- Language: Ili’uun
- Alternate names: Erai, Hahutan, Hahutau, Iliun, Ilmaumau, Limera
- Language code: ilu
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian, Central Malayo-Polynesian, Timoric A, Northern Timoric A, Wetar
- Number of speakers: 1400
- Script: Category
More information:
Ili’uun is a language of Indonesia. It is spoken in Southwest Maluku Province, Telemar, Karbubu, Klishatu, Ilmaumau, Erai, Nabar, Esulit, and Istutun villages. Wetar island west coast, southwest tip; nearby Lirang island.
Eray, Esulit, Ilmaumau, Karbubu, Klishatu, Nabar, Telemar, Ustutun. All also use the Ili’uun dialect. Lexical similarity: 93%–97% among dialects, 73% with Tugun (See: Tugun), 69% with Aputai (See: Aputai), 67% with Perai (See: Perai), 51% with Galolen (See: Galolen?).
The Ili’uun Verb
- aru, tapa -- to say
- asik -- to throw
- 'dali -- to stand
- 'eʤa, eja -- to kill
- 'gataŋ, juhik -- to scratch
- hai -- to climb
- heta -- to split
- hia -- to hold
- hora -- to breathe
- hutu, ligu -- to tie up, fasten
- kali -- to dig
- karia -- to work
- kaʔuk -- to sew
- knanan -- to think
- 'kosa -- to bite
- ku -- to steal
- 'kua -- to cry
- lajōk -- to hide
- lari, na'palia -- to fly
- leguran -- to fear
- leli, tete(k) -- to cut, hack
- lihu(r) -- to hunt
- 'liu -- to hear
- loi -- to open, uncover
- lole -- to lie down
- 'ma -- to come
- 'mali -- to laugh
- mama -- to chew
- 'mate -- to die, be dead
- me -- to sniff, smell
- mokis -- to suck
- mori -- to live, be alive
- mori, nupuŋ -- to grow
- 'mua, na -- to eat
- 'muta -- to vomit
- na'nau, nau(n) -- to know, be knowledgeable
- 'nani -- to swim
- 'otʃo, oco -- to see
- 'pasu, pasu(k) -- to sit
- 'pita, purus -- to spit
- pokek -- to turn
- 'pole -- to fall
- pua -- to blow
- pupu -- to swell
- 'raloa, la -- to walk
- 'rapur, apu -- to sleep
- 'rinu, enu -- to drink
- sesan -- to cook
- suni -- to burn
- suri(n) -- to shoot
- taha -- to plant
- 'tou -- to dream
- tugu -- to pound, beat
- tupu -- to hit