- Language: Apma
- Alternate names: Central Raga
- Language code: app
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, North and Central Vanuatu, Central Vanuatu, South Pentecost
- Number of speakers: 7800
- Script: Category
More information:
Apma is a language of Vanuatu. It is spoken in Central Pentecost (Raga).
Asuk (Asa, Asu), Suru Kavian, Suru Mwerani, Suru Rabwanga (Suru Bo), Wolwolan (Volvoluana).
The Apma Verb
- bulki, wulki, wulwulkik -- to count
- dakri, takari -- to scratch
- das, dasi, tas -- to cut, hack
- deng, ngaa, tang -- to cry
- di tsibi, si sibi -- to swell
- di, si -- to stand
- dok, sadok -- to sit
- en surak, -tpo surak -- to hide
- en, -tbo -- to lie down
- gaa, kakaa, leleh -- to swim
- gak, kak -- to fly
- galkaltak, galtani -- to hunt
- gani, kan -- to eat
- gasuu, kasuu -- to spit
- gatsi, kas -- to bite
- gele -- to buy
- gil, gili, kil -- to dig
- git bwabwik -- to dream
- git ulu, vep ulu -- to choose
- git, gita, kit -- to see
- gosmi -- to pound, beat
- -hi, ih -- to hit
- hural -- to walk
- iah -- to fall
- ih baamete, ih bamte -- to kill
- ilil, ililngi, ililngi ut -- to know, be knowledgeable
- lap devak, las, lasi -- to steal
- liait, liaut -- to vomit
- liko, woosi, wootsi -- to tie up, fasten
- maamemep, maawaawaa -- to yawn
- man -- to laugh
- mat -- to die, be dead
- mataasi, -mtani, -mtatsi -- to fear
- mesuu, -mtsuu -- to sleep
- meuu, miuu -- to grow
- min, -mni -- to drink
- mwas -- to live, be alive
- ngosngos, rap ngongos -- to breathe
- -pma, vama -- to come
- rii, riri, up, wu -- to blow
- rong, rongo -- to hear
- rongo bungu-, rongo buni- -- to sniff, smell
- rop, sal -- to flow
- ruhu, sis -- to suck
- rup, ruwu -- to plant
- sain, sak -- to climb
- samga -- to chew
- sangvi -- to open, uncover
- sin, -tni, vaaka -- to cook
- -sko, sok -- to stab, pierce
- slo, solo, solsol -- to sew
- um -- to work
- vahngi, visturu, visuu -- to burn
- vana, vena -- to shoot
- vep -- to say
- vihni, vini -- to think
- wara -- to split
- woh, wohni -- to throw
- wuh, wuhu -- to hold
- wup, wuri -- to squeeze
- wuukak -- to turn