to yak on; to talk frivolities; to yak it up; to chatter; to blatter; to rabbit; to yack; to cackle; to piffle; to clack; to rattle; to clatter; to chin; to patter; to vapour; to jabber; to talk; to prattle; to wag one`s chin; to vapor; to gab; to babble; to blab; to twaddle; to gabble; to palaver; to jangle; to quack; to blat; to yak; to witter; to blurt
- fed -- to do over; to bestrew, bestrewed, bestrewn; to bestrew; to plate; to cover
- fedez -- to ride, rode, ridden; to fall into line with; to horse; to serve; to fall into line; to screen; to make a mark; to cover
- fegyelmez -- to discipline; to chasten
- fej -- to squeeze; upper story; nab; nob; mask; bean; to milk; head; knob; pate; crumpet; headpiece; face; can; noddle; skin; nut; to sponge on; bod
- fejel -- to head; to top
- fejleszt -- to give off; to give forth; to cultivate; to bring on; to promote; to ameliorate; to develop; to liberate; to open out
- fejlődik -- to progress; to grow up; to develop; to shape; to exfoliate; to come along
- fejt -- to blast; to shuck; to shell; to bring down; to hull; to mine; to quarry; to strip; to draw off
- fékez -- to contain; to bridle; to apply the brakes; to hold, held; to hold, held, holden; to moderate; to put on the brake; to put on the drag; to lessen; to check; to keep under; to keep in; to brake
- fekszik -- to repose; to couch; to lay, laid; to pillow; to be down; to lie, lay, lain; to recline; to take a nap; to range; to stand, stood
- fektet -- to recline; to couch; to lay, laid; to repose
- fél -- to feel frightened; to shit bricks; to dread; party to a suit; to squib; to be in a fright; party; to funk; half, halves; to fear; to dread oneself; have cold feet; to be scared shitless; to get scared shitless; party to a dispute; half; to apprehend; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to shit a brick; to shit oneself
- felad -- to abdicate; to relinquish; to cede; to yield; to drop; to post; to abandon; to chuck up; to throw up; to renounce; to place; to despatch; to give up; to dispatch; to register; to propose; to surrender; to resign; to get off
- felajánl -- to offer up; to offer; to proffer; to tender
- felakaszt -- to hook on; to scrag; to sling, slung; to hook up; to truss up; to halter; to hang on; to swing, swung; to hang up; to hang; to gibbet; to hook; to hang, hung
- feláldoz -- to offer up a sacrifice; to victimize; to immolate; to sacrifice
- feláll -- to stand, stood; to stick up; to get on one`s feet; to stand up; to up; to erect; to upend; to get up; to rise, rose, risen
- felállít -- to set up; to cock; to put up; to elevate; to uprear; to lay, laid; to erect; to rig up; to rear; to right; to upend; to post; to mount; to stick up; to upright; to line up; to pitch
- felbont -- to joint; to unfold; to ravel out; to ravel; to dissolve; to break down; to break up
- felbukkan -- to outcrop; to come up; to crop up; to occur; to rise, rose, risen; to bob up; to pop up; to stick up; to emerge
- feldob -- to zing up; to fling up; to throw up; to flip; to psych sy up; to fink on sy; to perk sy up; to flip up
- felébred -- to awaken; to awake, awoke; to wake, woke, woken; to wake; to rouse; to waken; to wake up
- felébreszt -- to call up; to rouse; to waken; to wake up; to wake; to arouse; to raise; to get up; to wake, woke, woken; to awaken; to awake, awoke
- felel -- to return; to sponsor; to respond; to answer for; to rejoin; to answer; to give an answer
- felépít -- to build up; to put up; to rear; to set up
- felesel -- to answer back; to sauce; to talk back
- felfedez -- to unearth; to observe; to pioneer; to spy; to pick up; to detect; to discover; to find out; to unfold
- felfog -- to parry; to understand, understood; to conceive; to compass; to intercept; to catch, caught; to savvy; to seize; to realize; to comprehend; to conceit; to grasp; to tumble to; to perceive; to get, got; to pick up; to see, saw, seen; to take up; to take in; to conceptualize; to take, took, taken; to conceive of; to apprehend; to entrap
- felfrissít -- to refurbish; to revive; to recruit; to freshen; to renew; to refresh; to touch up; to brush up; to enliven
- felfüggeszt -- to stay; to inhibit; to leave in abeyance; to catch up; to defer; to hang, hung
- felgyorsít -- to speed up; to gear up
- felgyorsul -- to gather pace; to gather way; to speed up; to gather headway; to gear; to fetch headway; to get under way
- felháborít -- to revolt; to incense; to disgust; to scandalize
- felháborodik -- to be disgusted; to chafe; to wax indignant
- felhalmoz -- to treasure up; to lay up; to engross; to lay in; to lumber; to hoard up; to hoard; to agglomerate; to clump; to treasure; to heap; to pile on; to hive; to aggregate; to accumulate; to clamp; to stack up; to pile up; to amass; to heap up; to ball; to pile
- felhasznál -- to employ; to utilize; to use; to use up; to consume; to apply; to expend
- felhatalmaz -- to depute; to authorise; to authorize; to empower
- felhív -- to call; to invite; to dare, durst; to challenge; to dare; to put on
- felír -- to score up; to note down; to chalk up
- feliratkozik -- to put down one`s name; to register
- felismer -- to recognize; to make out; to pick out; to know, knew, known; to peg; to awake to; to place; to tell, told; to perceive; to identify
- felkel -- to get up; to leave one`s bed; to rise, rose, risen; to be up; to get out of bed; to uprear
- felkelt -- to get up; to kindle; to wake, woke, woken; to call up; to rouse; to be up and about; to wake; to arouse; to be up; to raise; to stir up
- felkér -- to ask; to request
- felkeres -- to visit; to seek out; to look up
- felkészít -- to prep
- felkészül -- to pull up one`s socks; to put on the warpaint; to prep; to put on the war-paint
- felkínál -- to tender; to offer
- fellebbez -- to appeal; to give notice of appeal; to lodge an appeal
- felmegy -- to mount; to ascend; to step up; to go up; to come up; to get up
- felmerül -- to come up; to surface; to crop up; to arise, arose, arisen; to bob up; to emerge
- felmond -- to quit, quit; to quit; to denounce; to quit one`s job; to say, said
- felmos -- to swab; to wash up; to mop
- felnagyít -- to sensationalize; to exaggerate; to blow up
- felnéz -- to look up
- felnyergel -- to saddle
- felnő -- to shoot up; to grow up
- feloszlat -- to dissolve; to break up; to disband; to dismiss
- félreáll -- to stand off; to keep in the shade; to stand clear; to stand away; to stand aside; to step aside
- félrebeszél -- to rave
- félreért -- to misinterpret; to misunderstand; to misread, misread; to get wrong; to get it wrong
- félrevezet -- to abuse; to put off; to bamboozle; to disorientate; to keep tricking sy; to cozen; to mislead, misled; to throw off; to finagle; to disorient; to misdirect; to beguile; to lead astray; to lead sy wrong; to blindfold
- felriad -- to rouse; to start
- felrobban -- to blow up; to explode; to go bang; to detonate; to bust; to go off; to go up
- felruház -- to endow; to gift; to commission; to bestow; to clothe; to invest; to adorn; to vest; to clothe, clad
- felsorol -- to recite; to enumerate; to list; to rehearse; to set out
- felszabadít -- to exempt; to extricate; to free; to liberate; to emancipate; to franchise; to succour; to enfranchise
- felszáll -- to clear away; to get off the ground; to ascend; to hop off; to lift; to rise, rose, risen; to tower; to board; to unstick, unstuck; to light; to be airborne; to lift off; to shoot up; to take to the air; to soar; to go up
- felszerel -- to rig up; to fit out; to lay, laid; to furnish; to store; to equip; to stock; to line up; to mount; to outfit; to fit up; to accoutre; to gang; to install; to find, found; to set up; to set out; to hang, hung; to emboss; to rig out; to rig; to refit; to tool up; to supply; to uprear; to fix out; to issue; to turn out
- felszólít -- to summon; to charge; to put on; to call upon; to desire; to challenge; to warn; to call on
- feltalál -- to invent; to father; to contrive
- feltámaszt -- to resurrect; to revitalize; to resuscitate; to chock up
- feltár -- to reveal; to disclose; to expand; to unravel; to subject; to open up; to unfold; to excavate; to bare; to digest; to lay bare
- feltart -- to stick up; to hold up; to hold, held; to detain; to hold, held, holden; to elevate; to retard
- feltesz -- to hang, hung; to lay, laid; to suppose; to set up; to take, took, taken; to put on; to propose; to put up; to surmise; to postulate; to put, put; to assume; to presume; to don; to pose
- feltételez -- to presume; to assume; to take, took, taken; to put, put; to suppose; to conjecture; to surmise
- feltüntet -- to represent; to list; to make, made; to make out; to mark
- feltölt -- to top up; to fill in; to charge; to refill
- felújít -- to reopen; to restore; to recruit; to renew; to regenerate; to do over; to resurrect; to furbish; to rake up; to revive
- felvág -- to cut, cut; to throw one`s weight around; to talk big; to cut up; to splurge; to slit; to slit, slit; to show off; to ride one`s high horse; to scarf; to put on frills; to gob; to put it on; to shoot a line; to throw the bull; to talk large; to put on side; to chop; to open up; to give oneself airs; to joint; to ride the high horse; to sport; to lance; to put on dog; to get on one`s high horse; to throw one`s weight about; to side; to put on airs
- felver -- to beat up; to overgrow, overgrew, overgrown; to raise; to flush; to alarm; to rouse; to restart; to whip; to spring, sprang, sprung; to run up; to put up; to start
- felvesz -- to pick up; to draw, drew, drawn; to enroll; to tick out; to withdraw, withdrew, withdrawn; to contract; to pull on; to engage; to take, took, taken; to adopt; to take on; to get on; to take up; to bunker; to lay on; to enrol; to don; to assume; to draw on; to put on; to admit; to record; to get into
- felül -- to sit up; over; to mount; high; to upend; above; overhead; to get up; to get on
- felülkerekedik -- to gain the upper hand; to surmount; to get the upper hand; to overcome, overcame, overcome; to take the upper hand; to countervail; to surmount to sg; to gain the day
- felöltözik -- to get dressed; to put on one`s clothes
- fen -- to strop; to set, set; to whet; to hone
- fennmarad -- to wake, woke, woken; to subsist; to hold up; to swim, swam, swum; to maintain an existence; to last; to stand, stood; to sit up; to keep up; to endure
- fenntart -- to buoy up; to buoy; have, had; to sponsor; to maintain; to vindicate; to hold up; to keep up; to nourish; to carry on; to support; to sustain; to reserve; to uphold, upheld
- fenyeget -- to show one`s teeth; to stand over; to threat; to threaten; to menace; to overhang, overhung; to lour
- fényesít -- to shine; to glaze; to rub; to polish; to scuff; to gloss; to scour up; to burnish; to brighten
- fényez -- to japan; to smooth; to enamel; to glaze; to lustre; to luster; to polish; to varnish
- fényképez -- to take a shot; to mug; to take a photo; to take a photograph; to take a likeness
- fénylik -- to glare; to glitter; to coruscate; to burn, burnt; to burn; to shine, shone; to gleam; to glisten
- fércel -- to baste
- ferdít -- to skew; to slant
- ferdül -- to skew; to slant
- fertőtlenít -- to disinfect; to sterilize; to decontaminate
- fertőz -- to contaminate; to infect
- fest -- to limn; to dye; to blazon; to dip; to paint; to decorate; to tinge; to stain
- fésül -- to comb
- fésülködik -- to give one`s hair a comb; to comb one`s hair
- feszít -- to strut; to bend, bent; to flex; to stress; to strain
- feszül -- to distend; to expand; to strain; to tense; to tighten
- fibrillál -- to fibrillate
- figyel -- to hearken; to be all there; to regard; to harken; to observe; to advert; to ride herd; to listen; to mark; to screw; to be on the qui vive; to monitor; to hold one`s ear to the ground
- figyelmeztet -- to tip; to tip the wink; to admonish; to caution; to warn; to serve notice; to exhort; to forewarn
- filmez -- to film; to shoot a film
- finanszíroz -- to angel; to finance; to bankroll; to back
- fingik -- to toot; to poop; to fart
- firkál -- to scribble; to scrawl; to scratch; to doddle; to scrabble
- fityeg -- to lop over; to dangle; to swag
- fixál -- to fix
- fizet -- to contribute; to cough up money; to stump up; to remit; to give, gave, given; to dip into one`s purse; to kick in; to pay
- fluoreszkál -- to fluoresce
- focizik -- to play football; to play soccer
- fog -- to grab at; to get, got; to grab; to take, took, taken; to grab for; jag; cog; to run, ran, run; to saw, sawed, sawn; to catch, caught; to grip; tooth, teeth; to hold, held, holden; dent; to hold, held; sprocket
- fogad -- to greet; to lay the odds; to lay, laid; to wage; to bet, bet; to take, took, taken; to make a bet; to lay wager; to salute; to welcome; to stake; to lay a bet; to bet; to go, went, gone; to wager
- fogalmaz -- to draw, drew, drawn; to pen
- fogat -- turnout; draught; setout; team; rig; turn-out; pair
- foglal -- to book
- foglalkozik -- to handle
- foglalkoztat -- to occupy; to employ
- fogy -- to lose weight; to lose flesh; to diminish; to dwindle; to dwindle away; to wane; to fall off; to lessen
- fogyaszt -- to consume; to narrow; to use up; to use; to slim; to take, took, taken
- fogyatkozik -- to wane
- fojt -- to deaden; to tamp; to wad
- fokoz -- to heighten; to step up; to elevate; to speed up; to gear up; to put on; to deepen; to boost; to escalate; to sharpen; to up; to raise; to intensify; to augment; to enhance
- fokozódik -- to gather head; to intensify; to augment; to heighten; to rise, rose, risen
- foltoz -- to piece; to darn; to patch; to clout; to cobble; to sew up; to mend
- folyik -- to ensue; to pour; to weep, wept; to flow; to go, went, gone; to go on; to course; to run, ran, run; to stream
- folytat -- to maintain; to practise; to follow; to prosecute; to practice; to resume; to restart; to take up; to keep on; to exercise; to keep going; to ply; to pursue; to go on; to keep up; to carry on
- folytatódik -- to go on; to proceed; to continue; to persist; to keep going
- fon -- to spin, spun; to spin, span, spun; to plate; to wreathe; to weave, wove, woven; to wattle
- fonnyaszt -- to parch
- fordít -- to translate; to slue; to render; to screw; to interpret; to turn; to switch; to slew; to give, gave, given; to turn to; to apply; to brace
- fordul -- to spin, span, spun; to corner; to slue; to swing, swung; to turn; to take a corner; to screw; to hinge; to slew; to appeal; to refer; to turn to; to peel
- forgalmaz -- to turn over; to put into circulation; to net; to bring in
- forgat -- to swivel; to rotate; to feather; to swing, swung; to spin, span, spun; to twirl; to indorse; to turn over; to play; to turn; to drive, drove, driven; to brandish; to upturn; to revolve
- formál -- to model; to form; to frame; to shape
- formáz -- to shape
- forog -- to swing, swung; to traverse; to roll; to twirl; to wheel; to turn; to gyrate; to turn round and round; to rotate; to swivel; to whirl; to spin, span, spun; to reel; to swim, swam, swum; to screw; to go round; to spin, spun; to revolve; to hinge
- forr -- to boil; to yeast; to seethe; to effervesce; to brew
- forradalmasít -- to revolutionize; to revolutionise
- forral -- to mull; to scald; to seethe; to boil; to engineer
- forraszt -- to sweat; to solder
- fortélyoskodik -- to fox; to play foxy
- fosik -- to shit oneself
- fosztogat -- to loot; to foray; to pilfer; to pill; to raid; to pillage; to rifle; to hijack; to sack; to maraud; to forage
- fröcsköl -- to slosh; to dash; to splurge
- fúj -- to wind, wound; to bluster; to blow, blew, blown; to huff; to waft
- fújdogál -- to tootle
- fúr -- to bur; to hole; to drill; to bad-mouth; to burr; to bore
- fut -- to run, ran, run; to be in the filed; to heel; to course; to run for; to race; to fly, flew, flown
- függ -- to hang, hung; to be dependent on; to depend; to hinge; to hang
- fürdet -- to lave; to bathe
- fürdik -- to take a bath; to take a swim; to swim, swam, swum; have a swim; to go for a swim; to bathe
- fűrészel -- to saw, sawed, sawn; to jig
- füröszt -- to bathe
- füstöl -- to fumigate; to reek; to emit smoke; to fume; to smoke
- füstölög -- to smoke; to smother; to emit smoke
- fűszerez -- to flavour; flavouring; to flavor; to season; to sauce
- fűt -- to fire; to stoke; to heat; to fire up; to warm
- fütyül -- to sing, sang, sung; to whistle; to whiz; to pipe; to flout; to hiss; to ping; to whizz; to zip; to scream; to wuther; to sough
- fűz -- to stitch; willow; sally; osier; sallow
- fűződik -- to attach
- fő -- leading; to seethe; general; leader; prime; head; high; primal; chief; grand; to stew; to cook; man, men; to boil; to brew
- földel -- to put to earth; to earth; to ground
- főz -- to seethe; to do the cooking; to cook; to stew; to boil; to simmer; to pan; to brew
- főzet -- tisane; concoction; infusion; brew
- gagyog -- to gurgle; to chirp; to babble
- garantál -- to guarantee; to warrant
- gátol -- to balk; to obstruct; to impede; to traverse; to put on the drag; to inhibit; to discourage; to clog; to bar; to hamper; to throttle; to let; to clog up; to stick up; to block; to baulk; to retard; to embarrass; to arrest; to hold, held; to detain; to cramp; to hold, held, holden
- gazdagszik -- to enrich; to thrive, throve, thriven
- gazdálkodik -- to husband; to manage; to farm
- gázol -- to wallow; to wade
- gépel -- to type; to typewrite, typed, typewritten
- gerjed -- to fester
- golfozik -- to golf
- gombászik -- to mushroom
- gondol -- to opine; to figure; to conceive; to expect; to judge; to mean; to think, thought; to fancy; to mean, meant; to conceit; to suppose; to put down; to remember; to trow; to reckon
- gondolkodik -- to noodle; to reason; to think, thought
- gondolkozik -- to cogitate; to reflect; to think, thought; to deliberate
- gondoskodik -- to maintain; to cater; to ensure; to provide; to look after; to see after
- gondoz -- to attend; to nurse; to tend; to maintain; to look after; to keep, kept; to husband
- gratulál -- to compliment; to congratulate
- gurít -- to wheel; to roll; to putt; to trundle; to roll along; to bowl; to shoot, shot
- gurul -- to trundle; to roll along; to taxi; to bowl; to wheel; to roll
- gyakorol -- to profess; to train; to exert; to practise; to exercise; to cultivate; to practice; to be in practice
- gyaláz -- to revile; to bad-mouth; to abuse; to opprobriate; to outrage
- gyalogol -- to pad the road; to hike; to hoof it; to pad it; to ride on shanks` mare; to march; to come on shanks` mare; to go on shanks` pony; to foot it; to go on shanks` mare; to pad; to ride on shanks` pony; to chase the sun; to leg; to come on shanks` pony; to walk; to pad the hoof; to hoof
- gyanakodik -- have misgivings
- gyanakszik -- to misgive, misgave, misgiven
- gyanúsít -- to suspect
- gyarapodik -- to grow bigger; to grow big; to augment
- gyarmatosít -- to colonize; to settle
- gyárt -- to turn out; to make, made; to mint; to produce; to fabricate
- gyászol -- to bemoan; to mourn
- gyengít -- to deaden; to extenuate; to attenuate; to weaken; to stultify; to slack; to lessen; to slacken; to impair; to degrade
- gyengül -- to dwindle; to dwindle away; to go off; to slacken; to let up; to slack; to lessen; to waste away; to waste; to extenuate; to relax; to attenuate; to weaken; to decline; to deaden
- gyérül -- to thin
- gügyög -- to crow; to crow, crowed, crew; to babble; to chirp; to crow, crew; to coo
- gyilkol -- to kill
- gyógyít -- to medicate; to cure; to salve; to doctor
- gyomlál -- to weed out; to hoe
- gyón -- to confess
- gyorsít -- to speed, sped; to promote; to accelerate; to speed up; to hasten; to speed
- gyorsul -- to pick up; to get a good speed on; to pick up speed; to gather pace; to get under way; to put on speed; to accelerate
- gürcöl -- to grub; to fag; to toil; to be on the job; to plod; to grind, ground; to toil and moil
- gyújt -- to light, lit; to fire; to spark; to light
- gyullad -- to flare up
- gyúr -- to massage; to knead; to pug; to temper
- gyűjt -- to send round the hat; to go round with the hat; to realize; to glean; to collect; to save; to hoard; to pass round the hat; to hive
- gyülekszik -- to gather
- gyűlik -- to fester
- gyűlöl -- to loathe; to abominate; to abhor; to hate
- gyökerezik -- to root
- gyötrődik -- to be on the rack; to agonize; to anguish; to writhe; to distress oneself
- gyötör -- to bedevil; to bait; to plague; to pain; to maltreat; to fag; to lacerate; to wring, wrung; to gnaw, gnawed, gnawn; to worry; to roil; to torment; to harry; to crucify; to obsess; to beset, beset; to nag at sy; to pull one`s leg; to persecute; to tease; to pester; to agonize; to rack
- győz -- to bring home the bacon; have the best of it; to carry one`s point; to pull through; to vanquish; to win out; to ring the bell; to gain the day; to bear the palm; to win, won; to take the biscuits; to bear away the bell; to take scalps
- göndörít -- to curl; to fuzz out; to frizzle; to fuzz
- göndörödik -- to fuzz; to fuzz out; to frizzle; to curl
- görbít -- to stoop; to bend, bent; to crook; to curve; to curl
- görbül -- to curve; to bend, bent
- görkorcsolyázik -- to rink; to roller-skate
- görög -- greek; achaean; to castor; grecian
- háborgat -- to queer; to bother; to perturb; to incommode; to pester
- háborog -- to seethe; to heave, hove; to churn; to run high; to heave
- hadar -- to sputter; to splutter; to gab; to gabble; to jabber
- hág -- to serve
- hagy -- to let, let; to leave, left; to allow of
- hagyományoz -- to bequeath; to demise
- hajít -- to ding; to shoot, shot; to send, sent; to throw, threw, thrown; to pitch; to fling, flung; to shy; to launch; to toss; to bowl; to cast, cast; to heave; to chuck; to hurl; to heave, hove; to sling, slung; to project; to bung; to dart
- hajlít -- to curve; to rake; to crook; to spring, sprang, sprung; to bow; to curl; to flex; to sway; to bend, bent
- hajlong -- to bow
- hajnalodik -- to dawn
- hajol -- to lean; to lean, leant; to bend, bent
- hajt -- to stool; to floor; to ride, rode, ridden; to propel; to drift; to tool down; to actuate; to push; to cook; to rattle; to spank; to drive, drove, driven; to impel; to punch; to send, sent; to push on; to tool along; to gun for; to book; to chase; to rush; to pullulate; to tear ass; to fold
- hal -- fish
- hál -- to bed; to sleep, slept
- halad -- to make way; to get on; to progress; to come on; to drift; to go, went, gone; to go on; to come along; to fare; to advance; to make out; to move on; have way on; to make headway; to speed, sped; to proceed; to go along; to head; to run, ran, run; to make head; to make an advance; to tend; to pass; to speed
- halászik -- to fish; to net
- halaszt -- to adjourn; to intermit; to hold over; to protract
- haldoklik -- to be on one`s last legs; to near one`s end
- hall -- hallway; to list; main lounge; vestibule; to hear, heard; lounge; hall; foyer
- hallat -- to give forth
- hallatszik -- to sound
- hallgat -- to hush; to clam up; to hark; to hearken; to play possum; to say nothing; to play dead; to shut the mouth; to hear, heard; to keep quiet; to list; to harken; to sound; to keep a still tongue in one`s head; to hold one`s peace; to attend; to hold one`s tongue; to listen; to observe silence
- halmoz -- to hive; to pile up; to stack; to mass; to pile
- halványít -- to pale
- hamisít -- to counterfeit; to doctor; to fake; to falsify; to sophisticate; to debase; to cog; to adulterate; to deprave; to tamper with sg; to cook; to forge
- hámlik -- to peel; to peel off; to grow bare; to flake off; to spal; to flake; to slough; to exfoliate; to flake away
- hámoz -- to peel; to hull
- hangol -- to tune up; to key up; to attune; to tune; to key
- hangsúlyoz -- to stress; to emphasize; to angle; to accent; to emphasise; to accentuate
- hangszerel -- to harmonize; to orchestrate; to score
- hangzik -- to read, read; to sound; to ring, rang, rung; to ring out
- hánt -- to peel; to hull
- hány -- to dump; to shoot the cat; to puke; to throw up; to dump one`s load; what; to throw, threw, thrown; to barf; to perk up; to be sick; to cat; to vomit
- hanyatlik -- to be in jeopardy; to ebb; to fall off; to wane; to relapse; to retrograde; to sink, sank, sunk; to decay; to go downhill; to sink in; to fall away; to slip; to decline
- hápog -- to quack; to gaggle
- happol -- to scrounge
- harácsol -- to grab; to rob; to scrounge
- haragszik -- to be in passion; to be in a paddy; to be miffed
- harap -- to snap; to bite, bit, bitten
- harapdál -- to gnaw, gnawed, gnawn; to nibble
- harcol -- to battle; to bat; to fight, fought; to contest; to dispute; to combat; to contend; to struggle; to war; to fray
- harmonizál -- to match; to harmonize; to tone; to tone in with
- harsog -- to clang; to blast; to sound; to bray; to blare; to flourish; to crash
- hasad -- to lint; to break, broke, broken; to split, split; to spal; to tear, tore, torn; to slit, slit; to flaw; to slit; to cleave; to fission; to rip; to split; to cleave, cleft, cleft; to cleave, clove, cloven
- hasít -- to cleave, cleft, cleft; to slice; to cleave, clove, cloven; to slit; to slit, slit; to cleave; to rip; to fission; to split; to slash; to split, split; to spal; to rend, rent; to fissure
- hasogat -- to split, split; to spal; to split; to pierce; to smart; to din; to stab; to crackle
- hasonlít -- to come near; to bear resemblance; to be near; to bear a resemblance; to resemble
- használ -- to apply; to ply; to exert; to use; to avail; to take, took, taken; to employ
- hasznosít -- to develop; to capitalize; to utilize; to harness
- hat -- to actuate; to take effect; to act; to impress; to get home; to operate; to take, took, taken; to affect; to impinge; to tell, told; to work; six; to hit home; to strike home
- hatalmaskodik -- to tyrannize
- határol -- to locate; to fringe upon; to bound; to limit; to terminate; to border
- határoz -- to destine; to determine; to come to a decision; to decree; to decide
- hátrál -- to fall back; to recess; to flinch; to recoil; to give way; to recede; to beat a retreat; to back; to retreat; to come astern; to lose ground; to give ground; to go astern
- hátranéz -- have a look round; to look round
- hatványoz -- to involve
- havazik -- it is snowing; to snow
- hazaér -- to get home
- hazamegy -- to backtrack home; to go home
- hazudik -- to lie, lied; to bull; to tell a lie; to utter falsehoods
- hegedül -- to crowd; to play the violin; to fiddle
- hegeszt -- to weld
- helybenhagy -- to o.k.; to uphold, upheld; to approve; to belabor; to affirm; to okay; to belabour
- helyesbít -- to rectify; to correct; to amend
- helyesel -- to favour; to indorse; to commend; to uphold, upheld; to approve; to approve of; to favor; to endorse; to assent; to hold with
- helyez -- to repose; to set, set; to place; to lay, laid; to station; to put, put; to bestow
- helyezkedik -- to jockey; to jockey oneself
- helyreállít -- to accommodate; to renovate; to resettle; to right; to put in repair; to recondition; to refit; to set sg to rights; to restore; to re-establish; to recruit
- henceg -- to buck; to hector; to talk big; to rant; to boast; to throw the bull; to shoot a line; to put it on; to vainglory; to blow off; to blow, blew, blown; to shout the odds; to show off; to swell it; to brag; to vapor; to put on side; to talk large; to swagger; to bull; to put up a front; to side; to swell about; to put on dog; to spread oneself; to vapour
- henyél -- to idle; to loll; to lollop; to loll about; to lounge; to laze; to drone; to bum; to slug
- hervad -- to wilt
- hever -- to lie, lay, lain
- hiányol -- to miss
- hiányzik -- to fault; to fail; to lack; to want; to be wanting; to be missing; to be absent; to be unaccounted for
- hibáztat -- to fault; to blame; to incriminate
- hígít -- to temper; to dilute; to water; to slack; to weaken; to attenuate; to thin; to extenuate
- hígul -- to attenuate
- hint -- to scatter; to dredge; to sprinkle; to strew; to strew, strewed, strewn
- hirdet -- to sound; to plug; to propagate; to advertise; to post up; to promulgate
- hisz -- to calculate; to trust; to believe; to guess; to trow; to fancy; to expect
- hitelesít -- to certify; to corroborate; to calibrate; to test; to notarize; to seal; to check; to true; to authenticate; to attest; to true up
- hív -- to clepe, ycleped; to clepe, yclept; to invoke; to clepe; to get in; to ask; to clepe, clept; to call
- hivatkozik -- to plead, pled; to advert; to instance; to refer; to plead; to adduce; to quote
- hízik -- to gain weight; to batten; to put on weight; to gather flesh; to put on beef; to fatten; to make flesh; to flesh; to grow bigger; to grow big; to pick up weight; to gain; to thrive, throve, thriven; to fat; to put on flesh; to put on fat
- homályosít -- to dim; to adumbrate
- hord -- to tote; to wear, wore, worn; to cart; to hold, held, holden; to hold, held; to bear, bore, borne; to convey; to port; to carry
- hordoz -- to bear, bore, borne; to bear; to carry
- horkol -- to saw wood; to rout; to snore; to saw gourds
- hoz -- to convey; to land; to bring in; to get, got; to bear, bore, borne; to procure; to spell, spelt; to return; to bring, brought; to yield; to give, gave, given
- hozzáad -- to add; to put on; to wed; to put to; to add up
- hozzáír -- to add sg in
- hozzájárul -- to assist; to give one`s o.k.; to say ditto to sy; to co-operate; to participate; to promote; to endorse; to add; to add to sg; to assent; to indorse; to consent; to throw in; to contribute; to accede; to contribute to sg; to approve of; to allow
- hozzászokik -- to season; to harden; to settle in
- hozzászól -- to put a word in; to take the floor; have the floor
- hozzátartozik -- to inhere
- hozzátesz -- to affix; to put to; to throw in; to put on; to add
- hull -- to descend; to fall out; to stream
- hurcol -- to lug; to haul; to drag
- húz -- to heave; to rile; to tow; to pucker; to pluck; to haul; to tug; to hitch; to lug; to stick, stuck; to censor; to run, ran, run; to drag; to cut out; to pull at; to josh; to pull; to rally; to slip; to pucker up; to hale; to banter; to heave, hove; to kid; to draw, drew, drawn
- húzódik -- to draw, drew, drawn; to run, ran, run; to spread, spread; to drag
- hűl -- to cool
- hűt -- to cool; to refrigerate; to chill
- hömpölyög -- to billow; to roll; to flow; to roll on
- hörög -- to rattle
- idealizál -- to idealize
- idegesít -- to faze; to flutter; to flurry; to bug; to annoy; to aggravate; to rattle; to fluster; to rile; to excite; to get into sy`s hair; to peeve; to rasp sy`s feelings; to fidget
- idéz -- to cite; to invoke; to conjure up; to quote
- idomít -- to train; to supple
- igazgat -- to order; to superintend; to conduct; to administer; to manage; to govern; to run, ran, run; to boss
- igazol -- to depose; to corroborate; to justify; to prove; to attest; to confirm; to sustain; to sanctify; to substantiate; to prove, proved, proven; to exculpate; to verify; to warrant; to certify; to vindicate; to right; to support; to bear out; to legitimate; to make good; to show, showed, shown; to sanctificate
- igényel -- to want; to take, took, taken; to claim; to need; to demand; to require; to call for
- ígér -- to covenant; to bid, bade, bidden; to bid, bid; to promise; to hold out
- igyekszik -- to head; to try; to strive, strove, striven; to hurry; to endeavor; to struggle; to shit oneself trying to do sg; to bustle up; to mosey; to aim; to exert; to hasten
- ihlet -- inspiration; impulse
- ijeszt -- to alarm
- iktat -- to register; to file; to docket
- illeszkedik -- to fit; to fit together; to suit
- illeszt -- to join; to fit; to suit; to join up
- illet -- to concern
- illik -- to beseem; to behove; to match; to behoove; to hitch
- imád -- to bless; to bless, blest; to adore; to worship
- imádkozik -- to say prayers; to worship; to pray
- importál -- to import
- impregnál -- to rubberize; to impregnate; to proof
- improvizál -- to improvise; to hit off; to wing it
- indít -- to crank up; to commence; to actuate; to launch; to start
- indokol -- to argufy; to warrant; to justify; to motivate; to explain
- indukál -- to induce
- indul -- to commence; to get under way; to start
- informál -- to give particulars about sg; to give information regarding sg; to give information on sg; to inform sy on sg; to give information about sg; to give particulars on sg; to inform; to inform sy of sg; to give particulars regarding sg; to inform sy about sg
- ing -- shirt; chemise; sark
- ingadozik -- to shilly-shally; to teeter; to oscillate; to wabble; to reel; to swag; to wobble; to waver; to fluctuate; to vacillate; to back and fill
- ingat -- to swing, swung; to sway; to teeter
- ingázik -- to shuttle; to commute
- ingerel -- to rile; to tease; to rasp sy`s feelings; to gall; to spite; to irritate; to provoke; to fash; to nettle; to vex; to rot
- inog -- to topple; to lurch; to wobble; to swing, swung; to tilt; to waggle; to judder; to teeter; to sway; to totter; to wabble
- int -- to exhort; to motion; to gesture; to wave; to admonish; to waft; to beckon; to wave one`s hand
- integet -- to wave
- integrál -- to integrate; integral
- intéz -- to manage; to administer
- intrikál -- to scheme; to play politics; to intrigue
- invesztál -- to invest
- invitál -- to invite
- ionizál -- to ionize
- ír -- to trail a pen; to do, did, done; to pen; unction; to keep the score; salve; to trace; to write, wrote, written; to address; paddy; to write out; ointment; to mark; to scribble; to wield the pen
- irányít -- to steer; to point; to slip; to lead, led; to drive, drove, driven; to manipulate; to control; to swing, swung; to rule; to direct; to govern; to manoeuvre; to bend, bent; to pilot; to oversee, oversaw, overseen; to supervise; to dictate; to conduct; to operate; to home; to manage; to guide; to shepherd; to address; to regulate; to handle; to con; to boss; to route; to run, ran, run
- irányul -- to tend; to level; to run, ran, run; to drift
- irigyel -- to envy
- íródik -- to spell; to spell, spelt
- irritál -- to get under one`s skin; to irritate
- irt -- to grub up
- ismer -- to ken; to know, knew, known
- ismertet -- to review; to lay, laid; to delineate
- ismétel -- to recap; to repeat; to replicate; to rehearse; to iterate; to reiterate; to recapitulate
- ismétlődik -- to happen again; to repeat; to return; to recur
- iszik -- to carouse; to lush; to wet one`s clay; to toot; to quaff; to swig; to drink, drank, drunk; to soak up; to tank up on sg; to cup; to imbibe; to moisten one`s clay; to guzzle; to partake, partook, partaken; have a booze; to chug; to tank up
- ítél -- to adjudge; to allow; to judge; to doom; to go by; to award
- ível -- to spring, sprang, sprung; to camber
- ízlel -- to savour; to taste
- ízlik -- to be becoming
- izzad -- to exude; to sweat; to be in a sweat; to swelter; to bleed, bled; to be all of a sweat; to ooze; to weep, wept; to perspire
- jajgat -- to yammer; to ululate; to moan; to wail
- jár -- to spook; to step; to gang; to run, ran, run; to go, went, gone; to tread, trod, trodden; to travel; to walk; to waggle
- járat -- to run, ran, run; running gear; to walk; round; run; to work; gang; to operate; duct; running; line; route
- járkál -- to stroll; to stroll about; to go about
- játszik -- to perform; to do, did, done; to play; to fiddle; to be at play; to act; to twiddle; to portray; to personate; to sport; to give, gave, given
- játszódik -- to play
- javasol -- to counsel; to motion; to submit; to advocate; to suggest; to put forward; to nominate; to name; to propose
- javít -- to amend; to mend; to revise; to put in repair; to ameliorate; to improve; to cobble; to touch up; to darn
- javul -- to be mending; to change for the better; to look up; to pick up; to get better; to mend; to take a turn to the better; to get well; to ameliorate; to be on the upgrade; to progress
- jegyez -- to score; to mark
- jegyzetel -- to make notes; to take notes; to annotate
- jelent -- to constitute; to imply; to report; to mean; to purport; to mean, meant; to signify; to return; to denote
- jelentkezik -- to check in; to report; to come forward; to report oneself; to raise one`s hand; to develop; to present oneself; to put in; to evidence
- jelez -- to sign; to read, read; to peg; to indicate; to signal; to register; to give, gave, given; to testify; to mark; to denote; to record; to signify
- jelképez -- to figure; to symbolize; to typify; to stand for
- jellemez -- to mark; to typify; to characterize; to feature
- jelöl -- to put in; to sign; to nominate; to name
- jógázik -- to practice yoga
- jósol -- to augur; to prophesy; to read sy`s hand; to bode; to prognosticate; to foretell, foretold; to vaticinate; to presage
- jóváhagy -- to validate; to approve; to approve of; to uphold, upheld; to indorse; to consent; to okay; to ratify; to o.k.; to endorse; to assent
- jut -- to make, made; to fall on; to get into; to get, got; to fetch up; to come into
- jutalmaz -- to recompense; to remunerate; to requite
- jön -- to come to; to come, came, come; to come on
- kacag -- to laugh
- kajál -- to stoke up; to chow; to scarf
- kalandozik -- to err; to roam
- kalapál -- to forge; to thump; to peal; to hammer
- kalauzol -- to guide; to shepherd; to pilot
- kamatozik -- to carry interest; to bear interest
- kancsalít -- to squint; have a cast in one`s eye; to goggle
- kandíroz -- to candy
- kanyarog -- to serpentine; to twist; to bend, bent; to snake; to twine; to wimple; to wind, wound; to ribbon; to meander
- kap -- to get, got, gotten; to take, took, taken; have, had; to find, found; to procure; to receive; to be given; to get, got; to obtain; to snatch
- kapar -- to scratch; to rasp; to scrape
- kapcsol -- to switch; to catch on; to join
- kapcsolódik -- to join; to fasten; to gear; to attach
- kapiskál -- to savvy
- kapitulál -- to capitulate
- karcol -- to scratch; to etch
- karcsúsít -- to slim; to attenuate; to slenderize
- károg -- to croak; to caw
- káromkodik -- to curse; to swear, sware, sworn; to cuss; to rip out an oath; to swear an oath; to swear, swore, sworn; to eff and blind; to swan
- kárpitoz -- to stuff; to upholster
- kárpótol -- to offset; to countervail; to recompense; to condone; to recoup; to compensate; to indemnify; to make up
- kártalanít -- to indemnify; to compensate; to reimburse; to make up; to recoup; to recompense
- kaszabol -- to saber; to sabre; to butch
- kasztrál -- to eunuchize; to geld; to castrate; to geld, gelt; to emasculate
- kategorizál -- to categorize
- kattan -- to clack; to click
- kavar -- to strike up; to rabble; to stir
- kedvel -- to like; to cherish
- kedvez -- to subserve; to serve; to smile on; to favor; to favour; to smile upon
- kefél -- to clip; to scuff; to screw; to scam; to hog; to groom; to brush; to diddle; to yard
- kel -- to rise, rose, risen
- keletkezik -- to start up; to spring, sprang, sprung; to arise, arose, arisen; to spring up; to issue
- kell -- must; to require; got to; to need; ought; have got to
- kelt -- to wake; to create; to beget, begot, begotten; to raise; to arouse; to call forth; to challenge; to promote; to beget, begat, begotten; to wake, woke, woken; given
- kémkedik -- to sniff about; to spy
- ken -- to oil; to slush; to grease; to salve
- kényeztet -- to spoil; to pet; to pamper; to cosset; to mollycoddle; to mother
- kényszerít -- to concuss; to necessitate; to apply the screw; to apply the screws; to make, made; to constrain; to press; to will; to force; to cow; to coerce; to press, prest; to compel; to oblige; to put the screws on
- képez -- to make up; to frame; to model; to compose; to constitute; to train
- képvisel -- to stand for; to plead, pled; to deputize; to maintain; to plead
- képzel -- to conceive; to fancy; to conceit; to suppose
- kér -- to ask for; to demand; to pray; to request; to petition; to ask; to entreat; to conjure; to charge; to sue; to desire; to supplicate; to take for; to require; to make a request; to implore
- kérdez -- to question; to quiz; to ask; to interrogate
- kéreget -- to ponce; out on the scran; to beg one`s bread; to bum
- kerekít -- to round off; to round; to make circular; to make round
- kérelmez -- to petition
- keres -- to seek, sought; to look for; to get, got; to pick up; to search; to quest; to earn; to gain; to feel, felt; to ask for; to hunt; to addle
- kereskedik -- to chaffer; to vend; to merchandise; to traffic, trafficked; to trade; to mart; to sell, sold
- keresztel -- to christen
- keresztez -- to intercept; to traverse; to interbreed, interbred; to criss-cross; to grade up; to hybridize; to cross; to thwart
- kéret -- to send for
- kerget -- to run, ran, run; to rattle; to drift; to chase; to hunt; to rush; to bay
- kering -- to revolve; to orbit; to hover; to flow; to gyrate; to circuit; to circulate; to course; to wheel; to circle; to circle round
- keringőzik -- to waltz
- kerít -- to terminate; to pander
- kertel -- to pussyfoot; to prevaricate; to tergiversate; to beat about the bush; to back and fill; to shuffle; to palter; to beat around the bush
- kerül -- to balk; to get, got; to get into; to go out of one`s way; to come out; to shun
- kérődzik -- to chew the cud; to chew; to ruminate
- kesereg -- to moan
- késik -- to hold off; to be overdue; to be late; to tarry; to lag; to be behind one`s time; to be behind time
- keskenyít -- to attenuate; to narrow
- készít -- to do, did, done; to make, made; to tailor; to construct; to fashion; to spring, sprang, sprung; to frame; to prepare; to fabricate; to concoct
- késztet -- to incline; to compel; to motivate; to make, made; to lead, led; to dispose; to put to
- készül -- to brew; to prep; to cook
- ketyeg -- to tick; to click
- kever -- to temper; to make the cards; to dolly; to shuffle; to interlard; to mix; to stir; to compound; to blend
- keveredik -- to blend; to mix; to mingle; to incorporate; to amalgamate; to combine
- kezd -- to start; to begin, began, begun; to throw off; to lead, led; to set in; to commence; to set out
- kezdeményez -- to throw off; to take the initiative; to inaugurate; to launch; to inchoate; to take the lead; to open the ball; to initiate
- kezdődik -- to set in; to commence; to start off; to begin, began, begun
- kezel -- to attend; to serve; to maintain; to treat; to operate; to manipulate; to manage; to work; to handle; to play; to wield; to vet; to run, ran, run; to manoeuvre
- kiabál -- to hoot; to chuck; to shout; to holler; to give tongue; to call; to crow, crowed, crew; to cry
- kiábrándít -- to disillusion; to disappoint; to disenchant; to dismay
- kiad -- to give out; to disgorge; to extradite; to spend, spent; to send forth; to produce; to pass out; to lease out; to deliver; to issue; to let, let; to publish; to expend; to rent; to surrender; to put out
- kialakít -- to shape up; to mould; to put into shape; to work up; to hew; to hew, hewed, hewn; to configure; to form; to get into shape; to shape; to develop
- kialakul -- to jell; to exfoliate; to work out; to evolve; to grow up; to set, set; to take shape
- kiáll -- to gag; to overhang, overhung; to stick out; to stand off; to stick up; to bear, bore, borne; to weather; to endure; to protrude; to jut out; to extrude; to project; to outbrave; to stand, stood; to stand out; to bulge
- kiállít -- to set out; to make out; to make up; to get up; to engross; to draw, drew, drawn; to write out; to display; to show, showed, shown; to expose; to exhibit
- kialszik -- to die out; to expire; to burn itself out; to blow out; to burn out
- kiált -- to whoop; to yammer; to clang; to hoop; to bark; to cry; to cry out; to call; to chirp; to exclaim; to shout
- kibocsát -- to evolve; to send forth; to discharge; to send out; to give forth; to exhale; to give off; to deflate; to give out; to issue; to jet; to throw out; to emit
- kibővít -- to amplify; to ease; to distend; to expand; to make wider; to let out; to widen; to subtend; to increase; to extend; to open out; to develop; to fill out; to enlarge
- kicserél -- to change; to barter; to renew; to exchange; to truck; to commute; to refit
- kicsontoz -- to debone; to bone
- kiderít -- to nose out; to elicit; to find out; to clear up; to ascertain; to bring to light
- kiderül -- to turn out; to light; to fine; to get publicity; to emerge; to lighten; to unravel; to clear up; to light, lit; to clear
- kiég -- to fuse; to fuze; to burn out; to burn itself out; to blow out; to blow, blew, blown
- kiegészít -- to supplement; to piece together; to make up; to amend; to piece out; to expand; to integrate; to augment; to refill; to complete; to replenish; to eke out; to match; to complement
- kielégít -- to flesh; to satiate; to indulge; to content; to suffice; to appease; to gratify; to supply; to glut; to square; to sate; to assuage
- kiemel -- to salve; to stress; to relieve; to raise; to underline; to enucleate; to pick up; to feature; to heighten; to set off; to except; to pull out; to highlight; to set out; to unhinge; to emphasize; to bring into the limelight; to throw up
- kiemelkedik -- to lift; to loom; to rise, rose, risen; to stand out in relief; to overtop; to emerge; to bulk; to exceed; to excel; to swell, swelled, swollen
- kienged -- to veer; to ease; to slacken; to get loose; to let off; to deflate; to release; to let out; to uncoop; to unfold; to set at liberty; to come loose; to run off
- kiesik -- to spill, spilt; to spill; to fall out; to drop out; to tumble out
- kifejez -- to express; to reflect; to say, said; to put, put; to voice; to represent; to clothe, clad; to word; to signify; to phrase; to testify; to register; to denote; to state; to clothe
- kifejleszt -- to open out; to develop; to evolve; to expand; to cultivate
- kifejt -- to hull; to explicate; to enucleate; to expand; to paraphrase; to spade; to develop; to exert; to word; to get out; to state; to unfold; to expound; to set forth; to shuck; to explain; to evolve
- kifizet -- to buy off; to settle up; to honor; to pay off; to settle; to disburse; to clear off; to discharge; to stump up; to clear; to pay; to square; to pay out; to honour
- kifolyik -- to issue out; to leak; to run out; to issue; to effuse
- kifoszt -- to ransack; to harry; to gut; to rob; to raid; to spoil; to spoil, spoilt; to rifle; to plunder; to skin; to loot; to foray; to fleece; to rive, rived, riven; to sack; to despoil; to pillage; to pill; to burglarize; to pluck
- kigúnyol -- to rally; to jeer; to gibe; to pan; to deride; to flout; to razz; to ridicule; to scorch; to taunt; to scorn; to twit; to mock; to jibe
- kigyógyít -- to cure
- kihagy -- to miss out; to eliminate; to go sour; to intermit; to omit; to sit out; to leave out; to expunge; to balk; to edit out; to skip
- kihal -- to drop off; to die out
- kihasznál -- to use to the full; to capitalize; to harness; to follow up; to exploit; to play on; to draw profit from; to push; to use up; to utilize; to play upon; to exhaust; to milk; to play up
- kiherél -- to unman; to geld; to geld, gelt; to castrate; to swig; to eunuchize; to emasculate; to lib
- kihúz -- to rive sg off; to delete; to pull up; to rive sg away; to excise; to draw, drew, drawn; to educe; to expunge; to protract; to line through; to pull out; to extricate; to blue-pencil; to get out; to pull; to rule out; to draw out; to drag out; to unclinch; to obliterate; to unclench; to extract
- kiindul -- to proceed; to spring, sprang, sprung
- kiír -- to spell, spelt; to spell
- kijavít -- to put right; to refit; to patch up; to tinker; to repair; to patch; to correct; to set to rights; to fix up; to right; to recondition; to plaster up; to sub; to set right; to mend; to set sg to rights; to revise; to piece up; to make good; to touch up; to fix; to sew up
- kijelent -- to tell, told; to declare; to pronounce; to asseverate; to reveal; to assert; to say, said; to sound; to enunciate; to vow; to profess; to state
- kijelöl -- to mark off; to appoint; to fix on; to set out; to lay out; to peg out; to put in; to mark out; to settle; to assign; to fix up; to designate; to trace out; to lay down; to tell off; to trace; to dispose
- kijön -- to be out; to come out
- kikapcsol -- to unclasp; to shut off; to switch off; to incapacitate; to undo, undid, undone; to cut out; to trip; to disengage; to put out; to unhitch; to cut off; to tune out; to unhook; to uncouple; to turn off
- kikérdez -- to question; to interrogate; to pump
- kiközösít -- to excommunicate; to boycott; to put under a ban; to blackball; to ostracize; to ban
- kilélegzik -- to expire
- kilép -- to skelp; to emerge; to issue; to exit; to overstep; to protrude; to secede; to step; to pace; to egress; to step out; to discharge
- kimegy -- to go out; to pass out; to sally forth; to walk out
- kímél -- to spare
- kiment -- to salvage; to extricate; to bring off; to salve; to rescue; to exculpate
- kimerít -- to weary; to fag out; to distress; to sew up; to jade; to work out; to fatigue; to fag; to run down; to use; to tucker; to tucker out; to eat up; to prostrate; to consume; to haze; to wear, wore, worn; to impoverish; to waste; to rack; to deplete; to zonk; to use up
- kimond -- to air; to adjudge; to voice; to predicate; to utter; to sound; to say, said; to rap out; to pronounce; to declare
- kimúlik -- to cross the river of death; to cross the river
- kimutat -- to manifest; to evince; to reveal; to detect; to exhibit; to demonstrate; to establish; to set forth; to show, showed, shown; to point
- kínál -- to proffer; to bid, bid; to offer; to bid, bade, bidden
- kinevez -- to nominate; to name; to appoint; to commission; to post; to constitute
- kinéz -- to look out
- kínoz -- to lacerate; to torture; to torment; to bully; to bedevil; to pain; to afflict; to pester; to agonize; to rack; to discommode; to crucify; to harry; to hag; to obsess; to beset, beset
- kinyit -- to unbind, unbound; to unclinch; to unclasp; to open; to undo, undid, undone; to unclog; to unlatch; to unfold; to unclench; to unsnap; to unbar; to turn on; to open out; to unlock
- kipárnáz -- to stuff; to pad; to cushion; to upholster; to wad
- kipróbál -- to prove, proved, proven; to prove; to put to the test; to put to the trial; to probe; to test; to try out; to sample; to try
- kirúg -- to chuck off; to push out; to sack; to fling out
- kisebbít -- to lessen; to narrow; to bate; to extenuate; to soften; to lower; to attenuate
- kísér -- to escort; to lead on; to accompany; to chaperone; to attend; to chaperon; to squire
- kísérletezik -- to experiment with sg; to test; to make experiments; to experiment
- kísért -- to tempt; to haunt
- kiszabadul -- to disengage; to get free; to get out
- kiszáll -- to land; to get off; to get out; to rive; to disembark
- kiszámít -- to tally; to compute; to do, did, done; to work; to calculate; to figure out; to work out; to reckon; to figure up; to count
- kitagad -- to disinherit
- kitalál -- to cook up; to spin, span, spun; to tell, told; to find one`s way out; to feign; to mint; to make up; to devise; to strike out; to guess; to spin, spun; to hit, hit; to invent; to forge; to fabricate; to contrive; to nick; to spring, sprang, sprung; to hit
- kitart -- to hold on; to last; to carry on; to stick by; to hold, held; to hold, held, holden; to stand to; to persist in; to hang on; to hold to; to hold out; to last out; to hang in there; to stick to; to endure; to stick, stuck
- kiterjed -- to stretch; to open out; to lengthen; to unfold; to reach; to cover; to expand; to range; to escalate; to spread, spread; to run, ran, run
- kiterjeszt -- to escalate; to broaden; to generalize; to expand; to push; to extend
- kitilt -- to warn off; to forbid, forbade, forbidden; to send down; to ban
- kitűnik -- to excel; to win one`s spur
- kitüntet -- to favour; to honor; to grace; to favor; to decorate; to dignify; to honour
- kitűz -- to stick, stuck; to fix; to pin up; to uprear; to set, set; to set off; to appoint; to envisage; to name; to locate; to put out; to rear; to set out; to pin on; to mark out
- kitölt -- to back; to put in; to fill out; to fill in; to write out; to fill up; to fill; to complete
- kitör -- to get out of control; to make a sally; to ejaculate; to make a sortie; to come out; to jink; to break out; to erupt; to blunt; to sally out; to break loose; to explode; to shoot ahead; to spout; to break forth; to flare up
- kiújul -- to recrudesce; to restart
- kiválaszt -- to designate; to separate; to cut out; to excrete; to choose, chose, chosen; to select; to exude; to single out; to sort out; to sort
- kiválik -- to secede; to shine, shone; to peel; to shoot ahead; to exude; to come out; to win one`s spur; to excel
- kivált -- to create; to buy off; to trigger; to redeem; to provoke; to generate; to antedate; to challenge; to set off; to take out; to occasion; to evoke; to precipitate; to check out; to trigger sg off
- kíván -- to like; to take, took, taken; to command; to want; to will; to covet; to hope; to wish; to necessitate; to require; to postulate; to call for
- kiver -- to beat out; to hammer; to knock out; to swish
- kivisz -- to take out
- kivon -- to educe; to defecate; to subtract; to take away; to extract; to phase out; to draw off; to pull out
- kivonul -- to file out; to walk out
- kizár -- to except; to close off; to shut out; to strangulate; to rule out; to bar out; to expel; to unfrock; to keep out; to disbar; to exclude; to disqualify; to lock out; to foreclose; to blackball
- kizsákmányol -- to exploit; to sweat; to put upon
- kiöltözik -- to clobber up; to prink; to ponce oneself up; to prink oneself; to deck oneself out; to clobber out
- kóborol -- to meander; to straggle; to knock around; to maverick; to rove; to be on the hike; to roam; to ramble; to trollop about; to tramp; to maunder; to stroll; to err; to knock about the world; to spatiate; to range; to knock about
- koboz -- lute
- koccint -- to clink glasses
- kockázik -- to play the dice; to dice; to throw, threw, thrown
- kockáztat -- to run a risk; to risk; to jeopardize; to hazard; to take a risk; to take risks; to run the hazard; to take chances; to go, went, gone; to wager; to endanger; to pawn; to jump; to venture
- kodifikál -- to codify
- kódol -- to encrypt; to encode
- kommentál -- to gloss
- kommunikál -- to communicate
- kompenzál -- to accommodate; to equilibrate; to compensate; to offset
- komplikál -- to complicate
- komponál -- to choreograph; to compose
- kompromittál -- to compromise
- koncentrál -- to focus
- konfirmál -- to be received into the church
- kong -- to sound hollow; to bong; to toll; to clang; to peal; to ding; to tinkle
- konkretizál -- to concrete
- konstruál -- to engineer
- konszolidál -- to consolidate
- kontárkodik -- to bungle; to botch
- konvertál -- to convert
- konzervál -- to bottle; to can; to pot; to tin; to conserve; to pack
- kooperál -- to play ball
- koordinál -- to co-ordinate; to integrate; to coordinate
- koplal -- to hunger; to starve; to fast; to go hungry; to feel the pinch
- kopog -- to slap; to patter; to knock; to chap; to clop; to chatter; to rap; to rap at; to typewrite, typed, typewritten; to ping; to blatter; to rap on; to tap
- korcsolyázik -- to ice-skate; to skate; to rink
- korlátoz -- to abridge; to let; to bound; to define; to check; to restrict; to put on; to locate; to coerce; to hedge in; to put to; to narrow; to constrain; to circumscribe; to restrain; to control; to confine; to limit; to localize; to qualify; to peg down; to stint; to tie up
- korlátozódik -- to come down; to be confined
- kormányoz -- to administer; to rule; to govern; to con; to steer; to reign; to navigate; to wield power; to pilot
- kornyikál -- to caterwaul; to saw, sawed, sawn
- korog -- to grumble; to rumble
- koronáz -- to enwreathe; to wreathe; to top
- korszerűsít -- to streamline; to update; to modernize
- kortyol -- to tiff
- kóstol -- to taste
- koszorúz -- to top; to enwreathe; to wreathe
- kotor -- to drag; to scoop; to dredge up; to rabble; to dredge out
- kotyvaszt -- to concoct; to do the cooking
- kovácsol -- to forge; to hammer
- krákog -- to hawk; to caw; to hack
- kukorékol -- to crow; to crow, crowed, crew; to crow, crew
- kulminál -- to culminate
- kurtít -- to crop
- kúszik -- to trail; to snake along; to scramble; to crawl; to climb; to clamber; to creep, crept
- kutat -- to quest; to hunt; to ferret about; to scour; to rake; to spy; to prospect; to ferret; to delve; to investigate; to scour about; to poke around; to sound; to explore; to seek, sought; to search; to quarry; to probe
- küld -- to direct; to remit; to expedite; to send, sent; to address
- különbözik -- to differ; to contrast
- küzd -- to fray; to struggle; to contend; to war; to be up against sg; to combat; to contest; to fight, fought; to bat; to wrestle; to battle; to strive, strove, striven
- ködösít -- to blow smoke
- köhög -- have a cough; to pop; to cough; to hack
- kölcsönkér -- to borrow
- kölcsönöz -- to loan; to lend, lent
- költ -- to brood; to poetize; to incubate; to versify; to breed, bred; to cover eggs; to expend
- költözik -- to migrate; to move; to move house; to trek
- kölykezik -- to throw, threw, thrown; to litter; to whelp
- könyörög -- to sue; to pray; to appeal; to crave; to entreat; to implore; to beg; to beseech; to petition; to beseech, besought; to supplicate
- köp -- to spit; to gob; to spit, spit; to spit, spat; to spill one`s guts; to blow the gaff; to expectorate
- körülír -- to paraphrase; to circumscribe; to define
- körülnéz -- to look round; have a look round; to look about one; to shop around; to take in
- körülvesz -- to skirt; to girdle around; to compass; to environ; to gird; to belt; to beleaguer; to close in; to girdle; to circle; to encompass; to beset, beset; to girdle about; to blockade; to close round; to surround; to encircle; to clip; to gird, girt
- köröz -- to hover; to hand round; to send round; to circulate; to circle round
- köszönt -- to greet; to salute
- köt -- to wreathe; to knit, knit; to knit; to tie; to bind, bound; to lace; to work
- kötelez -- to oblige; to engage; to obligate; to bind, bound; to bind over
- kötődik -- to twit; to bedevil; to banter
- követ -- deputy; envoy; to pursue; to track; mercury; to take, took, taken; to succeed; to follow; to join; to follow suit; minister; to go after; to ensue; to attend
- követel -- to desire; to arrogate; to claim; to take, took, taken; to demand; to press for; to command; to assert; to exact; to necessitate; to require; to requisition
- következik -- to follow; to ensue; to result; to come, came, come; to succeed; to go on
- következtet -- to conjecture; to evolve; to infer; to gather; to conclude; to deduce; to go by; to reason; to judge
- közeledik -- to draw near; to draw on; to come on; to near; to near to; to draw, drew, drawn; to come near; to approximate; to approach
- közeleg -- to close in
- közelít -- to near; to converge; to draw on; to draw near; to snake; to approximate; to approach; to near to
- közlekedik -- to ply; to run, ran, run
- közvetít -- to convey; to transmit; to interpose; to report; to cover; to relay; to mediate
- közöl -- to foreshow, foreshowed, foreshown; to transmit; to notify; to let know; to inform sy; to give, gave, given; to inform sy of sg; to descry; to announce; to intimate; to give forth; to quote; to say, said; to report; to impart
- lábadozik -- to get about again; to convalesce
- lakik -- to reside; to occupy; to inhabit; to dwell, dwelt; to range in; to live; to room; to house; to lodge; to abide
- lakkoz -- to japan; to enamel; to varnish; to lacquer
- lakmározik -- to make a great spread; to gorge oneself; to banquet; to convive; to gorge
- lakomázik -- to regale oneself; to banquet
- lamentál -- to lament
- landol -- to put down; to land an aeroplane; to land
- lángol -- to glow; to mantle; to be in flames; to flame out; to blaze; to flame
- lankad -- to slacken; to ease down; to languish
- lapátol -- to shovel
- lapít -- to play possum; to hang fire; to play dead; to sit tight; to plate; to flat; to skulk
- lappang -- to smoulder; to lurk; to incubate; to smolder
- lassít -- to retard; to slow down; to ease; to ease up; to slacken; to slack; to slow up; to delay; to slow; to slacken the pace; to decelerate
- lassul -- to slow; to slacken; to slack
- lát -- to pick up; to ken; to descry; to see, saw, seen
- látogat -- to attend; to visit; to spook
- latolgat -- to gauge; to meditate; to weigh; to deliberate; to ponder
- látszik -- to show, showed, shown; to show up; to seem; to sound; to look
- lázad -- to riot; to revolt
- lead -- to transmit; to hand down
- leakaszt -- to unhook; to get down
- lebeg -- to swim, swam, swum; to sail; to fly, flew, flown; to be afloat; to flutter; to feather; to flap; to be stoned; to flicker; to float; to hover; to poise; to sway; to levitate; to be stoned out; to drift; to ride, rode, ridden
- lebeszél -- to bring off; to dissuade; to head off
- lecsatol -- to unsling, unslung; to unbuckle
- lecsendesül -- to whist; to settle; to quiet down
- leég -- to burn itself out
- leépít -- to redundantize
- leesik -- to come mucker; to crash down; to come off; to plummet; have a fall; to drop off; to fall, fell, fallen; to go a mucker; to slough away; to slough off; to fall down; to light, lit; to slump; to fall off; to tumble; to light
- lefátyoloz -- to veil
- lefejez -- to behead; to decapitate
- lefoglal -- to keep sy busy; to arrest; to sequestrate; to bespeak, bespoke, bespoken; to levy; to attach; to prize; to secure; to impound; to prise; to seize; to embargo; to confiscate; to distress; to book; to sequester; to engage; to take, took, taken; to engross; to grab; to reserve
- lefokoz -- to reduce to the ranks; to disgrace; to degrade; to vignette; to demote; to disrate
- lefordít -- to render; to put into; to do into; to translate
- leföldel -- to put to earth
- legel -- to browse; to crop; to graze; to pasture
- legeltet -- to herd; to graze; to pasture
- legyez -- to fan
- legyőz -- to discomfit; to blitz; to overpower; to overthrow, overthrew, overthrown; to outface; to surmount; to defeat; to overcome, overcame, overcome; to surmount to sg; to whip; to zap; to rout; to combat; to win through; to whomp; to subject; to smite, smit, smit; to vanquish; to flog; to floor; to whop; to thrash; to womp; to negotiate; to whump; to overbear, overbore, overborne; to smite, smote, smitten; to trounce; to worst; to beat, beat; to lick; to put over; to down; to subdue; to tide over; to overtake, overtook, overtaken; to pip; to beat, beat, beaten; to overwhelm; to bowl out; to take, took, taken; to put down
- lehel -- to breathe
- lehet -- may
- leigáz -- to conquer; to subjugate; to enslave; to bring under; to bring to heels; to ride, rode, ridden; to vanquish; to subdue; to subject
- leír -- to set down; to illustrate; to portray; to write down; to put down in writing; to depict; to transcribe; to write, wrote, written; to delineate; to write off; to picture; to describe; to put down; to stick down; to take down; to engross; to paint; to put in writing; to blazon
- lejár -- to become due; to fall due; to pull off; to mature; to run out; to expire; to run down; to be due; to become forfeited; to lapse
- lejátszik -- to play back
- lektorál -- to vet
- leküzd -- to vanquish; to fight back; to tide over; to surmount; to fight off; to over; to surmount to sg; to combat; to fight down
- lel -- to find, found
- lélegzik -- to breathe; to respire; to take breath
- lelkesedik -- to warm up; to enthuse
- lelkesít -- to harangue; to inspire; to warm up; to flush; to buck up; to uplift; to stir; to fire; to animate
- lelő -- to zap; to gun; to account for; to get down; to get, got; to rifle; to bring down; to earth; to shoot down
- lemarad -- to be down the course; to miss; to drop astern; to drag; to fall astern; to tail away; to tail off; to lag; to drop behind; to lag behind
- lemegy -- to be down; to sink, sank, sunk; to go down; to descend
- lemond -- to disclaim; to throw up; to resign; to put away; to surrender; to call off; to vacate; to discontinue; to countermand; to scuttle; to forsake, forsook, forsaken; to eschew; to abdicate; to waive; to renounce
- lemos -- to sluice; to wash; to wash off; to wash away; to blitz; to hose down; to erode; to hose; to wash down
- lenéz -- to contemn; to disdain; to despise; to disparage; to scorn
- lenget -- to rock; to wave; to swing, swung; to flourish
- lenyűgöz -- to overawe; to awe; to zap
- lép -- to step; honeycomb; spleen
- lerakódik -- to depose; to crust; to form a deposit; to be deposited
- lerombol -- to knock down; to tear down; to vandalize; to pull down; to lay flat; to break down; to batter down; to ruin; to destroy; to beat down; to demolish; to level; to lay low
- les -- ambuscade; ambush; to peek; lurking-place
- lesz -- to come, came, come; to make, made
- leszáll -- to settle; to come down; to light off; to dive; to alight; to light, lit; to put down; to light down; to get out; to dip; to descend; to subside; to land; to sink, sank, sunk; to take its perch; to get down; to touch down; to dive, dove, dived; to be down
- letartóztat -- to arrest; to pull; to pull in; to nick; to lag; to attach; to apprehend; to nab
- letelepít -- to settle; to plant
- létesít -- to produce; to erect; to set up; to rig up; to create; to institute; to found; to initiate; to establish; to originate
- létezik -- to be, was/were, been; to exist; to live; have subsistence
- létrehoz -- to work; to establish; to beget, begot, begotten; to produce; to bring sg into being; to reach; to bring on; to give birth; to originate; to make, made; to occasion; to call sg into being; to set up; to effectuate; to generate; to mother; to procreate; to beget, begat, begotten
- létrejön -- to come into being; to come into existence; to come off
- levelez -- to correspond
- lever -- to put down; to repress; to lick; to pull down; to rout; to lay, laid; to overwhelm; to smite, smote, smitten; to pip; to knock off; to beat down; to floor; to unman; to smite, smit, smit
- levesz -- to pull off; to take off; to take down; to draw off; to unbuckle; to take, took, taken; to reach; to get down; to unsling, unslung; to get off
- levetkőzik -- to undress; to peel; to take off all one`s things; to take off one`s clothes; to strip off; to strip
- levon -- to deduct; to recoup; to subtract; to take away; to impress; to detract
- leül -- to plank oneself down; to absquatulate; to sit oneself; to take a chair; to take place; to sit down; to take a seat
- lezár -- to close up; to close; to bar; to terminate; to settle; to shut off; to shut up; to pin down; to cash in; to seal; to make up; to shut down; to clinch; to quarantine; to lock up; to secure
- lezárul -- to terminate; to shut down
- lezuhan -- have a fall; to plump; to crack up; to crash to earth; to fall down; to hurtle down; to plummet; to crash; to crash down; to precipitate
- liberalizál -- to liberalize
- licitál -- to declare; to call; to bid, bid; to bid, bade, bidden; to go, went, gone
- likvidál -- to stamp out; to liquidate
- lobog -- to flaunt; to fly, flew, flown; to flicker; to flame; to flutter; to blaze
- lóg -- to hang, hung; to play truant; to play hookey; to loaf about; to hack around; to hang; to skulk; to swing, swung; to dawdle; to play hooky; to swing the lead; to play the wag; to loaf; to lop over; to play wag; to hang slack
- lokalizál -- to localize
- lop -- to heist; to snoop; to pinch; to rob; to steal, stole, stolen; to fork; to pole; to rustle; to nick; to pull; to ruff; to filch
- lovagol -- to horse; to ride, rode, rid; to prick; to ride a horse; to ride, rode, ridden; to hack
- lustálkodik -- to idle; to take one`s ease; to laze; to bum; to loll about
- lüktet -- to pulsate; to throb; to palpitate
- lyukaszt -- to hole; to clip; to pierce; to punch
- lő -- to batter; to account for; to shell; to shoot, shot; to fire
- lök -- to jog; to hurl; to jostle; to jab; to poke; to hit, hit; to push; to toss; to gag; to thrust; to knock; to shove; to hit; to jerk
- lökdös -- to hustle; to jostle; to poke; to jolt; to push
- lökdösődik -- to jolt; to stampede; to jostle; to hustle; to shove; to hunch
- magyaráz -- to explain; to interpret; to read, read; to gloss; to comment on; to construe; to expound
- makog -- to gibber
- mángorol -- to press; to plate; to press, prest; to mangle
- manipulál -- to manipulate; to juggle
- mar -- to sting, stung; to burn; to cut, cut; to bite, bit, bitten; to burn, burnt; to mill
- marad -- to abide, abode; to bide; to bide, bode, bid; to rest; to abide; to bide, bode, bidden; to tarry; to stay; to remain behind; to make a stay; to leave, left; to stick, stuck; to dwell, dwelt; to remain; to linger
- markol -- to grab hold of; to grab for; to grab at
- márt -- to dip
- másol -- to reproduce; to imitate; to counterfeit; to copy; to trace
- mászik -- to scramble; to go at a crawl; to crawl; to clamber; to climb; to creep, crept
- maszturbál -- to masturbate; to jack off
- mázsál -- to weigh
- meditál -- to meditate
- megad -- to accord; to concede; to come across with; to surrender; to settle; to give, gave, given
- megakadályoz -- to stymie; to encumber; to keep from; to forbid, forbade, forbidden; to arrest; to baulk; to avert; to put off; to set back; to let; to preclude; to check; to prohibit; to bar; to interfere; to vacate; to thwart; to withhold, withheld; to impede; to balk; to inhibit; to hinder; to debar
- megalakul -- to be established; to be framed; to be set up; to be constituted; to be instituted; to be formed
- megaláz -- to keelhaul; to abase; to lower; to put down; to humiliate; to humble; to abject; to slight; to let down
- megáld -- to endow; to bless, blest; to visit; to bless; to solemnize
- megáll -- to slacken; to check; to stop; to come to a stand; to fetch up; to come to rest; to dwell, dwelt; to come to a stop; to stand still; to pull up; to stand, stood; to bring up; to stay; to bring to; to stint; to pause; to draw up; to come to a halt
- megállapít -- to say, said; to fix; to establish; to diagnose; to quote; to name; to ascertain; to locate; to assess; to lay down; to find out; to determine; to settle; to allocate; to set, set; to appoint; to tax; to take, took, taken; to state; to set out; to find, found
- megállít -- to stay; to bring to; to arrest; to put to a stand; to rein in; to hold up; to fetch up; to rein up; to clamp; to pull up; to check; to bring up
- megárt -- to upset, upset
- megbán -- to rue; to regret
- megbánt -- to offend; to gall; to slight; to humble; to wrong
- megbecstelenít -- to rape; to disgrace; to defile; to abuse; to violate
- megbeszél -- to negotiate; to discuss; to concert; to talk over
- megbízik -- to rely
- megbocsát -- to pardon; to forgive, forgave, forgiven; to remit; to let off; to excuse
- megbüntet -- to call to book; to chastise; to recompense; to correct; to punish; to penalize; to bring to book
- megcsal -- to jockey; to deceive; to stick, stuck; to green; to circumvent; to bubble; to gyp; to put on; to abuse; to balk; to delude; to fiddle; to renege; to cuckold; to swindle; to cozen; to bilk; to finagle; to beguile; to take in; to cheat
- megcsinál -- to hack it; to put in; to tool; to fix up; to do, did, done; to fix
- megdorgál -- to pull up; to haze; to reprimand; to rebuke; to check; to rate; to admonish; to upbraid; to strafe; to reprove
- megdönt -- to trip; to demolish; to slant; to rake; to disprove; to upset, upset; to beat down; to overthrow, overthrew, overthrown; to defeat; to explode; to take away; to lay, laid; to cant; to stoop; to put down
- megegyezik -- to agree; to tally; to jibe; to equal; to gibe; to compound; to accord; to square; to covenant; to arrange; to unite
- megéhezik -- to be hungry; to feel hungry; to get hungry
- megél -- to do, did, done; to get by; to contrive; to earn one`s bread; to do on; to subsist
- megelőz -- to pass by; to antedate; to precede; to top; to outstrip; to overtake, overtook, overtaken; to anticipate; to come before; to go on before; to forerun, foreran, forerun; to go before; to outpace; to stave off; to outrun, outran, outrun; to forego, forewent, foregone; to outdistance; to pass; to avert; to forestall
- megemlít -- to notice; to mention
- megenged -- to allow; to grant; to allow of; to tolerate; to let, let; to suffer; to permit of; to vouchsafe; to concede; have, had; to admit; to admit of; to permit; to yield
- megérdemel -- to deserve; to merit
- megérint -- to graze; to touch; to tip; to tap; to dab
- megérkezik -- to fetch; to rive; to come to hand; to roll up; to come, came, come; to arrive; to drop in; to reach
- megért -- to take in; to conceive of; to take, took, taken; to get the picture; to apprehend; to perceive; to tumble to; to get the message; to grasp; to see, saw, seen; to catch up; to get, got; to reach; to dig, dug; to realize; to make out; to conceit; to comprehend; to conceive; to understand, understood; to seize; to savvy; to catch, caught; to compass
- megerősít -- to firm; to ratify; to fasten; to belay; to seal; to set, set; to uphold, upheld; to strengthen; to depose; to steady; to consolidate; to underpin; to affirm; to fix; to man up; to stick, stuck; to verify; to tackle; to brace; to lash; to reinforce; to cramp down; to confirm; to thicken; to validate; to fortify; to recruit; to corroborate; to man; to bear out; to seize; to cement; to sanction
- megerőszakol -- to force; to violate; to rape
- megerősödik -- to rally; to gain strength; to firm; to recruit; to strengthen; to invigorate
- megfagy -- to congeal; to curdle; to freeze, froze, frozen; to chill; to perish by cold
- megfejt -- to puzzle out; to get out; to resolve; to decipher; to unriddle; to do, did, done; to read, read; to translate; to work out; to solve; to tell, told; to unravel
- megfelel -- to gibe; to fit; good enough; it will serve; to beseem; to agree; to suit; to stand the proof; to do, did, done; to match; to jibe; to tally
- megfertőz -- to venenate; to contaminate; to vitiate; to canker; to taint; to infect
- megfigyel -- to note; to gumshoe; to mark; to notice; to observe; to scout; to monitor
- megfizet -- to come across with; to avenge
- megfog -- to snap; to clutch; to get, got; to grasp; to pin; to entrap; to take, took, taken; to fang; to seize; to seize on; to gaff; to clinch; to corral; to hold, held, holden; to reach; to hold, held; to get ahold of; to grip
- megfogalmaz -- to draft; to couch; to draw up; to word; to engross; to make up; to get into shape; to put into shape; to draw, drew, drawn; to formulate; to conceive; to put, put
- megfojt -- to drown; to strangle; to asphyxiate; to garrotte; to stifle; to throttle; to suffocate; to strangulate; to garotte; to smother; to choke; to scrag
- megfordul -- to haul; to turn round; to wheel round; to come about; to round; to about-face; to spin, spun; to wheel about; to turn over; to spin, span, spun; to turn for end; to veer about; to turn about; to veer round; to roll over; to veer
- megfoszt -- to bereave; to dispossess; to despoil; to deprive; to divest; to curtail; to bereave, bereft
- megfullad -- to drown; to smother; to suffocate; to choke
- megfutamodik -- to flee, fled; to run for; to beat a retreat; to cop out
- meggyaláz -- to affront; to desecrate; to violate; to dishonor; to rape; to stain; to profane; to dishonour; to defile; to deflower; to soil; to outrage
- meggyilkol -- to kill; to murder
- meggyújt -- to kindle; to light; to light, lit; to fire; to prime; to inflame; to ignite
- meggyökerezik -- to take root; to come to stay; to strike root
- meggyőz -- to assure; to talk over; to talk round; to persuade; to convince; to confute; to bring over
- meghajol -- to curtsy; to curtsey; to make a leg; to stoop; to curb; to bend, bent; to crouch; to bow; to yield
- meghal -- to join the majority; to pass on; to cop it; to die; to go the way of all things; to yield one`s soul; to yield up one`s soul; to buy the farm; to go pop; to go the way of all flesh; to check out; to be no more; to go home; to go to one`s account; to exit; to depart this life; to suffer death; to cross the river; to decease; to yield up the ghost; to go bung; to give up the ghost; to bung; to peg out; to yield the ghost; to shuffle off; to go off; to go to one`s long home; to get killed; to pass out; to pass away; to slip the painter; to depart; to cash in one`s chips; to pass; to lay down one`s knife and fork; to cross the river of death; to shuffle off one`s mortal coil
- meghalad -- to exceed; to pass; to transcend; to top
- meghat -- to move; to unman; to touch; to pierce
- meghatároz -- to peg down; to locate; to take, took, taken; to stipulate; to ascertain; to appoint; to determine; to lay down; to allocate; to circumscribe; to pitch; to assign; to define
- meghív -- to bid, bid; to bid, bade, bidden; to ask; to lathe; to invite
- megidéz -- to convene; to summon; to evoke; to conjure up; to cite; to summons
- megígér -- to plight
- megijed -- to sit up; to get frightened; to get scared shitless; to be scared shitless; to shit oneself; to shy; to start
- megindít -- to soften; to institute; to touch; to put in action; to unclog; to open the ball; to start; to thrill; to press the button; to bring into play; to actuate
- megint -- again; to admonish
- megír -- to pen; to make, made; to write up; to write, wrote, written; to write out; to draft
- megismer -- to come to know; to know, knew, known; to tell, told
- megismertet -- to foreshow, foreshowed, foreshown; to acquaint
- megismétel -- to renew; to translate; to reassert; to repeat
- megjátszik -- to act; to play; to counterfeit; to simulate; to personate
- megjavít -- to accommodate; to make, made; to fix up; to fix; to put in repair; to put right; to reform; to ameliorate; to improve; to set right; to refit; to repair; to amend; to mend
- megjegyez -- to observe; to remark; to score; to notice; to mark; to note
- megjelenik -- to come up; to get out; to show one`s face; to make one`s appearance; to appear; to show oneself; to roll up; to come out; to put in an appearance; to show up; to turn up; to figure; to make an appearance; to show, showed, shown
- megjelenít -- to portray; to visualize; to visualise
- megjelentet -- to issue; to bring out; to publish
- megjelöl -- to prick; to name; to locate; to mark; to make a tick; to check; to trace; to earmark; to sign; to tick off; to label; to appoint; to mark with a tick; to tick; to assign; to up
- megjutalmaz -- to requite; to remunerate; to reward; to gift; to recompense; to gratify
- megkap -- to scorch; to grab hold of; to obtain; to catch, caught; to receive; to come to hand; to grab at; to contract; to take, took, taken; to grab for
- megkaparint -- to snatch; to seize; to take, took, taken; to bag
- megkárosít -- to wrong; to impair; to bilk; to damage
- megkér -- to ask; to request
- megkérdez -- to query; to ask
- megkezd -- to begin, began, begun; to start on; to introduce; to inchoate; to initiate; to throw off; to start; to enter on; to set up; to incept
- megkezdődik -- to begin, began, begun
- megkopaszt -- to pluck; to excise; to skin; to strip
- megkoronáz -- to crown; to enthrone; to top; to top off
- megkülönböztet -- to differentiate; to tell from; to pick out; to extricate; to make out; to tell, told; to discern; to distinguish; to discriminate; to tell apart
- megkönnyebbül -- to ease the belly; to rear; to lighten
- megkönnyít -- to light, lit; to ease; to light; to frank; to facilitate; to unburden
- megköszön -- to thank
- megkövetel -- to necessitate; to demand; to require; to take for; to exact; to need; to take, took, taken
- megkövez -- to stone
- megközelít -- to approach; to near; to approximate; to come near; to near to; to draw on; to be near
- meglát -- to come across; to spot; to espy; to perceive; to sight; to spy; to glimpse; to discern; to descry; to see, saw, seen; to behold, beheld
- meglátogat -- to look up; to see, saw, seen; to call at; to call; to visit; to call on
- meglep -- to astonish; to astound; to psych sy out; to take by surprise; to floor; to dumbfound; to overtake, overtook, overtaken; to surprise; to throw, threw, thrown
- megmagyaráz -- to illuminate; to elucidate; to illumine; to unfold; to explicate; to show, showed, shown; to expound; to read, read; to explain
- megmarad -- to abide, abode; to last; to abide; to be left in the basket; to be left; to stand, stood; to remain; to endure
- megment -- to bring off; to salvage; to bring through; to save; to rescue; to get off
- megmérgez -- to poison; to venenate
- megmond -- to give, gave, given; to say, said; to tell, told; to quote
- megmozgat -- to agitate; to stir; to slosh; to motivate; to quicken
- megmutat -- to point; to show, showed, shown; to reveal
- megnehezít -- to make difficulties; to make heavier; to increase the weight; to render more difficult; to raise difficulties; to aggravate; to make more difficult; to make heavy; to encumber
- megnevez -- to denominate; to name
- megnéz -- to take in; to eye; to attend; to visit; to look at; to look; to see, saw, seen; to glom; to look up; to eyeball
- megnyer -- to carry; to captivate; to pull off; to bring round; to win, won; to bring over
- megnyílik -- to bust; to open up
- megnyilvánul -- to show itself
- megnyit -- to initiate; to expand; to open up; to call to order
- megnyom -- to press; to press, prest; to depress; to push
- megnyugszik -- to set one`s heart at rest; to steady down; to ease; to still; to settle; to quiet down; to steady; to grow quiet; to quieten down; to assuage; to whist
- megnyugtat -- to quiet; to calm sy down; to stroke sy down; to ease; to lull; to settle; to salve; to becalm; to appease; to hush; to sedate; to tranquillize; to stroke down; to whist; to assuage; to set at ease; to moderate; to solace; to quieten; to soothe; to still; to sleek; to quiet down; to gentle; to quell; to reassure
- megnyúz -- to excoriate; to pelt; to scarf; to flench; to excise; to flay; to flense; to skin
- megnősül -- to take a wife; to go off the hooks; to get married; to get a wife
- megold -- to unloosen; to get out; to clear up; to decipher; to ease; to do, did, done; to unbind, unbound; to settle; to loose; to unloose; to hash out; to sort out; to resolve; to tackle; to unriddle; to solve; to work out; to unravel; to compass
- megoperál -- to operate
- megoszt -- to split; to divide; to apportion; to split, split; to share
- megpróbál -- to try; to offer; to attempt; to essay
- megragad -- to tackle; to get ahold of; to grip; to claw; to catch, caught; to pounce; to seize on; to grab hold of; to snatch; to seize; to clinch; to clamp; to embrace; to fasten on; to apprehend; to bite, bit, bitten; to grab for; to fang; to take, took, taken; to truss; to clutch; to catch a-hold of; to grab; to grab at; to clasp; to clench; to fasten upon
- megrak -- to pile; to load up; to pile up; to load; to pile on; to heap; to lade, laded, laden; to stow; to burden; to spank; to freight
- megráz -- to jig; to jolt; to shock; to shake, shook, shaken; to convulse
- megreformál -- to shape up; to reform
- megrémül -- to get frightened; to boggle; to take a fright; to be appalled
- megrendel -- to place an order; to order; to bespeak, bespoke, bespoken; to book; to commission
- megrongál -- to waste; to mar; to injure; to deface; to impair; to blemish; to damage; to mutilate
- megsemmisít -- to nip; to destroy; to eradicate; to nullify; to expunge; to put down; to disfigure; to stamp out; to overwhelm; to annihilate; to smite hip and thigh; to put to rout; to repeal; to undo, undid, undone; to cancel; to null; to eliminate; to override, overrode, overridden; to rout; to set aside; to annul; to reverse; to exterminate
- megsérül -- to bruise; to get injured; to be injured
- megszakít -- to break off; to cut off; to intermit; to break, broke, broken
- megszámlál -- to count; to number; to tell over; to tell, told
- megszámoz -- to figure; to number
- megszerez -- to seize; to secure; to attain; to acquire; to get, got; to purchase; to make, made; to clinch; to procure; to corral; to take out; to evict; to take, took, taken; to gain
- megszervez -- to fix up
- megszűnik -- to fold; to mend; to end; to leave off; to peter out; to be no more; to break off; to give up; to cease
- megszüntet -- to raise; to unmake, unmade; to cease; to make good; to extinguish; to abolish; to dissolve; to do away with; to lay, laid; to terminate; to lift; to end; to put down
- megtalál -- to seek out; to find, found
- megtanul -- to learn, learnt; to learn; to con; to memorise
- megtapsol -- to applaud; to cheer; to clap
- megtárgyal -- to negotiate
- megtart -- to observe; to retain; to take place; to make good; to support; to vindicate; to conserve; to hold, held; to hold, held, holden; to keep on; to keep, kept
- megtekint -- to visit; to take in; to do, did, done; to survey
- megtelik -- to expand; to fill in; to reach capacity; to be being filled; to fill up; to fill; to become full
- megteremt -- to make, made
- megtervez -- to lay out; to plan
- megtestesít -- to personalize; to personify; to image; to incorporate; to incarnate; to embody
- megtesz -- to take, took, taken; to cover; to put in; to do, did, done; to perform; to make, made; to wager; to travel
- megtilt -- to interdict; to ban; to veto; to debar; to forbid, forbade, forbidden; to proscribe; to prohibit
- megtizedel -- to decimate
- megtud -- to learn; to learn, learnt; to find out; to hear, heard; to come to know; to ascertain
- megtörténik -- to take place; to eventuate; to pass; to happen; to fall out; to occur; to transpire; to come about; to befall, befell, befallen; to come off; to come to pass
- megújhodik -- to take a new lease of life; to take on a new lease of life
- megújít -- to regenerate; to renew; to renovate; to reform
- megújul -- to renew; to reform
- megvakar -- to scratch
- megválaszt -- to put in; to vote; to elect
- megvalósít -- to achieve; to effectuate; to bring to fruition; to materialize; to flesh out; to realize; to execute; to put through; to realise; to effect; to make good; to bring to effect; to work out; to attain; to bring into effect
- megvalósul -- to come true; to materialize; to come to fruition
- megváltozik -- to alter; to vary; to break, broke, broken; to shift; to change; to suffer change
- megváltoztat -- to translate; to change; to leaven; to amend; to alter; to revise; to set aside; to reverse
- megvan -- to inhere
- megvásárol -- to buy, bought; to purchase
- megvéd -- to fence; to fend; to justify; to vindicate; to maintain; to shield; to hold, held; to hold, held, holden; to defend; to secure; to uphold, upheld; to save; to protect; to stand by
- megver -- to total; to whop; to cudgel; to beat, beat, beaten; to strike, struck; to lay it on sy; to hit; to discomfit; to defeat; to wax; to beat, beat; to belabor; to trounce; to chastise; to belabour; to put over; to lick
- megvesz -- to buy, bought; to purchase
- megvigasztal -- to solace; to visit
- megvizsgál -- to sift; to investigate; to scan; to vet; to analyze; to examine; to explore; to probe; to look into; to audit; to search; to assay; to inspect; to try; to analyse; to see into; to look at; to test; to bolt
- megy -- to pass; to walk; to tend; to tool along; to gang; to run, ran, run; to head; to go along; to sashay; to hop; have way on; to travel; to go, went, gone; to march; to tread, trod, trodden; to move along; to drive, drove, driven; to sell, sold; to make way
- megüt -- to bump; to rap; to strike, struck; to slap; to knock; to hit; to smite, smit, smit; to clout; to bop; to spike; to beat, beat, beaten; to hit, hit; to beat, beat; to wham; to punch; to smite, smote, smitten
- megöl -- to snuff; to do in; to dump; to account for; to coldcock; to deep-six; to martyr; to top; to put over; to ice; to put to the sword; to unlive; to check sy out; to slay, slew, slain; to kill; to murder; to cold-cock; to put to death
- megöregszik -- to wax old; to become old; to get old; to grow old
- megőriz -- to safeguard; to put down; to maintain; to preserve; to retain
- melegszik -- to warm; to heat
- mellébeszél -- to talk drivel; to prevaricate; to palter; to fudge on sg; to shuffle; to blow smoke; to fudge
- mellékel -- to enclose; to annex; to append
- méltányol -- to acknowledge; to respect; to appreciate
- memorizál -- to memorise
- menekül -- to be on the run; to run for; to flee, fled; to shun
- menetel -- to troop; to file; to march
- ment -- to exculpate
- mér -- to mete; to weight; to inflict; to sound; to weigh; to gauge; to measure; to meter; to take, took, taken
- mer -- to spoon; to venture; to dare, durst; to dare
- méregtelenít -- to detoxify
- merészel -- to dare; to offer; to venture; to dare, durst
- méret -- gauge; gage; measure; size; dimension; extent; scale
- mérgesít -- to nettle; to anger; to spite; to rile; to displease
- mérlegel -- to ponder; to balance; to reflect
- mérsékel -- to bate; to curb; to moderate; to tone down; to hold in; to cool; to abate; to remit; to chastise; to mitigate; to lessen; to check; to soften; to temper; to slacken
- merül -- to dip; to sink, sank, sunk
- mesél -- to yarn; to spin a yarn; to pitch a yarn; to tell a story
- mészárol -- to butcher; to butch; to massacre
- metsz -- to cut, cut; to section; to carve; to gouge; to slit, slit; to slit
- militarizál -- to militarize
- minősít -- to qualify; to rank; to grade; to label
- modernizál -- to update; to streamline; to bring up to date; to modernize
- módosít -- to modulate; to change; to vary; to modify; to qualify; to alter; to revise; to amend
- módosul -- to alter; to change
- molesztál -- to importune; to bother; to molest; to harass
- mond -- to term; to tell, told; to pronounce; to give, gave, given; to impart; have, had; to say, said
- mondat -- sentence; period; phrase
- montíroz -- to mount
- moralizál -- to moralize
- mormol -- to lip; to ripple; to murmur
- morzsál -- to crumb
- morzsolódik -- to crumble
- mos -- to clean; to degrease; to scour; to lave; to launder; to jig; to wash; to pan; to scrub; to bathe
- mosakszik -- to wash; have a wash
- mosogat -- to wash up; to lave; to wash up the dishes
- mosolyog -- to wear a smile; to smile; to smile at
- motivál -- to motivate
- motyog -- to mutter; to mumble; to throat
- mozdít -- to budge; to stir
- mozdul -- to stir
- mozgat -- to drive, drove, driven; to manoeuvre; to budge; to move; to stir; to actuate; to swing, swung
- mozog -- to exercise; to move; to stir; to swing, swung; to waggle
- mulaszt -- to play wag; to lapse; to play truant; to bolt; to play the wag
- mulat -- to junket; to go on the bust; to make merry; to sport; to go on the toot; to make marry; to racket about; to revel; to spree; to dissipate; have a ball; to disport; to carouse; to racket; to be on the toot; to rollick
- múlik -- to go, went, gone; to elapse; to go by; to roll by; to pass; to hinge; to lapse away; to waste; to progress; to roll on
- mutat -- to simulate; to denote; to record; to mark; to give, gave, given; to register; to point; to pretend; to represent; to read, read; to reveal; to show, showed, shown; to indicate
- mutatkozik -- to show one`s face; to develop; to appear; to begin to spring; to show, showed, shown; to show itself; to show oneself; to show up; to put in an appearance
- működik -- to pan; to operate; to function; to officiate; to act; to be in action; to be in blast; to be at work; to play; to go, went, gone; to settle; to run, ran, run; to work; to answer
- működtet -- to actuate; to work; to run, ran, run; to manoeuvre; to operate; to drive, drove, driven
- nagyít -- to draw the long bow; to enlarge; to cut it fat; to exaggerate
- nagyobbít -- to open out; to augment
- nekilát -- to fall to; to spring to; to set about; to get down; to undertake, undertook, undertaken; to turn to; to get cracking
- nemz -- to get, got; to father; to engender; to beget, begot, begotten; to sire; to breed, bred; to procreate; to beget, begat, begotten; to iron out; to gender; to reproduce
- nevel -- to school; to train; to discipline; to breed, bred; to rear; to raise
- nevet -- to laugh; to pooh-pooh; to crack up
- nevez -- to clepe, yclept; to name; to clepe, ycleped; to clepe; to style; to term; to designate; to call; to clepe, clept
- néz -- to watch; to eyeball; to screw; to regard; to mark; to look
- nyafog -- to yammer; to bitch; to bleat; to snivel; to whine; to whimper; to blat; to mewl; to squeal; to grizzle
- nyaggat -- to pester; to chivvy; to be on to sy; to chivy; to bother; to vex
- nyal -- to lick; to stroke; to toady; to lap
- nyaral -- to summer
- nyel -- to stomach; to devour; to soak up; to gulp; to swallow; to gorge
- nyer -- to draw, drew, drawn; have the best of it; to score; to get, got; to win, won; to pull off; to gain
- nyes -- to screw; to pare; to prune; to cut, cut; to shear, sheared, shorn; to clip; to hack; to trim; to slice
- nyilatkozik -- to declare; to declare oneself
- nyílik -- to expand; to open
- nyilvánít -- to give forth
- nyilvántart -- to calendar
- nyilvánul -- to manifest
- nyír -- to fleece; to trim; to lop; birch; to cut, cut; to pare; to hedge; to crop; cushion; to clip; to shear, sheared, shorn
- nyit -- to open
- nyom -- foil; to stress; to load; spoor; evidence; to hype; mark; clew; print; slot; reminiscence; trail; to squeeze; trace; sign; lead; to push; to press; to print; vestige; track; impress; tracing; hint; to press, prest; clue; to oppress; imprint; to run off; to rush
- nyomaszt -- to lade, laded, laden; to freight
- nyomoz -- to inquire; to sleuth; to enquire; to investigate; to nose; to get evidence; to nose about; to search; to trail; to gumshoe
- nyomtat -- to print
- nyugszik -- to sleep, slept; to pillow; to lie by; to repose
- nyugtalanít -- to fidget; to intrigue; to trouble; to cause misgivings; to distract; to disease; to flutter; to gall; to fret; to disquiet; to fuss; to puzzle; to ruffle; to flurry; to disconcert; to harry
- nyugtat -- to soothe; to set at rest; to repose
- nyújt -- to yield; to reach; to elongate; to accord; to dilate; to provide; to mill; to render; to present; to hold out; to minister; to grant; to lengthen; to reach out; to offer; to lend, lent; to rack; to afford; to extend; to draw, drew, drawn; to allow
- nyúl -- puss; wimpy; to finger; candyass; bun; rabbit; coney; wat; cony
- nyúz -- to flay; to pester
- nyű -- maggot; worm
- nyüszít -- to whine; to yowl
- nyög -- to groan; to moan
- nő -- to grow large; to grow, grew, grown; to augment; to spring up; tail; to grow larger; twist; woman, women; to get larger; to extend; to heighten; hen; candy; to get large; to increase; jane; ass; hump; girly; to wax; to grow bigger; heifer; to pullulate; crumpet; to grow big; nookie; wool; broad; to sprout
- növekszik -- to thrive, throve, thriven; to rise, rose, risen; to gather head; to redouble; to grow big; to wax; to grow bigger; to heighten; to increase; to get large; to gather; to accrue; to get larger; to grow larger; to swell, swelled, swollen; to grow large; to grow, grew, grown; to augment
- növel -- to redouble; to enlarge; to exacerbate; to step up; to put on; to run up; to gear up; to enhance; to send up; to extend; to improve; to heighten; to elevate; to aggravate; to raise; to augment; to swell, swelled, swollen
- ó -- old
- odaad -- to tip; to give, gave, given; to hand; to give away
- odamegy -- to go up
- odavág -- to strike, struck; to plump down
- okoz -- to provoke; to inflict; to induce; to beget, begot, begotten; to produce; to put to; to bring forth; to bring on; to motivate; to give, gave, given; to operate; to engender; to make, made; to effect; to inchoate; to set up; to procure; to breed, bred; to occasion; to beget, begat, begotten; to cause; to generate
- oktat -- to teach, taught; to coach; to educate; to school; to train; to edify; to instruct
- okul -- to be edified
- olajoz -- to grease; to oil
- olt -- to alleviate; to slake; to assuage; to graft
- olvad -- to run, ran, run; to melt
- olvas -- to tell over; to read, read; to tell, told
- olvaszt -- to melt; to fuse; to fuze; to thaw; to found; to flux
- onanizál -- to touch up; to masturbate
- ont -- to shed, shed; to spout; to shed; to throw, threw, thrown; to effuse
- operál -- to operate
- optimalizál -- to optimize
- orvosol -- to rectify; to redress; to repair; to physic, physicked; to help; to remedy; to make good; to doctor
- oszcillál -- to vacillate; to oscillate
- oszlik -- to fall into; to fester; to dissolve
- oszt -- to tally; to divide
- osztozik -- to share; to enter into
- oxidál -- to oxygenate
- pácol -- to seethe; to mordant; to marinade; to veer; to pickle; to souse; to marinate; to fume; to steep
- palackoz -- to bottle
- pályázik -- to put in; to compete; to make a bid for; to stand for
- panaszkodik -- to moan; to complain; to make moan; to harrumph; to natter; to grizzle; to bitch about; to bitch; to chew the rag; to lament; to chew the fat; to rabbit on; to squeal; to repine; to beef; to make one`s moan; to rabbit
- paníroz -- to fry in bread; to crumb; to fry in bread-crumbs; to egg and crumb; to bread
- parancsol -- to command; to commandeer; to order; to bid, bade, bidden; to will; to dictate
- parancsolgat -- to regiment
- párbajozik -- to fight a dual; to duel
- parkol -- to park
- pattan -- to snap; to crack; to go smack; to go snap; to spring, sprang, sprung
- pazarol -- to lavish; to prodigalize
- pecsétel -- to seal
- peng -- to twang; to plunk; to plonk
- perdít -- to spin, span, spun
- perdül -- to pirouette; to spin, span, spun
- pereg -- to twirl
- perel -- to sue; to process; to litigate
- pereskedik -- to litigate
- perforál -- to indent; to punch
- perzsel -- to parch
- pezseg -- to seethe; to fizz; to fizzle; to effervesce; to bubble; to churn; to sparkle
- piál -- to booze; to suck sg up; to be on the toot; to go on the toot; to bouse; to toot
- pihen -- to sleep, slept; to respire; to be out to grass; have a nap; to be at grass; to sit down; to relax; to take a rest; to take a nap; have a rest; to repose; to rest; to lie by
- pillant -- to peer; to glance
- pingál -- to daub
- pirít -- to sear; to toast
- pirosít -- to ruddy; to rouge; to redden
- pisil -- to turn on the waterworks; to squeeze the lemon; to piddle; to piss
- pislákol -- to flicker; to blink; to gutter; to shimmer; to glimmer
- piszkál -- to pick; to chivy; to eff about with sg; to eff around with sg; to prod; to badger; to poke; to chivvy; to twit
- políroz -- to buff; to polish; to burnish
- politizál -- to talk politics
- poroszkál -- to amble; to hack; to pad; to pace
- postáz -- to post
- pótol -- to supplant; to make good; to countervail; to reinstate; to refill; to supersede; to complement; to supply; to recover; to supplement; to make up; to compensate; to substitute
- prédikál -- to sermonize; to sermon; to preach; to preachify
- próbál -- to fit on; to practise; to rehearse; to practice; to test
- próbálkozik -- to try one`s wings; to try
- profanizál -- to desecrate
- prolongál -- to prolong
- propagál -- to propagandize; to propagate
- prosperál -- to speed; to addle; to thrive, throve, thriven; to speed, sped
- pucol -- to hare off; to hare it
- pulzál -- to throb
- pumpál -- to suck up; to pump
- pusztít -- to rave
- pusztul -- to decay; to go to rack and ruin; to consume
- pöcköl -- to shoot, shot; to knuckle
- pöfékel -- to puff; to pull
- pörget -- to spin, spun; to spin, span, spun; to screw; to twirl; to whirl; to race
- pörög -- to whirl; to rotate; to spin, span, spun; to twirl; to gyrate; to turn round and round; to spin, spun; to screw
- rábeszél -- to exhort; to talk round; to talk over; to coax; to persuade; to bring round
- rabol -- to pill; to rifle; to pillage; to rob
- racionalizál -- to rationalize
- rág -- to gnaw, gnawed, gnawn; to canker; to masticate; to chew
- ragad -- to adhere; to stick, stuck; to inhere; to stick to
- rágalmaz -- to vilify; to deprave; to libel; to slander; to scandalize; to defame; to smear
- ragaszt -- to stick, stuck; to glue; to gum; to paste
- rágcsál -- to crunch; to chew; to gnaw, gnawed, gnawn; to nibble
- rágódik -- to mull; to noodle; to fret oneself; to fret
- ragyog -- to glare; to glitter; to sparkle; to blaze; to coruscate; to scintillate; to laugh; to shine, shone; to beam; to beacon; to burnish; to twinkle; to spark; to glow; to glisten
- rajong -- to adore; to enthuse
- rajzol -- to draw, drew, drawn; to lay down; to limn; to design
- rájön -- to strike out; to realize; to psych sy out; to tumble to; to perceive
- rak -- to lay, laid; to shuffle; to stick, stuck; to bestow
- raktároz -- to bunker
- rámosolyog -- to smile on; to smile upon; to smile at
- rámutat -- to point out
- randevúzik -- to be on date; to tryst
- rávág -- to slap on; to chop at; to cut, cut
- rávesz -- to induce; to draw on; to get around; to bring, brought; to lead, led; to bring round; to persuade; to seduce; to tempt
- ráz -- to jolt; to lurch; to shake, shook, shaken
- reagál -- to react; to respond; to answer
- recseg -- to bray out a sound; to creak; to bray; to blast; to crunch; to crackle
- redukál -- to reduce; to lessen
- reformál -- to reform
- reggelizik -- to breakfast; have breakfast
- regisztrál -- to register; to record
- rehabilitál -- to rehabilitate
- rejlik -- to reside in
- rejszol -- to rub off; to toss off
- rejt -- to hide, hid, hidden; to hide, hid
- reklámoz -- to push; to advertise; to puff; to bang the big drum; to boom; to plug; to promote; to hype; to ballyho
- rekvirál -- to commandeer; to indent; to requisition; to impress; to press
- remeg -- to waver; to quitter; to palpitate; to flutter; to judder; to shudder; to quake; to dither; to shake, shook, shaken; to tremble; to quiver
- remél -- to expect; to hope
- rendel -- to destine; to place an order; to ordain; to order; to bespeak, bespoke, bespoken
- rendelkezik -- to decide; to dispose
- rendetlenkedik -- to ruffle
- rendez -- to regularize; to calendar; to order; to adjust; to get up; to square; to arrange; to place; to cash in; to range; to settle; to marshal; to docket; to acquit; to compound; to compose; to give, gave, given; to make up; to hold, held; to hold, held, holden
- rendszerez -- to set out
- reng -- to rock; to quake; to shake, shook, shaken
- renget -- to rock
- renovál -- to recondition; to renovate
- repatriál -- to repatriate
- repeszt -- to tear ass; to split, split; to fissure; to rupture; to craze; to ram; to rive, rived, riven; to scorch; to split; to bust; to rattle; to crack; to blast; to rip; to flaw; to slit, slit; to slit
- reprodukál -- to reproduce
- repül -- to wing its way; to wing the air; to wing its flight; to fly, flew, flown; to be on the wing
- részegít -- to intoxicate
- részesít -- to impart; to confer
- részesül -- to partake, partook, partaken
- reszket -- to flutter; to shake, shook, shaken; to quake; to tremble; to quiver; to shake in one`s shoes; to palpitate; to wobble; to quitter; to judder; to vacillate; to thrill; to dither; to flicker; to shiver; to wabble
- reszkíroz -- to risk
- részletez -- to detail; to specify; to itemize; to specialize; to paraphrase
- retteg -- to dread oneself; to dread
- retusál -- to touch up; to retouch
- revideál -- to reconsider; to audit; to check; to revise
- rezeg -- to hunt; to quiver; to jar; to flicker; to shake, shook, shaken; to oscillate; to jump; to vacillate
- rí -- to pipe
- riaszt -- to alarm; to alert
- ring -- to rock; to slue; ropes; to feather; to roll; to slew
- ringat -- to slue; to rock; to cradle; to nestle; to slew
- ritkít -- to set out; to space; to attenuate; to rarefy; to thin
- ró -- to notch; to entail
- robban -- to fulminate; to fire; to detonate; to bust
- robbant -- to bust; to detonate; to blast
- robog -- to dash
- robotol -- to sweat; to fag; to plod; to slave
- rohan -- to go full tear; to scud; to race; to tear, tore, torn; to race along; to dash; to run, ran, run; to careen; to scoot; to tear along; to shoot, shot; to speed; to scurry; to stampede; to rush; to fly, flew, flown; to gird
- romlik -- to rot; to decline; to go downhill; to fall off; to decay; to deteriorate
- ront -- to worsen; to debase; to muddy; to bring down
- ropog -- to crash; to scrunch; to burr; to crunch; to blatter; to crackle; to rustle
- rúg -- to recoil; to kick; to ding; to shoot, shot
- rögtönöz -- to fantasy; to throw off; to ad-lib; to hit off; to improvise; to extemporize
- rögzít -- to fix; to key; to clamp; to seize; to engrain; to secure; to locate; to hold, held, holden; to hold, held; to record; to ascertain; to tie; to lock; to fixate; to tackle; to fasten; to peg; to ingrain; to make fast; to tighten; to clog; to anchor
- röhög -- to guffaw; to whinny; to snicker
- rövidít -- to abridge; to take a short cut; to abbreviate
- sajnál -- to stint; to repent; to lament; to pity; to deplore; to regret; to commiserate
- sajog -- to smart; to sting, stung
- sárgállik -- to gleam yellow
- sátorozik -- to camp out
- segít -- to succour; to speed; to minister; to support; to help; to back; to back up; to stead; to mend; to assist; to bear a hand; to lend a hand; to aid; to give a hand; to relieve; to avail; to promote
- sejt -- to guess; to presume; to suspect; cell; to surmise; to conjecture; to suspicion
- sejtet -- to imply; to foreshadow; to intimate; to adumbrate; to bode
- semlegesít -- to negative; to kill; to frustrate; to neutralize
- seper -- to sweep; to broom
- sért -- to ruffle; to go against; to harm; to offend; to gall; to infringe
- sérteget -- to ruffle; to flout; to jibe; to abuse; to gibe; to insult
- sétál -- to walk; to go for a walk; to ramble; to walk the streets; to take a walk; to dander; to stroll; to go about loose; to go on the loose; have a walk; to take the air; to exercise; to perambulate; to promenade
- síel -- to ski
- siet -- to put on; to hie one`s way; to rush; to fly, flew, flown; to gird; to hasten; to stir one`s stump; to speed, sped; to speed; to whirl; to skelp; to scurry; to nip along; to hie; to be in a hurry; to put on the pace; to trot; to bucket; to race; to skitter; to hurry
- sikál -- to scrub; to scour
- sikerül -- to fare; to manage; to click; to come out; to turn out; to pan out; to answer the bill; to fill the bill; to succeed in doing sg; to pan; to come off; to succeed; to go well
- sikít -- to shrill; to scream; to squeal
- sikkaszt -- to cook the books; to misappropriate; to embezzle
- siklik -- to glide; to ride, rode, ridden; to sleek; to slip; to sail; to slither; to slide, slid; to crawl
- sikolt -- to shriek; to scream; to yell; to squall
- simít -- to press, prest; to glaze; to gloss; to level; to dub; to press; to surface; to enamel; to smooth; to stroke
- sír -- bed; to weep, wept; cell; sepulchre; to wail; to pipe; to pipe one`s eyes; sepulcher; to rabbit on; last resting-place; to be in tears; long home; lair; to cry; grave; to rabbit; deep-six
- sivít -- to whoosh; to screech; to pipe; to shrill; to ping; to whistle
- skalpol -- to scalp
- sminkel -- to make up
- sodor -- to twine; to waft; to plait; to spin, spun; to float; wake; to twist; flow; to drift; to spin, span, spun; to twirl
- sodródik -- to be adrift; to drift with the current; to drive, drove, driven; to float; to crab
- sóhajt -- to breathe a sigh; to moan; to sigh; to sough; to heave a sigh; to groan; to fetch a sigh
- sorakozik -- to fall in line; to toe the mark; to fall into line; to fall into rank; to toe the line; to fall in; to re-form; to fall into line with; to form line; to line up
- sorol -- to count
- soványít -- to attenuate; to slim; to slenderize
- sóvárog -- to pine; to lust; to covet; to yammer; to yearn; to crave; to hanker; to hunger
- sóz -- to salt
- spekulál -- to speculate
- spórol -- to save; to spare; to skimp
- sportol -- to go in for sports; to sport; to do sports
- spriccel -- to squish; to spurt out; to slosh; to shoot out; to splash; to squirt; to splurge
- stabilizál -- to ballast
- stagnál -- to stagnate
- sterilizál -- to sterilize
- stimmel -- to square
- stimulál -- to stimulate; to energize
- stíröl -- to eyeball; to gawp at; to gawk at
- stoppol -- to hitchhike; to sew up; to thumb; to thumb a ride; to darn; to grab; to thumb it; to thumb a lift
- strichel -- to be on the game; to walk the streets
- súg -- to whisper; to cheat; to prompt
- sugall -- to suggest
- sugároz -- to transmit; to diffuse; to beam; to relay; to emit
- suhan -- to sleek; to sweep; to race; to whip; to glide
- suhint -- to swish; to whisk
- suhog -- to rustle; to swish
- suhogtat -- to rustle; to brandish; to swish
- suttog -- to whisper; to rustle; to speak in whispers; to speak in a whisper
- sül -- to cook; to frizzle; to fry
- sűrít -- to engross; to evaporate down; to concentrate; to compact; to boil down; to solidify; to settle; to compress; to condense; to thicken
- süt -- to fry; to bake; to roast; to cook; to simmer
- sütkérezik -- to bask; to sun
- szab -- to tailor; to lay, laid; to cut, cut
- szabadalmaztat -- to patent
- szabályoz -- to condition; to check; to regulate; to dispose; to modulate; to rule; to control; to regularize; to bring under regulation
- szabotál -- to sabotage; to skimp one`s work; to put grit in the bearings
- szabványosít -- to specify; to normalize
- szaggat -- to jag; to rend, rent; to tear, tore, torn
- szaglászik -- to sniff; to snoop around; to snoop
- szagol -- to nose; to scent; to smell; to smell, smelt
- száguld -- to ram; to rush; to tear ass; to tool along; to scorch; to shoot, shot; to book; to speed, sped; to spin along; to tear along; to careen; to cook; to barrel; to race along; to flash; to rattle; to tear, tore, torn; to race; to floor; to scud; to barrel down; to tool down; to go at a spanking pace; to go full tear
- szakad -- to split, split; to break, broke, broken; to stream; to tear, tore, torn; to split
- szakít -- to tear, tore, torn; to break with; to break away; to rend, rent; to pluck; to rupture; to break, broke, broken; to pull
- szakosodik -- to specialize; to major in sg
- szalad -- to skitter; to nip along; to scamper; to course; to scoot; to run, ran, run; to career
- száll -- to descend; to wing; to feather; to fly, flew, flown; to fall upon; to be on the wing; to float
- szállít -- to ship; to convey; to deliver; to transport; to carry; to haul; to expedite; to purvey; to cart
- számít -- to signify; to hope; to count; to matter; to reckon
- számlál -- to tell, told; to number off; to number; to tell over; to count
- számol -- to reckon; to count; to figure; to score; to tell, told; to cypher; to cipher; to tell over; to tally
- száműz -- to expatriate; to relegate; to proscribe; to cast away; to confine; to banish; to exile
- szán -- train; skate; sleigh; to commiserate; carriage; to deplore; to devote; to mean, meant; slider; dray; to intend; slide
- szándékozik -- to mean, meant; to intend; to contemplate
- szánt -- to follow the plough; to plough; to ear; to furrow; to plow
- szaporít -- to augment; to multiply; to mend; to swell, swelled, swollen; to propagate
- szaporodik -- to reproduce; to add; to propagate; to augment; to propagate oneself; to multiply
- szappanoz -- to lather
- szárad -- to dry
- szarakodik -- to crap around; to fart around; to fart about
- szarik -- to dung; to shit, shat; to crap
- szárít -- to air; to desiccate; to parch; to dry; to dehydrate
- származik -- to derive; to originate; to result; to arise, arose, arisen; to come, came, come; to issue; to ensue; to rise, rose, risen; to spring, sprang, sprung; to spawn; to flow
- szárnyal -- to be on the wing; to wing; to wing its flight; to wing the air; to wing its way
- szaval -- to recite; to rant; to declaim; to give a recitation
- szavaz -- to vote; to divide; to come to a division; to poll; to go to the polls
- szed -- to pull; to glean; to pick
- szédül -- to feel dizzy; to swim, swam, swum; to reel; to turn giddy; to feel giddy; one`s head turns; to giddy; to feel faint; to be giddy
- szeg -- pin; tack; peg; spike; to hem; stud
- szegélyez -- to tape; to rim; to welt; to margin; to fringe; to fringe upon; to braid; to border; to list; to flank; to skirt; to line; to edge; to trim
- szegez -- to couch; to spike
- székel -- to dump one`s load; to go to stool; to stool; to defecate; to shit, shat; to dump
- szel -- to slice off; to cut, cut; to slice
- szeletel -- to chip; to slice
- szellent -- to toot; to break wind; to cut the cheese; to cut the mustard
- szellőztet -- to air; to vent; to ventilate; to wind
- szembenéz -- to front; to confront; to outbrave; to dare
- szemerkél -- to spit, spit
- szemlél -- to contemplate; to muster; to mark
- szemléltet -- to demonstrate; to exemplify
- szendereg -- to doze; to slumber
- szennyez -- to contaminate; to pollute; to vitiate
- szentel -- to devote; to give, gave, given; to dedicate; to consecrate
- szentesít -- to consecrate; to canonize; to sanction; to sanctify; to sanctificate
- szenved -- to suffer; to sweat; to writhe; have a rough time; to labor; to smart; have a bad time; have a tough time; to labour; to be in pain
- szeparál -- to separate
- szépít -- to embellish; to touch up; to beautify; to gild, gilt; to gild; to blanch over; to embroider; to glorify; to mend; to extenuate; to attenuate; to adorn
- szerel -- to collar
- szerepel -- to play; to perform; to figure; have a part; to take the part of a character; to act as; to act; to profess; to be in evidence; to appear as; to be included; to act a character; to play a part; to play a role; to occur; to pose as
- szeret -- to relish; to like; to dig, dug; to love
- szerez -- to come by; to addle; to chalk up sg; to chalk up; to realize; to gain; to win, won; to scrounge; to secure; to stroke; to procure; to promote; to pull; have, had; to rabbit; to get, got; to pick up; to make, made; to drum up
- szerkeszt -- to plot; to compile; to do, did, done; to devise; to design; to frame
- szervál -- to serve
- szervez -- to institute; to get up; to set up
- szerződik -- to contract; to sign up; to sign on
- szétesik -- to go to bits; to unloosen; to come apart; to disintegrate; to unloose; to fall apart; to come to bits; to break up
- szétlapít -- to squash; to flatten; to plate
- szétválaszt -- to unravel; to disrupt; to part; to sort; to partition; to pull apart; to divorce; to disassociate; to garble; to pull asunder; to separate; to unstick, unstuck; to dissociate; to dissever; to uncouple; to dissolve; to divide; to disengage
- szid -- to lash; to chide, chid, chidden; to swear at; to cuss; to scold; to zonk it to sy; to miscall
- szigetel -- to shackle; to deafen; to weather-strip; to lag; to proof; to insulate
- szikrázik -- to scintillate; to coruscate; to spark; it lightens; to sparkle
- szimatol -- to snoop; to snoop around; to sleuth; to star-gaze; to sniff
- szimbolizál -- to typify; to symbolize; to image
- szimulál -- to chuck a dummy; to malinger; to simulate; to counterfeit
- színez -- to tinge; to tint; to stain; to tincture; to modulate; to tone
- szinkronizál -- to interlock; to dub
- színlel -- to pretend; to sham; to take on; to put on; to simulate; to play a part; to feign; to affect; to pose; to counterfeit; to assume
- szintetizál -- to synthetize
- szipog -- to snuff; to snuffle; to sniffle
- szippant -- to pull at; to sniff
- szít -- to foment; to stir up; to promote; to instigate; to fester
- szitál -- to garble; to jig; to bolt; to haze; to sift; to drizzle; to riddle; to screen
- szocializál -- to socialize
- szól -- to call; to ring, rang, rung; to tell, told; to ring out; to yammer; to toll; to run, ran, run; to say, said; to toot; sole
- szolgál -- to give, gave, given; to minister; to be in a place; to stead; to serve
- szolgáltat -- to supply; to minister; to furnish; to yield; to provide; to mete out
- szólít -- to address
- szomjazik -- to parch
- szopik -- to suck; to suckle; to nurse
- szoptat -- to nurse; to suckle; to give a suck
- szór -- to fling, flung; to fritter away; to strew; to diffuse; to sprinkle; to scatter; to disperse; to strew, strewed, strewn; to eject; to send forth
- szórakozik -- to see life; to sport; to disport; have a ball; to make merry; to beguile the time; to dissipate; to amuse oneself; to junket
- szórakoztat -- to tickle; to distract; to entertain; to beguile; to bear sy company; to amuse; to divert
- szorít -- to confine; to put to it; to pinch; to stress; to press; to constrain; to push; to squeeze; to constrict
- szorong -- to jostle; to crowd; to press; to press, prest
- szorul -- to clog
- szublimál -- to sublime; to sublimate
- szundít -- to nap; to snooze
- szunnyad -- to lie dormant
- szűkít -- to constrict; to narrow
- szűkül -- to grow narrow; to narrow
- szül -- to breed, bred; to bring forth; to produce; to gender; to give birth; to mother; to bear, bore, born; to teem; to be in labour; to be confined
- születik -- to be born
- szűr -- to filter
- szürcsöl -- to sup; to slurp; to sip
- sző -- to spin, span, spun; to plate; to warp; to weave, wove, woven
- szökik -- to escape; to spring, sprang, sprung; to fly, flew, flown
- szőkít -- to bleach
- szörfözik -- to surf; to windsurf
- söpör -- to tool along; to brush; to sweep; to sweep, swept; to tool down; to rattle
- táborozik -- to maroon; to pitch; to camp
- tagad -- to negative; to renege; to deny; to disclaim; to disown; to gainsay, gainsaid; to disavow; to negate; to traverse
- tágít -- to expand; to broach; to slack; to slacken; to dilate; to unstring, unstrung; to ease; to open out; to broaden
- taglal -- to anatomize; to cover; to disjoint; to construe
- tágul -- to broaden; to dilate; to slacken; to slack; to expand
- tájékozódik -- to orientate oneself; to find one`s bearings; to take one`s bearings; to get one`s bearings
- tájékoztat -- to inform sy of sg; to instruct; to prime; to post; to advise; to inform sy
- tájol -- to take a bearing
- takar -- to cover; to bestrew; to hide, hid, hidden; to bestrew, bestrewed, bestrewn; to overlay, overlaid; to hide, hid; to heel in
- takarít -- to tidy up; to char; to clean up; to clean; to tidy
- takarmányoz -- to fodder; to forage; to feed, fed
- taksál -- to prize
- talál -- to get home; to find, found; to hit, hit; to hit; to hit the mark; to pick up; to hit home; to strike home
- tálal -- to spread, spread; to dish; to serve at table; to serve; to serve up
- találgat -- to conjecture; to guess at sg
- találkozik -- to meet, met; to encounter; to osculate; to come upon
- tallóz -- to glean
- támad -- to bombard; to attack; to impugn; to beset, beset; to spring up; to charge; to spring, sprang, sprung; to engage; to get up
- támaszkodik -- to lean; to found oneself on; to lean, leant; to recline
- támaszt -- to support; to found; to stir up; to prop; to hold, held, holden; to hold, held; to chock up; to stay; to chock; to prop up
- támogat -- to thicken; to subserve; to be by; to advocate; to second; to stand by; to subsidize; to favour; to stay; to sponsor; to speed; to favor; to succour; to espouse; to back up; to hold up; to back; to assist; to patronize; to aid; to flank; to uphold, upheld; to foster; to bolster up; to further; to promote; to faster; to support; to befriend; to maintain; to stand to; to stand for; to mend
- tanácsol -- to advise; to exhort; to suggest; to counsel
- táncol -- to foot it; to toe and heel it; to shake a foot; to hop; to shake a leg; to dance; to tread a measure; to heel; to play; to foot the floor; to frisk; to frisk about; to shake a hoof
- tanít -- to instruct; to profess; to edify; to educate; to school; to indoctrinate; to teach, taught
- tankol -- to fuel up; to refuel; to refill
- tántorog -- to teeter; to reel to and fro; to shake, shook, shaken; to reel; to wabble; to totter; to wobble; to lurch; to lurch along; to flounder; to stagger
- tanul -- to learn, learnt; to learn; to profit; to study; to book; to be at one`s books
- tanulmányoz -- to study; to look into; to investigate
- tanúsít -- to witness; to attest; to evince; to manifest; to show, showed, shown; to vouch; to depose; to testify; to evidence; to certify; to maintain
- tanúskodik -- to certify; to evidence; to bear witness; to vouch; to bear testimony; to depose; to witness
- tapad -- to adhere; to cleave; to cleave, clove, cleaved; to cleave, clave, cleaved; to stick, stuck; to inhere; to stick to; to cling, clung; to attach
- tapaszt -- to stick, stuck
- tapasztal -- to learn; to observe; to become aware of sg; to learn, learnt; to become aware of; to meet with; to notice; to perceive; to pass through; to find, found; to discover; to feel, felt; to go through; to experience; to come to know
- taperol -- to feel sy up; to paw
- tapint -- to finger; to sense; to feel, felt; to touch
- táplál -- to stoke; to fester; to victual; to nurse; to foster; to feed, fed; to nourish; to nurture
- táplálkozik -- to victual; to feed, fed; to vittle
- tapos -- to trample; to tread, trod, trodden
- tapsol -- to cheer; to clap; to applaud
- tár -- bay
- tárcsáz -- to dial
- tárgyal -- to hear, heard; to negotiate; to cover; to broker; to discuss; to confer; to palaver
- tárgyiasít -- to objectify; to exteriorize; to externalize
- tarhál -- to sponge; to ponce; to bum; to freeload
- tárol -- to bin; to warehouse; to store; to stockpile; to put down
- társalog -- to talk; to schmooze; to converse; to schmoose; to chin; to rap; to rabbit
- társít -- to associate
- társul -- to consort with; to associate; to partner
- tart -- to reckon; to cultivate; to bear; have, had; to take, took, taken; to make, made; to go on; to regard; to sustain; to uphold, upheld; to hold, held; to keep, kept; to hold, held, holden; to beware; to endure; to support; to run, ran, run; to tend; to bear, bore, borne; to hold out; to consider
- tartalmaz -- to comprise; to encompass; to contain; to hold, held; to hold, held, holden; to include; to purport
- tartósít -- to lay down; to conserve; to can; to process
- tartozik -- to concern; to come under; to owe; to rank
- tartózkodik -- to sit, sat; to sojourn; to hold back; to reside; to eschew; to bide, bode, bidden; to keep, kept; to locate; to make a stay; to beware; to live; to bide; to bide, bode, bid; to dwell, dwelt; to inhabit; to stand, stood; to abide; to lodge; to tarry; to stay; to abide, abode
- tartóztat -- to stay
- taszít -- to jerk; to prod; to shove; to gag; to thrust; to push; to toss; to jog
- tataroz -- to refit; to put in repair
- tátog -- to gawp
- távozik -- to check out; to nick off; to bug out; to leave, left; to quit, quit; to sign off; to take a powder; to quit; to fuck off
- teázik -- to take tea
- tegez -- quiver
- teker -- to ball; to slue; to wiggle; to twist; to twirl; to twine; to reel; to wind, wound; to wriggle; to slew
- tekint -- to reckon; to look; to regard; to consider
- tékozol -- to lavish; to go a cracker; to prodigalize
- telefonál -- to phone; to give sy a tinkle; to be on the line
- telepít -- to populate; to deploy; to introduce; to site; to locate; to route
- települ -- to take up one`s domicile; to settle down; to take up one`s abode; to take up one`s dwelling; to settle; to alight on; to establish oneself; to take up one`s residence; to light on; to install oneself; to perch
- telik -- to waste; to lapse away; to roll on; to go by; to fill; to elapse; to go, went, gone; to pass
- telít -- to prime; to steep; to impregnate; to saturate
- telítődik -- to impregnate; to prime
- teljesít -- to do, did, done; to implement; to vouchsafe; to fulfill; to comply with; to carry out; to accomplish; to grant; to perform; to fill; to execute; to make good; to fulfil; to serve; to get through; to deliver the goods; to achieve
- teljesül -- to materialize; to come true; to be realized
- teniszezik -- to play tennis; to play a game of tennis
- tenyészt -- to propagate; to breed, bred; to rear; to raise
- tép -- to rattle; to pull; to tear ass; to zap; to pluck; to pick; to tool down; to tear, tore, torn; to tool along
- tér -- space; range; scope; square; place; stretch; ground; clearing; clearance; room; field
- térdel -- to kneel, knelt
- terel -- to baffle; to shepherd
- terem -- to bring forth; to produce; to crop; room; to yield; to teem; saloon; to bear, bore, borne; chamber
- teremt -- to originate; to create; to make, made
- terhel -- to oppress; to bother; to encumber
- térít -- to evangelize
- terít -- to extend; to lay the table; to set the table; to stretch out; to spread, spread; to lay down one`s hand; to spread out
- terjed -- to diffuse; to be propagated; to travel; to augment; to range; to catch on; to spread, spread; to circulate; to run, ran, run; to multiply; to extend; to propagate; to make way; to reach
- terjeszt -- to spread, spread; to circulate; to set afloat; to strew; to diffuse; to hawk; to strew, strewed, strewn; to propagandize
- termel -- to churn out; to bear, bore, borne; to produce; to rear; to crop; to generate; to put out; to run up; to mother
- termeszt -- to grow, grew, grown; to raise
- terrorizál -- to buffalo; to hector; to bully
- tervel -- to plot
- tervez -- to calculate; to contemplate; to meditate; to purpose; to plan; to scheme; to lay, laid; to intend; to draft; to project; to engineer; to propose; to design; to frame; to count
- tesz -- to refer; to put in; to lay, laid; to take, took, taken; to bestow; to depose; to shove; to set, set; to place; to shuffle; to work; to stand, stood; to put, put; to do, did, done; to stick, stuck
- tetovál -- to tattoo
- tétovázik -- to falter; to vacillate; to back and fill; to stagger; to wobble; to hesitate; to wabble; to shilly-shally
- tetszik -- to list; to please; to like; to relish
- tettet -- to sham; to pretend; to simulate; to put on; to feign; to affect; to assume; to counterfeit
- téved -- to miss the cushion; to err; to go wrong; to trip; to be in the wrong; to mistake, mistook, mistaken; to fault; to be wrong; to make a mistake; to be in error; to miscalculate; to lapse; to slip
- tevékenykedik -- to flourish; to be up and doing; to hustle; to be on the go
- tévelyeg -- to err
- tilinkózik -- to pipe
- tilt -- to forbid, forbade, forbidden; to prohibit
- tiltakozik -- to object; to object to sg; to bar; to remonstrate; to interpose one`s veto; to harrumph; to challenge; to demur; to raise objection; to protest; to recriminate
- tipeg -- to tip; to paddle; to toddle
- tipor -- to stomp; to tread, trod, trodden
- tisztáz -- to clear; to clear up; to get sg right; to straighten out; to exonerate; to make clear; to disclose the truth of a matter; to demystify; to throw light on; to ascertain; to clarify; to elucidate; to explain; to purify; to disentangle; to unravel; to elicit; to solve
- tisztázódik -- to unravel
- tisztel -- to fear; to honor; to reverence; to value; to revere; to venerate; to honour; to respect; to esteem
- tisztít -- to hull; to launder; to scour; to clean; to fine; to refine; to clear; to groom; to defecate; cleaning; to elutriate; to brighten; to shine; to top and tail; to scrub; to clarify; to fine down; to prick; to cleanse; to buff; to polish
- tisztogat -- to scour; to swab
- tisztul -- to clarify; to discharge; to settle
- toboroz -- to enlist; to drum up; to recruit; to beat up
- tojik -- to lay, laid
- tol -- to shuffle; to push; to thrust; to shove; to wheel; to jostle
- tolakodik -- to intrude; to thrust; to hustle; to jostle; to assert oneself
- tolat -- to shunt; to back; to reverse; to back the car
- told -- to splice
- tollászkodik -- to preen its feathers; to preen itself; to plume itself; to prink its features; to preen
- tolmácsol -- to act as interpreter; to interpret
- tolong -- to press; to crowd; to crush; to press, prest; to squeeze; to rush; to squash; to stampede
- tombol -- to storm; to rampage about; to be on the rampage; to play the devil; to ramp; to rave; to rampage; to rage
- tompít -- to subdue; to dim; to blunt; to soften; to muffle; to deafen; to flat; to mellow; to damp; to stifle; to attenuate; to smooth; to dampen; to turn down; to deaden; to vignette; to dull
- tompul -- to deaden; to dull
- tornázik -- to take exercise; to do gymnastics
- torzít -- to disfigure; to caricature; to distort; to deform
- totyog -- to waddle; to toddle; to dodder; to paddle
- továbbad -- to transmit; to pass; to hand on; to propagate; to pass along; to pass on
- továbbít -- to forward; to convey; to tick out; to translate; to relay; to transmit; to pass on; to send on; to propagate
- transzformál -- to transform
- treníroz -- to train; to coach
- trombitál -- to blow a trumpet; to blare; to trumpet; to toot a trumpet
- trónol -- to throne; to sit enthroned
- tud -- to savvy; to know, knew, known; to ken; to tell, told
- tudat -- senses; to impart; sense; to let know; to acquaint; conscience; consciousness
- tudósít -- to inform sy; to advise; to cover; to report; to inform sy of sg
- túlbecsül -- to overrate; to overguess; to overestimate
- túlbeszél -- to talk down
- túlél -- to outlive; to survive; to outlast; to live out; to live down; to live through
- túllép -- to overstep; to transgress; to overrun, overran, overrun
- túloz -- to pile it on; to overdraw, overdrew, overdrawn; to romance; to overact; to draw the long bow; to overstate; to aggravate; to cut it fat; to talk big; to put the pot on; to exaggerate; to camp it up; to stretch
- túr -- to root; to dig, dug
- tükröz -- to glint; to reflect; to throw back; to mirror; to burnish
- tűnik -- to seem; to sound; to look
- tüntet -- to flaunt; to demonstrate
- tűr -- to tolerate; to comport; to stand, stood; to bear, bore, borne; to brook; to bide, bode, bidden; have, had; to forbear, forbore, forborne; to bide, bode, bid; to take it; to bide; to let down
- türelmetlenkedik -- to kick one`s heels
- tüsszent -- to sneeze
- tűz -- fire; firing; to zap; to prick; light; stake; to pin; to stick, stuck; pep; snap; to stitch
- tüzel -- to shoot, shot; to fire; to stoke; to fire up
- tökéletesít -- to improve; to finish; to perfect
- tölt -- to pass; to put in; to charge; to fill; to feed, fed; to line
- töm -- to clog; to pad; to ram; to gorge; to wad; to stuff; to cram; to surfeit; to fill
- tömít -- to dub; to proof; to consolidate; to caulk; to plug up; to pack; to plug; to staunch; to wad; to stanch
- tömörít -- to knit, knit; to close up; to knit; to compact; to mass; to caulk; to upset, upset; to bur; to concrete; to condense; to ball; to burr; to thicken; to jump
- tömörül -- to coalesce; to clog together; to knit; to knit, knit
- tönkremegy -- to ne hammered; to go to the bad; to bust; to become bankrupt; to bung; to go on the fritz; to go pop; to go to the devil; to fold up; to go to the dogs; to spoil; to spoil, spoilt; to go smash; to go phut; to go to ruin; to get spoiled; to bust up; to go to rack and ruin; to go to pot; to go broke; to smash; to go bust
- tönkretesz -- to spoil, spoilt; to spoil; to hamstring; to lay low; to ruin; to blast; to bring to ruin; to do up; to blemish; to mar; to batter; to bust; to hamstring, hamstrung; to do for; to wreck; to disorder; to unmake, unmade; to undo, undid, undone; to ravage; to scathe; to craze; to vandalize; to crash; to lay flat; to perish; to cripple
- tör -- to grind, ground; to crash; to refract; to mill; to break, broke, broken; to spring, sprang, sprung
- tördel -- to make up
- törekszik -- to strive, strove, striven; to make an effort; to endeavor; to level; to covet; to seek, sought; to push; to bear down; to aspire; to aim; to stand for
- törik -- to break, broke, broken; to fracture
- történik -- to betide; to pass; to happen; to take place; to come, came, come; to hap; to supervene; to come to pass; to befall, befell, befallen; to transpire; to become, became, become
- törődik -- to be concerned; to care
- töröl -- to blue-pencil; to scratch; to annul; to scrub; to efface; to erase; to delete; to flannel
- udvarol -- to squire; to woo; to fuss; to sweetheart; to beau; to spark; to pay attention to a lady
- ugat -- to bow-wow; to yelp; to yap; to throw tongue; to bay; to cry; to bark; to yip; to give tongue
- ugrál -- to flounce; to bounce; to gambol; to hop; to caper; to skip; to jump; to bound; to jiggle
- ugrat -- to kid; to jump; to rot; to quiz; to cod; to banter; to rally; to jolly; to chaff; to leap; to rib; to rile; to josh
- ugrik -- to spring, sprang, sprung; to take a spring; to hop; to jump; to bound; to leap; to vault
- újít -- to novelize
- újjászületik -- to be reborn; to take on a new lease of life; to take a new lease of life
- ujjong -- to hoop; to whoop; to exult; to jubilate
- újraéleszt -- to rekindle; to revitalize
- újraír -- to rewrite, rewrote, rewritten
- unatkozik -- to mope; time hangs heavy on his hands; to be bored; have a thin time of it
- undorít -- to put off; to nauseate; to disgust; to gross out
- unszol -- to urge; to press on; to prod; to press forward; to put on
- untat -- to weary; to fag; to blister; to bore
- ural -- to enfilade; to surmount
- uralkodik -- to sway; to lead, led; to bear sway; to prevail; to dominate; to rule; to ride, rode, ridden; to top; to prevail among in; to govern; to reign; to tower; to keep under; to overcome, overcame, overcome; to bear rule; to surmount
- úszik -- to swim, swam, swum; to ride, rode, ridden; to be afloat; to float; to drift
- uszít -- to stir; to instigate
- úszkál -- to swim, swam, swum; to bathe; to swim about
- utal -- to denote; to remit; to refer; to imply; to advert; to instance
- utál -- to hate; to nauseate; to detest; to shit on; to abominate; to abhor; to loathe
- utánanéz -- to see after; to look after; to see about; to check up
- utánoz -- to take off; to counterfeit; to imitate; to mock; to mock at sg; to follow suit; to mimic; to hit off; to simulate; to ape
- utasít -- to direct; to tell, told; to instruct; to put to
- utazik -- to go on a trip; to tour; to voyage; to mate a trip; to journey; to trip; to fare; to go for a ride; to go for a trip; to travel; to take a trip
- utolér -- to gain upon; to gain on; to run down; to come up with; to overtake, overtook, overtaken; to overhaul
- vacillál -- to shilly-shally; to oscillate
- vacog -- to chatter
- vacsorázik -- to dine; have supper; to sup
- vadászik -- to gun after game; to go shooting; to hunt; to shikar; to gun for game; to chase; to shoot, shot
- vádol -- to incriminate; to impeach; to accuse; to indict; to charge
- vadul -- scone-hot; barbarously; truculently; rampageously; to run riot; severely; furiously; to romp; wildly
- vág -- to section; to saw, sawed, sawn; to hew; to chip; to slice off; to hew, hewed, hewn; to cut, cut; to carve; to pare; to shear, sheared, shorn; to clip; to chop
- vagdal -- to clip; to hack; to chop; to gash; to hew; to hew, hewed, hewn; to hash; to hash up
- vagdos -- to hack; to gash; to peck
- vágyakozik -- to crave; to hanker; to aspire
- vágyik -- to aspire
- vágyódik -- to hone; to yammer; to yearn; to wish; to hunger; to long
- váj -- to scoop; to pick
- vakációzik -- to be at grass
- vakar -- to groom; to clip; to curry; to scratch; to rub
- vakít -- to strike blind; to dazzle; to flare
- válaszol -- to respond; to reply; to return; to replicate; to give an answer; to answer; to rejoin
- választ -- to opt; to cull; to choose, chose, chosen; to take, took, taken; to embrace; to elect
- válik -- to get divorced
- vall -- to come across; to blow the gaff; to evidence; to profess; to spill one`s guts
- vállal -- to tackle; to contract; to take on; to take, took, taken; to take in; to stand, stood; to shoulder; to assume; to undertake, undertook, undertaken
- vállalkozik -- to take, took, taken; to undertake, undertook, undertaken
- vallat -- to grill; to interrogate
- válogat -- to sample; to spal; to sort; to select
- vált -- to change; to relay; to exchange
- változik -- to fluctuate; to vary; to modulate; to change; to break, broke, broken; to alter; to turn to; to chop
- változtat -- to render; to modulate; to turn to; to change; to alter; to vary
- van -- it is; to be, was/were, been; to exist; to stand, stood; have subsistence; there is; to dwell, dwelt
- vándorol -- to trek; to drift; to be on the hike; to wander; to migrate
- vár -- to expect; to await; to hang fire; to tend; to bide, bode, bidden; to bide, bode, bid; strong place; to bide; castle; to hope; to look for; hold; to tarry; fastness; to wait for; to wait
- várakozik -- to await; to wait
- varázsol -- to conjure
- varr -- to sew, sewed, sewn; to suture; to preen; to ply the needle; to needle
- varrat -- seam; welt; suture
- vasal -- to plate; to press; to goose; to press, prest; to iron
- vásárol -- to invest; to cope; to get, got; to buy, bought
- vastagít -- to thicken; to engross
- vastagodik -- to grow big; to grow bigger
- vázol -- to sketch; to design; to outline; to project; to adumbrate; to draft; to scheme; to plan; to delineate; to draw, drew, drawn; to crayon
- véd -- to armour; to shelter; to justify; to ward; to fence; to stand for; to cover; to shield; to uphold, upheld; to armor
- védekezik -- to stand on the defensive; to be on the defensive; to parry
- vedel -- to booze; to swill; to guzzle; to toot; to bouse; to swig; to drink, drank, drunk
- védelmez -- to shield; to cover; to guard; to safeguard; to ward; to uphold, upheld
- vedlik -- to slough its skin; to throw its skin; to molt; to lose its hair; to slough; to moult
- vegetál -- to vegetate
- végez -- to end up; to finish off; to finish; to pass out; to end up with
- végrehajt -- to bring to effect; to effect; to implement; to consummate; to carry out; to accomplish; to fulfill; to transact; to effectuate; to compass; to bring into effect; to put through; to fulfil; to perform; to execute; to realize
- végrendelkezik -- to make one`s testament; to test; to testamentize; to will; to make one`s will
- vegyít -- to compound; to interlard; to incorporate; to mingle; to mix
- vegyül -- to combine; to blend; to mix; to mingle
- végződik -- to conclude; to end; to close; to pan out; to fetch up; to terminate; to come out; to turn out; to set, set; to eventuate
- vékonyul -- to attenuate
- vél -- to figure; to conceive; to presume; to conceit; to feel, felt; to hold, held; to guess; to hold, held, holden; to trow; to surmise; to allow; to opine; to calculate; to make, made; to put down; to reckon
- vélekedik -- to conceive; to conceive of
- ver -- to peal; to mill; to beat, beat, beaten; to fib; to lay it on the lash; to throb; to mall; to thump; to pulsate; to lash; to bang; to whip; to beat, beat
- verbuvál -- to press; to recruit
- verejtékezik -- to swelter
- verekedik -- to fight, fought
- verekszik -- to fight, fought; to bop; to scrap; to combat; to brawl; to scuffle
- vergődik -- to flounder; to squirm
- verseng -- to battle; to rival; to vie; to strive, strove, striven; to emulate; to contend; to contest
- versenyez -- to rival; to vie; to emulate; to race; to compete; to run against; to contend
- vérzik -- to bleed, bled
- vés -- to hew, hewed, hewn; to gouge out; to hew; to gouge; to grave, graved, graven; to chisel; to grave
- vész -- ills
- vesz -- to take, took, taken; to nick; to get, got; to dip; to buy, bought
- veszekedik -- to row; to be at quarrel; to jar; to wrangle; to bicker
- veszekszik -- to contend; to pull wigs; to jangle; to scold; to jar; to quarrel; to contest; to altercate; to brawl; to dispute; to pull caps; to fuss; to spat
- veszélyeztet -- to menace; to jeopardize; to endanger; to imperil; to hazard; to compromise
- veszít -- to lose, lost; to sink, sank, sunk; to lose out
- veszteget -- to bribe; to wet the deal
- vét -- to default; to fault; to lapse
- vet -- to shoot, shot; to send, sent; to throw, threw, thrown; to shy; to fling, flung; to toss; to cast, cast; to heave; to shed; to heave, hove; to sling, slung; to put, put; to get in; to shed, shed; to project; to put in; to let fly; to sow, sowed, sown; to dart
- vetélkedik -- to emulate; to rival
- vetít -- to screen; to project
- vétkezik -- to sin; to offend; to trespass; to commit a fault; to err
- vezekel -- to do penance
- vezényel -- to order; to commandeer; to command; to lead, led; to be in command; to officer; to conduct
- vezérel -- to control
- vezet -- to govern; to rule; have the best of the running; have the lead; to minister to; to lead, led; to be in command; to drive, drove, driven; to take, took, taken; to van; to head; to carry; to run, ran, run; to lead on; to boss; to manage; to lead the field; to show, showed, shown; to guide; to supervise; to operate; to conduct; to marshal; to captain; to transmit; to pilot
- vibrál -- to jar; to hunt; to twang; to flicker
- vigad -- to rollick; to carouse
- vigasztal -- to comfort; to console
- vigyáz -- to be on one`s guard; to keep a lookout; to attend; to stand on one`s guard; to mind; to pay attention; to see after; to look out
- vigyorog -- his face is all upon the grin; to simper; to grin
- vihog -- to titter; to snigger; to snicker; to burble with laughter; to giggle; to tee-hee; to cackle
- vijjog -- to scream; to squawk
- világít -- to burn; to beacon; to light, lit; to light; to burn, burnt
- villámlik -- it lightens
- villan -- to glint; to flash
- villant -- to flash
- villog -- to twinkle; to scintillate; to flicker; to glint
- vindikál -- to vindicate
- vinnyog -- to squeak
- virágzik -- to be doing well; to blossom; to boom; to flourish; to blow, blew, blown; to bloom; to bell
- virrad -- to dawn
- virul -- to bloom; to flourish
- visel -- to carry; to bear, bore, borne; to port; to wear, wore, worn; to hold, held; to hold, held, holden; to take, took, taken; to maintain
- viselkedik -- to behave oneself; to conduct; to deport oneself; to behave; to conduct oneself; to comport oneself; to demean oneself; to comport; to bear oneself; to go on; to acquit oneself
- visít -- to squall; to squeal; to scream; to screech; to shriek; to shrill
- visszaad -- to give back; to reflect; to disgorge; to reproduce; to return; to hand back; to restore
- visszabeszél -- to answer back
- visszaél -- to abuse; to put upon; to trespass; to desecrate
- visszaesik -- to ebb; to recidivate; to retrograde; to relapse; to backslide, backslid; to lapse back; to fall back
- visszahat -- to react; to recoil
- visszahelyez -- to put in; to remit; to return; to put up; to relay, relaid; to reset, reset; to resettle; to reinstate
- visszakozik -- to back out; to pipe down; to back-pedal; to climb down; to back down; to crawfish; to beat a retreat; to renege; to eat crow; to renegue
- visszalép -- to cry off; to recede; to backtrack; to stand off; to stand down
- visszamegy -- to remount; to go back; to retrace
- visszanéz -- to look back
- visszatér -- to fall back upon; to recur; to make one`s way back; to find one`s way back; to fall back on; to home; to re-enter; to revert; to get back; to put back; to return; to be back; to come back; to hark back; to rejoin
- visszautasít -- to snub; to except against; to rebuff; to repel; to challenge; to repudiate; to reject; to throw back; to defy; to refuse; to repulse; to decline; to deny
- visszavág -- to return to the charge; to spring, sprang, sprung; to come back; to retort
- visszavesz -- to take back; to resume
- visszavon -- to unsay, unsaid; to withdraw, withdrew, withdrawn; to cry off; to recall; to countermand; to scratch; to repeal; to cancel; to set back; to revoke; to rescind; to take back; to draw off; to unspeak, unspoke, unspoken; to annul; to recant; to retract
- visszhangzik -- to peal; to reverberate; to resound; to echo; to ring, rang, rung; to echo again
- visz -- to bear, bore, borne; to land; to convey; to carry; to direct; to put, put; to actuate; to tote; to propagate; to take, took, taken
- viszket -- to tingle; to itch; to tickle
- viszonoz -- to acquit; to render; to return; to requite; to reciprocate; to recompense; to pay
- viszonyít -- to correlate
- vitat -- to dispute; to challenge; to contend; to contest; to impugn; to debate
- vitatkozik -- to debate; to argue; to dispute; to contest; to contend
- vitázik -- to spar
- vitorlázik -- to sail; to sailplane
- vív -- to fence
- vizel -- to micturate; to pass water; to make water; to check out the plumbing; to urinate; to piddle; to piss
- vízisíel -- to water-ski
- vizsgál -- to investigate; to examine; to analyze; to analyse; to search; to audit; to study; to spy
- vizsgázik -- to take an examination; to sit for an examination; to go up for an examination; to take an exam
- von -- to haul; to draw, drew, drawn; to tow; to pull on; to hale; to pull; to carry
- vonaglik -- to writhe oneself; to writhe; to squirm
- vonakodik -- to hang the arse; to squib
- vonatkozik -- to apply; to concern; to go for; to refer; to touch; to regard; to hold, held
- vonatozik -- to train it
- vonít -- to wow; to howl; to yowl
- vonszol -- to drag; to lug; to draw, drew, drawn
- vontat -- to warp; to hale; to drag; to take in tow; to pull; to tug; to haul; have in tow; to tow
- vonul -- to shoal; to process; to trail
- vonyít -- to bay at the moon
- vonz -- to seduce; to attract; to pull; to magnetize; to allure; to draw, drew, drawn
- vonzódik -- to gravitate
- xeroxozik -- to xerox
- üdvözít -- to save; to beatify
- üdvözöl -- to salaam; to address; to greet; to welcome; to hail; to salute
- üget -- to lope along; to trot; to lope
- ül -- to sit, sat; to be inside
- üldöz -- to bay; to persecute; to pursue; to course; to gun for; to beset, beset; to run, ran, run; to dog; to hunt; to chase; to tag; to shag
- ültet -- to plant; to get in; to put in
- ünnepel -- to féte; to resound; to celebrate; to hold high festival
- ürít -- to stool; to bleed, bled; to unload; to go to stool; to defecate; to empty; to slop out
- ürül -- to empty; to discharge; to defecate
- üt -- to punch; to dub; to bat; to jab; to mill; to strike a blow; to kill; to beat, beat; to hit, hit; to lash; to ram; to thump; to dong; to bonk sy on the head; to wham; to fib; to peal; to knuckle; to toll; to buffet; to pound; to knock; to slap; to strike, struck; to bang; to thrash; to batter; to hit; to play a stroke; to mall
- ütközik -- to conflict; to clash; to impact
- üvölt -- to bellow; to ululate; to blast; to wail; to bawl; to squall; to howl; to roar
- űz -- to drive, drove, driven; to exercise; to tag; to hunt; to chivy; to follow; to chase; to conjure; to practise; to gun for; to ply; to pursue; to practice
- üzemel -- to operate
- üzemeltet -- to work
- üzen -- to send word; to message
- üzletel -- to cope; to mart; to dicker
- zabál -- to be hogging it; to gut; to stuff; to ply one`s jaw; to make a pig of oneself; to scarf out; to devour; to gorge oneself; to gobble; to stoke up; to gobble up; to glut; to stoke; to gorge; to guzzle
- zagyvál -- to talk hooey
- zajlik -- to welter
- zajong -- to din; to be obstreperous; to jangle; to make noise; to wake snakes
- zaklat -- to pester; to get into sy`s hair; to bother; to put about; to needle; to badger; to beset, beset; to obsess; to hag; to harry; to persecute; to vex; to fuss; to get in one`s hair; to trouble; to torment; to importune; to worry; to chivy; to harass; to bait; to chivvy; to inflict; to bug; to molest
- zár -- lock; to fasten; obturator; snap; to confine; latch; fastening; occlusion; sneck
- zárol -- to embargo; to block
- zárul -- to lock; to close
- zavar -- to fluster; disturbance; pother; fermentation; perplexity; to put to it; disorientation; bewilderment; imbroglio; foul-up; self-consciousness; snarl; tweak; perturbation; puzzle; to get under one`s skin; uneasiness; to discommode; pickle; quandary; shuffling; abashment; to jam; discomfiture; puzzlement; to cramp; to trouble; turmoil; surprise; mess-up; daze; to put out; to incommode; trouble; to get into sy`s hair; to mar; embarrassment; bafflement; to disturb; discomposure; disorder; to inconvenience
- zavarog -- to be restive; to ruffle
- zeng -- to crash; to resound; to sound; to peal; to clang
- zihál -- to breathe hard; to gasp; to heave, hove; to heave; to wheeze; to be short of breath; to pant
- zizeg -- to rustle; to crackle
- zokog -- to weep, wept; to blub; to sob; to pipe one`s eyes
- zongorázik -- to play the piano
- zsákmányol -- to prise; to prize; to loot; to sack; to capture
- zsarnokoskodik -- to bully; to tyrannize; to play the tyrant
- zsarol -- to blackmail; to ramp
- zsindelyez -- to shingle
- zsíroz -- to oil; to stuff; to grease; to slush
- zsong -- to ding
- zsúfol -- to squeeze; to huddle together; to stuff; to pack; to jam; to compress; to cram
- zsugorít -- to narrow; to constrict; to sinter; to shrink, shrank, shrunk
- zúg -- to buzz; to clamor; to sing, sang, sung; to tinkle; to drone; to boom; to toll; to wuther; to peal; to bur; to clamour; to sough; to bluster; to burr; to clash
- zuhan -- to dive; to dive, dove, dived; to plummet; to hurtle down
- zuhanyozik -- to take a shower
- zuhog -- to pour; to pelt down; to lash; to pelt; to cascade; to stream
- zúz -- to dolly; to mill; to contuse; to bruise; to mash; to jam; to buck; to spal; to hammer; to grind, ground
- zümmög -- to buzz; to zoom; to whir; to drone; to whirr; to sing, sang, sung; to hum; to reel; to bumble; to croon
- zörög -- to clatter; to chatter; to jangle; to rustle; to rattle; to clash; to clack; to rumble
- öblít -- to flush; to rinse
- öblöget -- to swill; to rinse
- öklendezik -- to retch; to heave, hove; to heave
- öklöz -- to buffet; to spar; to pummel; to cuff
- öl -- to butch; to kill; bosom; fathom
- ölel -- to press; to cuddle
- ölt -- to stitch; to assume
- öltözik -- to garb oneself
- ömlik -- to disgorge; to well; to stream; to teem; to discharge; to emanate; to empty; to fall into; to flow; to rush; to pour; to gush
- önt -- to dip; to pour; to shed, shed; to found; to shed; to stream; to flush
- öntöz -- to water; to lay the dust
- öregszik -- to be getting on; to be getting on in years; to get old; to age; to advance in age; to wax old
- őriz -- to shepherd; to tend; to herd; to keep, kept; to guard
- örül -- to rejoice; to exult
- örököl -- to come into a legacy; to inherit; to come into money; to come into an inheritance
- őröl -- to mill; to grind, ground; to stamp
- összead -- to pool; to foot up; to ally; to sum; to total; to add up; to splice; to totalize; to add; to add together; to wed; to tot up; to cast up
- összeállít -- to field; to patch; to aggregate; to compile; to erect; to get out; to get up; to frame; to make out; to make up; to refit; to piece together
- összebeszél -- to gang up
- összeesküszik -- to conspire; to plot; to compass
- összefog -- to clamp; to bracket; to cramp; to colligate; to join with
- összefügg -- to cohere; to hang together; to relate
- összegez -- to sum; to foot up; to cast up; to total; to summarize
- összegyűjt -- to round up; to make up; to garner in; to converge; to muster; to garner; to hive; to aggregate; to muster up; to gather together; to pile up; to garner up; to collect together; to gather; to mass; to rally; to rake up; to pack; to pool; to hoard; to congregate; to collect; to raise; to assemble
- összegyűlik -- to assemble together; to come together; to collect together; to flock together; to rally; to aggregate; to accumulate; to collect; to assemble; to gather together; to pile up; to cluster
- összehangol -- to harmonize; to diapason; to unite; to match
- összehasonlít -- to bracket; to liken; to check; to confront; to collate; to match; to compare; to contrast; to confer; to set together
- összehív -- to congregate; to convoke; to muster; to convene; to summon
- összeken -- to splotch; to smudge
- összekever -- to mix; to mingle; to addle; to compound; to intermingle; to jumble up; to implicate; to confound; to shuffle; to ball up; to mix up; to admix; to medley; to muss; to confuse; to interweave, interwove, interwoven; to incorporate; to muddle up; to intersperse; to mingle-mangle; to jumble
- összeköt -- to bind, bound; to ally; to knot; to band; to articulate; to rack; to add; to combine; to interconnect; to join up; to colligate; to aggregate; to shackle; to clamp; to set together; to yoke; to put to; to brace; to bend, bent; to conjugate; to joint; to link; to frap
- összerak -- to refit; to piece together; to piece out; to set together; to join together; to patch; to assemble; to agglomerate
- összeszed -- to muster up; to pick up; to collect; to muster; to pack; to rake up; to summon; to rally; to gather
- összevág -- to hack; to hitch; to slap-dash
- összevet -- to confer; to contrast; to confront
- összezavar -- to muck; to muss; to disorder; to mess up; to tangle; to disarray; to ensnarl; to obfuscate; to involve; to baffle; to muddle up; to snarl; to scramble; to embroil; to dislocate; to confuse; to entangle; to befuddle; to perturb; to addle; to darken; to foul up; to mix up; to ball up; to elf; to confound; to unsettle; to shuffle
- összezsugorít -- to shrink, shrank, shrunk; to shrivel; to wizen
- ösztökél -- to punch; to spur; to egg on; to impel; to foment; to jack up; to invite; to prod; to goad; to stimulate; to bustle; to edge on
- ösztönöz -- to invite; to actuate; to prick; to urge; to put on; to goad; to drive, drove, driven; to prod; to nettle; to incite; to inspire; to touch up
- övez -- to circle; to girdle; to encompass; to girdle about; to girdle around; to girth; to environ; to gird; to belt; to gird, girt
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