Middle Southeastern Chinantec


  • Language: Middle Southeastern Chinantec
  • Alternate names: jujmi (del sureste medio), Chinanteco del sureste medio, Tepinapa, Chinantec, Chinanteco, Chinanteko, Tepinapa Chinantec
  • Language code: cte
  • Language family: Otomanguean, Western Otomanguean, Oto-Pame-Chinantecan, Chinantecan (SIL classification)
  • Number of speakers: 77,087
  • Vulnerability: Vulnerable
  • Script: Latin script.

More information:

    All villages have less than 6 grades of primary school. Tepinapa Ejidal has 3 years of secondary school.

    Some sources list up to 14 different Chinantec languages. The most recent and accurate sources claim that there are 11 different Chinantec languages, with 20 different dialects. (INALI 2009) Classifications are based Campbell, Lyle. 1997. American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.