- Language: Kioko
- Alternate names:
- Language code: ues
- Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Celebic, Eastern Celebic, Southeastern Celebic, Muna-Buton, Nuclear Muna-Buton, Munan, Munic, Western Munic
- Number of speakers: 1000
- Script: Category
More information:
Kioko is a language of Indonesia. It is spoken in Southeast Sulawesi Province, North Buton regency, Bonegunu and Kambowa subdistricts. Buton island.
Kambowa, Kioko. Possibly dialect of the Pancana (See: Pancana?) language. Lexical similarity: 82% with Kambowa dialect, 81% with Laompo dialect of Muna (See: Muna), 74% with Muna, 75% with Liabuku (See: Liabuku?) and Busoa (See: Busoa?).
The Kioko Verb
- mekapera, nekapexa -- to spit
- menahu, nenaʔu -- to cook
- neɓeɓe, nelolei -- to hit
- neɓoɓo, noɓoɓoe, nofeβono -- to sniff, smell
- neɓoka, neɓoŋka, noɓokae -- to open, uncover
- neɓoke, noɓokee -- to tie up, fasten
- nečunu, notonue -- to burn
- nefekamate, nepomate -- to kill
- nefeo, nopiohe -- to squeeze
- negomi, nogomie -- to suck
- nekeni, nokenie -- to hold
- nekukuči, nokutie -- to bite
- nekumpai -- to scratch
- nenaŋku, nonaŋkue -- to chew
- neŋkora, neŋkoxa -- to sit
- nepembili, nepili -- to choose
- nepiɗi -- to shoot
- neponihi, nofoni -- to climb
- neseli -- to dig
- nesorumba, nesoxumba -- to sew
- netaɗu -- to plant
- netiri, nomoʔodo -- to sleep
- netoɓo, netoɓoki -- to stab, pierce
- netombuki -- to pound, beat
- netuɗa, nečumbe -- to throw
- netumpo, nečumpo -- to cut, hack
- neʔise, neise -- to count
- neʔoli, neholi -- to buy
- neʔuču, nohutue -- to blow
- neβeta -- to split
- noɓali, nopali -- to turn
- nobisara, nopogau, nopulu -- to say
- nobundo, noɓundo -- to come
- nofeinei, nopeinei -- to breathe
- nofondole, nopondole -- to lie down
- nofotaa, nopotaa -- to laugh
- nofoxoʔu, noporohu -- to drink
- nokaraǰaa, nokaradaa -- to work
- nokopohondo, nomenifi -- to dream
- noleni, noleŋi -- to swim
- nomaa, nopomaa -- to eat
- nomate -- to die, be dead
- nombolaku -- to steal
- nomondaβu, nomundaβu -- to fall
- nomo'oxi, nomohuri -- to live, be alive
- nomoteʔi, nomotehi -- to fear
- nondala -- to walk
- nopandeane, nopandeʔane -- to know, be knowledgeable
- nopekixi, nopikiri -- to think
- nopoasu -- to hunt
- noreɗene, noxɛɗene -- to hear
- nosuɗu -- to swell
- notaɗe -- to stand
- notolua -- to vomit
- notumbu, nočumbu -- to grow
- noʔiko, nohoko -- to hide
- noʔondo, nohondoe -- to see
- noʔoxo, nohoro -- to fly
- noʔoʔae, nogora -- to cry
- noβaa, nosii -- to flow
- noβaβa, noβambai -- to yawn