- Language: Carolinian
- Alternate names: “Gupallao” , Saipan Carolinian, Southern Carolinian
- Language code: cal
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Micronesian, Nuclear Micronesian, Central Micronesian, Western Micronesian, Chuukic-Ponapeic, Trukic, Nuclear Trukic, Central Trukic, Satawalese-Carolinian, Macro-Carolinian
- Number of speakers: 2420
- Vulnerability: Threatened [Read more...]
- Script:
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Carolinian is a language of Northern Mariana Islands. It is spoken in Saipan and Agrihan islands. Also in United States.
Lexical similarity: 95% with Carolinian and Satawalese (See: Satawalese), 88% with Woleaian (See: Woleaian) and Puluwatese (See: Puluwatese), 81% with Mortlockese (See: Mortlockese), 78% with Chuukese (See: Chuukese), and 74% with Ulithian (See: Ulithian?).
The Carolinian Verb
- bwarúgh
- meleitei
- (a)-ma-lawa, (a)-ma-nawa, máári-, malaw, ma-law, ma-naw -- to live, be alive
- (a)-móó-(l), móó-(l-atél), m-mó -- to yawn
- (a)-mʷoŋoo-(w), (a)-mʷoŋo-o-(y), ángi, aŋi, mʷoŋo, mwongo -- to eat
- (a)-mʷoot, mʷoota-, mwoot -- to cook
- (fara)-fetál, fáárágh, fatal, ló -- to walk
- (gúna)-mʷmʷey, (ghúla)-mʷmʷey, mayúr -- to sleep
- áá-ngeli, ira -- to say
- áf, áfe- -- to swim
- ághiyágh, ághi-yágh, mángi-máng, máŋimáŋ -- to think
- ákkesh, aʀe-(y), akkásh, akkaʀ, akkesh, a-schee-y, ashe-(y), ashee-(y), a-tara -- to throw
- ál, yál, yáliyál -- to fly
- a-méé-w -- to buy
- a-memee-y, lúúlú, lúúlúú-(w), ngúti, ŋúúŋ -- to chew
- a-mwaschú-w -- to hold
- a-mwoura, túút -- to suck
- bʷo, bʷoo, bʷoobʷo, bwo -- to swell
- bʷu, bwuu-bwu -- to flow
- faffas, gekkey, ghekkáy, ghek-káy -- to laugh
- fas, ffóól, ffóólá-á-li, ffóóla-a-(y), pwpwóó-pwpwó, ter -- to grow
- féé-tag, féé-tagh, ghéé-ghé -- to tie up, fasten
- fei-ngi, fei-ŋi -- to squeeze
- ffil, fili -- to choose
- fóót, fóto-ghi, fato-gi, ffót, f-fót -- to plant
- ghaluu-ti, lou-ti, tughu-u-(w), wischi-ngeli -- to hit
- gheli-ŋi, kkel, k-kel, kkeli-ŋi -- to dig
- gheregher, gheri, gherigher, kkéét -- to scratch
- ghopii-y, sepe-ghi -- to cut, hack
- ghule, ghule-e-(y), ghulee-y, gule, gule-e-(y) -- to know, be knowledgeable
- ghúú-ghú, ghúú-w, ghey, kkú -- to bite
- gú, ghú, pwpul -- to burn
- hap, sápe-, ssor -- to turn
- heŋ, sáng, sáŋ, sáŋisáŋ -- to cry
- lii-y, lli, nni -- to kill
- má, máá, máá- -- to die, be dead
- ma-hag, masagh, ma-sagh, me-hag, me-ságh, me-sagh -- to fear
- móót, móót-(tiw), móóte-(tiw) -- to sit
- mʷmʷuh, mʷmʷus, mmwus -- to vomit
- mʷóʀo, mʷósho, mwóscho, púraf, piraf -- to steal
- mʷoromʷor, púngú- -- to fall
- ngan-ngas, ŋahaŋah, ŋasaŋas, ŋŋah, ŋŋas -- to breathe
- ngúúrú -- to sniff, smell
- nngaang, tarabwaagho -- to work
- on, wol, wolo- -- to lie down
- óp, ap, op -- to hide
- óttuf, ó-ttuf -- to spit
- paa-pa -- to count
- paghúw, tile-ngi, tili-ŋi -- to split
- pakk -- to shoot
- rongo-rong, roŋ, roŋoroŋ -- to hear
- schee-y -- to hunt
- suughi, wáá-hi, wáá-si -- to open, uncover
- téé-(tá), tééghi, téé-ghi, téé-gi -- to climb
- teete, tee-te, tee-yi -- to sew
- too- -- to come
- ttal, ttan -- to dream
- ttow, t-tow -- to stab, pierce
- úghú, úghúúgh, úghú-w, pʷpʷoo-li, pwpwo -- to pound, beat
- ughu-u-(w), ughuu-w -- to blow
- úl, úlú-ma-, úlúmi, úlú-mi, ún, únú-mi -- to drink
- uri, weri -- to see
- úú-, úú-(tá) -- to stand