- Language: Aceh
- Alternate names: Acehnese, Achehnese, Achinese
- Language code: ace
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Malayo-Sumbawan, North and East Malayo-Sumbawan, Aceh-Chamic
- Number of speakers: 3500000
- Script:
More information:
Aceh is a language of Indonesia. It is spoken in Aceh Province, north tip of Sumatra, coastal areas. Also in United States.

Lake Laut Tawar in Central Aceh Regency
Banda Aceh, Baruh, Bueng, Daja, Pase, Pidie (Pedir, Timu), Tunong.
The Aceh Verb
- adèë
- angkat
- asék
- bae
- batja
- bleut
- bôh
- cok
- daja
- djakwo
- drin
- dudôk
- duëk
- geuh’euk
- gui
- habéh
- hiro
- hu
- jak
- jeumeurang
- jeuët
- jok
- keumeuklik
- khém
- klik
- k’èt
- lakèë
- lawök
- lheuë
- lhi
- lhôk
- maba
- moë
- na
- nyanyoë
- nyhèh
- nyot-nyot
- padjoh
- pajôh
- panggang
- peuglang
- peupungo
- peuturi
- pijoh
- piléh
- pinyoë
- plah
- pula
- rabé
- rhet
- sampôh
- seuleuah
- seungeu
- seuëp
- seuôn
- sék
- tamah
- thèë
- tjawo
- towow
- tubèë
- tubé
- tuléh
- tém
- wo
- yuë
- éh
- beungka, kɨmʌŋ, kɨmoŋ -- to swell
- bloe -- to buy
- boih -- to throw
- buet -- to work
- bunoh -- to kill
- ceukot -- to turn
- cob -- to sew
- com -- to sniff, smell
- cue -- to steal
- deungo -- to hear
- dong -- to stand
- duek -- to sit
- eh -- to lie down
- ek -- to climb
- ikat -- to tie up, fasten
- ileh -- to flow
- isap -- to suck
- itong -- to count
- jak -- to walk
- jep -- to drink
- kab -- to bite
- kalon -- to see
- khem -- to laugh
- kheuet -- to scratch
- koh -- to cut, hack
- kueh -- to dig
- langue -- to swim
- leueng -- to open, uncover
- lumpoe -- to dream
- mamoh -- to chew
- mate -- to die, be dead
- moe -- to cry
- muntah -- to vomit
- naphah -- to breathe
- ndap -- to hide
- pajoh -- to eat
- paroh -- to hunt
- peh -- to hit
- peh -- to pound, beat
- peugah -- to say
- peutek -- to shoot
- pike -- to think
- pileh -- to choose
- plah -- to split
- pot -- to blow
- prah -- to squeeze
- preut -- to spit
- pula -- to plant
- reugam -- to hold
- rot -- to fall
- seumeungeub -- to yawn
- taguen -- to cook
- takot -- to fear
- teuka -- to come
- teungeut -- to sleep
- teureubang -- to fly
- timoh -- to grow
- tob -- to stab, pierce
- tot -- to burn
- tupeue -- to know, be knowledgeable
- udep -- to live, be alive