Slovene - English Dictionary
Slovene language page.
- aklamirati -- to cheer, to hail
- akreditirati -- to accredit
- akumulirati -- accumulate, gather
- alarmirati -- to alert, to alarm
- amnestirati -- to grant amnesty
- amortizirati -- to amortise, to absorb, to cushion
- amputirati -- to amputate
- analizirati -- to analyse
- anektirati -- to annex
- angažirati -- to engage
- animirati -- to animate
- anonsirati -- to advertise
- anulirati -- to annul, to cancel
- aplavdirati -- to applaud, to clap, to approve
- apostrofirati -- to apostrophize
- aretirati -- to arrest, to apprehend
- argumentirati -- to argue
- asfaltirati -- to asphalt
- asimilirati -- to assimilate
- avizirati -- to notify, to announce, to advise
- avtorizirati -- to authorize
- ažurirati -- to update
- bagatelizirati -- to belittle
- balancirati -- to balance
- balansirati -- to balance
- balinati -- to play boules
- balzamirati -- to embalm
- bankrotirati -- to go bankrupt
- barantati -- to haggle, to bargain
- barvati -- to colour, to paint, to dye
- basati -- to stuff, to fill, to cram
- batinati -- to flog, to beat, to cane
- bedeti -- to be awake
- begati -- to stray, to wander, to roam
- beketati -- to bleat
- beležiti -- to take notes (of), to register, to write down
- beliti -- to whiten, to bleach, to blanch
- beračiti -- to beg, to do begging
- besneti -- to rage, to be enraged
- betonirati -- to concrete
- bevskati -- to yelp, to yap
- bežati -- to flee, to run
- bezati -- to needle, to poke
- bičati -- to whip, to flog
- biti -- to be, to exist
- bíti -- to beat, to strike
- bivakirati -- to bivouac
- bivati -- to reside, to dwell, to stay
- blagosloviti -- to bless
- blažiti -- to soothe, to appease
- bledeti -- to fade (away)
- blekniti -- to blunder out
- blokirati -- to block
- bobnati -- to drum
- bobneti -- to rumble, to boom
- bodriti -- to encourage, to cheer up
- bojkotirati -- to boycott
- bolehati -- to suffer, to be sick
- božati -- to caress, to stroke, to pat
- braniti -- to defend, to protect, to shield
- brati -- to read
- brcati -- to kick
- brcniti -- to kick
- brenčati -- to buzz, to drone, to hum
- brigati -- to concern
- brisati -- to wipe, to dust, to mop, to clean
- briti -- to shave
- brizgati -- to squirt, to spurt, to gush out
- broditi -- to paddle, to dabble, to wade
- brskati -- to rummage, to ransack
- bruhati -- to vomit, to spew
- brusiti -- to grind, to sharpen, to whet
- brzdati -- to bridle, to curb, to hold back
- brzojaviti -- to telegraph
- bučati -- to roar, to boom
- buditi -- to wake, to awaken
- butati -- to bang, to bump, to knock
- čakati -- to wait, to expect
- čarati -- to perform magic, to cast a spell, to practice sorcery
- častiti -- to worship, to honour, to revere
- čečkati -- to scribble, to scrawl
- cediti -- to strain, to filter
- celiti -- to heal
- cementirati -- to cement
- čenčati -- to gossip, to talk nonsense
- ceniti -- to set a price on
- cenzurirati -- to censor
- cepetati -- to stamp
- cepiti -- to chop, to split, to cleave
- česati -- to comb
- čestitati -- to congratulate
- ciljati -- to aim at
- cingljati -- to jingle, to ring, to tinkle
- čislati -- to esteem, to admire
- čistiti -- to clean, to cleanse, to purify
- čitati -- to read
- citirati -- to quote
- civilizirati -- to civilise
- cmokati -- to munch, to squish
- čohati -- to scratch, to curry
- črhniti -- to utter, to say
- crkljati -- to spoil
- crkniti -- to die, to drop dead
- črkovati -- to spell
- črpati -- to pump, to draw
- črtati -- to draw (lines), to rule
- cukati -- to pull, to tug
- curljati -- to trickle, to drip, to ooze
- čustvovati -- to feel, to emote
- čuti -- to hear
- čutiti -- to feel, to sense
- čuvati -- to watch, to guard, to look after, to protect
- cveteti -- to flower, to blossom, to bloom
- cviliti -- to squeal, to whine, to squeak, to wail
- cvrčati -- to sizzle, to chirp
- cvreti -- to fry
- dajati -- to give
- darovati -- to donate, to give as a present
- dati -- to give
- daviti -- to strangle, to choke, to throttle
- dedovati -- to inherit
- dekorirati -- to decorate
- delati -- to work, to labour
- deliti -- to divide
- delovati -- to work, to be operational
- demonstrirati -- to demonstrate
- dešifrirati -- to decode
- dezertirati -- to desert
- deževati -- to rain
- dežurati -- to be on duty
- dihati -- to breathe, to respire
- diplomirati -- to take a diploma, to graduate
- dirigirati -- to conduct
- dirjati -- to race, to gallop, to run, to rush
- dirkati -- to race, to run
- dišati -- to smell (pleasantly), to scent
- divjati -- to romp, to run wild, to rage
- dobaviti -- to supply, to deliver
- dobavljati -- to supply, to deliver
- dobiti -- to get, to obtain, to win, to gain, to receive
- dočakati -- to await, to wait for, to live to see
- dodajati -- to add, to append
- dodati -- to add, to append
- dodeliti -- to allocate, to assign
- dodeljevati -- to allocate, to assign
- dognati -- to find out, to discover, to ascertain
- dohiteti -- to catch (up), to (re)join
- dohitevati -- to gain upon
- dojemati -- to realise, to understand, to grasp
- dojeti -- to realise, to understand, to grasp
- dojiti -- to breast-feed, to nurse
- dokazati -- to prove, to demonstrate
- dokončati -- to finish, to accomplish, to end
- dokončevati -- to finish, to accomplish, to end
- določati -- to determine, to define, to specify
- določiti -- to determine, to define, to specify
- domnevati -- to suppose, to presume, to assume
- doneti -- to resound, to boom, to thunder
- dopolniti -- to complete, to supplement
- dopuščati -- to allow, to permit, to tolerate
- dopustiti -- to allow, to permit, to tolerate
- dostaviti -- to deliver
- dostavljati -- to deliver
- dovajati -- to supply
- dovoliti -- to allow, to permit
- doživeti -- to experience, to go through
- doživljati -- to experience, to go through
- dražiti -- to tease, to irritate
- drgniti -- to rub
- drobiti -- to crush, to break, to crumble
- drsati -- to slide, to glide
- držati -- to hold, to keep
- dušiti -- to choke, to stifle, to repress
- dvigniti -- to ascend, to raise
- dvigovati -- to ascend, to raise
- emigrirati -- to emigrate
- evakuirati -- to evacuate
- fantazirati -- to fantasise, to daydream, to imagine
- filtrirati -- to filter
- frčati -- to whizz, to fly
- frizirati -- to dress one's hair, to style one's hair
- galopirati -- to gallop
- ganiti -- to move, to touch, to affect
- garati -- to labour, to slave, to toil
- glasovati -- to vote, to poll, to cast a vote
- gledati -- to look, to see, to watch, to observe
- gnati -- to drive, to goad, to push
- gniti -- to decay, to rot, to putrefy
- gnjaviti -- to badger, to harass, to bore, to bother
- gnojiti -- to fertilize, to manure, to dung
- gobezdati -- to babble, to blather
- godrnjati -- to grumble, to grump
- gojiti -- to grow, to breed, to cultivate, to nourish
- goljufati -- to cheat, to swindle
- goltati -- to bolt, to gulp, to wolf
- goreti -- to burn, to be on fire
- gospodariti -- to manage, to run, to keep, to govern
- gostiti -- to host
- govoriti -- to speak, to talk
- grabiti -- to grab, to rake
- graditi -- to build, to construct
- grajati -- to reprimand, to scold, to chide
- greniti -- to make miserable
- grešiti -- to sin, to commit a sin
- greti -- to warm, to heat
- gristi -- to bite, to sting
- grmeti -- to thunder
- groziti -- to threaten, to menace
- gugati -- to swing, to rock, to shake
- guliti -- to wear out, to rub
- halucinirati -- to hallucinate
- hipnotizirati -- to hypnotise, to mesmerize
- hiteti -- to hurry, to rush, to race, to hasten
- hladiti -- to cool, to refrigerate, to chill
- hlastati -- to gasp
- hlepeti -- to yearn, to long for
- hliniti -- to fake, to feign, to pretend
- hoditi -- to walk, to go on foot, to march
- hoteti -- to want, to wish, to be willing, to intend, to mean
- hrabriti -- to encourage, to stimulate, to boost
- hraniti -- to feed, to nourish
- hrustati -- to crunch
- hujšati -- to lose weight, to slim, to diet
- hupati -- to beep, to hoot, to honk
- hvaliti -- to praise, to compliment, to commend, to laud
- identificirati -- to identify
- ignorirati -- to ignore, to disregard
- igrati -- to act, to play
- ilustrirati -- to illustrate
- imenovati -- to name, to call, to appoint
- imeti -- to have, to possess, to own
- improvizirati -- to improvise
- industrializirati -- to industrialise
- informirati -- to inform
- injicirati -- to inject
- inštruirati -- to tutor, to instruct
- investirati -- to invest
- iskati -- to look for, to search, to seek
- iti -- to go
- izbirati -- to choose, to select, to pick out
- izbiti -- to knock out, to beat out
- izblebetati -- to blab out, to blurt out
- izbojevati -- to win, to fight out
- izboljšati -- to improve, to better, to ameliorate
- izbrati -- to choose, to select, to pick out
- izbrisati -- to delete, to erase, to wipe out, to expunge, to efface
- izbruhati -- to spew, to throw up
- izbruhniti -- to erupt, to break out
- izčrpati -- to pump, to draw, to drain, to exhaust
- izdajati -- to issue, to publish
- izdati -- to issue, to publish
- izdelati -- to make, to build, to elaborate, to manufacture, to execute, to finish
- izdihniti -- to breathe out, to exhale
- izdolbsti -- to carve, to hollow out, to excavate
- izenačiti -- to equate, to balance, to even out, to level, to equalize
- izginiti -- to vanish, to disappear
- izgledati -- to look
- izgnati -- to drive out, to banish, to exile, to deport
- izgovarjati -- to utter, to pronounce
- izgovoriti -- to utter, to pronounce, to speak out
- izgubiti -- to lose
- izhajati -- to be coming out
- izhlapevati -- to evaporate, to fade away
- izigrati -- to double cross, to outwit, to play upon
- iziti -- to come out, to appear, to be published
- izklopiti -- to switch off, to unplug
- izkoriščati -- to exploit, to utilize, to use, to profit
- izkoristiti -- to take advantage of, to make use of, to profit
- izkrcati -- to disembark, to unload, to put ashore
- izkrvaveti -- to bleed to death, to bleed out
- izkusiti -- to experience
- izleči -- to hatch, to lay, to brood
- izločati -- to be secreting, to be discharging, to be excreting
- izločiti -- to secrete, to discharge, to excrete
- izmeriti -- to measure
- izmučiti -- to wear out, to weary, to tire out
- iznajti -- to invent
- izobčiti -- to ostracise, to excommunicate, to outlaw, to exclude
- izoblikovati -- to form, to shape, to model
- izobraziti -- to educate, to cultivate, to instruct
- izolirati -- to isolate, to segregate
- izostati -- to miss, to absent oneself, to fail to be present
- izpadati -- to fall out, to come off
- izpahniti -- to dislocate, to luxate, to sprain
- izparevati -- to evaporate, to vaporise, to steam
- izpeljati -- to carry out, to perform, to execute
- izpirati -- to wash out, to irrigate, to rinse
- izpisati -- to extract, to copy, to write out
- izpljuniti -- to spit out, to expectorate
- izpluti -- to sail out, to leave the harbour
- izpolniti -- to fulfil, to carry out
- izpopolniti -- to improve, to upgrade, to better, to bring to perfection, to complete
- izposoditi -- to lend, to loan, to borrow
- izpostaviti -- to expose, to stress, to focus, to set out
- izpovedati -- to confess, to declare
- izpraševati -- to examine, to test, to question, to interrogate
- izprazniti -- to empty out, to clear
- izpreči -- to unharness, to unhitch, to unyoke, to take out
- izpuliti -- to extract, to pull out, to pluck out
- izpustiti -- to release, to discharge, to let go, to set free
- izrabiti -- to use, to take advantage of, to exploit
- izračunati -- to calculate, to reckon up
- izraziti -- to express, to frame, to voice
- izreči -- to express, to utter, to declare, to say
- izrezati -- to cut out
- izročiti -- to hand over, to bestow, to deliver
- izruvati -- to uproot, to extract, to pull out
- izseliti -- to deport, to emigrate
- izsiljevati -- to blackmail, to enforce, to extort
- izslediti -- to track down, to locate, to trace, to ferret out, to rouse
- izstopiti -- to get out, to step out, to alight, to exit
- izstradati -- to starve out, to reduce by famine, to famish
- izsušiti -- to dry, to drain, to dehydrate, to parch
- izterjati -- to collect, to exact, to levy
- iztiriti -- to derail
- iztisniti -- to squeeze, to press
- iztovoriti -- to unload, to unlade, to discharge
- iztrebiti -- to eradicate, to uproot, to exterminate, to extirpate
- iztrgati -- to tear out, to pull out, to wrench out
- izučiti -- to train, to instruct, to teach
- izumiti -- to invent
- izumreti -- to die out, to become extinct
- izuriti -- to train, to drill, to practice
- izvajati -- to perform, to carry out, to execute, to exercise
- izvažati -- to export, to drive out
- izvesti -- to carry out, to execute, to achieve, to bring about, to realise
- izvirati -- to spring, to arise, to originate
- izviti -- to unscrew, to wrench, to extricate
- izvleči -- to pull, to get out, to extract
- izvolitev -- electing
- izvoliti -- to elect, to poll, to choose
- izvoziti -- to export, to drive out
- izvrševati -- to execute, to carry out, to perform
- izvršiti -- to execute, to carry out, to perform, to fulfil, to accomplish
- izvrtati -- to bore out, to drill
- izžemati -- to squeeze, to drain, to sponge, to wring out
- izzivati -- to challenge, to provoke, to defy
- jahati -- to ride
- jamčiti -- to guarantee, to vouch for, to pledge, to answer for
- javiti -- to announce, to let know, to inform, to send word, to give notice of
- ječati -- to groan, to moan, to whimper
- jecljati -- to stutter, to stammer
- jenjati -- to cease, to stop
- jesti -- to eat, to take one's meal
- jezditi -- to ride
- jezikati -- to talk back
- jeziti -- to anger, to make angry, to vex
- jokati -- to cry, to weep, to shed tears
- jurišati -- to charge, to assault, to strike, to rush, to storm
- kaditi -- to smoke, to smoulder, to have a smoke
- kandidirati -- to run for, to stand for, to be a candidate for
- kaniti -- to drop, to pour some drops
- kapljati -- to drip, to dribble, to trickle
- kašljati -- to cough
- kastrirati -- to castrate, to neuter
- kazati -- to show, to point at, to indicate, to exhibit
- kaznovati -- to punish, to discipline, to penalise, to chastise
- kegljati -- to bowl, to play skittles
- kidati -- to shovel, to scoop, to clear away
- kihati -- to sneeze
- kimati -- to nod
- kipeti -- to bubble, to boil, to seethe
- klasificirati -- to classify
- klati -- to slaughter, to kill, to butcher
- klečati -- to kneel
- klepetati -- to chat, to prattle, to natter
- klesati -- to carve, to chisel, to sculpture
- klevetati -- to slander, to calumniate, to defame, to libel
- klicati -- to call, to dial, to cry
- kljubovati -- to defy, to resist, to face, to affront
- klofniti -- to slap
- kloniti -- to succumb, to yield, to buckle, to bend before
- kockati -- to gamble, to dice, to play with dice
- kodrati -- to curl, to crisp
- kolesariti -- to cycle
- kombinirati -- to combine, to match
- komentirati -- to comment, to make comments on
- končati -- to end, to finish, to terminate
- kopati -- to dig, to excavate
- korakati -- to march, to step, to pace, to walk
- koristiti -- to benefit, to be of use, to avail
- kovati -- to forge, to hammer, to coin, to stamp
- kozlati -- to puke, to vomit
- krasiti -- to decorate, to trim, to adorn
- krasti -- to steal, to pilfer, to thieve
- kreniti -- to set out, to set off, to turn, to start, to move
- krepiti -- to strengthen, to build up, to tone up, to invigorate
- kričati -- to shout, to cry, to scream, to yell, to bawl
- krikniti -- to shriek, to scream, to utter a cry
- kriti -- to cover
- kritizirati -- to criticise
- kriviti -- to bend, to curve, to crook
- križati -- to crucify
- kronati -- to crown
- krstiti -- to baptise, to christen
- kruliti -- to grunt
- krvaveti -- to bleed, to haemorrhage
- kuhati -- to cook, to boil, to do the cooking
- kupiti -- to buy, to purchase
- kvariti -- to spoil, to mar, to corrupt, to damage
- lagati -- to lie, to tell lies
- lajati -- to bark, to bay
- lakirati -- to lacquer, to varnish, to apply varnish
- lebdeti -- to float, to hover
- leči -- to lie down, to go to bed
- lenariti -- to laze, to idle, to lounge about, to lie idle
- lepiti -- to glue, to stick, to paste, to gum
- leteti -- to fly
- letovati -- to summer, to go for a summer retreat, to have a getaway
- ležati -- to lie, to be situated
- likati -- to iron, to polish
- likvidirati -- to liquidate
- linčati -- to lynch
- liti -- to pour, to lash down, to rain fast
- lizati -- to lick, to suck on
- ljubiti -- to love
- ljubkovati -- to caress, to fondle, to cuddle
- ločiti -- to separate, to sever, to distinguish
- lomiti -- to break
- loščiti -- to polish
- loviti -- to hunt, to chase, to fish
- lučati -- to cast, to throw, to fling
- lupiti -- to peel, to skin, to shell
- luščiti -- to shell, to husk, to hull
- mahati -- to wave, to swing, to brandish
- majati -- to shake
- malicati -- to snack, to have a light meal
- manjkati -- to be missing, to be absent, to lack, to be short of
- manjšati -- to lessen, to reduce, to belittle, to diminish, to decrease
- marati -- to like, to care for, to be fond of
- maščevati -- to revenge, to avenge
- masirati -- to massage, to give a massage
- mašiti -- to fill, to stop, to cram, to stuff
- maturirati -- to pass one's school-leaving exam, to graduate from high school
- mečkati -- to crumple, to crease, to crush
- mejiti -- to border, to verge on, to adjoin, to be adjacent
- meniti -- to believe, to think
- menjati -- to change, to exchange
- menjavati -- to change
- meriti -- to measure, to survey
- mešati -- to mix, to stir, to blend
- mešetariti -- to act as a broker
- metati -- to throw, to cast, to toss, to fling, to flip
- mežikati -- to blink, to wink, to twinkle
- migati -- to exercise, to work out
- mijavkati -- to mew, to meow, to caterwaul
- mikati -- to tempt, to attract, to allure, to charm
- minevati -- to pass, to go by, to fly by, to disappear
- miniti -- to pass, to go by, to expire, to elapse
- miriti -- to quiet, to mollify, to soothe, to calm, to appease
- mirovati -- to be still, to keep quiet, to rest
- misliti -- to think, to meditate
- mižati -- to have eyes closed, to have eyes shut
- mleti -- to grind, to mill
- množiti -- to multiply, to increase, to augment
- moči -- to be able, to be capable of
- močiti -- to wet, to soak, to moisten
- modelirati -- to model, to shape
- molčati -- to keep silent, to keep silence, to remain silent
- moledovati -- to beg, to petition, to supplicate, to implore
- moliti -- to pray, to say prayers
- molsti -- to milk
- morati -- to have to, to need to, to be obligated to
- moriti -- to murder, to commit homicide, to kill
- motiti -- to disrupt, to jam
- motriti -- to watch, to observe, to contemplate, to look upon, to regard
- možiti -- to marry
- mrgoleti -- to swarm, to teem
- mrmrati -- to hum, to murmur, to mutter, to grumble
- mrščiti -- to frown, to wrinkle
- mučiti -- to torture, to martyr, to torment, to tantalise
- nabaviti -- to acquire, to obtain, to purchase, to buy
- nabirati -- to gather, to pick, to collect
- nabiti -- to beat, to trash, to pound
- nabrati -- to gather, to pick, to collect
- načeti -- to start, to open
- nadaljevati -- to continue, to go on, to carry on
- nadlegovati -- to harass, to molest, to trouble, to annoy
- nadomestiti -- to substitute, to fill in, to replace, to compensate
- nahraniti -- to feed, to nourish
- najeti -- to rent, to lease, to hire
- najti -- to find, to discover
- nakrmiti -- to feed
- nalagati -- to load, to place
- nalepiti -- to paste, to stick, to adhere, to gum
- naliti -- to pour
- naložiti -- to load, to place, to put
- napasti -- to attack, to assault, to invade
- napeti -- to tighten, to strain, to bend
- napisati -- to write, to take down in writing
- napolniti -- to fill (up)
- napotiti -- to steer, to direct, to refer, to instruct
- napovedati -- to announce, to declare, to present, to predict, to foretell
- napredovati -- to improve, to move forward, to progress, to advance
- narasti -- to increase, to grow, to go up, to rise
- narediti -- to do, to make, to commit
- narezati -- to cut, to slice
- naročiti -- to order, to make an order
- naseliti -- to settle, to populate, to colonize
- nasesti -- to run aground
- naslikati -- to paint, to depict, to portray, to picture
- nasmejati -- to make somebody laugh
- nastati -- to be in the making, to arise
- našteti -- to list, to specify
- nastopati -- to perform, to play
- natakniti -- to stick, to put on
- nategniti -- to pull, to stretch, to strain, to extend
- natisniti -- to print out
- natrgati -- to pick, to gather, to pluck
- naučiti -- to teach, to instruct
- navaditi -- to accustom, to inure
- nehati -- to stop, to quit, to cease, to end, to leave off
- noreti -- to go crazy, to go mad, to play the fool, to rave
- nositi -- to cary, to bear, to wear
- nuditi -- to offer, to tender, to bid
- občudovati -- to admire, to adore
- občutiti -- to experience, to feel, to sense
- obdariti -- to give presents, to bear gifts, to reward
- obdelovati -- to work, to cultivate, to till, to process
- obdržati -- to keep, to hold on, to retain
- obedovati -- to dine, to have lunch, to have dinner
- obesiti -- to hang, to suspend
- obglaviti -- to behead, to decapitate
- obiskati -- to visit, to attend, to call on
- objaviti -- to publish, to announce, to broadcast, to make public, to bring out
- objeti -- to embrace, to hug, to give a hug
- obkoliti -- to surround, to beleaguer, to encircle, to besiege
- oblačiti -- to dress, to put on, to clothe
- obleči -- to put on, to dress
- obljubiti -- to promise, to make a promise, to give one's word
- obložiti -- to cover, to overlay, to plaster, to coat, to board, to plank, to wainscot
- obnoviti -- to renew, to restore
- obogateti -- to become rich, to gain wealth
- oboleti -- to become ill, to suffer (from), to contract, to develop
- oborožiti -- to arm, to equip with weapons
- oboževati -- to adore, to love, to worship, to idolize, to admire
- obračunati -- to settle accounts, to charge, to calculate
- obravnavati -- to treat, to deal (with), to handle, to discuss, to examine
- obsegati -- to cover, to encompass, to include, to contain, to comprise
- obsoditi -- to accuse, to sentence, to convict
- obtežiti -- to weigh down, to load down, to burden
- obtožiti -- to accuse, to charge, to arraign, to blame (for)
- obupati -- to give up, to despair, to lose hope
- obuti -- to put on (shoes), to shoe
- obvarovati -- to protect, to shelter, to (safe)guard, to preserve
- obvestiti -- to inform, to notify, to let know, to give notice, to apprise
- obvezati -- to bandage, to dress
- obvladati -- to master, to excel, to command, to get better of
- obžalovati -- to regret, to feel remorse, to repent, to be sorry, to rue
- odbiti -- to reflect, to glance off
- oddajati -- to give in, to hand in, to check in
- odgovoriti -- to reply, to respond, to answer
- odhajati -- to leave, to depart, to go, to start
- oditi -- to leave, to depart, to go away, to be off
- odjaviti -- to cancel, to sign out
- odkimati -- to shake head
- odkleniti -- to unlock
- odklopiti -- to disconnect, to uncouple, to unplug, to switch off, to turn off
- odkriti -- to uncover, to discover, to detect
- odlašati -- to delay, to put off, to procrastinate
- odločiti -- to decide, to determine, to resolve, to make a decision
- odmeriti -- to measure out, to apportion, to assess, to allot
- odnehati -- to discontinue, to desist, to stop, to cease, to give in
- odobravati -- to approve
- odobriti -- to approve, to endorse, to consent, to sanction, to ratify, to confirm
- odpeljati -- to lead off, to carry off, to drive away
- odpirati -- to open
- odplačati -- to pay off
- odpluti -- to set sail, to sail away, to sail off, to depart
- odpovedati -- to give notice, to call off, to countermand
- odpreti -- to open
- odpustiti -- to forgive, to pardon
- odraščati -- to grow up
- odrasti -- to grow up, to become adult
- odrezati -- to cut (off), to amputate
- odsekati -- to cut off, to chop off
- odstraniti -- to remove, to eliminate, to take away, to do away
- odsvetovati -- to advise against, to dissuade (from)
- odtrgati -- to rip off, to tear off, to pick, to detach
- odvzeti -- to take away, to dispossess, to strip, to deprive
- ogoljufati -- to cheat, to swindle, to scam
- ogrožati -- to endanger, to threaten, to jeopardize, to menace, to imperil
- ohladiti -- to cool off, to cool down, to chill, to refrigerate
- ohraniti -- to preserve, to maintain, to keep, to conserve
- ojačati -- anneal, to strenghten, to reinforce, to intensify
- okamneti -- to petrify, to freeze
- oklevati -- to hesitate, to linger, to vacillate, to waver
- okrasiti -- to decorate, to adorn, to ornament
- okrepiti -- to strengthen, to fortify, to reinforce
- okrevati -- to recuperate, to recover
- okusiti -- to taste
- olajšati -- to relieve, to alleviate, to mitigate, to facilitate, to palliate
- olupiti -- to peel, to skin
- omamiti -- to drug, to intoxicate, to bewitch, to daze
- omedleti -- to faint, to swoon
- omeniti -- to mention
- omogočiti -- to enable, to make possible
- omožiti -- to marry
- omrtvičiti -- to deaden, to anaesthetize, to paralyse
- onemogočiti -- to disable, to prevent, to thwart, to render impossible
- onesnažiti -- to pollute, to soil, to defile
- onesposobiti -- to disable, to incapacitate, to put out of action
- opaziti -- to notice, to observe, to see, to catch sight of
- opazovati -- to observe, to watch, to view, to eye
- opeči -- to burn, to scorch
- opisati -- to describe
- opogumiti -- to encourage
- oponašati -- to imitate, to mimic, to impersonate, to ape
- opozoriti -- to warn, to call attention (to), to make aware (of)
- opravičiti -- to apologise, to excuse, to justify
- opraviti -- to do, to finish, to carry out, to perform, to pass
- opremiti -- to equip, to decorate, to furnish, to outfit
- oprostiti -- to acquit, to pardon, to forgive, to excuse
- opustiti -- to give up, to abandon, to leave off, to drop
- opustošiti -- to devastate, to ravage, to desolate
- oropati -- to rob, to strip (of)
- osramotiti -- to shame, to disgrace, to abash, to humiliate
- ostati -- to remain, to stay
- osumiti -- to suspect
- osumljen -- suspected (of), under suspicion (of)
- osvežiti -- to refresh, to freshen, to update
- osvoboditi -- to free, to liberate, to set free, to release, to emancipate
- osvojiti -- to conquer
- otresti -- to shake off
- ovaditi -- to denounce, to delate, to inform against
- ovekovečiti -- to eternalise, to perpetuate, to immortalise
- oveneti -- to wither, to fade (away)
- oviti -- to wrap, to twist, to twine
- ozdraveti -- to recover, to be well again
- ozdraviti -- to cure, to heal, to relieve
- ožemati -- to wring (out), to squeeze, to press out
- ožgati -- to schorch, to singe, to burn
- oživeti -- to become alive again, to come back to life
- oživiti -- to revive, to resuscitate, to resurrect
- označiti -- to label, to denote, to mark, to indicate, to characterise
- oznaniti -- to announce, to notify
- padati -- to fall, to drop, to sink, to decline
- parkirati -- to park
- pasti -- to fall, to drop; to graze, to pasture
- patentirati -- to patent
- paziti -- to look after, to watch over, to take care of
- peči -- to bake, to roast, to grill
- peljati -- to drive, to ride, to take, to lead
- pešačiti -- to walk, to go on foot
- pešati -- to decline, to wane, to get worse, to weaken, to decrease
- peti -- to sing, to chant
- pičiti -- to sting, to bite
- pihati -- to blow, to gust, to puff
- pilotirati -- to pilot, to fly
- pisati -- to write, to pen, to type
- piti -- to drink, to booze, to tank
- plačati -- to pay, to settle
- plašiti -- to scare, to frighten
- plavati -- to swim, to float
- plesti -- to knit, to weave, to plait, to net
- plezati -- to climb, to ascend, to mount, to clamber
- pljuniti -- to spit, to spew
- ploskati -- to applaud, to clap
- pluti -- to sail, to float, to drift
- pobegniti -- to escape, to flee, to run away, to desert, to elope, to abscond
- pobijati -- to kill off, to slaughter
- pobirati -- to pick up, to collect, to pick, to gather, to harvest
- pobiti -- to kill off, to slaughter
- pobrati -- to pick up, to collect
- pobrisati -- to wipe (off), to mop
- počakati -- to wait (for), to hold off, to delay
- početi -- to do
- počivati -- to rest, to repose, to be idle
- podaljšati -- to extend, to lenghten, to prolong
- podariti -- to give, to donate, to bestow, to give as a present
- podkuriti -- to set fire, to light a fire, to add wood
- podpirati -- to support, to hold up, to prop up, to back up, to help
- podpisati -- to sign, to put one's name to
- podpreti -- to support, to hold up, to prop up, to back up, to help
- podražiti -- to raise the price of, to make more expensive
- podreti -- to demolish, to knock down, to fell
- podvojiti -- to double, to redouble, to duplicate
- poginiti -- to perish, to die
- pogledati -- to look, to glance, to view, to go see, to check
- pogoreti -- to burn, to burn down
- pogrešati -- to miss
- pogrniti -- to cover with bedspread, to lay (the table),
- pogubiti -- to ruin, to kill, to break, to doom
- pohiteti -- to hurry up, to hasten, to make haste
- poiskati -- to find, to locate, to seek (out), to acquire
- pojasniti -- to explain, to elucidate, to illustrate, to clarify, to explicate, to substantiate
- pojesti -- to eat up, to consume, to finish eating
- pokati -- to burst, to pop, to pack
- pokazati -- to point, to show, to gesture, to indicate, to display
- pokopati -- to bury, to end, to abandon
- pokositi -- to scythe, to cut, to mow
- pokvariti -- to break, to damage, to spoil, to corrupt, to ruin
- poljubiti -- to kiss
- polomiti -- to break
- položiti -- to lay, to place, to set
- pomagati -- to help, to aid, to lend a hand, to cure, to remedy
- pomeniti -- to signify, to mean, to matter
- pomeriti -- to measure
- pomisliti -- to think, to consider, to fancy, to reflect
- ponarediti -- to forge, to falsify, to counterfeit
- ponavljati -- to repeat, to revise, to reiterate
- ponoviti -- to repeat, to revise, to reiterate
- popačiti -- to deform, to disfigure, to corrupt
- popiti -- to drink up, to empty one's glass
- popraviti -- to repair, to mend, to correct, to rectify
- poraziti -- to defeat, to beat
- poročati -- to report, to cover
- poročiti -- to marry
- porušiti -- to demolish, to level, to raze
- poškodovati -- to damage, to injure, to hurt, to harm
- poskrbeti -- to provide for, to take care of, to see to, to tend to
- poskusiti -- to try, to attempt
- poslabšati -- to make worse, to aggravate, to worsen, to deteriorate
- poslati -- to send, to send forth, to dispatch, to transmit
- poslušati -- to listen (to), to obey
- posoditi -- to lend
- postati -- to become, to get, to grow
- postaviti -- to appoint, to nominate
- potegniti -- to pull, to tug, to draw
- potovati -- to travel, to journey
- potrditi -- to affirm, to confirm, to testify, to validate, to ratify
- potrebovati -- to need, to require
- povabiti -- to invite, to ask
- povečati -- to enlarge, to expand, to extend, to increase, to augment, to raise, to intensify
- povzročiti -- to cause, to bring about, to induce, to give rise to
- pozdraviti -- to cure, to heal, to mend
- poznati -- to know, to be acquainted with, to be familiar with
- požreti -- to swallow, to devour, to consume, to gulp
- praznovati -- to celebrate
- prebrati -- to finish reading
- predavati -- to lecture, to give a lecture
- predstaviti -- to introduce, to present
- predvidevati -- to anticipate, to expect, to predict, to foresee
- pregledati -- to examine, to check, to inspect
- prejeti -- to receive, to get
- prekašati -- to outdo, to outshine, to top, to surpass, to outmach
- preklicati -- to cancel, to revoke, to recall, to retract
- preklinjati -- to curse, to swear
- prekršiti -- to break, to infringe, to flout, to violate
- preluknjati -- to perforate, to pierce, to gouge, to punch
- premakniti -- to move, to shift, to displace
- premikati -- to move, to shift, to displace
- premisliti -- to think over, to deliberate, to ponder, to consider
- prenašati -- to carry, to transport, to bear, to transmit
- prenočiti -- to spend the night, to sleep over, to put up for the night
- prepovedati -- to forbid, to prohibit, to ban
- preprečiti -- to prevent, to hinder
- prepričati -- to convince, to persuade
- prerokovati -- to prophesy, to predict, to foretell
- preseliti -- to move
- presenetiti -- to surprise, to astonish, to astound
- preskočiti -- to jump over, to leap over, to spring over
- prestrašiti -- to frighten, to scare, to startle, to terrify
- pretiravati -- to exaggerate, to overdo
- prevarati -- to cheat, to swindle, to decieve, to impose upon, to dupe
- preveriti -- to check, to verify
- prevesti -- to translate
- preživeti -- to survive
- pričakovati -- to expect, to await, to wait for
- prijaviti -- to report, to denounce, to inform against
- prijeti -- to seize, to grasp, to get hold of
- priključiti -- to connect, to annex, to join (to), to incorporate (into)
- prilagoditi -- to adjust, to adapt, to accommodate
- primerjati -- to compare, to liken
- prinesti -- to bring, to carry to, to bear
- pripovedovati -- to tell, to narrate, to relate
- pripraviti -- to prepare, to make ready
- prirediti -- to organise, to arrange, to prepare
- priseči -- to swear, to take an oath
- priti -- to come, to arrive
- prizadeti -- to hurt, to affect
- priznati -- to confess, to admit, to acknowledge, to avow, to recognise
- prodajati -- to sell, to offer for sale, to vend
- propasti -- to decay, to decline, to fall, to go bankrupt
- prositi -- to ask, to beg, to pray
- puliti -- to pull, to tug, to pluck
- pustiti -- to let, to leave
- rabiti -- to use, to make use of, to employ
- računati -- to charge, to issue
- rasti -- to grow, to rise, to increase
- razbiti -- to break, to smash, to destroy, to shatter
- razjeziti -- to make angry, to enrage, to anger
- razkazati -- to show, to expose, to exhibit, to display
- razkriti -- to uncover, to unveil, to reveal, to disclose, to bring to light
- razlagati -- to explain, to teach
- razočarati -- to disappoint, to let down, to disillusion
- razpasti -- to fall apart, to fall to pieces, to break down
- razpustiti -- to dissolve, to disband
- razširiti -- to widen, to broaden, to expand, to extend, to broaden, to spread
- raztegniti -- to stretch, to extend, to elongate
- raztopiti -- to dissolve, to melt
- razumeti -- to understand, to comprehend, to grasp, to get
- razvijati -- to develop, to evolve, to unfold
- reči -- to say, to tell, to utter
- rešiti -- to save, to rescue, to salvage
- ribariti -- to fish, to angle
- risati -- to draw, to sketch
- rušiti -- to demolish, to pull down
- sanjati -- to dream
- ščititi -- to protect, to shield, to screen, to guard
- secirati -- to dissect
- sedeti -- to sit, to be seated
- sekati -- to cut, to chop, to cleave
- seliti -- to move
- šepetati -- to whisper
- seštevati -- to add, to sum
- sežgati -- to burn, to incinerate, to cremate, to combust
- sezuti -- to take off, to remove
- shraniti -- to keep, to store, to preserve, to save
- shujšati -- to lose weight, to slim, to grow thin
- siliti -- to force, to push, to urge
- širiti -- to expand, to spread
- šivati -- to sew, to stitch, to do needlework
- skakati -- to jump, to spring, to hop, to leap, to skip
- skočiti -- to leap, to jump, to spring
- škoditi -- to damage, to injure, to harm, to hurt
- skrbeti -- to be worried, to be concerned, to worry, to be anxious
- sleči -- to take off, to strip, to undress
- slišati -- to hear
- služiti -- to serve
- smrdeti -- to stink, to smell
- smučati -- to ski
- sneti -- to take off
- sodelovati -- to take part in, to participate, to collaborate, to cooperate
- soliti -- to salt
- spati -- to sleep, to be asleep, to nap, to kip
- spoditi -- to chase away, to drive away, to expel, to turn out
- sporočiti -- to communicate, to let know, to inform, to notify, to report
- spoznati -- to come to know, to meet
- spregledati -- to overlook, to miss, to ignore, to disregard
- sprejemati -- to receive, to welcome
- spremeniti -- to change, to transform, to alter, to modify
- spustiti -- to let go, to release, to set free, to let loose
- srečati -- to meet, to encounter, to come across
- stanovati -- to live, to reside, to dwell, to stay, to be lodged
- stati -- to cost; to stand
- staviti -- to bet, to stake, to wager
- stehtati -- to weigh
- šteti -- to count, to number
- stopiti -- to step, to tread
- storiti -- to do, to make, to commit
- streči -- to serve, to wait on, to attend to
- streljati -- to shoot, to fire
- striči -- to cut, to shear, to fleece
- sumiti -- to suspect
- sušiti -- to dry
- teči -- to run, to flow, to stream
- tehtati -- to weigh
- tekniti -- to be to one's taste
- telovaditi -- to exercise, to work out
- tipkati -- to type, to typewrite
- tolči -- to bang, to beat, to strike, to pound
- tolmačiti -- to interpret
- tožiti -- to complain, to whine, to lament
- trajati -- to last, to endure, to run, to take time
- trčiti -- to collide, to crash, to smash, to clash, to push against
- tresti -- to shake, to jolt
- trgati -- to tear, to rip, to rend
- trkati -- to knock, to rap
- trošiti -- to consume, to expend, to waste
- trpeti -- to suffer, to endure, to bear, to stand, to tolerate
- tvegati -- to risk, to take a chance, to take risks, to venture
- ubežati -- to escape, to flee, to run away
- ubiti -- to kill, to murder, to slay
- ubogati -- to obay
- učiti -- to teach, to instruct
- udariti -- to strike, to hit, to slap
- ugasniti -- to turn off, to put out, to switch off
- uiti -- to escape, to break out, to get away
- ujeti -- to catch, to capture
- ukiniti -- to abolish, to cancel, to annul, to abrogate
- umiriti -- to calm (down), to soothe, to appease, to quiet (down)
- umivati -- to wash
- umreti -- to die, to pass away
- uničiti -- to destroy, to devastate, to ruin, to demolish, to annihilate
- upati -- to hope, to expect
- uporabiti -- to use, to make use of, to apply, to employ
- upoštevati -- to abide by, to comply with
- upravljati -- to manage, to direct, to control, to handle, to operate
- uprizoriti -- to perform, to stage
- uresničiti -- to realize, to actualize, to fulfil, to carry out, to put into effect
- usmrtiti -- to execute, to kill, to put to death
- uspeti -- to succeed, to thrive, to prosper, to do well, to manage
- ustaviti -- to stop, to bring to a halt, to hold up
- utoniti -- to drown, to sink, to go down
- utruditi -- to tire, to fatigue
- uvažati -- to import, to bring in
- užaliti -- to offend, to insult, to hurt, to affront
- uživati -- to enjoy, to relish, to delight (in), to find pleasure (in)
- vabiti -- to invite, to ask, to tempt
- varati -- to cheat, to be unfaithful
- varčevati -- to save, to economise, to use sparingly
- vdihniti -- to breathe in, to inhale
- vedeti -- to know, to be aware (of), to be familiar (with)
- veljati -- to be valid, to be in force, to apply
- verjeti -- to believe, to trust, to have faith
- veseliti -- to delight, to give joy
- veslati -- to row, to scull, to paddle
- vezati -- to bind, to tie, to fasten
- videti -- to see, to notice, to perceive
- viseti -- to hang, to suspend
- vleči -- to pull, to drag, to draw, to haul
- voditi -- to lead, to guide, to run, to manage, to control
- vohati -- to smell, to scent
- voliti -- to vote, to elect, to go to the polls
- voziti -- to drive, to run
- vpiti -- to yell, to shout, to scream
- vplivati -- to influence, to affect, to bias
- vprašati -- to ask, to question, to enquire
- vračati -- to return, to give back
- vreči -- to throw, to cast, to hurl, to fling
- vrniti -- to return, to give back
- vrteti -- to turn, to spin, to rotate
- vsebovati -- to contain, to include, to comprise, to hold
- vstopiti -- to enter, to come in
- vtihotapiti -- to smuggle (in), to sneak (in)
- vzeti -- to take
- vzhajati -- to rise
- zabavati -- to amuse, to entertain
- zabeležiti -- to note, to write down, to mark, to record, to register
- zabiti -- to drive in, to hammer in
- zaboleti -- to hurt, to pain, to sting
- začeti -- to start, to begin, to launch, to commence
- zadeti -- to hit, to bump, to crash
- zadoščati -- to suffice, to be sufficient, to be enough
- zadrževati -- to detain, to delay, to confine, to restrain, to hold back, to hold up
- zagledati -- to behold, to catch sight of, to see
- zagrešiti -- to commit, to perpetrate
- zahajati -- to set
- zahtevati -- to demand, to claim, to ask for
- zaigrati -- to play, to act, to perform
- zaiti -- to get lost, to lose one's way
- zakleti -- to swear, to curse, to cuss
- zakriti -- to cover, to conceal, to hide
- žaliti -- to insult, to offend, to affront
- žalovati -- to mourn, to grieve
- zamahniti -- to swing, to strike, to brandish
- zamenjati -- to exchange, to substitute, to swap, to change, to replace
- zamešati -- to mix in, to add by mixing
- zamuditi -- to be late, to run late, to miss
- zanimati -- to interest, to be of interest
- zapeti -- to sing, to begin to sing
- zapisati -- to write down, to register, to record, to note
- zaposliti -- to employ, to hire, to occupy
- zapustiti -- to leave, to abandon, to forsake
- zaščititi -- to protect, to shelter, to safeguard, to shield
- zaseči -- to confiscate, to seize
- zaslužiti -- to earn, to gain by work
- zaspati -- to fall asleep
- zastopati -- to represent
- zastrupiti -- to poison, to envenom
- zaupati -- to trust, to have faith in, to confide in
- zavijati -- to howl, to wail
- zavirati -- to brake, to slow down, to decelerate
- zavrniti -- to reject, to decline, to refuse, to turn down, to deny, to rebut
- zbirati -- to collect, to gather, to assemble, to rally
- zbuditi -- to wake up, to awaken
- zdraviti -- to treat, to heal, to cure
- želeti -- to wish, to want, to desire
- živeti -- to live, to be alive, to exist
- zlomiti -- to break, to snap, to fracture
- zmagati -- to win, to triumph, to prevail
- zmanjkati -- to run short, to run out
- zmotiti -- to interrupt, to disrupt, to disturb
- znati -- to know, to be able to
- znoreti -- to go mad, to go berserk, to go nuts
- zvoniti -- to ring, to toll
By The FreeDict Project.