- Language: Chuukese
- Alternate names: Chuuk, Lagoon Chuukese, Ruk, Truk, Trukese
- Language code: chk
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Oceanic, Micronesian, Nuclear Micronesian, Central Micronesian, Western Micronesian, Chuukic-Ponapeic, Trukic, Nuclear Trukic, Central Trukic, Eastern Trukic, Mortlockese-Trukese
- Number of speakers: 45900
- Script:
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Chuukese is a language of Micronesia. It is spoken in Chuuk Lagoon, Caroline Islands, some on Ponape. Also in Guam, United States.
East Lagoon, Fayichuck.
The Chuukese Verb
achocho, aea, afanafana, aier, aiti, akkom, amam, amanau, amo, angang, anini, anisi, anneani, annut, apwonueta, arap, asösö, atai, attapa, aueta, aurek, ausening, awewe, awora, chech, chechemeni, chungani, churi, echeriw, ekieki, ekipwichi, emwen, engino, eniyéchchúúw, episipis, epiti, era, ereni, etiwa, feingaw, feino, feinong, feito, feitä, fis, fiti, fiu, fongoti, fós, föri, interfiu, iotek, itechiki, kaeo, kamwei, kamö, kapas, katon, kinikin, kofot, kokkot, komoch, koum, kuf, kuna, kuno, kutta, kömwöch, kön, köri, manau, manausefan, mano, masou, mefi, mei, metek, mi, mochen, mokut, mongo, mour, much, mut, mwaken, mwareiti, mwesi, mwet, mwus, mȯt, nemeni, neno, ngeni, nieno, niffang, nifinifin, nikitu, nimenimoch, nisou, niwin, niyééch, nnieno, noninen, nonnom, nouni, nounou, nuku, ochoch, oput, ouwa, papatais, peinit, pesei, ponuweni, poputa, poutano, puchor, pupunu, pwarata, pwich, pwichi, pwiniti, pwon, pwä, pwöruk, resin, riaffou, riki, rong, sani, sinei, sirkumsais, siwini, sona, sopweino, sossot, stuti, su, sȯtuni, takir, tatakis, tiki, tingor, tini, tongei, tongeni, tonong, tori, tuken, turufi, tutu, tuu, ufouf, umöumöch, un, uputiw, urumot, uta, war, wato, weri, weweiti, win, winiti, witi, wor, äni.
- (a)-kéttú, (é)-kéttú, (fa)-ariker, eri-ker, erikeri, kkéét -- to scratch
- (é)-mʷéchú, é-mwéchú, möch -- to hold
- (ni)-finifin, fini -- to choose
- (o)-roŋa, rongo-rong, roŋ, roŋe-(e-ya), roŋoroŋ -- to hear
- (turu-nu)-ffas, kekkey, kkeyi-si-ni, takir -- to laugh
- á, tukken -- to swim
- áá-, érá, apasa, ara -- to say
- áák, eki-(n), eki-yek, neme-ni -- to think
- áás, chang, sai -- to fly
- áche-e-(y), a-kka-ch -- to throw
- angaang, aŋaŋ -- to work
- áni, anni, eni, mʷéŋé, mʷéŋéé-(n), mwéngé -- to eat
- ánná-(ya), ánná-(yaa-ni), ánnáyá, ánne-(ya), ánne-(yaa-ni) -- to count
- chee-y, kúú-(tá) -- to hunt
- eyi-wen, tan, wúnú-, won, wonowut -- to lie down
- fátán, fátánátán, fetán, feten, nó -- to walk
- fééfé, féé-ti, rii-ti -- to tie up, fasten
- ffóón, nimwmwukonó, teriwi -- to grow
- fi, fiye-e-(y), fiyee-y, fiyefi -- to squeeze
- fóto-, ffót, f-fót -- to plant
- kama, méé-ni -- to buy
- ketchiw, kkechiw -- to cry
- kúna, weri -- to see
- kupii-y, sepe-si -- to cut, hack
- kúú-ri, kkar -- to burn
- küü, k-kúú-w, ochei -- to bite
- má, máá-, pe, pee-(nó) -- to die, be dead
- manaw, ma-naw -- to live, be alive
- mésék, mé-sék -- to fear
- méwúr, méwúrú- -- to sleep
- mmaw, m-maw -- to yawn
- móót, móót-(tiw), mómmóót, mót-(tiw) -- to sit
- mʷmʷor, mʷoro-(tiw), púngú-, turitiw -- to fall
- mʷmʷus, mwmwus -- to vomit
- mʷócho, mwócho -- to steal
- mʷoot, mʷooto-(mmaŋ), moot, mwoot -- to cook
- ngas, ŋas, ŋasaŋas -- to breathe
- nii, ninni, nnii-y -- to kill
- núúnú, núúnúú-(w), ngúti, ŋú-ti, ŋŋúúŋ -- to chew
- ó-mwóna, wop -- to hide
- ótiffa-(n), óttif, ó-ttif, memme-ttip -- to spit
- pé, péé-ni, péépé, wuki -- to blow
- pekki -- to shoot
- pékúú-w, tin, tine-ni, tinetin -- to split
- pʷer, pʷere-, too- -- to come
- pwo -- to swell
- pʷpʷoo-ni, pwpwo, wúsúús, wúsú-ús, wúsi -- to pound, beat
- pʷuu-, pwu -- to flow
- riiki, rik, sáp, sap, sor -- to turn
- sine, sineēy -- to know, be knowledgeable
- sini-ni, sin-ni, ssin, s-sin, ttu, tuutu -- to dig
- suuki, wá -- to open, uncover
- téé-(tá), tééki -- to climb
- teete, tee-te, tee-yi -- to sew
- tini, ttin -- to sniff, smell
- ttan, ttana -- to dream
- ttu, t-tuu- -- to stab, pierce
- túttú-, ttúút, t-tumw -- to suck
- wópwu-wópw, wech, wechee-(y), wechee-y -- to hit
- wú, wúú-, wúú-(tá) -- to stand
- wún, wúnúmi -- to drink