- Language: Bali
- Alternate names: Balinese
- Language code: ban
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Malayo-Sumbawan, North and East Malayo-Sumbawan, Bali-Sasak-Sumbawa
- Number of speakers: 3330000
- Script:
More information:
Bali is a language of Indonesia. It is spoken in Nusa Tenggara, Bali Province. Islands of Bali, north Nusa Penida.
Highland Bali (“Bali Aga” ), Lowland Bali (Badung, Buleleng, Gianyar, Jembrana, Karangasem, Klungkung, Tabanan), Nusa Penida. Reportedly 2 distinct dialects. High Bali is used in religion, but users are diminishing. Speech strata in several lowland varieties (1989 A. Clynes).
The Bali Verb
- ᬓᬤᬲ
- ᬓᬵᬮᬶᬄ
- ᬕᬢ
- ᬕᬯᬾ
- ᬕᬸᬢ᭄ᬕᬸᬢ᭄
- ᬕᭂᬮᬸᬢ᭄
- ᬖᬝ
- ᬗᬾᬮᬄ
- ᬘᭀᬓᭀᬢ᭄
- ᬘᭂᬝ᭄ᬝ
- ᬚᬕ
- ᬚᬸᬓᬸᬢ᭄
- ᬢᬳᬸ
- ᬢᬸᬗ᭄ᬓᬲ᭄
- ᬢᬸᬫ᭄
- ᬢᬸᬯᬸᬦ᭄
- ᬢᭂᬓ
- ᬢᭂᬦᬸᬦ᭄
- ᬤᬸᬫ᭄
- ᬦᬲᬓ᭄
- ᬧᬢ᭄ᬢᬶ
- ᬧᬭᭀ
- ᬩᭂᬮᬶ
- ᬫᬦ᭄ᬤᬸᬲ᭄
- ᬫᬵᬲ
- ᬫᬶᬩᭂᬃ
- ᬫᬶᬮᬸ
- ᬫᬶᬲᬶ
- ᬫᬸᬂᬕᬄ
- ᬫᬸᬗ᭄ᬕᬄ
- ᬫᬸᬮᬸᬂ
- ᬫᬾᬤ᭄
- ᬫᭂᬤ᭄
- ᬫᭂᬦᬾᬓ᭄
- ᬭᬓ᭄ᬱ
- ᬭᬯᬸᬄ
- ᬭᬶᬧ᭄ᬢ
- ᬭᬸᬗᬸ
- ᬮᬬᬹ
- ᬯᬘ
- ᬯᬮᬶ
- ᬯᬶᬚᬬ
- ᬯᬸᬯᬸᬲ᭄
- ᬯᬾᬦ᭄ᬢᭂᬦ᭄
- ᬲᬗ᭄ᬕ
- ᬲᬾᬧᬓ᭄
- ᬲᭂᬫ᭄ᬩᬄ
- ᬳᬤ
- ᬳᬩᬸᬢ᭄
- ᬳᬶᬘ
- ᬳᬸᬂᬕᬄ
- ᬳᬸᬓᬶᬃ
- ᬳᬸᬓᬸᬃ
- ᬳᬸᬦ᭄ᬤᬸᬄ
- ᬳᬾᬫᬾᬤ᭄
- ᬳᭂᬡ᭄ᬟᬲ᭄
- ᬳᭂᬡ᭄ᬟᭀᬕ᭄
- ᬳᭂᬫᬾᬤ᭄
- ᬳᭂᬫᭂᬤ᭄
- belok -- to turn
- daar -- to eat
- idup -- to live, be alive
- kedek, kədɛk -- to laugh
- maboros, məboros -- to hunt
- magae, məgae -- to work
- majalan, məjalan -- to walk
- majujuk -- to stand
- makeber, məkəbər -- to fly
- makpak -- to chew
- maling, maliŋ -- to steal
- mangkihan -- to breathe
- mapees, məpəəs -- to spit
- mati -- to die, be dead
- medil, mədil -- to shoot
- mekeneh, məkənəh -- to think
- meli, məli -- to buy
- membah, məmbah -- to flow
- menɛk, menek -- to climb
- mengkeb, məŋkəb -- to hide
- meseng, məsəŋ -- to squeeze
- mesoh, məsəh -- to swell
- milih -- to choose
- mlumbang, mlumbaŋ -- to dig
- morbor -- to burn
- ñagur, nyagur -- to hit
- ñait, nyait -- to sew
- nanem, nanəm -- to plant
- nebek, nəbək -- to stab, pierce
- nebuk, nəbuk -- to pound, beat
- negak, nəgak -- to sit
- negul, nəgul -- to tie up, fasten
- ñəgut, nyegut -- to bite
- ngadek, ŋadək -- to sniff, smell
- ngamatiang, ŋəmatiyang -- to kill
- ngasgas, ŋasgas -- to scratch
- ngebah, ŋəbah -- to lie down
- ngehgah, ŋahgah -- to open, uncover
- ngeling, ŋəliŋ -- to cry
- ngetek, ŋətɛk -- to count
- nginem, ŋinəm -- to drink
- ngipi -- to dream
- ngisep, ŋisəp -- to suck
- ngisi, ŋisi -- to hold
- nglangi -- to swim
- ngomong, nomoŋ -- to say
- ngutah -- to vomit
- ñibak, nyibak -- to split
- ningalin -- to see
- ningeh, niŋəh -- to hear
- nugel, nugəl -- to cut, hack
- nyakan -- to cook
- nyirsir -- to blow
- nylabatang -- to throw
- puləs -- to sleep
- takut -- to fear
- tawang -- to know, be knowledgeable
- təkə, təku -- to come
- tumbuh -- to grow
- uab-uab -- to yawn
- ulung -- to fall